How would you buy in?

Well, you don’t have to be a DVC member to purchase an AP (you can get the Premium or whatever they call it now). Also, there aren’t anymore DVC discounts on AP’s like there used to be.
Yeah I assumed people would know I meant buying the sorcerer pass. The discount is just having the option to buy the sorcerer pass for 1000 instead of the incredipass for 1400. My mistake. I alluded to anyone being able to buy the incredipass in my later post before you commented this. Thanks!
Riviera is nice. I bought it as a graduation present for my son, and now everyone in the family loves it, so I have to buy more.
Everyone in our family of 4 (2 tween-ish girls) loves Riviera. We are skiers, so we all enjoy the gondola is its own "ride" as well. And their favorite rides are starting to trend to EP and HS.
Valid points. I was envisioning a split stay in this scenario, though it may get old having to do a split stay every trip.
We've been doing split stays since the girls were in strollers. It's a bit of a hassle with a stroller, but it's outweighed by being non-bus to every park except AK. We love the change of pace/location with a split stay because it makes the trip feel even longer.
If you do a rest day that can be the day you switch with the split stay. You can even do it on a park day if you want. Just "check out" of the first one, let them know you need your luggage moved to your next reservation, go to the park, then go to the second resort after the park day. Should have your luggage there and would be as seamless as a split stay can be.

Alternatively you can bank points from one contract to next year, and on the other contract borrow next years into this year. Then you can do a full stay at one resort. Then switch to the other resort the next year. Can do splits sometimes or full stays sometimes. Best of both worlds.

One last tip we have heard of and plan to use is to buy our direct add on contract just before our use year. They usually give you the current years points at the time of purchase which they let you bank, then in the next month or two you get the next year's points added. It's like double points the first year. Or if you do magical beginnings (where they buy the first year of points back from you) its ends up being a discount on the points price as Disney buys back the first year points but then you get a new set right after
I could go on and on about split stays - i keep thinking that one year we will do a longer stay at a single resort but we really like all of our home resorts so much that we miss them if we haven't visited in a while.
Do buy same use year (as a teacher I’d guess March, April or maybe June?)
We have 3 resorts split across 2 UYs - Feb (1 resort) and Aug (2 resorts). It's worked well for us. All our points are still in the banking window in August, so we can put together some pretty sweet, long stays.
I didn’t even consider that I could bank/borrow alternately between two home resorts instead of doing a split stay every year. Geez I’m shot lol
as above - this was another option we'd considered (especially since we have 2 UYs, we can use them "separately") but we seem to not ever do that ... because we like split stays so much. Can give you tons of split stay advice if you ever get there. When the kids were in strollers, we did it to minimize our bus use. Now that the kids are so mobile, we are fine with buses and it's opened up a lot of flexibility for us, but we still like the split stays to be closer to different pools, restaurants and parks.
I'm very much a fan of trying to commit and building up big piles of points at specific resorts but I'm also a fan of SAP.
LOL. We now have a big pile of points at VGF thanks to the summer incentives (we have a mix of resale and direct there). We'll most likely use them for trips during Christmas because VGF at Christmas time is magical and it's not *too* crazy if you're in the OG DVC building. Now my favorite trip (which I never expected when we first bought in) is Christmas at VGF followed by New Year's at Riviera.

That said, our BLT resale points are our least expensive points, so we do use them as SAP from time to time.
We are flyers l. I don’t see us driving down from NY for another 6-7 years if ever. Stocking up on SSR points is something I’ve considered though.
Greetings from NYC! Don't know if you are NYC or NYS, but one winter we rented a car and drove home over 2 days because 3/4 of us got COVID. (Do not recommend!)

I had a friend here on DIS who hasn't posted in ages - we bought resale points around the same time, when 25 direct points got you all the benefits. He bought SSR, I got BLT back when BLT was really undervalued - I may have paid $1000-2000 more, in total. We used to go back and forth with FOMO for not buying the other resort. I always wondered if I "overpaid" for SAP but then he always wondered what it would be like to book BLT at 11 months and be done with it.

