I am back.....from the world


Aug 7, 2009
:thumbsup2 Hello all just thought I would pop in and say hello and answer any questions for those that have any. We loved our stay at disneyworld. Some good things some things could of been better but over all it was great! Coronardo springs was very spread out which I had read about, but when we got a room at the end of the resort I knew what everyone was talking about :scared1:. But we were close to the quite and main pools and a bus stop so that was my main concern and those areas were met so I really shouldn't complain. Saying that I think next time I would just rent points from a DVC member and stay in a deluxe? Maybe....although the free dining was great and we saved well over $2000 between the six of us on it. We had so much food it was amazing.....and I mean we had sooooooooooo much food um not good for the waste line but hey a few months of Aussie food and I should be back on track I hope anyways:confused3. We loved all the character meals they were heaps of fun:love:. I went on test track and loved it so glad I did it :woohoo:. I got to met aussietravellers and she was lovely, sorry I didn't get to spend more time together but I lost her after breakfast so sorry if you are reading aussietravellers but it was good to see you in person, I meant to ask how your neck was going as well hope it is all good :hug:. Anyway if I can help anyone in anyway just ask as you were all such a big help to me. Oh one more thing I should mention I would never go again in sept/oct the humidy was out of this world hot it was like 38 degrees at 100% humidy. I walked outside at 5am one morning and came back in 5mins later and was sweating. So those travelling in December you are SMART! We flew V Australia so happy to answer any questions there as well. I found them to be very good, seats were hard though and I had a sore bum up until yesterday from the flight back. But service was a plus plus, food great and atmosphere excellent;). Anyway better go still doing all my washing and unpacking the shopping oh the shopping you guys will love it:wizard:
Welcome back Kyl.

Thanks for your initial pros and cons....looking forward to the more detailed accounting! :teeth:

Enjoy your unpacking and laundry!
Welcome back Kyl! Glad to hear you had a great time. Love to hear about all the great goodies you have bought back!
Welcome back Kyl. Glad to hear you had a great time. Coronado Springs sounds great but I'm sure you would enjoy a deluxe also. Glad you enjoyed the dining plan, we did too.

As for the humidity, that's so weird. I was there the same time of you and didn't think there was much humidity at all :lmao:.

Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
What no humidity Ms. Shuttergirl maybe I am to use to Sydney weather but I felt every bit of it. Hope you enjoyed wilderness Lodge and POP century. Looking forward to reading the rest of your trip report. I started it and then you know the next load of washing was screaming for me to do it. Anyway I thought I would start mine off, I am not as good as you and aussietravellers doing a live one but it may be of some interest to those going soon.
Day 1.
Plane left on time from Sydney flying V australia. Left I think it was at 8.30pm? around then anyway. They served dinner within two hours of boarding and then we got breakfast a couple of hours before landing in LAX. Which was kinda strange because when we landed it was 5pm their time. Anyway staff were excellent, seats as mentioned before hard. Food great, I had the chicken it was really nice. I would fly them again. Entertainment system was a life saver and I got to catch up on some movies which was great. I hardly ever get to see the latest movies with three kids unless of course they are childrens movies so it was nice to do that. Getting through customs was about an hour and half at LAX. It was really busy at that time of the day (5pm). The wait for the next flight went quick I was worried that the four hours would go on forever but it didn't by the time we checked our luggage into the delta flight and got a pizza and coffee it was nearly time to board. But when we did my little fella had a total melt down.....I guess he thought oh no not another 14hr flight. So I would go to disneyworld again for sure. But next time a night in LA would be on the cards before flying onto orlando. Service on the delta flight was nothing like V australia. I felt like we were on a bus more than on a plane. Anyway we got there at 5am ish......Yay of to the magical express bus we went and to hear my son scream out "oh mickey bus" was very cute. It was only us and another family so it only took around 30mins and we were at Coronardo Springs. Service on arrivals was well very disappointing. There were two gentleman at the desk, one was very nice the other horrible. He was rolling his eyes at us and his work mate, then his work mate went to see if he could find us a room in the Cabana section as this is what I had requested and also not only by phone but also by fax. The horrible man said "mam this is a convention resort we are fully booked and you will have to take the room you were given". Now I know they were not fully booked, I mean there was like thousands of rooms there but anyway he was just tired being 6am in the morning and he was taking it out on his work mate and us. Anyway he calls his friend on the phone while he was trying to change our rooms and says to him get back and give them the room they were assigned! I was going to complain but then just let it go as I didn't want the bad attitude to hang of me for the holiday and decided once we arrived that being away from all the noise wasn't such a bad thing. Also as I said our rooms was next to the bus stop, quite pool and the main pool. Would I stay there again most likely not but thats not to say it wasn't nice because it was. Its just that we had a taste of animal kingdom one night and well you just can't compair the service and pools etc thats all. Anyway we get to our room and it was lovely that betsys gifts baskets that I had purchased were there waiting for everyone on there beds. So that was nice, shower and of to bed we went.
Woke up at around 2pm and decided I better get them all up!!!! No one liked it but it had to be done. MIL stayed in bed though but heh her choice. We took the kids and of to downtown disney we went. Wow so much bigger than the one at LA, saying that though there is something a little more magical about the atmosphere in downtown in anaheim. Maybe thats just my thoughts. Anyway we had dinner at Raglan Road, used our disney dining plan and one word says it all Yumo! If you go there you MUST have the bread and butter pudding it was the nicest I have ever had. We liked it so much we ended up taking MIL back there one night for dinner just to try it! Wondered around a little and then got the bus back and went to sleep ready for epcot the next day........
Hahaha, we went to Raglan Road twice and I had the Bread and Butter Pudding both times, too funny.

