Government Turning Over UFO Knowledge to Senate June 1st

why the heck would an advanced alien race really care enough to come here?

Also if people were abducted, I assume they could've learned all of the information about the human anatomy from one person. I mean these are aliens that are able to traverse the universe, I would think they would have some pretty impressive medical technology.

Anyways, I don't believe obviously any extratresstrial lifeform has bothered to come here. We would be fairly primitive to them and nothing special.

All excellent and relevant points....I have the same thoughts!

It is said they are concerned about us destroying our beautiful planet.

Who says they are concerned with us destroying the planet? And if that is has random abductions and allowing their air or water craft allowed to be seen by the inhabitants of Earth help or encourage us not to destroy it? I am genuinely interested in your thoughts.
As someone who doesn't believe I would presume if a actual alien craft or crafts showed up our world would lose it's entire you-know-what - and I'd also presume that if they showed up we might as well hang it up as a species, it wouldn't be a friendly drive by!
Interesting story, but I don't believe they'll release all information they have ever studied or release what they continue to study. Still, will be interesting to hear what is released.
I think it only (to quote one of my favorite alien life forms) logical that there be life on other planets. There are millions of planets out there in other solar systems we have yet to develop the technology to explore. Do I believe they've visited us? Maybe. Will all be revealed June 1st? I personally don't think so.

Millions? More like there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies and about a 10 sextillion stars. Two to three trillion planets in our own galaxy alone. :-)
It would have to be a really well guarded secret when not even the mitary knows about it. The pentagon just confirmed thier knowledge that UFOS real.

You'd be surprised at how compartmentalized military intelligence is.

And also, you'd be surprised to learn that other countries have advanced technology too, and they have been testing that tech over US soil for decades. The idea that the US has the smartest and most advanced scientists and military tech is laughable. We are actually, militarily, in a VERY precarious state right now.

Aliens should be the least of our worries.
All excellent and relevant points....I have the same thoughts!

Who says they are concerned with us destroying the planet? And if that is has random abductions and allowing their air or water craft allowed to be seen by the inhabitants of Earth help or encourage us not to destroy it? I am genuinely interested in your thoughts.
As someone who doesn't believe I would presume if a actual alien craft or crafts showed up our world would lose it's entire you-know-what - and I'd also presume that if they showed up we might as well hang it up as a species, it wouldn't be a friendly drive by!
Watch Unacknowled
Interesting story, but I don't believe they'll release all information they have ever studied or release what they continue to study. Still, will be interesting to hear what is released.
They aren't going to release everything. They don't want to cause panic. They are releasing a little bit at a time to give us time to digest it.
OP: I am a believer too,, having seen them for myself. I agree that some of what we see are from our government experimenting with UFO type vehicles. "Vehicles" sounds so funny, LOL. Anyway, I don't 'think ALL will be released, only what they think people will be able to digest, and then slowly leak more out. Their biggest fear, IMO, is that there will be mass panic and that probably would happen to some degree. I don't think that all the UFO info on TV right now is a coincidence. I think it's to get people thinking about this before more info is given by the government. But who knows????
All excellent and relevant points....I have the same thoughts!

Who says they are concerned with us destroying the planet? And if that is has random abductions and allowing their air or water craft allowed to be seen by the inhabitants of Earth help or encourage us not to destroy it? I am genuinely interested in your thoughts.
As someone who doesn't believe I would presume if a actual alien craft or crafts showed up our world would lose it's entire you-know-what - and I'd also presume that if they showed up we might as well hang it up as a species, it wouldn't be a friendly drive by!

Here's the thing. Any species so advanced as to be able to travel such a long distance in space to get here would be easily able to destroy the planet without us ever seeing our enemy. And if their aim was conquest, they would easily be able to do that without even firing a shot. And even assuming they are benevolent, they may think they're giving us a wonderful new technology such as a powerful energy source. When in fact, we're so primitive, what they really just gave us was enough rope to hang ourselves with.
Watch Unacknowled

You can't just tell me who? Why does it need to be a secret that can only be revealed if I watch a particular film? I am genuinely curious....
I've got a lot to do, and not enough time to do it all in so I'm going to have to relegate this film to the bottom of my current list. With that said, should I presume the 'who' to be - in your estimation - the folks who made / appear in this film?
Here's the thing. Any species so advanced as to be able to travel such a long distance in space to get here would be easily able to destroy the planet without us ever seeing our enemy. And if their aim was conquest, they would easily be able to do that without even firing a shot. And even assuming they are benevolent, they may think they're giving us a wonderful new technology such as a powerful energy source. When in fact, we're so primitive, what they really just gave us was enough rope to hang ourselves with.


I've got to get back to work...
Here's the thing. Any species so advanced as to be able to travel such a long distance in space to get here would be easily able to destroy the planet without us ever seeing our enemy. And if their aim was conquest, they would easily be able to do that without even firing a shot. And even assuming they are benevolent, they may think they're giving us a wonderful new technology such as a powerful energy source. When in fact, we're so primitive, what they really just gave us was enough rope to hang ourselves with.
We are a hostile planet and they are cautious. If they were benevolent they would have taken over by now. That is not thier intent. We are at our weakest as a nation and would easily be taken hostage. So, we can rule that out. I for one crave intelligent life in this Tik Tok era.
You can't just tell me who? Why does it need to be a secret that can only be revealed if I watch a particular film? I am genuinely curious....
I've got a lot to do, and not enough time to do it all in so I'm going to have to relegate this film to the bottom of my current list. With that said, should I presume the 'who' to be - in your estimation - the folks who made / appear in this film?
Because THEY don't want you to see the film.
June 1st won't give us THE answer. Until a spaceship lands on the White House front lawn, nobody will be convinced of anything. I believe there are much more advanced lifeforms out there.

I doubt the answer some people want will ever be given.
This is such a silly argument. If somebody saw something flying in the air they couldn't identify, that is literally the definition of a UFO.

The better question is: what exactly are they?

At least some were experimental planes. Area 51 is real, and is used for experimental aircraft. The A-12/SR-71, the F-117, the YF-118G (never went into production) even the U-2, were all developed in secret at the military base in Area 51.

Is that what this tic-tac looking thing is they showed on 60 minutes? Or is that aliens? Or time travel? That's the question.
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This is such a silly argument. If somebody saw something flying in the air they couldn't identify, that is literally the definition of a UFO.

The better question is: what exactly are they?

At least some were experimental planes. Area 51 is real, and is used for experimental aircraft. The A-12/SR-71, the F-117, the YF-118G (never went into production) even the U-2, were all developed in secret at the military base in Area 51.

Is that what this tic-tac looking thing is they showed on 60 minutes? Or is that aliens? Or time travel. That's the question.

It is silly, I also see some people taking it a bit seriously. I have some strong opinions on it, but I can't prove or disprove if any UFO's are in fact being piloted by some otherworldly lifeforms. That brings up another question, why would they personally be operating the crafts? I would think this would be a drone type situation. Again being so unfathomably advance there really shouldn't be much reason to personally fly here and gather information. Just warp in, steal a few cows, some some photos and warp back. I mean primitive humans use drones for reconnaissance even.


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