
I use MRC B&W filters, mine normally cost around $70-80, but I typically get 77mm filters which are more expensive than smaller filters.

I would say it depends on your lens. If it's an L series or professional grade lens, then a B&W MRC filter is my choice, I have them on all my lenses. If you have a lens worth less than $500, you may consider hoya brand.

as for the rain sleves from Opto, love them. I have them in my bag and on my ThinkTank belt at ALL times! It's such cheap insurance!

I looked up the B+W MRC and I'm not sure what advantage the multi-resistant coating has over the less expensive B+W UV filter I was looking at.

The lens I'll be using is the Zuiko 12-60mm with an MSRP of $999. It's really an excellent lens and I want to be sure that anything I put on it will not degrade the quality of the photos.

Right now I have the B+W MRC in my cart, but I want to understand why I have to pay $20 more for this filter rather than the other one.;)

I am by no means an expert and others here will be able to help you out with a lot more advice, but from what I understand the coating is beneficial in cutting down on the lens flare that can be created by uncoated lenses.
Well, I ended up ordering a Hoya kit. It contains a multi-coated UV filter, a circular polarizer and a neutral density filter. They got good reviews and I think I can find uses for all 3 of them at Niagara Falls.:thumbsup2

Thanks everyone for your help!

One more question. Can these filters be stacked? Say if I keep the UV filter on and want to use the cp filter, can I just put it over the UV filter?
I'd skip the UV filter myself, but maybe put the polarizer on there if I were going to Niagara Falls. Not for protection but for the benefits of the filter.

They can be stacked, but the more you stack the more you risk the standard issues that crop up with filters.
If the weather man is correct, we may have some really nice sunny days next week at the world and I stumbled across a CP at Best Buy for $30. The brand name is Rocketfish if that makes a difference. Would a cheaper filter degrade the quality of a picture or only help enhance it although not as much as something a little higher end?
I have a cheap one that I used back one a p&s with an adapter. It was about $30 and is essentially generic. I do now notice a little degradation when used on my DSLR.
IMO, most of the time you'll be able to tell you used a cheap filter.
It all depends on the quality of the lens you put it on. If you put a cheap filter on a professional quality lens then you will notice a big difference. If you put it on a real cheap lens, the difference might not even be noticible. You ever hear the saying that a chain is only as strong as the weakest link? There are several elements of glass that the light must pass through before it hits your sensor. The quality of your photo will only be as good as the worst glass you have in front of your sensor.

Now, you ask if a cheap filter is better than none at all. That sort of depends on how much value you place on the effects a CP gives your photos. A CP is one of the hardest effects to replicate in post processing, most of it can't be done at all. So if you are really going for something that you need the CP for, and you can't get it any other way, than the resulting loss in image quality might be worth it.
A cheap filter is different than an inexpensive filter. In my experiance, the best buy filters are CHEAP! You'd be better off going to wolf or ritz and get one of their store brand filters.

The problem with cheap filters is that they will effect not only the image, but can play havoc with your auto focus system.

also, you can check places like Adorama and both are huge suppliers and often have used equipment. is great too.

I prefer B+W filters, but I'm anal and think you could get by with a nice Tiffen or Hoya filter, others will have other ideas. You should also try to get a multi-coat filter which will help with image quality.

But personally, I'd skip the $30 filter, or buy it, try it and keep the receipt.
I would never put cheap filters in front of my lenses. They noticeably degrade image quality. As for the CP filter, I think it's essential for removing glare/reflections from glass, water, etc., but if your only intent for it is to deapen the blue in skies or saturate distant foliage, that can just as easily be done in post-production. I'm all for getting as much as possible correct in-camera, but some effects are accomplished more easily or just as easily in post-production. If I'm going on a photo expedition purely for landscape photography or some situation where I can just leave the CP on for a prolonged period or I can take my time, then I'll use the CP filter. However, if I'm on vacation or similar situation, where one shot will be outside with open sky, but the next shot may be indoors or in shadow (where I don't want a CP), then it's just going to get annoying having to apply and remove the CP continuously.
since My last post asking this got moved into a totally unrelated thread about lens rentals :confused3 I thought I would try it one more time.

Does anyone know if there is a place in the Orlando area that sells filters? I am specifically looking for a B+W circular polarizer and am leaving for Orlando Thursday :yay: so no chance to order it and get it before I leave.

Thanks for any input.

Also another question. How does a ND Filter work with fireworks at the parks and which one (how many stops) works the best? Thanks again.
Call Adorama and order it, send it to your resort or hotel. It will not only save you the hassle, but also time.

I'm interested to hear about the ND filter and fireworks too, but I would think you could do everything you want with a change in aperture...


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