Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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He truly is missing some understanding of everyday concepts.

After the passage about the bigger bald spot, William's scowl & how his age no longer makes him look like his mother (I myself never thought William was some kind of clone of Diana at all,, he and Anne's son look like brothers), Harry literally said to Anderson that he is not saying anything to be hurtful. Straight faced & all, like he truly believes it. I actually believe he believes it! Someone mentioned upthread William's accusation that therapists have affected his brother detrimentally. I now believe that to be the truest statement let out by sources close to William.
Or did Harry actually state that in the book himself?

He doesn't even get that siblings, rightly or wrongly, often have no interest to act like they know a younger sibling, especially in high school. Everything is a dagger & personal to him. Or evil William.
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And you really have to be on your toes with his truth being let out..

When he talked about how no one saved a spot for him, or told him about the plane to Balmoral, I spent a couple of minutes being horrified for him. Truly sad. How that must have felt for him.

But then I remembered the Queen just passed away. At that time, everyone already knew about the Netflix deal, the book coming out & maybe even through the grapevine that Meghan & Harry has been taping moments for years at that point. Who could possibly trust them to be on a plane of grieving loved ones? No one could have had their personal privacy guaranteed in such an awful time.

But it seemed he had no understanding of that concept.
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So I Live blogs of the interviews since I don’t have access to a ITV and CBS here.
I’m still trying to digest the fact that H said the following:
1. they weren’t accusing RS of being racist in the Oprah interview and that was just the press. My comment well then that was a bit of passive aggressive mess from your side.
2. He really expects to have a normal relationship with his family after this?
3. so is Camilla really a conniving witch Who spends her days coming up with stories on other family members? And that she spends her days coming up with stories and other family members? And that her becoming queen was a long strategic thing on her end? I had heard in the press that this was a red line that Charles wouldn’t take. And again that’s what the press says and we all know we can’t believe them. So either Harry is paranoid and in a delusional state where he thinks everyone is out to get him ( I have experienced this in my own family so I know this is possible- every word, every action or an action was taken as an attack and it was not) Or the RF eats their own.

I feel like it’s gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. Megan supposedly also has a book coming out. I really wonder if the RF is going to remain silent especially on the Camila accusations
Something he seems to gloss over is that no one made it before the Queen passed. Only Charles and Anne, who were already at Balmoral, were present. He makes it sound like they deliberately left him out. Wasn’t he in Europe somewhere and had to be called back?
Something he seems to gloss over is that no one made it before the Queen passed. Only Charles and Anne, who were already at Balmoral, were present. He makes it sound like they deliberately left him out. Wasn’t he in Europe somewhere and had to be called back?
It was a coincidence but Harry & Meghan were in the UK. They were visiting charities in the UK and Germany.

I think we will never get a full and honest timeline of which royal was where and who decided what and when. But yes, the official story is that only Charles and Anne were present.
I feel like it’s gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. Megan supposedly also has a book coming out. I really wonder if the RF is going to remain silent especially on the Camila accusations
If Meghan is wise, she waits till this storm dies down. Or doesn't do it.
I wonder if Meghan would write it herself or use a ghostwriter.
And you really have to be on your toes with his truth being let out..

When he talked about how no one saved a spot for him, or told him about the plane to Balmoral, I spent a couple of minutes being horrified for him. Truly sad. How that must have felt for him.

But then I remembered the Queen just passed away. At that time, everyone already knew about the Netflix deal, the book coming out & maybe even through the grapevine that Meghan & Harry has been taping moments for years at that point. Who could possibly trust them to be on a plane of grieving loved ones? No one could have had their personal privacy guaranteed in such an awful time.

But it seemed he had no understanding of that concept.
The problem was - and I said yelled this out loud last night when I was watching the interview - was that Harry’s people had put out a statement saying that he and Meghan would be traveling to Balmoral after announcement that the Queen was suddenly quite ill. Well, Meghan was not wanted there, and then-Prince Charles called Harry and told him not to bring her. Even Catherine did not go. Not sure what type of conversations took place then, but the rest of the family took off, because time was of the essence, and Harry was left having to find his own way up to Balmoral while he sorted out the issues with Meghan not going. Funny he didn’t mention this part in the interview, just that they left without him, when the Meghan issue was a big part of the disagreement. It makes me wonder how many other of Harry’s stories are being told in this one-way manner.
I watched 60 Minutes. I got turned off by him. Poor me, poor me. Sad he lost his mother at a young age but it also happened to his brother. Also happened to others. Somehow by ripping up the family it will make him feel better. I think some of it is paranoia.

