I love credit cards so much! v6.0 - 2023 (see first page for add'l details)

Lately he will ask me before he makes a purchase what card he should use. Maybe one day he will get it.
Same with my DH, he just asks every time. I used to think it was a pain for him to have to ask each time so I started looking into stickers, but he didn't want that saying that "that's what I have you for." So then I relaxed knowing that he doesn't mind having to ask. I don't mind responding lol. Plus, I do most of the shopping anyway.
Sleep wise I'm doing well though yesterday was rough. Will probably still go to bed early again tonight. Alarm has woken me both days which I'm not a fan of. I normally wake up a few before the alarm and it's a much better way to start the day.

What I'm struggling with is getting my appetite back on this time zone which I didn't expect. I did at least want my mid morning snack but at almost lunch time I'm not getting hungry. Was starving my dinner last night even with an afternoon snack.
Same with my DH, he just asks every time. I used to think it was a pain for him to have to ask each time so I started looking into stickers, but he didn't want that saying that "that's what I have you for." So then I relaxed knowing that he doesn't mind having to ask. I don't mind responding lol. Plus, I do most of the shopping anyway.
DH and I are in this game together. He deals with the bills and online accounts, I usually read here and elsewhere and come up with ideas for new cards but we decide on them together, and I do pretty much ALL of the travel planning. I think we play more slowly than a lot of people, but when he counted up the cards we now have the number is really high, so maybe not. :rotfl:

As for helping others, I have a friend from South Africa who likes to go back and visit family but she has to save up for a few years for those flights. Meanwhile, I found out she had 100+ BA Avios that she said "weren't worth anything" and were about to expire. I pushed really hard for her to book her next flight with them and she actually did, so that made me happy. Those were "butt in seat" Avios, too, so it took a long time to get them.

I have friends who own a biz (a real biz that generates quite a lot of points) and they just put it all on a vanilla Plat. We met up last month and they said they were leaving for Europe in a few days, flying BA in F. I asked how they found F seats (it's very rare that they are released from SFO to LHR) and they said they just used their MRs and the seats were pretty cheap so they got a good deal. So I asked if they moved the MRs to Avios or just used them to purchase the seats. They just booked through Amex at a whopping 400k points per person for one flight. :headache: He asked how we generate enough points to do these flights more often. DH showed him a random flight on the app - it was showing at 90k Avios for J. He had one of those OMG moments and said he just wasted 1.2M MR for a similar flight. I said well at least you'll get the 35% back since you used a Biz Plat. He said nope, just a personal one. So he started asking a million questions. He's planning on opening up some cards in the future. :rotfl:

Other people just think this must be illegal or we are spending far more than we are earning. I try not to talk about it with those people.
Sleep wise I'm doing well though yesterday was rough. Will probably still go to bed early again tonight. Alarm has woken me both days which I'm not a fan of. I normally wake up a few before the alarm and it's a much better way to start the day.

What I'm struggling with is getting my appetite back on this time zone which I didn't expect. I did at least want my mid morning snack but at almost lunch time I'm not getting hungry. Was starving my dinner last night even with an afternoon snack.
I rarely if ever get real jet lag. I try to adjust to the destination time while I'm on the plane. But my stomach knows that the time is all off and no amount of mental adjustment can help it. It's just one of those weird things. I hope your body adjusts soon.
Dh and I have been thinking about travel for 2025 and we are so overwhelmed. There are so many choices. We’re pretty set on Costa Rica for a week in the spring. We want to do somewhere in Europe in the summer for 2 weeks. I really want to do England but the taxes and fees to fly there are crazy. He mentioned flying into Belgium as an option and it’s only a 2 hour train ride to London but we would have to go to Brussels for both flights. I’m wondering if it’ll be too much.

We’re also considering Switzerland, Norway, or Denmark. There are too many choices and we can’t decide lol
Same with my DH, he just asks every time. I used to think it was a pain for him to have to ask each time so I started looking into stickers, but he didn't want that saying that "that's what I have you for." So then I relaxed knowing that he doesn't mind having to ask. I don't mind responding lol. Plus, I do most of the shopping anyway.
Mine's pretty good about asking. I do have a very small sticky note on his AmEx BCP for groceries, which he rarely buys. He was supposed to go to the oral surgeon yesterday which would have covered the $3000 MSR on my new Bonvoy, but came down with a cold, so hopefully next week!
Dh and I have been thinking about travel for 2025 and we are so overwhelmed. There are so many choices. We’re pretty set on Costa Rica for a week in the spring. We want to do somewhere in Europe in the summer for 2 weeks. I really want to do England but the taxes and fees to fly there are crazy. He mentioned flying into Belgium as an option and it’s only a 2 hour train ride to London but we would have to go to Brussels for both flights. I’m wondering if it’ll be too much.

