I won't give in till I reach the end... and then I'll start again (comments welcome)

Congrats on an awesome race!!

I'm sorry about your mum. My family went through something similar a while ago and the waiting in results is hard. I hope everything goes well ❤️
40 for Dopey

10 weeks to go...

This week saw a real increase in volume. From now on, my long runs will steadily increase to cap at 19 miles in mid-December. I had my first "simulation weekend" even though McMillan doesn't really do that in their plans. Overall I felt great.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 5:34
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 1:50
  • No running
  • Strength: 18 minutes, including walking lunges, standing shoulder presses, sumo squats and a 3-min TVA hold exercise
  • Planned: 40-50 minute Easy Run @ 7:28-7:53 min/km
    • Completed: 5.73 km ~ 45:00 (7:51 min/km)
    • Avg HR 140 bpm
    • I went after my kids left for school. Felt like such a luxury to do a weekday run in daylight.
  • Strength: 40-min recovery yoga
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 5.01 km ~ 39:42 (7:55 min/km)
    • Avg HR 137 bpm
    • Did this with my running group in the evening. I'm impressed my HR was so slow considering they do 10:1 intervals instead of my 90s:30s. I went real slow, stayed with the back of the pack.
  • Strength: 25 minutes including back rows, plank walk-ups and side planks
  • Planned: 10-20 minute Warm-Up + Hill Repeats: 6-8 times a moderately sloped hill (6-8% grade) at 5k effort or harder lasting 60 to 75 seconds with the jog back down the hill as recovery + 10-20 minute Cool-down
    • Completed: 7.64 km ~ 57:59 (7:35 min/km)
    • I got up at 4:30 to do this before work. So this was going to be my 3rd workout in 12 hours, considering the previous night's recovery run, my strength training and now this.
    • It went surprisingly well, especially since I was expecting to feel tired. I was able to finish all 8 reps and not die.
  • Strength: 30 minutes, including single-leg deadlifts that I did holding onto the wall, hamstring curls and standing shoulder presses
  • Planned: 60-70 minute Long Run
    • Completed: 8.13 km ~ 1:04:59 (7:59 min/km)
    • Avg HR 145 bpm
    • Another Saturday, another struggle wagon day.
    • Weather was rainy but not too cold
    • My inside left ankle started hurting. This usually happens when I walk or run too much without proper support (my left foot arch is very weak). I think it's time to retire that particular pair of shoes
  • Planned: 10-12 mile (16-19 km) Long Run
    • Completed: 10.08 mi/16.23 km ~ 2:07:00 (7:49 min/km)
    • Avg HR 149 bpm
    • McMillan plans are based on an average training pace of 10:00 min/mi which is much faster than the pace Billy recommended for me. So when I have distance-based runs, I'll always stick to the lower end of the distance.
    • It was raining again, but in the low 40s, so cold and wet conditions. Good thing I was in a good mood or this run would have been miserable.
    • Did the first 2 miles on my own, then caught up with the run group for the next 4 miles, and finished the last 4 miles alone again.
Next week I have my first catered training run that might end up being not catered at all. My Sunday long run is 12-14 miles, so I figured out I might as well sign up for a race, get some easy-access fuel and enjoy other runners' company. It's also one of the final race weekends in Quebec before everything shuts down for winter. So yeah, let's dress up for Halloween and have fun!

When I check last year's results, the race only had 60 participants and the last person finished in 2:16. I'm aiming to finish in ~2:45 since I want to run it at a slow training pace. Don't care at all if I DFL, but it would defeat the purpose if I end up running this completely alone. And the only fuel seems to be water... Why am I doing this again? 😂

Have a great week everyone!
40 for Dopey

9 weeks to go!

