I love credit cards so much! v6.0 - 2023 (see first page for add'l details)


My sister has had an Amex Plat (well my BIL) for probably 10 years and has NEVER USED PERK OF IT! NEVER! Just last year w/ my dad in the hospital my sister used the TSA precheck benny on the card. It hurts me. But not my circus, not my monkeys. He's a dentist, and I know between him and his partner they earn A LOT of points on whatever card/cards they have. So she doesn't really worry about it. They do have a bonvoy card, whatever the starwoods turned into. And my sister puts most of her spend on that.

My mom will do what I tell her, LOL. She has the CSP which she got for Ireland. And the Hilton Surpass. But more often she's happy to let me spend for her, LOL.

P2 (aka the BF) comes w/ flight bennies. So he's not keen on most hacking, LOL. I did tell him w/ the move to Delta and my non-rev going to be MUCH MUCH MUCH harder, that I wanted him to agree to hack more. He has the CSP, he'll likely downgrade/close, the CFU, and the free Hilton Honors. He's done the Bonvoy 5 FNC for me. And he did the 70k + FNC when he got the Hilton card. He can literally fly on any airline, where as I've always been limited. He's not down for doing biz cards (despite having 2 legit "side businesses" he claims on his taxes). We'll see if I can rub off on him more. He's hard to convince of getting a card w/ an AF. He's more happy to let me do all the hacking, LOL.

My friends and family see all my travel. Now a lot is thanks to the BF and tagging along on trips with him. But I've had a few tell me they want me to teach them what I do, LOL. One of my former students has really gotten into it as well. And I plan on trying to teach my kidlets. So far my 18yo has gotten the DiscoverIT via the $100 bonus offer ($100 for her, $100 for me). So baby steps, LOL.
Can you have multiple CIUs? I know you can have mulitple CICs. I currently have 2. I just SM'd to close my CIP. I upgraded it last year to be able to transfer URs, but now have the CSP and CSR, so it's not needed anymore. It was a CIP turn CIC turn CIP. I somehow have 2 CICs though still, LOL. I guess I applied for 2 others.

I was going to just close my CIU and open a new one. But if Chase doesn't care, I'll open the new one, and then maybe close the old one after. I don't need 2 CIUs. TBH, I don't need 2 CICs. But since I have both, I figure why not, LOL.
No one has ever commented directly to me about our travel, but a few of my kids friends have to them. Not in bad ways necessarily, just assuming that we're super rich or something. DS just tells them that his mom is a genius and gets free flights everywhere lol!

My mom would have loved to do this back in her prime, but she doesn't travel much anymore unless she's with us and the card juggling would just stress her out at this point. She does have a Southwest card (but doesn't want to cancel and reapply to get another bonus) and a BP gas card. She loves it because she gets 15 cents per gallon off and that makes her happy, so it makes me happy! She does love hearing about all of my points deals though, so I do have her to talk to about it.

I really think sometime in the future, I'll be talking with DD2 and her now boyfriend. He loves a bargain and is very financially savvy. I definitely don't want to push because they are young and I don't want to butt into his financial situation. DH was telling them once about how we did the Chase $900 bonus and he wanted to do that, so I showed him the DOC thread talking about it and he did do that, so I think over time, his interest will grow and they will be doing a lot of discounted travel!
My son was a naysayer until just recently. He went to Germany a couple of years ago with DD who has been doing CC stuff for close to 20 years and she took them in and out of a couple of lounges at the different airports.

Fast forward to getting married and I used points for their Hawaii (Maui) honeymoon. Going over, not an issue but the return flight had a substantial layover after a short hop between the islands. We were talking while they waited and I said, 'This is why you need such and such card.' Again I got pooh poohed. Fast forward to a trip cross country this fall with baby and he's applied for an Amex Plat. Just to be able to use the lounge!! He's also extolling all the virtues of said card and how they will use them, and started asking me 'how I get business cards'. His DW is also getting the Plat.

Their almost 3K rent can be paid by CC. DW will definitely take care of those Saks credits. (Store nearby.)

So, not sure where this journey is going but at least the opportunities are there and they are paying attention. They are pay in full each month people so I have no worries of unpaid bills, etc.

Anyway it's opened up a common interest between us and that is also very nice!
If you are okay with business cards, I’d apply for one of the Chase Ink cards. If not you could do a MDD with the CSR and CSP
I think I'd rather go business. I hate having soooo many cards to keep track of even though I know it's part of the game. Even though I have an LLC w/ EIN, should I still apply w/ my SS#?
Ya at WDW we stay Swolphin but there are boats for that. Lol. (and while discounted is great, free is better and we never pay $ for Swolphin). Seriously though I'm getting old and saving my steps for in the parks and we always stay later than we (I) should and that last 200 yards kills me.
I am working on that lottery win and GC or Poly Bungalows would be my lottery splurge for sure.
Keep up with the walking! Don't use it and it's easy to lose it.
I'm older and probably older than you as I've now got 7 decades under my belt. On my trip in May when we stayed at Swan my friend and I walked back from DHS after the party we attended as they were just running buses. She's my age but did great, wearing a supportive tennis shoe. I'm still in flip flops. I did feel a twinge of envy that I wasn't in a Boardwalk standard view room as I passed the back entrance and had to keep going!
What tips do you have to meet with SUB on some of the business cards? I am considering signing up for one as a sole proprietor [one of the ink cards] but I am so nervous I wont meet the sub! Currently have CSP, venture rewards so im 2/5 for chase.
Speaking of friends and family not understanding that we're not rich, and that we're just point savvy... we do have one friend couple who recently got into the game and are doing quite well. It's been so nice to have someone local to also talk to about it (though nothing replaces the wisdom of this thread!)

