Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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It is so confusing because he says he doesn't want the institution but a family. Unfortunately he was born into both. If Meghan didn't wish to be a part of that, she should have married elsewhere. She knew what came along with it and if she wants to claim she was blindsided maybe she should have dated him longer to get more aquatinted. Some of the things they have complained about may be legit concerns. One example would be William and Kate (and whomever else) asking him if it would be better to give the relationship more time before the rush to marriage. There is nothing wrong with a brother asking that question out of concern for both parties. They are very whiney and complaining about such dumb stuff. Complaints of the cottage they were gifted for free was to small (William and Kate lived in this before they had their first child) or that William is in line for the throne and is treated different. Well, yes, that is how that works.

This entire thing is very Bazar. I'm sure there are issues behind the scenes like with all families. They are literally cashing in on family secrets. They are doing exactly what they accuse the monarch of doing. I wouldn't trust them or want to reconcile. That comes with way to much risk.
All the secret tapes and videos from day one shows this was all planned. I really haven't seen much released to warrant the millions of dollars in payment or to cause this drama with your family members. To be honest, I don't understand the issues. If you don't want to be a part of the institution, leave. There is zero need to sell books and make documentaries. This is exactly why the Queen didn't comment on things.

Also to add, I am not British but when she mocked having to bow to the queen, the way she did it, the way she spoke in that nasty tone, was so rude and disrespectful. I was offended. I was really taken back and shocked she would behave in that manor on TV and Harry to just sit there? That is the Queen and your Grammy and she has passed. How rude. To me they are showing zero Grace. It is time for them to move on, quietly and find a way to make their own money just as they stated and not using the throne in any fashion. It just had a bad look. Really doesn't matter what happened and who is right or wrong. Move on....
Dang. In the middle of this sh**storm they started? I thought they'd at least get the book out and let all of that die down before trying to "reconcile".

Best of luck to them. I don't see how anybody trusts them again.
Exactly. Charles and William may very well wish, on a personal level, that they could reconcile with Harry as well. However, they also know that anything they say or do may be leaked to the media, in varying shades of truth. If these were people like most of us, in order to reconcile both sides would apologize (emphasis on BOTH) and then work out a compromise of some sort to get along in the future. The inability to trust Harry (and Meghan) to be completely honest makes a genuine reconciliation difficult, if not impossible, especially in the near term. The book may only make it worse, from what I am hearing. It’s kind of hard to reconcile with someone who continually slams you with half truths in the court of public opinion.
If I’m Kate, there’s NO WAY I’m developing any kind of relationship w/ Meghan beyond a perfunctory & pleasant politeness.

If I had anything beyond a very basic surface level “nice & polite” kind of relationship w/ Meghan as her sister-in-law, I’d be constantly worried whatever I said or did or didn’t say or didn’t do would be misconstrued, misrepresented, or misquoted.

I’d always be on very guarded w/ her, & we’d never be able to have any kind of real relationship - because who knows if Meghan would have a voice recorder on her!
I do feel sad for Harry, in that it seemed he fell in love with someone who personality flaws amplified his own issues/flaws rather than complement his strengths. Like not saying that he needed to find someone that would always take the RF side, but for example willing to go "OK, not a big fan of the confines of the institutions itself and understand your issues with it. Lets leave, but are you sure risking such large alienation for your core family, especially if we have children, in this way that we know they can't PUBLICLY respond in the way your seeking is the wisest action to do at the moment.
I can't see a reconciliation unless there is a divorce. Markle would never allow them to make peace. Well unless the payoff was significant but still couldn't trust them. Although the divorce would be epic...make the Depp v Heard split look amicable.
I can't see a reconciliation unless there is a divorce. Markle would never allow them to make peace. Well unless the payoff was significant but still couldn't trust them. Although the divorce would be epic...make the Depp v Heard split look amicable.
I can see it now, Meghan could maybe do a divorce docuseries, or maybe sell tickets? The sky is the limit. . .
You know I've said that I don't think QE II's style of being so inigma can work today and Charles will need to be more open/monarchy will need to do some changing, but I think Harry going little far in the other direction. Like I wonder if some of the changes he wants from this doc/book will be harder now because it's become so 'in your face'-which can at times hinder something like the monarchy than help change.
Sounds to me like the leak described in the article in this link is a PR stunt to boost sales of the book.
Agree, I mean that is usually how you sell this kind of stuff.