This week has been all about steady state pace. I had a catered training run today that turned into about a M Tempo race.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 5:47
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 2:24
  • No running
  • Strength: 34 minutes, including walking lunges, standing shoulder presses, sumo squats, and some posterior and medial deltoid raises
    • My daughter's cheer gym now has a weight room for parents who want to work out during cheer practice. Nice, I no longer need to spend 3 hours doing nothing in the waiting room!
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run @ 7:28-7:53 min/km
    • Completed: 5.03 km ~ 40:00 (7:56 min/km)
    • Avg HR 138 bpm
    • Nothing of note except that it was in the low 40s when I started.
  • Strength: 55-min recovery yoga
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 3.65 km ~ 30:02 (8:14 min/km)
    • Avg HR 148 bpm
    • My watch never detected the GPS and I didn't realize until after my run. My watch kept beeping that I was "too slow" but I could tell my HR was high. It was just going on the accelerometer. I should have listened to my RPE more. And I think my actual mileage was more than 3.65km, probably closer to 4km.
    • Weather was in the mid to high 60s that evening. Big change from the day before.
  • Strength: 23 minutes including goblet squats, back rows, plank walk-ups and side planks
  • Planned: 6 to 8 miles Steady State Run: Run 4-6 miles at Steady State Pace (6:58-7:17 min/km)
    • Completed: 11.28 km ~ 1:21:11 (7:11 min/km)
    • Weather was delightful, in the 60s again. This is end of October...
    • The Steady State pace was really easy to hold, as it's historically been my Easy pace. My watch told me I was mostly in zone 4 for the run, which is what this type of workout is supposed to be I think. Billy was right in telling me to slow down for my real Easy runs.
  • Strength: 30 minutes, including single-leg deadlifts that I did holding onto the wall, hamstring curls and standing shoulder presses
  • I took an hour walk in the evening after the kids were asleep since the weather was still in the high 60s, which is unheard of for my part of the continent in end of October. Gave me the Garmin Halloween badge at the same time.
  • Planned: 40 minutes Easy Run with the last 10 minutes at a faster pace
    • Completed: 5.42 km ~ 40:02 (7:23 min/km)
    • Avg HR 156 bpm
    • Another Saturday, another struggle wagon day.
    • Still unseasonably warm (68F/20C). I don't know if that's the reason, but I could not keep my HR low in the first 30 minutes, even if I was going at my really slow Easy pace.
    • I listened to the 321Go podcast episode about Dean Karnazes. Wow, is that guy interesting to listen to! And super inclusive too, for an ultra-ultra-runner, he seems really down to earth.
  • Planned: 12-14 mile (19-22 km) Long Run
    • Completed: 13.32 mi/21.44 km ~ 2:36:21 (7:17 min/km)
    • Avg HR 167 bpm <-- oopsy daisy
Ok so my informal race report...

(Fa Ping/Mulan looking satisfied in the snow)

This was my first go at finding a race to use as a catered training run. As I wrote last week, i was planning on using this race to run my 12-13 miles in a fun ambiance with some on-course fuel.

Remember when I said it was unseasonably warm yesterday? When we woke up this morning, it was 36F/3C outside. Quite a contrast from just the day before. This was a Halloween-themed race, so I switched up my costume at the last minute. I decided to go as Fa Ping, which is a long-sleeved costume I've had for two years that I've never worn since Orlando weather always ends up too warm. Not the most obvious costume for non-Disney fans, still it was the best decision for today. I'm glad I didn't go with a tank.

I brought a throwaway coat at the last minute, thinking I was going to be fine waiting for the race but just in case. I Uber'd to the starting line. When I got there, I realized that the whole pre-race area was outside. No indoor bathrooms, no tent, nothing. Boy was I glad I had that coat. I stood there shivering for over an hour, anxiously waiting for the start. It wasn't Disney on Ice, but almost.

It was a small race, with ~250 participants in total starting at the same time for the three race distances: 5k, 10k and Half. The first 10k was pretty fun, in the sense that we had other runners with us and I could cheer the leaders coming back (it was an out and back course for the first 10k and another out and back for the second part). Actually, I spent the whole race cheering everyone who was passing me in the other direction. I was there to have fun first and foremost.

I did not stick to my training plan though. I was really anxious to be the "last" runner on course and while I didn't give a darn about my actual time, it didn't feel that great to think I was the reason that all the volunteers had to stay in position. So I ended up going faster than I should have. I decided to stick with a pace that was steady and comfortable, taking some occasional walk breaks, knowing I was far from my zone 2 HR, also knowing I wasn't going to make the volunteers stay for too long. I was happily surprised that they indeed stayed, encouraging the back of the pack until the very end.

On the second out and back, I realized I was not the last runner and there were at least 2 or 3 women behind me. Felt nice to know I wasn't completely alone. Took some pressure off of keeping pace and I let myself take some more walk breaks. And yup, it started snowing after mile 8. ❄️

I finished strong, not feeling exhausted at all (tired yes). One of the women behind me sprinted to finish just 1 second ahead of me and tripped over the finish line mat :oops: I finished 36/39 for Women and 13/14 in my AG. 💪

I had a blast, in the sense that I did not suffer at all through the Half. I went faster than I should have for a training run, but I didn't treat it as a race either. Next time I try a catered training run, I'll take a race/distance which has more than 80 participants...

