Hakuna Matata March-ing in like Lions!!

We did get out for a short pup walk last night.

Connie, sometimes I tape the feet ahead of time just the area where I know are hot spots, Also that is good advice about socks.

Denise congrats about having the big $$$ item.
When I find a shoe sock combination that works I'll buy about 20 pair of the socks. When I go on a vacation which always includes a lot of walking even if not a race, I just wear those socks with my walkers and so don't have any problems.

Currently I wear the half crew Nike thin Dry Fit socks. I have done a Goofy and 4 Marathons in this sock without one blister.

I always make sure there is plenty of room in the toe box of my shoes and any "Snuggness" in the forefoot area makes a shoe unacceptable. I like it to hug my heel.

Today was a rest day. Good week though 20 miles with lots of speed work.

Scott that's a bummer about the elbow.

Does anyone else besides me see anything wrong with having a chimp as a pet? That ranks right up there with private ownership of attack dogs. Erica was attacked by a boxer that was released by a neighbor's autistic child. You can't have dangerous animals. I was watching a special about that chimp that ripped that poor woman's face off on the news last week. I have dogs but I don't even allow them to bark at people walking by on the street. I know how much it bothers me to pass a house that has a dog fighting a 4' chainlink fence to get at me.

Sorry about the soapbox there.

I have my first race of the season a week from today. Yea!!! It will be a 5K over a very hilly course. I missed this race last year because it was the day after Erica had bunion surgery. The year before that I was second with a 34 min walk time.

Have a super weekend team.

Resting Panda:hippie:
Hi everyone,

Scott, I hope your okay after your tumble.

Dave, I'm sure your race will be awesome!

Connie, I hope you get some well deserved R & R!

As for me, I ran 5 miles in 39:35 (7:55 miles) on a new route with big (and somewhat unanticipated) hills at miles 1, 1.75, and 4.5.

Hi team! Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! Got out this morning for a quick 3 miler. I didn't see anyone else running today - I think because I got out later. Really nice weather even though I still had to take my jacket with me.

Does anyone here use the SportTracks software? I can't remember where I read about it but I like it a lot more than the stuff that comes with the Garmin. It's a lot easier to get useful information, plus I like that you can enter in other activities and makes notes. It even keeps a continuous total of your miles/time for the week and month. So I guess I have no more excuses for getting in my monthly totals :)

Connie - Hope your feet are doing better today. I run in Smart Wool socks. They're my favourite and I've never got a blister in them. I hand wash them, only because I don't want the washing machine to eat them. I hope they'll do a lipgloss stop at the women's 1/2 in May.

Denise - Congrats on your purse sale! Can't wait to see pictures! I have taken my share of spills too. I have no coordination or balance. Very sad about Natasha Richardson. I had no idea how quickly a bump to the head could so badly ... so quickly.

Scott - Take care of that elbow! Glad to hear that it's not broken.

Dave - Until I read that story about the chimp, I had no idea how big they really were. I had always thought the baby chimps were the fully grown size. I think most people don't realize what kind of resources they'll need when they get exotic pets. They're probably only thinking of the cool factor. Good luck on your upcoming race! Can't wait to hear about it!

Sue - Are you finding that the weights are making a difference? I've been at them for almost a year now and definitely feel a lot stronger because of it. Yep, the countdown is on and it's about 10 weeks now. I wish I started training a couple of weeks earlier but am not sure it would have made a difference because of the extremely cold weather. Have you heard of the Yoga for Runners classes in Toronto? Just wondering if you've taken them before.

Jen - You're speedy even with hills!

That's it for me! Have a great weekend everyone!
Dave you will Rock on your race.

We did a dog walk,

Elbow report escaped surgery and cast, sling and limited movement as I can tollerate, getting better range of motion every day.

On dag walk today it did start to hurt so cut it short, learned that swinging arms really make a difference. LOL I am slow to learn adn put it all together.
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Michigan is a sunny, breezy, beautiful 50 degrees! I did manage a slow 3.8-mile walk it was so nice to be outside even if I had to go slow…still am not feeling good, but know this too will pass. :sick:

Scott: Broken elbow-Ouch! pixiedust: pixiedust:

Connie: Blisters–Ouch! pixiedust: pixiedust:

Denise: Congrats on your purse sale! :grouphug:

Jenn: Congrats on your 5 miles in 39:35 (7:55 miles) :cool1:

:hippie: I agree- on any wild animal for a pet. It is their natural instincts that people cannot control. :sad2:

:hippie: Nice-You will do well!
I have my first race of the season a week from today.

Eva: Yes, I am getting excited. Found out this morning they messed up my registration. :upsidedow I work the Expo on Saturday from 1:00PM-6:00PM

Debra: THANK YOU! :hug:

Vicky: THANK YOU ... No results of the MRI for Rodney – BIL is set up with our Southern Michigan Hospice now and seems to be adjusting. :hug:

Need to get in the shower – going to the musical - High School Musical at the Civic. :upsidedow

Enjoy ALL the Moments! Anne, Connie, Dave & Erica, Denise & Mark, Scott & Lynn, Diane, Eva, Jack, Jennifer, Jen, Jessica, Kathy, MaryJ, Maroo, Nichole, Sue, and Vicky!