It's like why did I buy the somewhat nicer "dad car" when buying another used Camry/Accord would have been the better economical way to go? Well I can't take it with me and those don't give me the same smile when I put the right foot to the floor...
We just got a Sienna AWD hybrid. I never thought I'd be fist pumping over securing *a minivan* but here we are...
I get to have my tween daughter, who’s so aloof and cool these days, break down in happy tears because she wasn’t expecting to watch the fireworks from Ohana and we can cry those happy tears together and nobody around us bats an eye because they get it. Who cares if it makes sense?

(And for posterity, the aforementioned Ohana cry-fest)
Your picture and video made *me* cry. My tweenish daughters are the same - the let down a lot of their external "coolness" (and compared to their friends, they are quite open!)when we are at Disney and we laugh a lot.
Idk why but reading everyone’s posts here has been really fun. I like hearing the different ways and reasons for why members have purchased DVC. I feel like I’ve gotten something out of this thread even if it wasn’t originally intended for someone like me- it’s made me more sure of my own purchase.
same here, and we've owned for several years now! I get the warm fuzzies because I recall all the core memories we've built, and I see them in everyone's posts here as well. I guess that's the "vibe" part...
I don’t think there’s been any official news about what the refurb will entail but I think most assume they’ll be replacing the sofa bed with a Murphy bed like they’ve done with all the recent refurbs. I’d love it if they added a 5th pull down but I doubt it.
I think the CCV living rooms are a little narrow for the 5th bed in the LR is the problem. Similar to the BLT studio which has a full size sofa bed instead of a queen and the room is too narrow to accommodate a 5th person murphy.
Greetings from NYC!
We have 3 resorts split across 2 UYs - Feb (1 resort) and Aug (2 resorts).
Lol are we the same person? This is our exact setup, down to being in NYC (although in fairness work in NYC, live on LI but will likely be moving to Brooklyn this year).

We also have 2 resorts in Aug UY, and 1 in Feb but we’re in the process of adding some resale that is really going to alienate our small Feb contract so we’ll probably sell that one in the near future and maybe buy some direct pts (I really want more RIV direct!) to make up for it 😌
I think the CCV living rooms are a little narrow for the 5th bed in the LR is the problem. Similar to the BLT studio which has a full size sofa bed instead of a queen and the room is too narrow to accommodate a 5th person murphy.
I agree, maybe they’ll find some space in the 1bdrm but the studio seems unlikely.
Lol are we the same person? This is our exact setup, down to being in NYC (although in fairness work in NYC, live on LI but will likely be moving to Brooklyn this year).

We also have 2 resorts in Aug UY, and 1 in Feb but we’re in the process of adding some resale that is really going to alienate our small Feb contract so we’ll probably sell that one in the near future and maybe buy some direct pts (I really want more RIV direct!) to make up for it 😌
Manhattan here, but so funny. Our BLT contract is our Feb one, it was our first. We wanted Riviera in Feb UY to use with BLT for split stays but we had a choice of getting a contract with August 2019 points or February 2020 points, and we booked a NYE 2019-2020 trip so, August it was.

We've had stays booked at CCV but then ended up canceling/switching elsewhere - but we always visit Artist Point and/or Whispering Canyon when we are near MK. Two of our favorite restaurants.
#TeamHybrid = Best of Both Worlds

1) You have a bucket of points that are unrestricted
2) You still save a material amount of money with the resale
3) You get access to all of the perks. If going to WDW, AUL…while living close to DL… definitely nice to have the perks.
a) Doing a day trip to DLand is such a different experience from staying at a hotel and walking to the parks….having an air conditioned place with comfortable seats and “free” drinks in the middle of the day when
crowds are at their peaks is definitely a nice perk….
b) More options of things to do at Aulani if DVC-Y
c) WDW- Things like TOTWL
d) Savings of 10% on food/merch
@Pickles516 - I don't know if you're NYS or NYC, but we originally bought in to go to WDW in late August through early September, because while half the country is back in school, we aren't yet. Yes it's hot, but points go a lot farther, the parks are uncrowded, and we often have the trifecta of Moonlight Magic, a Halloween party and Food and Wine festival all in the same week. (2/4 of us have birthdays then, too) We just make sure we have some good pool time on the super hot sunny days and use cooling towels a lot.

