Florida Amendment 2


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
I am not a lesbian, although I have two very close family members who are gay and I work professionally with many gays/lesbians. Thus I was appalled, horrified, and generally downright incensed to find out that Amendment 2 will be on Florida's ballot. Apparently it's not enough that marriage is illegal for gay couples here. Now the nut jobs want it as part of the state constitution so it's much, much, much harder to ever repeal or change. Why do people feel the need to interfere in things that are none of their business? If two people love each other, what's the big deal about allowing them to marry? Just about the only reason I usually get when I press people is religion, and then I remind them that they're entitled to their beliefs but that religion has no place in state (or national) law. Mind you, I am a Christian but the God I worship doesn't judge people on the way He created them, and considering that He created the rainbow I suspect He's not as anti-gay as some people would like to believe ;)

Sorry to rant, but I am just so furious. As a counselor to many gay/lesbian couples, I know how the ridiculous prohibitions on formalizing their relationship affects them. I've know people denied access to a partner in the hospital because they are not "related" and people kicked out of their homes and cut off from their finances because a partner died and the family stepped in and was able to legally do that. It makes me spit nails!!! I sure hope the Floridian gay community will get out there and make sure this stupid amendment doesn't pass, and I hope there will be plenty of "straight but not narrow" voters like me who will assist in the process.

Okay, rant over! Even therapists need some therapeutic venting once in awhile.
Thanks for posting. I wholeheartedly agree.
While I live in a progressive city..the state as a whole is pretty conservative.
Whenever peoples human rights are denied it affects us all. Yesterday it was black people, today it's gays and tomorrow it will be all the blue eyed blond hairs......

It behooves us all to act now and speak up!!!!!
Email I recieved from Equality Florida.

BTW, does anyone know if this needs a "super majority" or just 51% to pass?

The day we expected has finally arrived.

A few hours ago, the Florida Department of Elections officially certified the deceptive "marriage protection amendment" to be on the November ballot.

Disappointing? Yes. Surprising? No.

After 4 years of signature gathering, the only surprise is how narrowly they reached the deadline.

Those pushing this onto the ballot hope to strip away rights from all unmarried Floridians by stoking anti-gay sentiments. Some of them are motivated by a desire to impose their particular religious beliefs on people through the Constitution. Others see this as tactic to help far right candidates in the November Presidential election. What this isn't about is "gay marriage".

Two state laws and a court decision already block access to marriage for gay couples in Florida. Now, this amendment would close the door to civil unions and any meaningful domestic partnership benefits for all unmarried Floridians - gay and straight.

Beyond the legal obstacles to taking care of our loved ones, this amendment is intended to deliver a dangerous symbolic blow by denigrating the lives of gay Floridians. It is the singling out, the idea that the majority should vote on the rights and the humanity of fellow citizens that makes today's news a particular and personal insult. And it is why in the wake of these amendment battles across the country, we consistently see an increase in anti-gay hate crimes.

I hope we give ourselves just a moment to grieve that this has been forced upon us. To feel the hurt , sadness and anger that are appropriate ways to feel in the wake of this news.

Knowing, intellectually, that we must face this challenge is one thing. Having it finally arrive in all its ugly spitefulness is another. It was difficult not to hold onto a glimmer of hope Florida would avoid this fight especially as the far right struggled to meet the deadline.

But now is the time to take a deep breath and allow that false hope to transform into the deep resolve to DO THE WORK that will DEFEAT this measure.

And we can DEFEAT it. Opposition to the amendment is broad, diverse and growing everyday. We stand with the NAACP, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, Florida Consumer Alliance, Planned Parenthood, and more than 200 other civil rights, union, campus, faith, senior and social justice organizations who are part of the Fairness for All Families Coalition working to DEFEAT this amendment.

Polling shows we are within striking distance of beating this amendment if we are willing to do the work. Talk to your circle of influence, step outside your comfort zones and engage the people in your neighborhoods and the places where you shop.

Our job is to bring this message to millions of voters in Florida who are unaware and ill-informed about this measure. And experience has shown us our conversations matter. On Jan 29th, Equality Florida members were part of the Fairness for All Families Primary Day of Action that drew more than 500 volunteers out to talk to voters at polling places across the state.

Seasoned activist and first-time volunteers reported back with excitement how often a quick conversation had persuaded someone to vote NO on the amendment.

Click on the photo to see a great video that captures the energy of that amazing day.

In November, your friends, family and co-workers will go to the polls and decide whether our families will be denied adequate protections, whether essential benefits can be stripped away and whether anti-gay political attacks are a good investment for the far right.

It is time for all of us to do something. Here's a good place to start: Sign the Pledge to Vote No and personally recruit 5 of your friends to do likewise. If everyone on this list did that today we would have nearly half a million more supporters by Monday.

We can't allow the people in our lives to go to the polls in November and make decisions about us without ensuring they hear the truth about this amendment and the harm it would inflict.

Working together we can DEFEAT this amendment.


Nadine Smith Executive Director
I believe it needs 60% thanks to the amendment passed last year that raised the threshhold.
I am SICK that this has made it to an amendment. And I think something hinky went on with certifying signatures. I will be doing my best to get this thing voted down.