We’re also considering Switzerland, Norway, or Denmark. There are too many choices and we can’t decide lol
I feel you on the "too many choices", lol. For 2025, we don't have our plans ironed out yet, but we're talking about it. Our two big trips that we can't decide on are either Germany/Austria/Switzerland, or a long Italy trip (Rome, Florence, Venice, etc). Any input from those who have been to either, or better yet, both? Our trip would likely be around 10 days. Which did you love/hate, would go back, etc? As a reminder we are young 40s, no kids, love the outdoors/hiking, DH loves history (I don't, lol), and we love to eat good food. We've never been to Europe yet, so that may factor in as well. I'd love anyone's thoughts!
I feel you on the "too many choices", lol. For 2025, we don't have our plans ironed out yet, but we're talking about it. Our two big trips that we can't decide on are either Germany/Austria/Switzerland, or a long Italy trip (Rome, Florence, Venice, etc). Any input from those who have been to either, or better yet, both? Our trip would likely be around 10 days. Which did you love/hate, would go back, etc? As a reminder we are young 40s, no kids, love the outdoors/hiking, DH loves history (I don't, lol), and we love to eat good food. We've never been to Europe yet, so that may factor in as well. I'd love anyone's thoughts!
If you love the outdoors and hiking I would definitely recommend the Fussen area of Germany. It’s right next to Austria also. We really loved it there. Switzerland is appealing to us because we can get a direct flight from Florida but also because we know it’ll be similar to Fussen
If you love the outdoors and hiking I would definitely recommend the Fussen area of Germany. It’s right next to Austria also. We really loved it there. Switzerland is appealing to us because we can get a direct flight from Florida but also because we know it’ll be similar to Fussen
Yeah, I am super interested in Munich, Fussen, Salzburg, Hallstatt, and Zurich. I've always loved Germany (it's my ancestry on both sides, so maybe that is why). But DH is more interested in Italy. I just don't know which way to sway, and where we'd be happier! lol. Flights are around the same pts wise for us, so that doesn't factor in.
Maybe I need to look at it this way... which places between Germany/Austria/Zurich, and Italy (Rome, Florence, Venice) are easier to stay in with IHG, Hilton, and Hyatt points?
My dh also has no clue what cards we have, and doesn't care. Unless he has to call. Which is why this CIP app that is in limbo, with application status still unavailable is problematic. I do the bills and all of it. Our friend is our retirement person so he does ask him about that stuff sometimes. Once in awhile, He will get kinda grouchy and make a comment about not knowing how much money we have, or spend etc. Yet he never actually asks to sit down and look at it.
DH is the same.
Sleep wise I'm doing well though yesterday was rough. Will probably still go to bed early again tonight. Alarm has woken me both days which I'm not a fan of. I normally wake up a few before the alarm and it's a much better way to start the day.

What I'm struggling with is getting my appetite back on this time zone which I didn't expect. I did at least want my mid morning snack but at almost lunch time I'm not getting hungry. Was starving my dinner last night even with an afternoon snack.
My stomach always takes the longest to adjust to time zones! Including my morning bathroom ritual 😂 sorry TMI
You know what... don't feel bad! They're helping the rest of us play this game 😂 . Establishments that accept credit card factor in their credit card fees into their prices already. So the truth is, there's no such thing as not participating. If someone prefers the simplicity of using cash/debit, to each their own. Doesn't hurt them and I'm happy to let some of their pennies flow into reward programs lol.