(me with my finish line trucker hat in lieu of a medal)

Have a great week everyone!
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I’m in Canada adjacent (MN), and we got 2 inches of snow overnight! I’m use to getting light dustings this early in the season that are typically gone by the time it hits 9am, but this may stick around for a few days. It’s supposed to be nearly 60 over the weekend so it will be gone at that point, but goodness I was not expecting it.

Hope your am run was not too chilly for you!
40 for Dopey

8 weeks to go!

Proud of myself that I got all my runs in. I struggled to keep my heart low, even if temps weren't hot and I felt fine.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 5:20
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 1:54
  • No running
  • Strength: 34 minutes, including walking lunges, standing shoulder presses, sumo squats, and some extra arm/shoulder lifts
  • Planned: 50-60 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 7.66 km ~ 1:00:36 (7:54 min/km)
    • Avg HR 141 bpm
    • This was that cold 5am morning with snow
  • Strength: 35-min recovery yoga
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 3.54 km ~ 29:00 (8:11 min/km)
    • Avg HR 115 bpm
    • Did the first 20 minutes or so with DS with 30:30 intervals
  • Strength: 13 minutes including goblet squats, back rows and 3x45s planks
  • Planned: 10-20 minute Warm-Up + Hill Repeats: 10-12 times a moderately sloped hill (6-8% grade) at 5k effort or harder lasting 60 to 75 seconds with the jog back down the hill as recovery + 10-20 minute Cool-down
    • Completed: 8.38 km ~ 1:02:01 (7:23 min/km)
    • I had to work until late so I again got up at 4:30 for this. I was not happy especially considering it was still really cold out. But I got the reps done.
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Runreplaced by 8 mile (13 km) Long Run
    • Completed: 10.26 km ~ 1:20:00 (7:47 min/km)
    • Avg HR 150 bpm
    • I was getting my COVID booster shot Friday night. I didn't think I'd be in any shape for this workout on Saturday (and spoiler alert, I was right)
    • I capped out at 80 minutes. McMillan plans use 6:15min/km as a standard training pace which is almost 2 minutes faster than my usual slow pace. Don't think the plan intended for me to run more than my Sunday long run.
    • Weather was gorgeous
    • I increased my walking breaks for this one but still could not get my HR to stay in zone 2
  • Strength: 30 minutes, including straight leg lifts, banded lateral walks and dead bugs
  • Planned: Nothing
    • Completed: Nothing
    • I felt really crummy after my vaccines. I'm glad I decided to take it easy.
  • Planned: 90 minute Thirds Progression Run
    • Completed: 12.02 km ~ 1:30:00 (7:29 min/km)
    • Avg HR 156 bpm
    • I'm still not back to normal after my shots, combined with the fact that I flew to Europe and slept poorly on the plane. I didn't feel 100% during my run either. But I got it done.
I'm in Europe for the week to visit some clients. First Rotterdam, then Stockholm.

Then... I get to spend Sunday in Paris. My plan has me doing a 14-16 mile Long Run, which should take me about 3 hours. What should I do for the rest of the day? Is it insane to think of hitting DLP for the afternoon after I've done my LR? I've never been and I don't think DH would ever want to plan a family trip to Europe around Disneyland. @The Expert what do you think, with all of your international park knowledge?

Have a great week everyone!
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40 for Dopey

8 weeks to go!

