Finally Crystal is back with new designs **UPDATED pg 39**

Would you make this design with the name Butch on it? I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your consideration.

Hi Crystal,

This image is much better. Just a suggestion, could you move the Happy Birthday Mickey up and maybe slanted and in the same corner. I think it would stand out more. If I could do this, I would, but I have no talent and have no software. Anybody have any suggestions what color shirt I should use for this design. My sister has red hair and we are limited as to colors she can wear or will wear.

I'm working on my shirts for next week tonight. They are in the dryer.

Hope to get some pictures posted soon.


No problem it was an easy fix :)

Would it be possible for me to get this Grumpy one with the name, Glen, on it? Also I saw one in your photobucket that I would like to have...


Could you put, The Wynns, at the bottom of that one?

There's no rush on these as we're not vacationing until November. Just trying to get all of my door magnets printed whenever I get a lull from work! Thanks so very much!! Your are very gracious to help everyone out here. I'm still looking for one to have personalized for me but I don't want to ask for so many at the time :flower3: . Thanks again!

Absolutely, Have a great trip

Hi - Can I reguest Kylie on the Nick Jonas image that looks like his autograph and the HSM movie clip with Kylie as well. I looked in your photobucket and did not see her name. I am happy to wait in line - I know your busy! :goodvibes

Surely :)

and something I did myself! I want to thank you so much my grandmother loves her shirt .... and we love ours
(Wishes~Created by~Crystal)

(All others ~ Created by~Myself)

and something I did myself! I want to thank you so much my grandmother loves her shirt .... and we love ours
(Wishes~Created by~Crystal)

(All others ~ Created by~Myself)

Thanks so much for sharing Lisa they came out great. So has the design bug totally bit you now. Keep up the good work
Which design is this when i click the link it takes me to the photobucket home page. We are going to be there at the same time :)


I hope i did this right, It is the image of mickey with the black background and stars around it. Sorry for the confusion

What are your dates and where are you staying?
i needed


Thanks again, I can't wait to go
I loved my designs and now my in-laws have decided to join us on our magical trip and want shirts too. So if you don't mind I need the following designs personalized.

Tink w/ sunglasses - Grammy
Life is Good - 2009 - Grammy
Life is Good - 2009 - Grampy
Feeling a little Goofy - Johnny
Feeling a little Goofy - Betty
Grumpy (post 590) - Johnny

Thank you so much I already started with the goofy ones that you already personalized for me and put them on an orange shirt and everyone loves them.


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