Good Afternoon Team! Sorry I am not getting on here more often - work has been very busy for me! Have not even been able to get in the walks like I thought I could - or I am not making them high enough priority! The bag of Spring Oreo's that jumped into my shopping cart the other day did not help!

Margie - sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well!

Denise - would love to see pictures of the purse - congrats on being a high $$$ maker!

Connie - sorry to hear about the blisters, I had them on the bottom of my feet after the marathon - for the first time! I ran around the rest of the week at WDW with taped feet!

It has been really nice here for the last week, but it is supposed to snow on Monday, I knew that winter was not done with us yet!

I just found the default button on the bottom - the holiday lights look KEWL, but not for this time of year!

Can't remember what else I wanted to say, so I will just say - have a great evening everyone!
Hey everyone!

Glad the boards are back!

I did 4.5 miles in 35 minutes. I was supposed to do my long run today, but I was feeling under the weather so I decided to do a short run and try to do the long one tomorrow or tuesday.

Hope everyone's doing well!

:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Please join us on the 'Ohana team thread for the Monday Mixer. The Mixer starts here.

There are many reasons why we race. Sometimes it's a way to challenge ourselves. Sometimes it's a strategy to keep ourselves motivated. Sometimes it's a reason to reunite with old friends and meet new ones. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's about the goodies. :teeth:

This week's question is about those goodies:

What is your favorite medal/t-shirt/race-bag goody, and WHY?

So come on over to 'Ohana. Share with us your favorite pictures and stories. Brag about the bling. If you haven't done a medal-awarding event, tell us about a shirt. If you love a particular expo, we want to know why. And if you're new to races, visit anyway. You can get some ideas for future races and "ooh" and "ahhh" over the pretty, shiny things.

On a more serious note: Two of our 'Ohana cousins, Maria and Richard, could use some extra hugs, well wishes, and PD this week. If you've got the time, please let them know you're thinking of them. :hug:
Good Morning Everyone!

DAVE How was the race?? I hope you came in first!

Scott Oh my gosh! A broken elbow, how awful! I am sorry to hear about that.

Margie Are you in taper, yet???

Denise Good job on the purse. Can't wait to see the picture!

Jennifer I hope that's one of those short lived bugs...Feel better soon!

Vickie I haven't used sport tracks. I will have to check it out.

I found a new product that I really like at the Expo. Actually, I found two but today I want to tell you about Enlyten. It's an electrolyte strip that you put in your cheek and let dissolve. It bypasses your gatrointestinal system. I used them at Little Rock and really like them!

Going to the Doctor's today to discuss my thyroid treatment options. Maybe I CAN lose some of this weight, afterall!

See ya! -- Connie
Good Morning Team!

Scott, I've felt your pain, literally! Been there. Done that via a mountain bike accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Vicky, I really enjoy pilates. Great instructor. I haven't found a yoga class to work into my schedule.

Nothing much to report. The usual weekend 5s with pilates class. Sunny on the weekend but windy. Still a little chilly. I'm so looking forward to some warmer temps.

Have a great day, Sue
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

I cannot believe it Michigan is still having a beautiful, sunny, warm, Spring Break weather! :sunny:

Connie: Great News-[QUOTE]Going to the Doctor's today to discuss my thyroid treatment options. [/QUOTE] ::yes::

:hippie: Race Report! Most of all I hope you had fun. I am getting into the stage where my time is not as important. I just enjoy being healthy enough that I Can Do It! :upsidedow

pixiedust:pixiedust: Scott
pixiedust:pixiedust: Jennifer

Connie: Yes this week I start the taper - longest mileage will be 5 miles. ::yes::

I did get out yesterday for a slow 7.3 miles- last longer walk before Martian on April 5th. Next weekend will only be 5-miles…called this morning as I could not find my registration confirmation on line – they had my first name and last name switched! She said she never had that happen before…leave it to me…LOL :confused3

Due to extra nice weather I have reached my goal plus for my 200 combined walking / bike miles for the month.

Still not feeling good but I did go to the Gym at 5:AM this morning-Not the normal energy in the workout but I got in 15-miles on the bike, lower body workout, and stretching. :sick:

I know it is early -We got our Flights for WDW January 2010–Northwest Airlines just under $200- direct flight from Detroit MI to Orlando FL. I was thrilled, as I paid something like $370 last year. I love having the time at WDW paid for in advance. :goodvibes

Everyone Enjoy ALL the Memory Moments! :grouphug:
Just got tiemj for a quick Hi,

Elbow is doing really well, I was rather worried, just a little sore right now, working on range o motion.