Proud of myself that I got all my runs in. I struggled to keep my heart low, even if temps weren't hot and I felt fine.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 5:20
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 1:54
  • No running
  • Strength: 34 minutes, including walking lunges, standing shoulder presses, sumo squats, and some extra arm/shoulder lifts
  • Planned: 50-60 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 7.66 km ~ 1:00:36 (7:54 min/km)
    • Avg HR 141 bpm
    • This was that cold 5am morning with snow
  • Strength: 35-min recovery yoga
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 3.54 km ~ 29:00 (8:11 min/km)
    • Avg HR 115 bpm
    • Did the first 20 minutes or so with DS with 30:30 intervals
  • Strength: 13 minutes including goblet squats, back rows and 3x45s planks
  • Planned: 10-20 minute Warm-Up + Hill Repeats: 10-12 times a moderately sloped hill (6-8% grade) at 5k effort or harder lasting 60 to 75 seconds with the jog back down the hill as recovery + 10-20 minute Cool-down
    • Completed: 8.38 km ~ 1:02:01 (7:23 min/km)
    • I had to work until late so I again got up at 4:30 for this. I was not happy especially considering it was still really cold out. But I got the reps done.
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Runreplaced by 8 mile (13 km) Long Run
    • Completed: 10.26 km ~ 1:20:00 (7:47 min/km)
    • Avg HR 150 bpm
    • I was getting my COVID booster shot Friday night. I didn't think I'd be in any shape for this workout on Saturday (and spoiler alert, I was right)
    • I capped out at 80 minutes. McMillan plans use 6:15min/km as a standard training pace which is almost 2 minutes faster than my usual slow pace. Don't think the plan intended for me to run more than my Sunday long run.
    • Weather was gorgeous
    • I increased my walking breaks for this one but still could not get my HR to stay in zone 2
  • Strength: 30 minutes, including straight leg lifts, banded lateral walks and dead bugs
  • Planned: Nothing
    • Completed: Nothing
    • I felt really crummy after my vaccines. I'm glad I decided to take it easy.
  • Planned: 90 minute Thirds Progression Run
    • Completed: 12.02 km ~ 1:30:00 (7:29 min/km)
    • Avg HR 156 bpm
    • I'm still not back to normal after my shots, combined with the fact that I flew to Europe and slept poorly on the plane. I didn't feel 100% during my run either. But I got it done.
I'm in Europe for the week to visit some clients. First Rotterdam, then Stockholm.

Then... I get to spend Sunday in Paris. My plan has me doing a 14-16 mile Long Run, which should take me about 3 hours. What should I do for the rest of the day? Is it insane to think of hitting DLP for the afternoon after I've done my LR? I've never been and I don't think DH would ever want to plan a family trip to Europe around Disneyland. @The Expert what do you think, with all of your international park knowledge?

Have a great week everyone!

Doing DLP is far better than sitting at a cafe after a long run. The parks are pretty manageable in size, and you can buy fast passes if the lines are long and you don't want to stand. I say go for it!
40 for Dopey

6 weeks and change to go!

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 4:34
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 0:00
It was hard to get my runs in last week. I caught a cold at the beginning of the week. I forgot my mask on one of my flights, so probably from all that plane travel. (More Dopey practice: something else to remember for my flight to MCO!). Because of that, I did zero strength training, even tho the hotel had a gym. I felt pretty weak and decided to take it easy.

Also, I had crummy weather. Nothing too surprising for northern Europe in November, but not too enticing for going outside in the cold and the rain. So combined with my little illness, I did the minimum this week.

Can't complain too much though, when you have these views

  • No running
  • Instead, a long day at work and a 2.5hr delay on my flight from Amsterdam to Arlanda. Got to my hotel it was past midnight
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 4.35 km ~ 33:00 (7:34 min/km)
    • Avg HR 144 bpm
    • Minimum effort run
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: Nothing
    • Worst day of the week for my cold
  • Planned: 10-20 minute Warm-Up + Tempo Run: 15-20 minutes + 10-20 minute Cool-down
    • Completed: 7.57 km ~ 56:01 (7:23 min/km)
    • Went out after work. If I couldn't maintain the tempo or felt weak, I would stop. I actually completed this feeling mostly fine.
These were my pretty Saucony orange shoes after my run:
Spoiler alert - 6 days later and they still aren't clean

  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: Nothing
    • I enjoyed the 30 minutes of extra sleep. The harder the training (+ life stress), the more the recovery.
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 5.25 km ~ 42:49 (8:09 min/km)
    • Avg HR 143 bpm
    • This was the first day of the week where I actually saw sunshine :sunny: I took some pretty pictures of the view from Kungsholmen:
(Stockholm city hall)

(View of Gamla Stan on the left and Slussen & Mariaberget on the right)

I had an afternoon flight from Arlanda to CDG via Vienna, so it took up the whole rest of the day. Arrived at my hotel in Gare de Lyon around 9pm