The only folks I do feel bad for are those who get into rewards credit cards for the allure of points but are either not credit-savvy or have financial instability and carry a balance. Those interest rates are awful. Unfortunately, CC companies know this and that's why they approve applications even when folks have sub-par credit scores. That's why on this thread we always recommend not to get into this hobby unless you can pay your CC spend every month.
You're correct! The rates will kill you if you aren't in a position to pay them off each month. It gets out of hand real quick. And I won't lie . . . once upon a time when I was 18, I was a single mother living on my own, going to college and working full time at Wal-Mart for $6/hour, I got into some credit card debt just trying to survive. Then at 20 my son's father and I got married, still both young and dumb and living above our means. By the time we said enough was enough, we were $70k deep in credit card debt. Now that was the hardest thing we ever had to do was dig us out of that hole, but eventually we did it. Made lots of sacrifices, but I am so glad we did it and we did not have to file bankruptcy. And now we both live comfortably and absolutely pay our credit cards off in full each month. That's a road I will never go down again!! I wish we had been taught better when we were younger about debt, but I am glad I was able to teach my kids financial responsibility so they don't go down the same road as we did.
My DH sounds a lot like yours. He can never remember which CC to use where. I had to resort to putting sticky notes on the cards so hopefully he would use the correct one. Lately he will ask me before he makes a purchase what card he should use. Maybe one day he will get it.
That's smart. I barely get mine to even put a CC in his wallet. When I gave him the Discover card for this quarter, I had to explain it like if he used it for the whole 3 months, he'd have enough cash back for a free pack of cigarettes lol
Dh and I have been thinking about travel for 2025 and we are so overwhelmed. There are so many choices. We’re pretty set on Costa Rica for a week in the spring. We want to do somewhere in Europe in the summer for 2 weeks. I really want to do England but the taxes and fees to fly there are crazy. He mentioned flying into Belgium as an option and it’s only a 2 hour train ride to London but we would have to go to Brussels for both flights. I’m wondering if it’ll be too much.

We’re also considering Switzerland, Norway, or Denmark. There are too many choices and we can’t decide lol
LOL. I'm still working on 2024. You're way ahead of the game!
I feel you on the "too many choices", lol. For 2025, we don't have our plans ironed out yet, but we're talking about it. Our two big trips that we can't decide on are either Germany/Austria/Switzerland, or a long Italy trip (Rome, Florence, Venice, etc). Any input from those who have been to either, or better yet, both? Our trip would likely be around 10 days. Which did you love/hate, would go back, etc? As a reminder we are young 40s, no kids, love the outdoors/hiking, DH loves history (I don't, lol), and we love to eat good food. We've never been to Europe yet, so that may factor in as well. I'd love anyone's thoughts!
I've been to Switzerland and it is beautiful there. I'd like to go back. I've been to Italy 4 times (including this summer's trip) and I'd go back there in a heartbeat. It's gorgeous, the food is amazing, and you can get a big variety of scenery from the far north (looks like Switzerland) to the Amalfi Coast.
My credit report is getting quite a workout today. I'm buying a new to me vehicle, already have a pretty good rate from NavyFed, but gave permission for the dealer to try to beat it. So far at least 5 on Transunion and one on Experian. I don't have eyes on Equifax right now but probably a couple there too.
Wow, 🫣.
LOL. I'm still working on 2024. You're way ahead of the game!

I've been to Switzerland and it is beautiful there. I'd like to go back. I've been to Italy 4 times (including this summer's trip) and I'd go back there in a heartbeat. It's gorgeous, the food is amazing, and you can get a big variety of scenery from the far north (looks like Switzerland) to the Amalfi Coast.
We don’t have much going on next year besides Japan so I’m ready to start planning for 2025 lol.
My DH knows enough to say my wife is brilliant and he knows the really big ticket items are free (like biz flights to London). Otherwise I'm the finance department in our house. I not only pay the bills, and do the investing, but I apply for cards in his name. He'd be lucky to find the password to get into his accounts, he never checks anything. At the beginning, I asked him, now I just apply. I think I know his SS# better than he does.
100% my life! once in awhile he has to get on the phone and just says can you talk to my wife!
You're correct! The rates will kill you if you aren't in a position to pay them off each month. It gets out of hand real quick. And I won't lie . . . once upon a time when I was 18, I was a single mother living on my own, going to college and working full time at Wal-Mart for $6/hour, I got into some credit card debt just trying to survive. Then at 20 my son's father and I got married, still both young and dumb and living above our means. By the time we said enough was enough, we were $70k deep in credit card debt. Now that was the hardest thing we ever had to do was dig us out of that hole, but eventually we did it. Made lots of sacrifices, but I am so glad we did it and we did not have to file bankruptcy. And now we both live comfortably and absolutely pay our credit cards off in full each month. That's a road I will never go down again!! I wish we had been taught better when we were younger about debt, but I am glad I was able to teach my kids financial responsibility so they don't go down the same road as we did.
That's a huge accomplishment! To pay off that much required real discipline and likely a lot of sacrifice.


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