Hurricane Irma?

I would be perfectly fine with adding a few days to my trip to make up for missed days, I'm just worried that this storm is historic and unlike anything WDW itself has experience... I know it's only closed a day or so for previous hurricanes but I'm worried this will be above and beyond and even adding a few days won't help..m

We really just have to wait and see. I'm still comfortable with taking this approach. A lot can change with any storm. It could be a big deal or it could be a small event. Right now, even the experts are unsure. All of us that feel like we are holding on vacations that we have planned/saved for months/years just need to make informed decisions. Our trip was really planned to be resort only and maybe MNSSHP (which I haven't bought tickets on because I just had a feeling.) Since we were suppose to check out on the 11th and fly home that evening, I'm a little more concerned about having a place to stay and when we could get home. The weather is out of my hands, so I'm taking a deep breath and looking for Plan B and Plan C.
Locals are taking this storm very seriously. There are lines at every gas station with people trying to get gas. There is no water to be found. I went to Publix and they were out. They said they were out at all locations. Target and Walmart were out as well. Still some bread left, but canned meats and fruit are low. Fortunately, I stocked up on water last week. I just had a feeling. Now, it's a wait and see. This one makes me a bit nervous. It is so powerful. I've lived through three hurricanes and multiple tropical storms, but none this powerful. Even if it makes landfall in south Florida, because it is so powerful, it may still be packing 100 mph winds when it reaches Central Floridal. I'm hoping the storm will go out to sea and just leave me with a lot of junk food!
Latest GFC.

I'm not saying nobody worry and let's all fly down to Miami to laugh at the storm. But there's plenty of doubt left as to when and if and how bad this storm will affect WDW for people Sunday/Monday.

I hear you and fully agree. I only underscored that the "worst case scenario" for those who are in binds relative to flight and hotel reservations that start or end in the coming Sunday/Monday timeframe. Understandably, they're looking for certainty, in a scenario where even days from now there probably still won't be certainty. in fact, even when it's clear a hurricane is about to make landfall, the historical track record of forecasters accurately predicting exactly when and where it will do that is extremely poor.

Which means statements being made here to the effect "the track shows the storm missing central Florida" are premature.
Yes, I can see that. Having never booked a trip to WDW I didn't know this until now, my travel agent didn't mention it, and in all the research I did it somehow didn't come up. I can see this situation is entirely my fault for not doing even more research, I feel bad enough as it is as I'm sure everyone else does. Its not like I'm a veteran traveler that would have known better. I tried to be educated.
You have nothing to feel bad about. You and me and thousands of other travelers book in September and we do know the risks. It's just bad luck and mother nature when these storms hit on the week you pick to go. Are people not supposed to go in September because there MIGHT be a hurricane? I truly hope things work out for you.
I just want to say, if it comes to it, you are allowed to feel sad or depressed about having to cancel or postpone. You can feel bad about it and still worry and hurt for the people it is hurting. Your feelings are valid.... Everyone that is going in the next week is going through the same thing and feeling the same way.
Will Disney send out an alert to customers that are arriving in the window the storm is expected to hit? I have a Free dining package for 4 and a room only with a separate ticket. Right now it sounds like Disney is allowing reschedules without penalty. If they declared a Hurricane Warning and mandatory evacuations will Disney cancel and refund people who are due to arrive 9/9-9/11?
I waited on the phone for over an hour to change our reservation by pushing it back a little to 12-19th. I was told that the only thing left was Copper Creek two bedroom villa which with loosing the dining plan etc, would come to a $6,000 difference for us... then she said all she saw for the 13-19th was All Star Sports. I didn't pull the trigger. I can't give up free dining and AKL to stay at all star sports. But now, I think I should have done that so I don't loose out on all my ADRs and Fast passes. So I guess I'm still waiting.
If it makes you feel any better I am in the same mental illness boat on top of other horrible things happening to me over the past few months since I booked the trip. I drive for work and keep having to pull over to cry. I can't even help it. I'm so sad it physically hurts. I tried to keep it together but after sitting on hold for an hour to get a CM that acted like she didn't even know a hurricane was coming and basically told me they could do nothing for me, I have lost it. I have to make a decision by tomorrow and its looking like I'll have to just cancel and not go at all. I haven't even been able to eat today I feel so sick over it.