BUT, I read the whole article and it honestly just reinforced my view that they are living in some kind of alternate reality. The story itself made no sense whatsoever. They are supposedly trying to talk through where their relationship is at. Even if W said to him he felt that M was rude and difficult ~ why would W them attack him? Wouldn't the normal play be here that H gets mad at what W said, and H attack W? It comes off as some strange deflection story. Like perhaps H felt attacked by what W said and physically lashed out at W who then pushed him off and he fell?

The story just doesn't make sense. W traveled to H to discuss their relationship. Now if W did push him first was it perhaps because of something H said to him, perhaps H spoke ill of C? I mean "the Spare" is almost 40 years old, a grown XXX man. He's known his place in the family since a young child. It is okay he hates the family business, but no amount of discussion is going to change his place so why bother, why bring that in to the drama unless he created the drama.

If this is in the book am sure there is lots more and he can kiss his reconciliation good bye. You can't pick your family, sounds like he wouldn't have picked them .... so MOVE ON. Grow up, and move on.
So maybe this should’ve read, Willy showed great restraint with his references to Meg. Hot head Harold stomped into the kitchen slipped (on spilt water)) and fell on the dog bowl. While mommy Markle said “told you Will is a Mean Boy who is out to get us”.

Okay just my version of the “truth”. 😉 😬

On a serious note this is so very sad. Harry and his wife are out to destroy their families. Not sure why they can’t be happy with their chosen life and two adorable kiddos.
I can understand why H may not get over it, even if the possibility of him (assuming not title strip) or his children being needed in case W and his family all died at once is very unlikely in today's age. Depending on how the whole spare aspect was treated, it could be something he feels needs to be discussed for future spares.

Like it we've all heard stories where parents loved their children eternally equally, but outwardly showed one more affection/importance, etc that the other feels that they were pushed aside. Now add that to historic institutions like Monarchy.

Does not mean outside of the worst possible scenarios him seemingly to try and change things is the least constructive way is good.
I can understand why H may not get over it, even if the possibility of him (assuming not title strip) or his children being needed in case W and his family all died at once is very unlikely in today's age. Depending on how the whole spare aspect was treated, it could be something he feels needs to be discussed for future spares.

Like it we've all heard stories where parents loved their children eternally equally, but outwardly showed one more affection/importance, etc that the other feels that they were pushed aside. Now add that to historic institutions like Monarchy.

Does not mean outside of the worst possible scenarios him seemingly to try and change things is the least constructive way is good.
He resigned from being a working royal and relocated to sunny California. He has plenty of money, he can easily afford a wonderful life there. And yet, he is never happy with anything or anyone. It's always woe is me. His misery is his choice.
I always hope the nannies are kind, happy and fun. His kids deserve at least that.
When i think of Harry, I see immaturity, like arrested development. I imagine he regrets some things he has done but it seems he can‘t break that cycle. I hope he finds happiness in sunny California as someone said earlier in the thread. I am not counting on it.
So maybe this should’ve read, Willy showed great restraint with his references to Meg. Hot head Harold stomped into the kitchen slipped (on spilt water)) and fell on the dog bowl. While mommy Markle said “told you Will is a Mean Boy who is out to get us”.

Okay just my version of the “truth”. 😉 😬
The irony is that is much more plausible than the story that leaked. It makes more sense.

On a serious note this is so very sad. Harry and his wife are out to destroy their families. Not sure why they can’t be happy with their chosen life and two adorable kiddos.
This is the sad part. He's always wanted to get away, he found love and made the choice to follow his heart. Time to embrace that you got what you always wanted. AND time to realize there are two children involved that you are kinda using for PR, that someday will read all this (internet is forever) and have to live with the choices you made. So why can't they just be happy with their beautiful family, why this continuous woe is me The Spare?

Honestly the only thing I can see to keep up with all this drama is they wanted to walk away with their titles (as they tried to monetize them), invites to all the balls and the handsome allowance he was so used to living on. Reality is he quit, and he doesn't know how to do anything else ~ so the Hollywood version of them is to sell movies and books and stirring the pot. I honestly think they thought the Royals would fold and give in ~ Grammy didn't fold, she set the bar. Dad won't and one day brother won't ~ especially since they continue to burn that bridge.
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