Ironic too because Anderson lost a parent at a young age.
He also lost a brother.

They should have discussed their lesbian ancestors who had an affair! That would have been more entertaining.

and dang-if you want to explore a horrific and screwed up childhood to get past anderson's mother gloria vanderbilt is a prime example. one of the most publicized and horrific child custody cases of that century and classic parental alienation syndrome before the term existed:scared:
I watched it, too. I figured I could tolerate it where he was alone. Was curious to see how he sounded these days, especially since I did not watch the Netflix series. I was surprised how short it was, and was also surprised when the segment about Hans Zimmer came on after a commercial. But you know what? The Zimmer segment gave me a whole different and better feeling than the first part of the show, which made me sort of cringe the whole time. I thought Anderson Cooper had a confused look on his face much of the time. I’d love to know his real feelings about what Harry was saying. I don’t watch a lot of regular TV so this was all interesting.

I think the thing that’s come out at me most these last few days is how much Harry believes the British Press is responsible for creating problems in his life and how he says that his father, brother, step mother and who-knows-who-else controls the press and the “narrative” via “leaks”. I mean, he is completely obsessed with this notion! Whether it’s true and to what degree, we don’t really know. There’s probably little doubt some of it is true. Yet, here he is, doing the exact thing he‘s complaining about! He’s picked sympathetic characters to interview him, which include his friends and wedding guests. They asked him a few tough questions but then mostly let him slide, from what I can see. The Irony of it all is truly amazing! And, once again, tone deaf, really. I’m beginning to agree with William’s assessment of him. His saying a lot of these things about his family this way is really surreal to me. And he totally believes he’s in the right.

My sympathies go to William right now. I imagine he’s going to be hyper-vigilant about trying not to ”scowl”, and although he’s seemed to come to a place of acceptance with his baldness, with Harry’s bringing it up in such a way, William will now probably be thinking about it again. These are all little mind games done deliberately by Harry to get to him because he feels so “slighted” in life. :rolleyes: Passive-aggressive. I really hope William lets it go as much as he can, but, with it coming your own brother and only sibling, it’s got to hurt. Over time, things like this can cause depression, too. 😬 (My guess is it’s already an issue for William. Who wouldn’t be under these circumstances?)

Darn you, Harry. You have shown yourself now to not be a very nice person, and I am so disappointed in you. 🤬 You had the world by the hands and instead of using your platform for good, you’ve gone and shown the world beyond any doubt that you are petty, vindictive and mean-spirited to those who should mean the most to you. They’ll never be able to trust you again or really get over the hurt you’ve directed at them, yet you can’t see it. Very sad and ironic, indeed.

Last thought. Harry has already shown himself to be hypocritical with touting climate change yet flying all over the place in private jets. I think we can add to that the nitrous oxide story. Clean living, clean eating, yet illegally inhaling gas not meant for him, so much so that you didn’t leave any for your wife to use when she was supposed to have it during her moments of childbirth and then presenting the whole thing as funny? I did some research on that and we don’t see it much in the US, but in the UK and Europe it’s used more frequently. But one thing is for sure, the “partner” is not allowed to use it - it’s prescribed for just the person in labor. How entitled of him to use it for himself to that degree during that time. He shouldn’t act like he doesn’t use his privilege to his advantage as much, if not more, than anyone else in the RF.
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I did not watch the Netflix show or read his book. I hear bits and pieces on the news, here, etc. I did watch Anderson Cooper last night for a few minutes. I see he has an interview also on Good Morning America with Michael Strahan. I can't watch him for too long. Hard to comprehend what he is doing. Is it all about money? Is someone edging him on.........his wife? I can't listen to her - she seems like such a phony to me. Just my opinion, I think she wants/wanted to be Diana #2 - it was never going to happen. To me, they have no class stabbing people. Who wants to be their friends.......beware.