I apologize in advance though, as I did my best to get Amendment 1 (property tax reform) shot down and well that didn't happen.
I am SICK that this has made it to an amendment. And I think something hinky went on with certifying signatures. I will be doing my best to get this thing voted down.

I apologize in advance though, as I did my best to get Amendment 1 (property tax reform) shot down and well that didn't happen.

I told everyone I could "vote no on 1" but the illiterate and blue hairs were out in droves unfortunately
This is the kind of stuff that makes it hard to live in Florida.

I am working very hard to get the message out there that we do not have to sit back and let this happen - we can defeat this!

It is nice to see someone like Miss Jasmine from the other side of the aisle on this side of this issue!!
I am SICK that this has made it to an amendment. And I think something hinky went on with certifying signatures. I will be doing my best to get this thing voted down.

I apologize in advance though, as I did my best to get Amendment 1 (property tax reform) shot down and well that didn't happen.

Yup, and now most FL counties have to cut their education budgets by $500,000 to $1 million annually! Where did people think the money was going to come from for Amendment 1??? :confused3
I'm in Michigan and the state passed one of these amendments (well here's it called a "proposition"--it was also #2 on the ballot that year) in 2004. It sounds like the FL amendment has similarly broad language as ours which can be used to get rid of domestic partner benefits. :sad2:

The group that got the proposition on the ballot in Michigan swore over and over again that it would not affect domestic partner benefits. The group had a lot of support from the Catholic Church of Michigan--half a million dollars plus campaigning during mass and fliers/videos in favor of the proposition sent out to parishoners. The Catholic officials who led these efforts also swore up and down that the proposition had nothing to do with domestic partner benefits and no one would lose health insurance because of it. :sad2:

Well it was only a few months after the passage of the proposition that the first lawsuit against domestic partner benefits was brought and it was decided that such benefits (when provided by state employers) are unconstitutional in the state of Michigan. The case is currently on appeal to the state supreme court, but as of now "domestic partner benefits" by state employers are prohibited.

Many of the universities/colleges in Michigan have responded by coming up with new plans to provide benefits to same-sex couples but in a way that does not appear to be parallel to marriage. Thankfully, we are still able to get GF insurance through my university under one of these new plans. The new plan requires a bunch of stuff that is not required for a legal spouse to get insurance: 1) we must share a legal residence, 2) must not be allowed to marry under the state law, 3) must not be related in a way that would bar marriage under the state law, 4) must be 18, 5) we must have a joint checking account, 6) she must be the beneficiary of my IRA, life insurance, or will, 7) she must have either financial or medical durable power of attorney for me. The idea is that since married people often don't have 5-7, the university is not trying to make an insitution that is "like marriage" but for gay people (that is technically what the proposition banned). So far this arrangement hasn't been challenged in court, but I have no doubt that it will be.

What surprises me is how little anybody who isn't directly affected or in a state in which the amendment is currently on the ballot knows about these laws. The national media paid little attention when they passed and the little attention they did get focused on them as "gay marriage bans"--the potential some of them had/have to wipe out domestic partner benefits was largely ignored. As far as I can tell domestic partner benefits really started to take off in the mid 90s--and now we're going backwards almost 25 years and nobody even seems to notice! :confused3
We have legal civil unions, as of 1/1/08. But better than that, the law also allows for recognition of all unions, be them civil or marriage for same sex couples no matter where the joining took place. Now some over zealous legislators want to repeal that part of the law. This law was not passed by the voters, it was passed by our duly elected representatives and signed by our governor. SO far the great state of New Hampshire hasn't fallen off the edge of the map, and we have not become a magnet for all gay couples, as was predicted by many. ALthough my house is for sale and if there are any of you contemplating a move........................ Ha Ha !!!

I say the government needs to MYOB. Give equal rights to all people. Period.
Add me to the list of those thinking this is terrible. I agree that government needs to mind its own business.

I voted no on Amendment 1 also. If there is anything I can do to defeat this amendment please let me know.
Safetymom, talk to as many straight friends and neighbors as you can about this. Too many of them are totally uninformed.

For those who don't believe that same-sex couples should be able to marry, they will hear the hot button words "Ban Gay Marriage" and be reactionary to that. Approach them from the standpoint that this amendment is much more broad than that.

For those who are neutral, approach them from a standpoint of civil rights. I would hope most right-minded people couldn't back an amendment that denies a human right to an entire segment of the population.

I have been making my opinion known to as many fellow Floridians as I can. I might not change everyone's mind, but it can't hurt. Many don't realize the impact of this ridiculous and far-reaching travesty of an amendment. Let your straight friends know that this isn't just a "gay issue"...it's much, much bigger than that. I have no desire to set a precdent for denying a basic right to a particular group.
WI passed the same thing last year and it sucks...horribly. My bf and I want to move to FL in a year or two and this will not make him happy.

