Hakuna Matata March-ing in like Lions!!

What happened in Oakland, Jack?

Wicked looking bike Scott.

We just had a tornado pass within 20 miles of us. That was exciting for a while, it was an F2.

I'm relaxing after a sucky race. It rained and the wind was brisk and I didn't warm up, just did it and got back in the car and went home. They had chicken biscuits for after race snack but by the time I got in the runners ahead of me and the spectators had eaten them all. They had a kids 1 mile fun run and the kids massed the chicken biscuits after. I wnat to get a biscuit and go back to the car out of the rain, but had to settle for a bottle of water.

Connie are you still snowed in.

Tired Panda:hippie:
Sorry Dave about your biscut! That sucks. We did the policeman's run the first year and it was GREAT. Lots of food. Didn't do it the 2nd year and I guess the same thing happened - no food left for the walkers. Same with another race sponsored by the newspaper.

The cigna road race here is very walker friendly so we do get some food.

Scott- I thought you were getting a BIKE not a motorcycle. :rolleyes1 Do you have a helmet law there? We do not here in NH - I hope you do wear yours regardless of the law.

Well more cleaning to do - the sewing room needs help. It looks like the shelves threw up fabric - it's everywhere!.

Scott H- Very NICE!!!! Enjoy & Be Safe.


Our Thoughts and Prayers to our Brothers & Sisters in Oakland
" In Valor There Is Hope"


I shed a tear for our fallen brothers,
Yes I wear a helmet, even on the pedal bike, as well as several cow hides. Always have, I am a very conservative rider and keep an eye, ear, etc out for the other guy that may not see me. I have been riding motor bikes since I was 16, (pedal bike for longer with two cross country trips and several thousand miles in Europe) so it is not a middle age crazy thing for me, LOL, I think I have been crazy all my life, LOL.

Our weather is getting nasty Thunderstorms and snow and rain etc fro teh next couple of days, ahh life in the rockies.
Good Morning Team! :wave2:

Jack: thank you for the reminder - it is extremely sad. A routine traffic stop that cost so many lives.

Scott & Lynn: 'KWEL' I love it! I had one for years. When we moved it sat for too long. When I checked it out the repairs would have cost more than a new bike! :confused3

Connie: Texas - Big Oops- please do not send your blizzard our way :rolleyes1

Vicky: I WISH -
Margie - I don't know about the no life thing... I thought it was more a case of good discipline

:hippie: Sorry your first race of the season was so disappointing :sad2:

Need to get in a walk - it's cold and raining :confused3

Then I better quit procrastinating and do my taxes - not difficult, but I just do not like to do them! :headache:

Enjoyed my pampering and am feeling better.

Did 10 miles today in 85 minutes (8:30 pace), and it felt very good. I now know I can at least make the first of my goals.

Good Afternoon Team!

Dave - sorry to hear your race went so badly - yes it seems that everyone has found winter again!

Connie - that was a terrible storm for you, we just got about 1-2 foot snow drifts - the rest of the area is bare.

I finally got out for 6 miles today - it was nice this morning, it is supposed to snow later today, starting to cloud up now. It wasn't a great pace, but better than 16 minute miles - just barely! I have decided that I am going into work late tomorrow, so that I can walk dogs before I go. I just have to meet with my crew and make sure they are not having any problems.

Have a great day everyone!
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Wendy posted this on the Lean Meaner thread and her words resonated with me, so I thought I'd pass it along as it serves as the inspiration for this week's mixer. :flower3:

It feels like Spring in my head-- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me. It's a renewed hope thing -- Do you feel that way, too?

So, WISHers, springtime is in the air as well as on the calendar. And even if your neighborhood isn't enjoying springlike weather quite yet, it's fun to plan for that day that's just around the corner. So this week's set of related prompts are...

What outdoor activity (or activities) do you most look forward to in the spring, and why? What is an annual spring tradition for you? How do you enjoy that first, perfect spring day?

Feel free to talk about prepping the bike for the season's first ride or the first run in shorts. But we're also interested in hearing about other activities: gardening, kite-flying, spring cleaning, picnics, roller blading, hiking, and so on.

So tell us your stories. The 'Ohana Monday Mixer starts here.
Good Morning Team!

Today is the last day of March, be sure to look for a new Thread tomorrow!!! Our totals will be staggering, I am certain of it!!!!!

Most of the snow is gone. I say most because we still have a 2 foot drift in the back yard in spite of the 70 degree weather yesteday. It was dickens of a storm!

Finally, feeling really good after my half marathon. The blisters are healed and I am looking forward to my next race. And my base building for the Goofy. I was amazed to discover after uploading my Garmin that I only had two miles in the half over 17 minutes, and those were just barely.

Did a short TM workout yesterday and some stretching and balance training. I use a wobble board for that. It's also really good for core training. According to the American Council of Exercise, a wobble board is one of the best tools for core training! Kewl, huh? And it's fun.

Off for some Cross training. Y'all make it a great day!!!

See ya, Connie
Jumping in before it's April! Yesterday I did my 90 minute dance class and 60 minute strength training class. I'll get out for a run later today!