Shame about the CM at checkin but I guess that can happen and as you say it was very early in the morning.

We arrived at LAX at 6am and got through within maybe 20 minutes, I'm not kidding so maybe arriving early in the morning is a better option for sure when you are jumping on another flight to the other coast. Bummer that it took so long to get through.

We flew Delta internationally and domestically and other than our unfortunate day trying to get from NY to Orlando, we were very happy with them. The domestic flights don't feed you but none of the airlines in the US do and since we flew so much domestically last year we were prepared this time around. I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle for you guys.

Sounds like you loved Animal Kingdom Lodge. I look forward to reading more.
Saying that I think next time I would just rent points from a DVC member and stay in a deluxe? Maybe....
DVC means stay in a Deluxe VILLA.
I can't go back to hotel rooms after being in villas, though we usually do off-site now due to the cost, and not spending every minute at Disney since we go so often, but we can afford to go so often due to the off-site villas being so cheap. eg we arrive later TODAY, less than 11months after our last stay and paid $420AU for a 2 bedroom Marriott for 7nights. This trip is mainly Harry Potter, so more Univesal, last year was mainly Disney, only one day at Universal.
Glad to hear you had a good time, kyl! Sorry about the rough start but hopefully things got better!

We ate at Raglan Road but we aren't dessert eaters, so skipped the b&b pudding. Between you and Ms shuttergirl, it sounds like that might have been a mistake!
Kyl, thanks for the TR! I always love reading them. I wouldn't worry about comparing them to others. Its all about your perspective and everyone highlights different aspects of their trips and sees things through different eyes which is what makes it interesting. Glad to hear details about Coronado Springs, its one of the resorts we're considering if we go back. Raglan Rd has been added on to my list!
Welcome Home Kyl, we have just arrived home too.

It was lovely meeting you at breakfast. We raced off to get to killamjaro before the crowds, we were stuck sitting in a back room at Tusker House, didn't even end up seeing all the characters that morning (but we were going back so were not worried). I did actually see you all later at Nemo, we were already seated up in the seats and I am not sure where you ended up seating but if you looked up where we were I was ready to wave. I kept an eye out for you at AKL too that night and the next morning but didn't see you. Where did you end up getting a room?

Sorry check in was a bit of a nightmare. It's funny, when our friends arrived, we were often talking about this trip (they have been to WDW before also) and this is the first trip that we regularly encountered rude or "with attitude" cast members. Most were still lovely, but there were certainly more this time who were not happy cast members. We wondered if it was due to the economy and many who may have retired had had to go back to work so were not loving their jobs as before. There were not lots of rude or unhappy cast members, but just more than we have experienced in the past.

Was your room ready straight away? They may have had trouble moving you too if the baskets were already in the room, they would have to have had somebody race over and remove them then take them to your new room :confused3 not sure. But still not an excuse for the rude attitude you received!

I wasn't too bothered by the humidity either. There were a few days that it was really not. But I think that massive storm night (the night Ms.Shuttergirl arrived) where it went on and on all afternoon and into the evening, it started to drop in humidity a bit, but I live in Qld, so may be used to the humidity a little more.

Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.
Oh Hello Aussietravellers......so nice to hear from you. I have read most of your trip report but like ms shuttergirls report I am yet to finish the read! But enjoying it to no end!. Yes I think the humidity was much worse the first week we were there, like you said after that storm it wasn't as bad. But the days before that which would explain why ms shuttergirl didn't find it to bad well I found the it very humid. That is such a shame that you got sick I to got sick while away. I think the a/c in the buses did it, man they were cold. If only I had read your tip about the back....never mind. My sister in law lives in Gladstone queensland and she to doesn't worry about the humitdy, maybe I am a little to use to Sydney weather. When we went to Yosemite it was snowing.....so we went from one extreme to another. But will go into detail later. Oh and my little girl ended up in ER for the night with wait for it Constipation um maybe a little to much cheese? Anyway will tell you all about it through my trip report. Its a shame you live so far away from me I would of loved to of catched up and had lunch or something with you? If you are ever in Sydney let me know and Ms Shuttergirl you to we all live so far away........
Oh Hello Aussietravellers......so nice to hear from you. I have read most of your trip report but like ms shuttergirls report I am yet to finish the read! But enjoying it to no end!. Yes I think the humidity was much worse the first week we were there, like you said after that storm it wasn't as bad. But the days before that which would explain why ms shuttergirl didn't find it to bad well I found the it very humid. That is such a shame that you got sick I to got sick while away. I think the a/c in the buses did it, man they were cold. If only I had read your tip about the back....never mind. My sister in law lives in Gladstone queensland and she to doesn't worry about the humitdy, maybe I am a little to use to Sydney weather. When we went to Yosemite it was snowing.....so we went from one extreme to another. But will go into detail later. Oh and my little girl ended up in ER for the night with wait for it Constipation um maybe a little to much cheese? Anyway will tell you all about it through my trip report. Its a shame you live so far away from me I would of loved to of catched up and had lunch or something with you? If you are ever in Sydney let me know and Ms Shuttergirl you to we all live so far away........

There were still days that it was really just too hot. There was an epcot day, the 26th and we had to leave, we could not cope with the heat, even being Queenslanders, so it was definately more humid that week.

Oh no, how terrible that your DD ended up in the DR :eek::sick: That is not good at all. Was it the one at Celebration hospital? That's where I ended up on our last trip, it was lovely but very expensive! I hope she got better too. I am sorry that you got sick too. I know that it was not helped by the ridiculous airconditionnning on the buses and inside too. I still have a horrendous cough and it's nearly three weeks old now. I haven't got to the day in my TR yet but DS became sick at the end of the trip too :sick: Wait for that story! It was mortifying!

It's nice to be home though isn't it. I still have not made it through the pile of laundry. I hate unpacking!

It would be great to catch up some day. No plans to get to Sydney in the immediate future (Hamilton Island is our next trip in 7 weeks :cool1:).
I know that it was not helped by the ridiculous airconditionnning on the buses and inside too. I still have a horrendous cough and it's nearly three weeks old now.

I wish everyone who is sick or still sick a speedy recovery!

Yes...I'm packing WARM clothes and taking layers with me so that I avoid the massive fluctuations in temperature.
I wish everyone who is sick or still sick a speedy recovery!

Yes...I'm packing WARM clothes and taking layers with me so that I avoid the massive fluctuations in temperature.

Good idea about taking warm clothes! It's amazing how the temperature changed over the 22 nights we were there. The last few nights (and mornings) were really quite cool. So much so that for an 8 or 8.30am ADR we were at the bus stop shivering waiting for the bus! It is quite cool now in the mornings, then by about 11 to Midday gets hot (high 20's low 30's) then by late afternoon early evening (around 5.30 -6pm it turns cold again)