Also, do y'all partners understand and follow along with you or do y'all just tell them what card to use/apply for and they just accept it like my DH? Lol
At first I got push back from DH, he was nervous about the whole thing. Especially Biz cards. Then we took out first lie-flat-seats flight to Europe some years ago and he was hooked! He still doesn't quite follow along but he loves reaping the benefits and just lets me do whatever lol
I tried to get my sister on board just a little bit, like with just getting a SWA card and she was a flat out no because she doesn't want anymore credit cards and can't understand how on earth I manage to have 15 of them. I told her every card has a different purpose depending on where I am shopping or what I am buying. It's no different than using the debit card as long as it gets paid off every month. She wants to fly her family, which is her, her husband and 3 kids to MCO for a cruise next year from Port Canaveral, which was why I suggested the SWA cards and if she did everything just right, they could fly for close to free, but I guess she'd rather pay full price. I don't get it.

My DH has no idea about our finances. I handle everything and he probably doesn't even know how to write a check! He likes to tell everyone that I get his whole paycheck and he doesn't even know how much money he makes. He is also a debit card user, as bad as I hate it. I gave him my Discover card for this quarter for the 5% cash back on gas since he spends more time on the road than I do, plus he's a smoker and buys cigarettes at the gas station so I knew he would easily spend $1500 to max out the $75 cash back. I can't tell you how many times I had to remind him to use the Discover card and not the debit card the last couple months. It just can't be that hard! Next quarter, I would like to try and give him maybe the CSP or something to start using, but I don't know yet. I hate him using the debit card and us missing out on so much cash back so he is still a work in progress. My DH definitely loves the benefits of all my hard work, even if he doesn't want to participate in helping us earn more.
I tried to get my sister on board just a little bit, like with just getting a SWA card and she was a flat out no because she doesn't want anymore credit cards and can't understand how on earth I manage to have 15 of them.
I have 2 coworkers I go to lunch with sometimes and when our checks come they both throw down their credit union debit cards and I just cringe.
You know what... don't feel bad! They're helping the rest of us play this game 😂 . Establishments that accept credit card factor in their credit card fees into their prices already. So the truth is, there's no such thing as not participating. If someone prefers the simplicity of using cash/debit, to each their own. Doesn't hurt them and I'm happy to let some of their pennies flow into reward programs lol.

The only folks I do feel bad for are those who get into rewards credit cards for the allure of points but are either not credit-savvy or have financial instability and carry a balance. Those interest rates are awful. Unfortunately, CC companies know this and that's why they approve applications even when folks have sub-par credit scores. That's why on this thread we always recommend not to get into this hobby unless you can pay your CC spend every month.
Ugh, the 160K miles expiring hurts! I don't even know them and I'm mad lol!
YES, this is what hurt the most! I tried asking them for their information on the account so I could try calling, and get them reinstated or even transferred to myself for a fee. No dice on that either. They're like "oh I don't know where the details are..." when they have the AA app on their phones... *AHHH* lol.

I am also finance dept. in our house, however my DH is totally on board of getting whatever cards, whenever. He tells others about my point hacking and success with it, he really sings my praises. But like others, he doesn't even know what we file on our taxes, how much is in the bank, etc. He's pretty trusting and clueless when it comes to our finances, but I also think he likes not knowing. I like to tease him that I could be siphoning money out to another secret account for years now and he'd never know, lol.
I have one friend who I coached through getting a SW CP a few years ago. She did manage it successfully but was kind of freaked out by having to open two cards in a short period of time. I think she still uses one of the cards for all expenses in order to organically reach SW CP, but I haven't probed further. I think there are just people who desire simplicity. I take care of the financial stuff in our household too, and DH has many times expressed that he wishes everything be in one account and doesn't know what he'd do if I were for some reason incapacitated or gone, he says he doesn't even know how to pay our water bill. (That attitude would explain why I'm in charge of the finances!) That's why I won't sign up for paperless billing because at least statements are a physical reminder that something is due and he could send a check if nothing else. At least he knows to ask what cc to put purchases on before he goes to the store. I empathize to some extent, even in this hobby there are things I'm not comfortable doing e.g. buying groups.

