Has Anyone Ever Seen A Celebrity In Wdw

I saw Marty Sklar at the gift shop in Coronado Springs Resort. I looked at the man and thought to myself "That looks like Marty Sklar!", then I noticed he had a Disney nametag on that said Marty. We just smiled at eachother and then he left. I still kick myself that I didn't say anything to him and thank him for everything he has contributed to the place I love so much! For anyone that doesn't know who he is, he worked with Walt Disney from the beginning and wrote many of his speeches, including the speech Walt gave at the opening of Disneyland that is now on the plaque of Main Street, USA.

I would have smothered him with a zillion questions! Probably a good thing I didn't see him :lmao:

Not an "at Disney" story, but still--
My dad sat next to X Atencio on a plane once when I was a little girl--only we didn't know just *who* he was at the time. My dad worked for Delta Airlines and was traveling to Atlanta on company business, and was seated in first class next to "a nice older gentleman who used to work for Walt Disney." They hit it off and talked the whole flight from Tampa, and my dad eventually told him how I was a huge fan of Mickey Mouse and all things Disney, and Mr. Atencio pulled out his personal Imagineering notepad, drew a Mickey, personalized it to me and signed it. It wasn't until many years later that I put two and two together and realized that he was a big-time, original Imagineer whose creations I idolized, and who really REALLY knew Walt and had worked with him. I don't even want to THINK about what that drawing is worth, but I would never sell it for anything!

So now every time I see him in an interview or one of the Imagineering manuals I think about that conversation my dad had with him and wish I had been there too. So many stories he could tell.
Back in th e90's we almost got run over by Rick Moranis goofing around on a hoverboard thingy in front of Journey. He came out of nowhere and was "flying" around and then went into the back!

Here is a list of celebs I have seen while visiting or working at the parks:
Drew Carey
Keyshawn Johnson
Kathy Lee Gifford (naughty kids!!)
Tia, Tamara and their brother
Stevie Wonder!!
Eric Estrada (nicest by far)
Deirdre Hall (rudest by far)
Kelly Ripa
Marc Consuelos
SUsan Lucci
Sal Governale (my favorite)
Todd Herzog from Survivor
Joey McIntyre (whoa)
Steven Tyler
Gregory Nicotero (special effects artist, my husband is a huge fan)
Mike Golick
Richard Karn (Home Improvement)
Evander Holyfield (danced right by him and never knew!)

There are more, but that is all I can think of right now!
A couple of years ago, when I went with a friend from Cape Cod and we were staying at the boardwalk.... We were walking on the boardwalk at night and saw Sinbad the comedian coming out of Spoodles with a group of people.... He was laughing and smiling then he turned and went up the stairs into the hotel..... We could not believe it....

My friend and I were kicking ourselves, the one time we didn't have a camera on us......

Next time we will not go anywhere without it. :cool2:
A few years ago we were staying at the BCV for a family reunion. We were enjoying a few "kitchen sinks" from Beaches and Cream and the kids were playing in the arcade. In the arcade was Eric Estrada playing video games with his daughter. He was very nice and was so happy to sign an autograph for my sister.
Back in '07 we met Keegan Gerhard from Food Network Challenge. They were doing a show on Disney cakes, he was really nice and took pictures with a few people.

A day or 2 later we saw Vincent D'Onofrio roaming around, didn't talk to him though.
...this is how bad my family is at recognizing people. Years ago (I was 12, I'm not saying when it was :cool1: ), I was in LA with my aunt, and we went to the Palamino Club to see a friend of hers play. There was a table behind us with a bunch of guys at it, and everyone kept going over to them, greeting them, getting pictures taken, etc. We had no idea who they were. So my aunt walks up to them as says, "Excuse me - are you famous? Should I know you?" After I crawled out from under the table, she told me it was The Doobie Brothers. Then she said I should ask the lady at the end of our table for an autograph, so I did, and she very nicely signed one. When I got back to my seat, I read the signature - it was Shirley Jones, from the Partridge Family. So even if I DID run into a celeb at WDW, I would probably have no idea!