Then there's the buses as we have all experienced :rotfl2: You go from high 20's to 30's onto the bus which is single figures almost (although it may be 10 degrees :rotfl2: ) Crazy weather!
Yes pack for all seasons PrincessInOz, you must be getting so excited now not long for you at all! Aussietravellers we got on the 4th floor of I think it was called Arskus (the one you said anyway!) but not the Zebra trail end. You wouldn't believe it but they upgraded us to club level!!!! Which was very nice.
Day 2
O.k so today is the first day we hit the parks. Epcot was the park of today, we arrived at opening I think it was magic hours that morning yes it was. So we ran to test track, which was great I have to say I do not not like fast drops and was very scared but someone on here told me it was I think "uber fun" and it was. I think it may have been oz-keeter? Not sure or the lovely aussiegirls? Anyway thank you to who ever it was because you gave me the courage to try it and it was super fun. We walked straight onto it no lines at all! MIL minded the kids as they didn't want to go on it because of the noise it sounds worse than it actually is. Then DD7 and DH went on space misson the easy level and loved it. She came of all pumped up which nice after she wouldn't do test track. MIL was a little over wheelmed by how fast we were going from ride to ride but I had to tell her just watch it will fill up fast when the park opens to the public and then we would have to wait hours. I promised to take it slower after a few hours of morning rides.........Oh dear. Anyway we then all got to do Nemo clam ride, which was very nice again not much of a wait and over to Soarin we went. Waited in line for about 25mins for that which wasn't to bad then nearly on the ride and MIL spots a sign not for anyone with motion sickness or scared of heights etc etc. Oh no thats me she said I can't go on it. I told her no it is really peaceful and nice just relax and enjoy so she did and came of loving it. She even went on again with my hubby as I had a switch pass for him as he was looking after DS3. After that I think we wandered down toward showcase plaza when DS3 had the biggest tanty like everyone looking at us tanty while Hubby was buying some goodies. He got out of the shop and I think the look on my face said it all, my MIL said I think we all need a rest. She couldn't of been more right so back to the room we went. We all slept for a few hours and really needed it, the jetlag was pretty bad for the first few days but we got over it. That night it was our friends birthday who travelled with us. They have been to the world before but never done Akershus she said how pretty it looked last time and I said well lets book that for our first meal and we did (mths before going). The food was really very nice, you get a photo with Belle first and as we were a party of six we got two photos and then all smaller ones as well. This was only one dining point and included the photos so I thought it was a good deal. It was a self serve buffet salad and I think maybe even prawns? for the starter then you order of the main meals and then they gave us a plate of desert to share. I had the meat balls and hubby had the pork chop which he still talks about! We were worried that we wouldn't make the fireworks or if we did would get a bad spot. Well as we walked out the fireworks started and low and behold there were spots right in front of us on the lake it was just magical and a lovely way to end the first night. Oh and I had a frozen margaretia and it was very nice and strong.....Hubby had a few beers that night as well and ended up throwing up blaming it on the "heat and humidity" yeah right he hardly ever drinks so when he does he only needs a couple and then he is well happy!
We had trouble with the a/c on the monorail and the buses too and we were there in the middle of summer! We also discovered the heated backseat and loved hopping on a near empty bus cause it meant we got the warm backseat! :)

Can't wait to hear more! I'm sorry your daughter had to go to the ER but glad to hear it wasn't serious :).
Day 3
Animal kingdom was the park we did this day. The morning was a nice temp but by the afternoon we all headed back again for a sleep as the heat was pretty bad especially around the Yak and Yeti section. We had lunch reservations there but decided to give it a miss as we just wanted to go back and have a swim and lunch at Coronardo Springs.
Anyway first day we saw the lion king show and it was excellent. A must do if you are going soon make it top of the list. We ended up buying some spray water fans when we got out for the kids I however did not realise they were $17 each until I went to pay! Times that by 3.....anyway it kept them happy for a while. We saw its a bugs life which was the same almost as disneylands. Went to ride Karli river ride and just about to get on when DD11 decided no she didn't want to so we had to go....um not happy jan and DH was not either upon our return as he had been standing in the heat all that time with the others. Anyway I did get to go on it the next day. We did dino land and went on the "dumbo dinosaours" as my kids called them. Hubby did the Dionosaur ride.....I was to chicken as were the others. All in all not a big day on Day2 still trying to get our body clocks into US time so a rest back at the room was good. That night we went into Raglan Road and took my MIL just for the bread and butter pudding. We got the same waiter he was very nice and we gave him a quite a big tip above the 18% disney says we must pay with every meal as we have 6 people. But I don't mind tipping well for good service. Our son was "dog tired" still so he found us a little kinda room with a booth seat just for us on our own. It was so good because DS3 slept on the booth seat while the rest of us ate in peace! Again the bread and butter pudding did not let me down, although I could never finish it. When we went to go the waiter gave us some more sodas in "to-go" cups which I thought was really nice of him because it meant we didn't have to buy more drinks while walking around downtown disney afterwards. Loved the trendy shop for women by disney there. If you are going soon check it out, it really had some nice stuff handbags and the like. Looking back I should of bought myself something there. I kept thinking I will get myself some stuff there before we leave but never got around to it. Oh well good excuse to go back again sometime!
PrincessInOz I will tell you all about my shopping at the outlet I think it was Day 4 we ended up going. So stay tuned......was well worth the $50 taxi trip out. Anyway any questions feel free to ask only to happy to help as you were all such a help to me and shared in my excitement.
I saw so much that I wanted to buy and thought I would get later and then never went back. Next time I'm going to get what I want when I see it!


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