He is digging his hole deeper and deeper - I see him having a nervous breakdown soon. We might not know about it and drugs will start again - he has done it in the past to cope. I can't see him come back from all of this. I hope, maybe after 20 years of silence/never mention the Royal family again and apologize to his family, he can find some peace with them.
I watched some of the interview last night. From what I saw, I’ve got to give Harry credit. He was smooth. Not rattled by anything. Had an answer for everything. So sure of himself. But he came across as a bit scary, delusional, paranoid, brainwashed….I don’t know. I can’t really find the right word. Hard to explain.

I can’t see the Royals ever apologizing to him if they watched any of that.
I watched some of the interview last night. From what I saw, I’ve got to give Harry credit. He was smooth. Not rattled by anything. Had an answer for everything. So sure of himself. But he came across as a bit scary, delusional, paranoid, brainwashed….I don’t know. I can’t really find the right word. Hard to explain.

I can’t see the Royals ever apologizing to him if they watched any of that.
It’s probably what he and Meghan talk obsess about continuously (so he’s gotten good at it). I wonder what their kids are learning and how it will influence how they feel about their extended family (on both sides). 🫤
Oh no, Harry changed his mind again. With GMA Camilla isn't an evil stepmother.


I don't see Camilla as 'evil step-mother'

On his step-mother, the Queen Consort, Harry repeated his claims that Camilla had sacrificed him on her "personal PR altar", telling ABC: "She had a reputation to rehabilitate."

He said he hadn't spoken to his step-mother "for a long time".

He added: "I love every member of my family... so when I see her we're perfectly pleasant with each other.
"She's my step-mother. I don't see her as an evil step-mother, I think she's someone who married into this institution and done everything she can to improve her own reputation, her own image, for her own sake."
Oh no, Harry changed his mind again. With GMA Camilla isn't an evil stepmother.


I don't see Camilla as 'evil step-mother'

On his step-mother, the Queen Consort, Harry repeated his claims that Camilla had sacrificed him on her "personal PR altar", telling ABC: "She had a reputation to rehabilitate."

He said he hadn't spoken to his step-mother "for a long time".

He added: "I love every member of my family... so when I see her we're perfectly pleasant with each other.
"She's my step-mother. I don't see her as an evil step-mother, I think she's someone who married into this institution and done everything she can to improve her own reputation, her own image, for her own sake."
He has become a master at doublespeak.
Patti Davis (Regan's daughter) wrote an interesting piece on the virtue of silence yesterday. She, too, published an unwise tell all book in her youth and regretted it. She was telling Harry that sometimes silence is the best path, and that there is never "one truth." Everyone in any story has "their truth" and telling yours doesn't negate theirs, or make yours "more true." I wish he'd read her wisdom and Shut. Up.

Patti Davis (Regan's daughter) wrote an interesting piece on the virtue of silence yesterday. She, too, published an unwise tell all book in her youth and regretted it. She was telling Harry that sometimes silence is the best path, and that there is never "one truth." Everyone in any story has "their truth" and telling yours doesn't negate theirs, or make yours "more true." I wish he'd read her wisdom and Shut. Up.

I read Patti Davis’s comments yesterday. Very telling. Unfortunately, for Harry, the horse is out of the barn, or should I say the stallion. Regardless, I think Harry would be better served at this point by zipping it up. Count your coin from the Netflix series and the book, if it isn't all spent yet. I would invest some if you can, but try and get a better financial advisor team than you have for your mental health advisor team.
It was a coincidence but Harry & Meghan were in the UK. They were visiting charities in the UK and Germany.

I think we will never get a full and honest timeline of which royal was where and who decided what and when. But yes, the official story is that only Charles and Anne were present.
According to the Queen’s death certificate, she passed at 3:10pm. Prince William‘s group arrived at Balmoral around 5:00pm. So even if Harry had gone with William, he would not have arrived before the Queen passed away. I am sure everyone who arrived after the fact wished they could have been there to say goodbye, but things don’t always work out that way. I am sure that was a chaotic day for the entire family, and I doubt they were all focused on how they could make Harry feel bad.
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