PS - "Excuse me - are you famous? Should I know you?" is now a huge running joke in our family.
We saw Jeff Corwin last February taping something or other. I thought he was so "hot" on TV but he's a lot smaller in real life. Yikes, don't get me on tv...things appear larger than they really are I guess.

Hee hee!
My youngest brother has a list a mile long of celebs he saw at Disney. However, he had a big advantage. He worked for a couple years as a valet at the Grand Floridian. I was pretty jealous when he told me about all the PGA golfers he drove to their rooms. Said overall, they were probably the nicest of the famous people he met.
Ricky Schroeder...yes, he goes by Rick now but when I met him he was still Ricky. It was 1980, and my family and I were staying at the Contemporary and he was filming a made-for-TV movie that was supposed to air on Wonderful World of Disney. This was before the Disney Channel! I got my photo with him.
I saw Marty Sklar at the gift shop in Coronado Springs Resort. I looked at the man and thought to myself "That looks like Marty Sklar!", then I noticed he had a Disney nametag on that said Marty. We just smiled at eachother and then he left. I still kick myself that I didn't say anything to him and thank him for everything he has contributed to the place I love so much! For anyone that doesn't know who he is, he worked with Walt Disney from the beginning and wrote many of his speeches, including the speech Walt gave at the opening of Disneyland that is now on the plaque of Main Street, USA.

Wow, that's incredible =)

Not at Disney, persay, but at the Worlds Fair:
A family friend of ours met Walt Disney himself, at the '64 Worlds Fair. His (the family friend) dad was a higher up at Ford, and as you may or may not know, Disney did a big Ford pavilion.
We were in DHS last year in one of the gift shops and the cm asked my dd (then 13) if she like the Jonas Brothers cause they were just in the gift shop about 5 minutes ago. We didn't end up finding them and she was so upset...
we did see Peyton Manning 2 years ago.
I saw Steven Tyler getting off Test Track once and Bobcat Goldwaith and Nikki Cox getting on Test Track once and Justin Leonard (PGA Golfer) walking through Fantasy Land
Since this thread isn't really about theme park planning, I've moved it to the Theme Parks Community board. :)
Marian Jones (the runner) in the Xmas Shop at DTD and John Stamos in Epcot.
We were on the dock at MK waiting for the ferry to the Wilderness Campground to go to the Hoop Dee Doo Revue. There was only 1 other family there waiting with us. My DH kept staring at the wife/mother and wondering where he had seen her before. Well, he finally figured out that she was Shauna Sand, a Playboy playmate. (Figures he knew her!) The best part is that at the time she was married to Lorenzo Lamas and he was a fine specimen of a man. They had their children with them and we rode the ferry together. They also had a personal CM guide. They sat at the table right next to us at the HDDR. Lorenzo was very nice, talked to my DH quite a bit. I will not say what I thought of Shauna. My mother once told me, "if you dont have something nice to say, say nothing."
On our September 2006 trip, we walked past Kobe Bryant and his wife and daughters, along with a VIP guide, when we were at Magic Kingdom. They were heading towards Splash Moutain and BTMRR.
Celebrities I have seen as a guest or CM are:
*Joey Fatone (I sat next to him during the 3pm parade at MK)
*Steve Young
*Rasheed Wallace
*Jorge Posada
*Mandy Moore (took a picture for her with Handy Manny)
*Warwick Davis (met him at SWW)
*Daniel Logan (SWW)
*Jake Lloyd (SWW)
*Dave Filoni (director of the newest Star Wars movie)

Anyway, the MC for the SWW is the guy that played the head EWOK in Star Wars. I can't think of his name, but he is a fairly well known actor.

So, BIL came home and had to admit that while in a gift shop, he accidentally, literally ran into or ran over this actor. I think BIL was mortified that he had walked over him without noticing him.

On behalf of BIL, here's a peace offering...:flower3:

I believe you are talking about Warwick Davis
We haven't seen yet any famous person in the parks, sad to hear for us.:rotfl: But it's fine, we are there to have fun with the family not to watch famous person, right?

Have a nice day.:)


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