I'm making my decision on's not looking so good. I'm sending out good vibes to you. Hopefully I can keep it together if I end up not going...
50mph winds are tropical storm force on the Safir Simpson scale.

I can't imagine that a storm which is not forecasted to go over land masses containing mountains (which break apart hurricanes) but is staying over very warm energy producing waters for the next few days , will weaken to a tropical storm once hitting land in florida.
I watched Mike Boylan's (Mikes Weather Page on FB & twitter) livestream last night & he had allot of very good info. He said that the storm will be passing over very flat water laden land in the everglades which will help it stay together as a hurricane - likely still a major. It's size will also keep feeder bands out over open water on either coast - lessening the chance of dissipation quickly.

Just read that forecasters are predicting that Central Florida will begin to feel Irma's approach this Friday evening as the storm force winds ahead of Irma's landfall reach the Orlando area. Keep an eye on info for MCO cancellations etc. should that be the case

Actually 50mph is only a gale, not a tropical storm. Hurricane force winds are 75mph+ and they don't get really damaging until 100mph. I'm not saying it won't be windy and rainy and quite possibly the parks may close Monday because of it. Or they may not - the highest winds will be in the middle of the night Sunday. By noon Monday, everything will be pushing off. And that's WORST case scenario. I'm seeing absolutely nothing that says Orlando is going to get 100+mph winds.
we are heading down there tomorrow morning and scheduled to leave the 12th in the evening. We are continuing on with our plans and hoping to have good weather at least wed-saturday. We changed our Halloween party night from Sunday to Thursday. We are just bringing supplies to be prepared but will not be cancelling our trip. We are also bringing out car seat down for our 2 year old just in case we end up needing a car (we are using the magical express). If we have to stay an extra night if our flight is cancelled then so be it. We feel we will get majority of our trip in before the storms hits (if it does). Keeping all toes and fingers crossed the impact is minimal to the Orlando area.
I think we need to make a decision tomorrow so we can adjust everything accordingly. We're coming all of the way from Oregon - so our flights are long and we have few flight options. If we need to move our flights up - we need to decide tomorrow so we can work with our co-parents (exes), the schools, our dog-sitter, etc.

I feel so selfish worrying about a vacation when other people are worrying about their homes and loved ones. :/
Actually 50mph is only a gale, not a tropical storm. Hurricane force winds are 75mph+ and they don't get really damaging until 100mph. I'm not saying it won't be windy and rainy and quite possibly the parks may close Monday because of it. Or they may not - the highest winds will be in the middle of the night Sunday. By noon Monday, everything will be pushing off. And that's WORST case scenario. I'm seeing absolutely nothing that says Orlando is going to get 100+mph winds.

You are saying things that you cannot know for sure. Those winds CAN be damaging if they stick around awhile and if there is a lot of rain. Plus how can they possibly know how much the storm would be down to at Orlando if they don't know where its going to come on land?
I'm in NE FL (near Jax) and the Walmart Neighborhood Market up the road from my house is completely out of water, bread, buns and milk. I forgot to check the strawberry poptarts...

Both Lowe's and Home Depot up the road are out of generators and tarps.

The weathermen here are telling people to make plans right now, and to either get stocked up or get ready to move out by Friday.

Once we get an idea of what Irma is doing, then I'll get things locked down here.
Clean out the garage to park both our car and DD's in it, along with the trashcans. Clean up GS's outdoor toys.

Fill the 5 gal water jugs (our tap water at home is really amazing, so I have no problems just doing that). I'll get 100 lbs of ice (can fit 40 lbs in each cooler with room for cold/frozen foods; another 15-20 in our big 5 gallon drink cooler; already have 8 lbs in there now).