MIL has been staying at a Marriott for the past five months, and I'm sure she's not getting any points for it, which makes my points self sad, but I keep my mouth shut. She has bigger issues to deal with. She's a hoarder whose house had plumbing damage and some of her belongings were packed up and put into storage while the water supply has been turned off at the house. She refuses to deal with any of it, won't let her sons deal with any of it, won't even discuss what to do going forward, and is hiding out at the Marriott pretending that it will all go away on its own. Five months. The storage fees alone are $1800/mo according to one son. I have no idea if she's paying her bills or not. We live 1000+ miles away and she's gotten to the point where she just says "I don't want to talk about it," to DH (the favorite son) and seems to be avoiding his calls now. She obviously needs help, but she herself won't accept any. SIL drove 30 min to knock on her hotel door to check on her and MIL wouldn't even open the door for her.
What tips do you have to meet with SUB on some of the business cards? I am considering signing up for one as a sole proprietor [one of the ink cards] but I am so nervous I wont meet the sub! Currently have CSP, venture rewards so im 2/5 for chase.
I ) just applied for another INK Card. Our spend is down now that most of our home remodel is done and both kids are done with college. But after reading DOC - I opened up a US Bank Biz Checking Account for DH (he had not had one in the past 24 months) and was able to fund the account with up to $3000 on a credit card. ( I made him an AU on the INK Card so he would have a card in his name also - to be able to do the Bank Bonus). Now I just have to transfer another $2000 to the account and keep $5000 for 60 days and get the $350 Bank Bonus. (Or $800 if want to transfer $25,000).

So, that knocked off half of the spend on that card. Going on a cruise in less than 2 weeks, so plan to cash out some funds in the casino too. Easy SUB on this one!!
My kid's friends are always giving them a hard time that they get to go on so many vacations ( in a kidding way). They just tell them that I am a scammer and get free flights and hotels and other travel. I tell them that it is "legal scamming". LOL.

DH has no idea on anything either. He only knows when a new card comes in the mail with his name on it. But, I just take the card anyway as I am the one doing the spending.

Both DS24 and DD22 have dabbled in the cards but they don't have much spend right now. I had helped them in the past when I needed them to open cards to help with a trip (We all opened United Biz Cards to use for our flights to Europe).
My dh also has no clue what cards we have, and doesn't care. Unless he has to call. Which is why this CIP app that is in limbo, with application status still unavailable is problematic. I do the bills and all of it. Our friend is our retirement person so he does ask him about that stuff sometimes. Once in awhile, He will get kinda grouchy and make a comment about not knowing how much money we have, or spend etc. Yet he never actually asks to sit down and look at it.
Speaking of friends and family not understanding that we're not rich, and that we're just point savvy... we do have one friend couple who recently got into the game and are doing quite well. It's been so nice to have someone local to also talk to about it (though nothing replaces the wisdom of this thread!)

Also, do y'all partners understand and follow along with you or do y'all just tell them what card to use/apply for and they just accept it like my DH? Lol
At first I got push back from DH, he was nervous about the whole thing. Especially Biz cards. Then we took out first lie-flat-seats flight to Europe some years ago and he was hooked! He still doesn't quite follow along but he loves reaping the benefits and just lets me do whatever lol
We do not have any friends or family who are into CC's/points. I am happy that I have found a wonderful place here with so many friendly and knowledgable people.

DH has never been interested in getting new CC's. He has always been afraid of how it would affect credit scores and running up a large balance. To be fair we did have large balances on CC's early on but we worked to pay them off and have not had a problem since. He is fine with me getting whatever CC I want but he is a reluctant P2 when I open a card in his name. It has only been about 2 1/2 years since I started this journey and I wish I had done it sooner. We used points for our flights home from our Alaskan cruise this year and will use SW CP's and points for flights to Hawaii next summer. Hopefully we will have a trip in the future where we can fly Business or First Class using points and DH will finally get it.
He is also a debit card user, as bad as I hate it. I gave him my Discover card for this quarter for the 5% cash back on gas since he spends more time on the road than I do, plus he's a smoker and buys cigarettes at the gas station so I knew he would easily spend $1500 to max out the $75 cash back. I can't tell you how many times I had to remind him to use the Discover card and not the debit card the last couple months. It just can't be that hard! Next quarter, I would like to try and give him maybe the CSP or something to start using, but I don't know yet. I hate him using the debit card and us missing out on so much cash back so he is still a work in progress. My DH definitely loves the benefits of all my hard work, even if he doesn't want to participate in helping us earn more.
My DH sounds a lot like yours. He can never remember which CC to use where. I had to resort to putting sticky notes on the cards so hopefully he would use the correct one. Lately he will ask me before he makes a purchase what card he should use. Maybe one day he will get it.
What tips do you have to meet with SUB on some of the business cards? I am considering signing up for one as a sole proprietor [one of the ink cards] but I am so nervous I wont meet the sub! Currently have CSP, venture rewards so im 2/5 for chase.
I just use it to pay my normal bills. It can help if you apply for one when you know you have a large bill coming (home repairs, insurance, etc.)


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