We only fly with carryon, so we always do at least a few loads of laundry. At $50k and 300 ish points, I'd recommend:

Looks like I'm cross-posting w @AstroBlasters - I am also Team Hybrid:

  • Decide which use year(s) will work best for you and get 150 direct at newPoly or Riviera depending on incentives + balance resale (I would not get all 300-350 in a single contract, whether you go direct, resale or both)
  • Timing: if there's a good direct deal going on, buy in the latter months of the UY you want (e.g. buy before August 2024 if you're buying Aug UY - then you'll get "2023" points plus a new influx of points soon thereafter, you'll have lots of points to use right away or take your $/pt down without feeling it much). Or, look for a good resale contract that's not stripped and potentially semi-loaded and you'll get the same effect, and wait for a good direct deal.
  • I don't think there's a magic formula of UY and resort(s) though August does work pretty well for most school breaks, except for Easter/Passover break and early summer. But if you're coming from a place where school doesn't start until after Labor Day, I can't recommend late Aug/early Sept enough for a summer "last hurrah." It's also not a super busy DVC season so we have had great luck booking BWV and BCV at 7 mo for summer stays.
  • That said - I never thought I would love Christmas season at WDW but it's pretty magical.

BLT resale as SAP is a good deal because it's great to be "stuck" at BLT even if nothing else comes through at 7mo - but don't ever plan on using those points for a studio unless it's just the 2 adults going. They are small.
BLT resale as SAP is a good deal because it's great to be "stuck" at BLT even if nothing else comes through at 7mo - but don't ever plan on using those points for a studio unless it's just the 2 adults going. They are small.
I would add that IMHO, if it IS just 2 of you going, BLT may actually be the best studio, as it has the best kitchenette setup of any DVC Studio... (if that is important to you)
Haven't read through this whole thread so don't know if this was already mentioned but when we were deciding between resale vs. direct, the tipping factor for us was financing. Specifically, by going direct, we were able to put the purchase on credit cards and a) earn credit card points and 2) get free financing - I used a Chase pay-over-time offer of 24 months financing for zero fees & zero interest. Even though we could've paid upfront, given where interest rates are, I decided that was too good of a deal to pass up (along with the summer incentives for VGF).
BLT resale as SAP is a good deal because it's great to be "stuck" at BLT even if nothing else comes through at 7mo - but don't ever plan on using those points for a studio unless it's just the 2 adults going. They are small.
Exactly! (SAP+)

I would add that IMHO, if it IS just 2 of you going, BLT may actually be the best studio, as it has the best kitchenette setup of any DVC Studio... (if that is important to you)
Good to know!!
My son got my to buy the Riviera points buy taken me on the Skyliner Ride….

My daughter and the rest of the family are going to end up getting me to buy more points there, just because of how happy it makes everyone.

The skyliner is a huge first ride every day,
The pool is very nice
The kids love the feel of the hotel,
And the food is amazing…

And somehow my daughter found a gym, 🤷‍♂️
Enjoyed reading this thread. I am also team hybrid. I bought a loaded CCV contract in 2021 (nearly 3x points, Aug UY) and then later bought VGF direct (twice! second one due to incentives this last summer). Both of these resorts were chosen due to longer contracts, relatively lower dues, and were ones we would ultimately be okay with staying at.

One thing to think about is direct points will not play well with resale points from any other resort for RIV reservations (as well as at DLH and other future restricted resorts). This may not necessarily be a problem, but we have found we enjoy 1 and 2 bedrooms and the point charts at RIV (and VGF, to be fair) are quite a bit higher than others. Unfortunately this means we can't use our CCV points for longer stays at RIV.