We'll need to pick up a last can of formula for GS (he's being moved to milk, but if we lose power, we won't have milk) and another pack of diapers (but he would need those this weekend regardless). I just went grocery shopping, and I bought some canned soup, ramen, and chili for my lunches this month, so we can eat those. I have a freezer of food, (the hardest thing to cook in there is a package of t-bones and several pork tenderloins) so we are good there; just will pick up some more bread (or stuff to make some and just do that before we get hit) and fresh veg/fruit and prewash it all.

We have the camping gear, so I have a large camp stove that runs on the big propane tanks, a small campstove that runs on the little ones, and several backpacking stoves that run on whatever their fuel source is (which is good for making ramen or heating soups), if we lose power after.

Board up windows..DH is getting the stuff on the way home from work tonight and will put them up later. He is picking up some glow sticks and a couple more flashlights, because it seems mine all grow legs and walk away during camping trips.

DD#2 arrives back from her Japan trip on Thursday afternoon; DH is picking her up at the airport, so GS will have his momma here to help him out.

Skip the little water bottles. Go pick up those 5 gallon bottles for drink coolers. You can get a pump to use them, if you don't have a cooler. They are reusable and are usually the last to go (because people don't want to pay $10 for one).

Some years ago, I heard of a hurricane prep tip, that I thought was smart. This person had a chest freezer that he didn't use for day to day use. In the beginning of hurricane season, he filled it up with gallon jugs of water. First sign of a storm coming his way, he turned on the freezer. In case of power loss, he had cold/frozen water and he could take jugs out and put food in. Or course, not everyone has the space to have a chest freezer just laying around the house all the time. But still, I thought it was a great idea.
Actually 50mph is only a gale, not a tropical storm. Hurricane force winds are 75mph+ and they don't get really damaging until 100mph. I'm not saying it won't be windy and rainy and quite possibly the parks may close Monday because of it. Or they may not - the highest winds will be in the middle of the night Sunday. By noon Monday, everything will be pushing off. And that's WORST case scenario. I'm seeing absolutely nothing that says Orlando is going to get 100+mph winds.
Tropical storm winds are 39mph-73mph. 75 mph winds certainly ARE damaging.
Actually 50mph is only a gale, not a tropical storm. Hurricane force winds are 75mph+ and they don't get really damaging until 100mph. I'm not saying it won't be windy and rainy and quite possibly the parks may close Monday because of it. Or they may not - the highest winds will be in the middle of the night Sunday. By noon Monday, everything will be pushing off. And that's WORST case scenario. I'm seeing absolutely nothing that says Orlando is going to get 100+mph winds.
I assume you are not familiar with hurricanes and tropical storms. 50 mph IS a tropical storm as defined by the SS scale. I think you are greatly minimizing the potential if a hurricane of this magnitude hits near Orlando. It also is not all about the wind. There are usually dozens of tornadoes spawned and depending on the speed and track, potential for dangerous flooding. Additionally, if the eye is passes slightly east (or even worse, west) it could still do a lot of damage.
I have family in central Florida, probably 40 mins west of Disney inland and there is no water to be found. Everyone is taking this seriously because this can be a huge disaster if it goes up Florida.

I mean vacations are one thing, but 170 mile per hour winds around disney rides would lift them off the ground.

Be careful. I am very worried and watching the track like a hawk.

If its a direct hit, Disney wont be open for a while, or airports for that matter IMO
I think it is weird that the CM told me nothing was available for my dates, because when I look online I see many more options available???

Also the CM told me, "I know people watch the news and that is scares them, but no one thinks it is really going to be that big of a deal and that people love to go to disney during hurricanes. They just flock to Disney during hurricanes probably bc of the warm fuzzy feeling Disney gives them..." I have mixed feelings about that statement.
Gas gouging has begun. My daughter (whose car we shipped from CT and just arrived this morning) just saw regular priced at $6 a gallon.


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