  • Planned: 14-16 mile (22-26 km)Long Run
    • Completed: 18.01 km ~ 2:22:42 (7:55 min/km)
    • Avg HR 147 bpm. Not bad
    • The weather in Paris was absolutely awful when I got up. My plan had been to go as early as possible for my run and then head to DLP. But it was pouring, combined with the fact that the Bois de Vincennes where I was going for my long run is not that reputable when it's dark, I decided to wait it out a bit. It still rained for the whole 2 and a half hours of my run, just not as hard.
    • Other fact I forgot is how little public toilets are available in Paris. About 90 minutes into my run, I really had to use the restroom. I soon realized I would not be able to finish the 3 hours of my long run. So I decided to head back to my hotel. OK I was in the middle of a thousand acre park with trees, but I didn't feel comfortable going in the bush. Ironically, for such a huge park, there are people everywhere.
(Chateau de Vincennes that gives its name to the park. Cosy little summer cottage. Cheap upkeep probably)


(Temple of Love on the lake)

After my run I hurried back to my room to clean up and get ready for an amazing afternoon and evening. I'll keep that for a later post :)

Happy running!
Disneyland Paris mini-trip report - 2023/11/12
As I mentioned, I was in Paris for a short trip as I had a business meeting to attend on Monday morning. So I figured now was a very good chance for me to visit DLP. Hubby indulges my Disney passion, but flying transatlantic to go to a Disney park would be a stretch. My goal was to mostly try the attractions that are specific to Paris.

My hotel was near Gare de Lyon, which is a direct 40-minute RER ride to the parks. I arrived around 12:30 and there was almost no one at the turnstiles. I hurried to the Emporium to buy some DLP ears then walked down Main Street. It was around 8C (so mid 40s) that day with a light drizzle. For this Canadian, that was fine but you can tell by the winter coats that many ppl were cold ;)
(Main Street decorated for Christmas with Sleeping Beauty castle in the background)

I hit Hyperspace Mountain first via the Single Rider line. (Hot take: we are absolutely not Space Mountain fans - it's jerky and not that thrilling. We end up skipping it on most trips) But this one. Wow. You can tell it was built 20 years later. It's like Cosmic Rewind on steroids.

Then I started what no person does at WDW ever: tour the parks in a circular pattern, with no criss-crossing! Everything had relatively short waits, with the longest being Peter Pan and BTMR at ~40 minutes. I rode on Phantom Manor, BTMR (those underwater tunnels, weee!!), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril (yuck) and Pirates. While I rode Pirates, I noticed the restaurant that is inside the ride. I checked on the app and was lucky to see an available reservation for 18:15 that evening. And as I texted my husband, work was paying for my meals, so dinner at Captain Jack's wasn't on me! 🤑

I took a break for coffee and a pastry, then did some of the rides in Fantasyland like Pinocchio and it's a small world. I tried to go underneath the castle to see the Maleficent dragon but it was closed for the upcoming Xmas parade.

I did manage to go see it right before dinner. What an amazing idea to utilize the space underneath the castle like that.
(La Tanière du Dragon)

I had a really fun and savoury meal at Captain Jack's. And the view was awesome, watching the Pirate boats go by. 100% recommend
(View of the Pirate boats from Captain Jack's restaurant)

After dinner, I decided to just hit the thrill rides over and over. BTMR had a 10-minute wait, so I rode it 3 times in a row. I spent 30 minutes rushing around the park trying to find some Christmas presents for my kids. Then I finished with a double-header of Hyperspace Mountain again, which was a complete walkon. The CM would let us choose if we wanted the first or last row. YES!

Another amazing thing about DLP: I walked over to the Hub at 21:45 in time for the 22:00 fireworks and I easily found a spot next to a rail. Maybe it's because it wasn't a crowded day? At WDW, we avoid nighttime shows - there's no way I'm staking out a spot 2 hours ahead of time just to get a nice view. I much prefer spending more time in the attractions. So this was heaven to me.

After fireworks I rushed back to the RER station. I was anticipating a long line for tickets and the train but nope, I walked right on and found a seat. Train was pretty full by the time we left the station though.

Overall I had an amazing day. I was in the park from 12:30 to 22:00. I managed to do all the attractions I wanted, some more than once. My step counter showed 42,000 by the time I got back to my hotel room. Side note: I ended up having a lot of trouble sleeping. My legs were killing me. I might have overdone it just a tad.

Next day at work I had a character pic. Reminded me of the pavilion in World Showcase ;)
(Metropolitain sign in front of RATP HQ)


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