If you really like RIV and are typically going to book in that 8-11 mo window, you may consider going fully direct. However, if you're okay booking at 7 mo and/or like trying different resorts, I would wait and get direct points (150) at Poly and begin with BLT or CCV or maybe Poly resale once you settle on a use year (especially if Poly is going to be the same association, unofficially-officially yes).
My son got my to buy the Riviera points buy taken me on the Skyliner Ride….

My daughter and the rest of the family are going to end up getting me to buy more points there, just because of how happy it makes everyone.

The skyliner is a huge first ride every day,
The pool is very nice
The kids love the feel of the hotel,
And the food is amazing…

And somehow my daughter found a gym, 🤷‍♂️
I think a lot about Riviera too.

Now the new information about the trust has got me very hesitant to make any more moves until that's all hashed out.
I could not buy direct from home, so in 2020 I bought resale points at BLT and BCV. I am going once a year, so the annual passes are not for me. Then you have 10% on certain restaurant if you buy direct, and moonlight magic.

I think if you want to go once a year, resale is the way to go at one of the resort without the restrictions. I am using my points to stay at deluxe resort. Being able to try new ones is really fun. I have stayed at BLT, BVC, BWV , Boulder ridge and Polynesian. We are trying Aulani in our next trip.

Good luck choosing your resort and have fun !
@Pickles516 - I don't know if you're NYS or NYC, but we originally bought in to go to WDW in late August through early September, because while half the country is back in school, we aren't yet. Yes it's hot, but points go a lot farther, the parks are uncrowded, and we often have the trifecta of Moonlight Magic, a Halloween party and Food and Wine festival all in the same week. (2/4 of us have birthdays then, too) We just make sure we have some good pool time on the super hot sunny days and use cooling towels a lot.

We only fly with carryon, so we always do at least a few loads of laundry. At $50k and 300 ish points, I'd recommend:

Looks like I'm cross-posting w @AstroBlasters - I am also Team Hybrid:

  • Decide which use year(s) will work best for you and get 150 direct at newPoly or Riviera depending on incentives + balance resale (I would not get all 300-350 in a single contract, whether you go direct, resale or both)
  • Timing: if there's a good direct deal going on, buy in the latter months of the UY you want (e.g. buy before August 2024 if you're buying Aug UY - then you'll get "2023" points plus a new influx of points soon thereafter, you'll have lots of points to use right away or take your $/pt down without feeling it much). Or, look for a good resale contract that's not stripped and potentially semi-loaded and you'll get the same effect, and wait for a good direct deal.
  • I don't think there's a magic formula of UY and resort(s) though August does work pretty well for most school breaks, except for Easter/Passover break and early summer. But if you're coming from a place where school doesn't start until after Labor Day, I can't recommend late Aug/early Sept enough for a summer "last hurrah." It's also not a super busy DVC season so we have had great luck booking BWV and BCV at 7 mo for summer stays.
  • That said - I never thought I would love Christmas season at WDW but it's pretty magical.

BLT resale as SAP is a good deal because it's great to be "stuck" at BLT even if nothing else comes through at 7mo - but don't ever plan on using those points for a studio unless it's just the 2 adults going. They are small.
Thanks for this input! We’re in western Nassau, right outside of Queens. Your strategy sounds very much like what I think I’m going to do.
It's funny how the school schedule affects things. Here in the South, we get out typically around Mid-May/Memorial Day, but are back to school in early August.
And thank you for that, because crowd levels are usually around 1-2 the week before Labor Day!
And since our kids don't get out until the week before July 4, we never go in May/June and have so far avoided July 4th week.
And thank you for that, because crowd levels are usually around 1-2 the week before Labor Day!
And since our kids don't get out until the week before July 4, we never go in May/June and have so far avoided July 4th week.
So we are usually the opposite and go towards the end of May because so many Northern schools aren't out yet.

Of course, now that DD is in College, they are out around the beginning of May, which is even better!


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