Good luck to all of you. It will be a hard ugly battle against ignorance, bigotry, and people who will call for the "defense of the institution of marriage"

Every single open minded individual needs to vote. I know Orlando will take it down, but I worry about other parts of the state. Reach out to everyone!
How can those of us NOT in Florida help with this issue? Does Equality Florida have a fund set-up for advertising or outreach against this issue on the ballot?

Mike and I too would like to live in Florida one day, more than likely in retirement and I'd like to be able to know that Mike and I could be there for each other if we were hospitalized, inherit property, etc...so an investment made today could help those of us that want to consider Florida for a home in the future.

Any suggestions?
I rec'd the same email OrlandoMike. :(

I voted no on amendment 1 for all the good it did. Just watch the mess that is going to create.

This amendment 2 scares me, it really does. :scared: It just seems like its an easy way for the intolerant among us to gain the upper hand.

Really? Does it honestly matter what dangly bits my partner has or doesn't have? Well? DOES IT?
I was reading along and about to post when I got to Nicholas' post. Nicholas, we think alike. Mike, Barb, somebody? I'll sign up with Eqauilty Florida--but please post if you know of other things to help.
I know Orlando will take it down, but I worry about other parts of the state. Reach out to everyone!

Don't be so sure. An Orlando-base organization is behind this evil amendment.

I too, voted no on Amendment One, and have already begun actively discussing this with friends and co-workers. Sadly, as someone note above, the illiterate, uniformed, and elderly were out in force to pass Amendment One. They're exactly the people who will also vote for Amendment Two, so it's very important that everyone gets their open minded friends to the polls.

The vote takes place just 36 days after Scott and I have our "Big Fat Gay Disney Wedding". We have the perfect excuse to discuss "Gay Marriage" issues, and believe me, I'll use it!

And here's some good ammo to use against the "Gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage" argument:

Massachusetts has one of the LOWEST divorce rates in the country; despite having legalized gay marraige several years ago. No straight marraiges were harmed and the statistics back that up.
I posted this over on the Liberals Only thread on the CB but they are a little election heavy today (rightly so) and this has really gotten me steamed. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that this is the year 2008 and we are still dealing with this kind of ...I don't know ...what would you call it?

The Meaning and Purpose of the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment

The Text of Florida Marriage Protection Amendment:

“Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.”

I. The Purpose of the Amendment.

A. The Amendment defines and preserves marriage as the union of one man and one woman as
husband and wife.

B. The Amendment prohibits any other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial
equivalent thereof from being valid or recognized as marriage.

II. The Amendment, Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions.

A. The Amendment does not prohibit the state or local government from passing laws which confer
rights to unmarried persons as long as the laws are not designed to treat unmarried relationships
as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof.

B. The Amendment does not affect benefits offered or contracted in the private sector.

C. The Amendment prohibits any other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial
equivalent thereof from being valid or recognized as marriage.

Ok - I do not normally speak legalese - but doesn't the wording of the Amendment pretty much guarantee that domestic partnerships/civil union will be affected? I hate liars.

Oh - and I love the whole "this is not a move to push a Christian agenda into law" that some try to use. Chuh - check out the list of endorsements.

Amendment 2 Endorsements

Here is a snippet:
Rony Aceitano Minister I.R.C. Renacimiento Cristiano
Kenneth Adkins Founder and CEO The Adkins Agency
Richard Albertson Founding President Live the Life Ministries
Ramon Arias Pastor Local Church
Harold Armstrong President Florida Christian College
Gregory Art Pastor First Baptist Church
Rafael Arza State Representative Florida House
Frank Attkisson State Representative, District 79 Florida House
Juda Attkisson Church Relations Coordinator Florida Family Policy Council
Henry Babers Pastor Parkview Christian Center
Carey Baker State Senator, District 20 Florida Senate
Nolan Ball Apostle The Rock of Panama City
Angela Bartlett Owner Diversified Mgmt & Construction
Dennis Baxley State Representative, District 24 Florida House
Kerry Beaty Pastor Lone Oak Missionary Baptist Church
W. Doyle Bell Senior Pastor Fellowship Baptist Church
William Reed Bell, Sr. M.D. Emeritus, Board of Directors American College of Pediatrics
Travis Bennefield Pastor First Baptist Church of Casselberry
Maurice Bennett Pastor Grace Apostolic Temple Inc.
Moses Betances Business Owner Iglesia Renacimiento Cristiano
Gus Bilirakis State Representative, District 48 Florida House
Brian Blair County Commissioner Hillsborough County BOCC
James Book Senior Minister First Christian Church of Winter Park
Joseph Bowles Pastor Shiloh Baptist Church
Dr. John Brackin Executive Director Palm Lake Baptist Association

This was taken from their home page:
"Children need a mom and a dad. It is just that simple. When you create a same sex marriage, you are simultaneously creating a same sex family. Same sex marriages subject children to a vast, untested, social experiment. Homosexual marriage proponents must take the position that there is no inherent value or importance to human femininity and human masculinity when it comes to the socialization of children. Dad and mom's are optional. This is the assumption of their position."

Geez - They call temselves Florida4Marriage but I think the are more like Florida Against Non-traditional families. I wonder - once they have "saved" us from the horror of a homosexual family what kind of families they will "protect" us from then?


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