Have a good one, swamped here at work,
Good Morning: No walking, too many things going on with the family, my MIL was not well and needed some help. Sunday Mark hurt his back - mildly but enough not to want to walk so back to square one. Life will be back to "normal" by Thursday.

Here is a picture of the front of the purse


and the back:

Actually you could use it either way since both sides of the purse open up using those buttons. Lots of pockets inside, a spare button, a D ring with clip for your keys. Making 3 more for me, dd, and a friend.

It does scream spring and girly doesn't it? Work's for me!

P.S. All those beads and pearls are hand sewn on. It's my way of relaxing.

Good morning dear friends.

My race is this saturday, not last Saturday. I hope to do well. Sunshine would be nice, we have had a lot of sporatic rain this month.

Denise you do beautiful work. It amazes me that you and Mark are both so talented.

Margie that sounds like a much better rate, I say a headline on the yahoo yesterday that said a lot of airlines are trying to fill the flights in this down economy.

Scott, hope the elbow continues to feel better.

I had a huge day yesterday 2 hour workout, moved 3 rooms of furniture across town and then push mowed the yard. It was fun that I was doing better moving the furniture than a 19 year old boy, a big strapping one to. He tired and had to rest every now and then and I just kept going with no problems.

Everyone have a super day.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Hakuna Matata!

Good luck Dave! Don't ya just love moving??? Yea, I don't like it either.

Denise - Pretty purse. I can see why it did so well.

Margie I look like this :jumping1: I would be really, really envious if I wasn't going to use miles for my airfare!

Working on books. :guilty:

See ya! - Connie
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Another weather change - high winds, cloudy, no rain yet but it's on the way, so even at 48 degrees it feels chilly.

No Gym this morning - My little Hagen went to the doctor this morning to be checked as he has been sick for almost a month now - serious cold but it has not gone into his lungs. He is napping at the moment-Brady has ear infection and pink eye. Everyone has the Blah's around here! :sick:

Denise - Cute-Cute purse. The beads & pearls are an extra special touch! My DD would absolutely love it!

Connie-how's the blisters? pixiedust:pixiedust:

Scott- pixiedust:pixiedust:

Lynn-Are you sure about this job? It seems that you never have any time for us anymore :sad:

:hippie: Sounds like you had a very good workout :upsidedow

deekaypee- Sorry I did not get over for the 'Ohana Monday Mixer - but it is something I will think about when (if) my brain cells start functioning again!

We haven't heard from some of you in a while - What's Up With That? I hope everyone has a Good Day! Anne, Connie, Dave & Erica, Denise & Mark, Scott & Lynn, Diane, Eva, Jack, Jennifer, Jen, Jessica, Kathy, MaryJ, Maroo, Nichole, Sue, and Vicky!
Good Afternoon Everyone!

Work is very busy but I lack motavation to do anything today. Wish I could take a nap. Maybe on the train ride home if I get a seat. Usually I'm standing.

Did weights & pilates yesterday. Will be running tonight.

Denise, Really nice work!

Margie, Feel better soon. Several people at work have been sick and just can't seem to get better. Don't know how I've missed out (knock on wood)

Have a great evening.....Sue
Hello team!! I'm stopping in at work and feeling rather sneaky! :guilty:

I had a good 7 miler yesterday. My legs feel great today, but my ankle has a twinge. Not sure if it's the new shoes or the 1/10th of a mile track I ran on for 70 laps. Ugh..I hate the treadmill but am thinking I'll have to mix it up on my longer runs so I don't get injured.

Anyone going to the Expedition Everest Race this year? We won't be there for the race, but we have decided to keep out free dining week in September...so we'll be there the whole week before the race. I'd love to meet up with somebody if anyone is going!!

Debra - I haven't signed up for the Cleveland half yet, but am pretty sure I will. The prices go up on April 1st so I have a few days to decide. Thanks for the info..I love Cleveland so I'm sure if I can do it that it'll be a great race!

Denise - Thanks for the DISctreet...I found that the "Tour Guide Mike" setting works the best with my work's color scheme! I would have never thought to change that!!

Scott - Sorry to hear about your elbow...glad that you won't need anything other than TLC though!!

Dave - I like Asics socks, but I haven't tried the Nike ones. I'll keep my eyes peeled and will pick up a pair next time I see them to try them out. Also about the dogs...what I hate are people who have little dogs that are 75% more viscious than bigger dogs, but because the are small people tend to let it slide. What urks me even more is when they don't have them on a leash and they come flying up to me and my unassuming big dog (whom is on a leash) snarling and barking. If my dog is to bite back he could kill the little thing!

Margie - How did the Martian mess up your registration?

OK..that's it for now folks. I have to research my free dining picks so I can call in and make my ever-so-important ADR's tomorrow morning!!

Let the vacation planning begin!!! :banana:
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling better. I think I just picked up something on flight home and mixed with fatigue.

I did 30 minutes of cross training yesterday and ran 3.5 miles in 27 minutes. I'm trying not to push it too fast.



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