OK Connie...I know you said that we can still track our totals by emailing them or placing them in our siggy (but I haven't been). I wasn't sure if we were just doing it for motivation or for a new season of competing our totals between the teams. I haven't lost my motivation and I have been doing ok without tracking, but if we are totaling our team miles and minutes to go head to head I will definatly help out!! PS - I want a wobble board!!

As for my running...I've been getting out quite a bit now that the weather is nicer and I have the gym membership. The only problem I am having is that I'm bulking up! I started the stregth training with weights and macines to tone up but I've been poofy and my clothes are tight. I've been beeing really good with counting my points and everything, but the scale has gone up! I think I might ask the PT that sent me my routine if this is temporary or not. I might need to focus on shedding the lbs before I tone up or something! Just so frustrated!!

On a plus note - Jordan and I did register for the 10K!!! :banana:

Jennifer - Holy Moly!! You are a workout machine!! I wish I had that much time to work out!!

Scott - Jordan is really good about wearing his helmet too. I like to tool around town without one (like if we have to go to the store up the street), but he HATES it when I don't wear one. If we go out any further I wear one. I know there are 100 better reasons, but I like them because they keep the bugs out of my face!

Dave - I did a 5K once that went similar. Cold rain/snow mix and nasty wind. Makes ya miss Disney racing huh??

Vicky - Where are you guys staying in Oct...and any dining plans yet?
Morning team! Yesterday was hectic so I didn't have a chance to visit and post. I went for running/gait analysis on Saturday. It was being offered to runners registered in the Toronto Women's 1/2. I was told I had a "limping gait" on my right side which means when I run, I'm landing with my leg straight - the knee is bending very little when I run which means I'm using my calves more which can cause me to tire out quickly. They also said my arms were swinging around too much and I need to focus on making sure they go straight back and forth. They gave me a couple stretching exercises to do and I plan to work on them with my PT. I guess that explains why I run so slowly :laughing:

Eva - Can't wait to hear about your 10K run! How's Jordan coming along with his running? We're doing a split stay - Beach Club and then Coronado Springs. We managed to get in on the free dining plan - I've never had dining credits before so it should be interesting. As for dining, we're definitely going to Victoria & Albert's for my birthday and then the usuals - Boma, Chef Mickey's, Beaches and Cream, Cape May ... I'm looking forward to trying out the new restaurant in Animal Kingdoms Villa.

Not sure about the weight - I know for me, the scale hasn't really moved either way. My PT explained that I'm gaining muscle and losing fat - they weigh the same but the muscle takes up less space so I'll lean out but the scale may not move. Is it possible that you need to drink more water? If you are gaining muscle, it should speed up your metabolism causing you to burn more calories. Let us know what your PT says...

Jen - You must be in fantastic shape! Count me in as another person who wishes I had more time to workout.

Connie - I think the wobble board is lots of fun! I used it last year while rehabbing. I was never able to balance right in the center for very long but I had lots of fun trying. Can't wait to see the team's total for March!

Lynn - Hope it didn't snow too badly in your area. It's almost April! Enough with the white stuff already :)

Scott - Cool bike!!

Dave - Sorry to hear about the biscuits :( That's really crummy! I'm sure there were other people finishing behind you too.

Jack - I heard about the policemen ... very sad :sad2:

Margie - I've organized all the stuff I'll need for my taxes - it's just a matter of punching the numbers into the computer program and I'm still too lazy to do it :laughing:

Sue, MaryJ, Erica, Denise - :wave2:

Anyway, that's all for me! Have a great day everyone
Eva and Vicky , I'm taking as much as I can while the classes are still free (well or included in tuition) so that when I graduate I know what I like enough to pay for.
Also, I read in Self the other day that a tip to make sure you go to your workouts is to say/schedule yourself to workout everyday. That way you can't just say I'll go tomorrow instead, but also when you skip a day (and they do still recommend skipping a day every week) you still get in more than enough training/exercise.

As for me, 45 minute Zumba class (it goes to an hour on next Tuesday) and 5 miles in 40 minutes. Not a bad way to end the month.

FYI- Scott jump in anytime.

“The FBI is aware of the potential threat posed by the Conficker worm. We are working closely with a broad range of partners, including DHS and other agencies in the U.S. government, as well as throughout the private sector, to fully identify and mitigate the threat.

“The public is once again reminded to employ strong security measures on their computers. That includes the installation of the latest anti-virus software and having a firewall in place. Additionally, the public should be aware of the potential dangers associated with spam e-mail. Opening, responding to, or clicking on attachments contained in unsolicited e-mail is particularly harmful and should be avoided.”

Received this afternoon, just wanted to put it out there as an FYI to everyone.

Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Here goes March...I am looking forward to nicer weather, clear sidewalks, etc so we can be outside more ::yes::

Connie-I PM'd my March Miles & Time

Jack - :thanks: I was just thinking about the Conficker Worm. We do need those constant reminders as over time we get careless...

Vicky-I have no answer as to why we wait until the last possible minute to get those taxes done. I do not even have the excuse they are complicated or need to collect information-mine are simple to do! :confused3

See you over in April!!!! :grouphug:



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