is anyone else concerned about addiction to WDW?

My goal in life is to retire and work at Disney! Total addiction:) We go every May and the rest of the year I talk about the next trip.
Feel that way everytime we leave. That is why we start planning the next trip on the way home.:woohoo:
PWDWSS-Post Walt Disney World Stress Syndrome.

It happens when you are exposed to:

*Too Many Smiles in such a short period
*Dole Whip Overdoses
*Hearing fun, Disney Music all day long
*Having your guts twisted by Rockin Roller Coaster, Tea Cups, Space Mountain, Test Track, Mission Space, Tower of Terror, Splash Mountain, etc.
*Being able to go to so many coutries with no passport
*Turkey Legs
*The sight of a giant Mouse wearing red shorts
*Parades Everyday
*Barrage of phenomenal fireworks
*Being sneezed on by a Giant Dog
*Near death encounter with a Yeti
*Seeing a Flying Elephant
*Being attacked by a 2 headed troll

the list goes on and on. The human body can only handle so much overload.

I can't wait to torture myself some more!!!!!!
This discussion would be a better fit on the theme parks community board so I'm going to move it over there now.
Could be worse, you could be addicted to crack.:lmao:


But seriously, I'm addicted, too. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've been there, and another year until I go again. I'm definitely going through withdrawals and the only way I can make it through is reading and seeing that other people have to wait a year, too. hehe :rotfl:
Have you read, "The Mousejunkies?" I think that is what it is called. I thought, "Oh my gosh, these people are me." My family can't get enough. If we don't have enough money to go to DW, we go anyway. It has been almost once a year but now that we are members of the DVC, I imagine we'll go more or at least make the once a year a definite! I am already figuring out how I can borrow points for next year and make the following years vacation still work. We are going in November and it is ALL I think about! It's just that you walk onto Main Street and any worries you have melt away. It truly is magical! And, our addiction is not just to the parks, you walk into our house and you see Disney things here and there, we play Disney music, watch all the movies (yes we are adults with teenage children not toddlers!)...we just can't get enough! It's a wonderful world when you enter into it!
Hello, My Name is Gary, and I have a problem.

It started over 10 years ago. Even though it was only the first time, I new when it was over that my life had changed. I couldn't stop thinking about it, the way it made me feel. It was the best thing in the world, when the economy was good I was there at least once a year even if just to get a quick fix downtown. It has been almost a year since my last trip and I don't know when I will get another one. Today driving home I saw baloons tied to a mailbox, three of them, I coulda sworn I saw a hidden mickey.

I have a problem. I'm a WDW Addict and I'm stuck in Michigan and it is gonna snow soon.

Does anyone need to hire a network engineer in orlando?
AH YES!!! i totally see hidden mickeys in "real life" (as my 3yr old says)...i actually saw one today at walmart...there were blankets rolled up on the shelf...two were rolled up tighter than one on the bottom -boom, hidden mickey!
PWDWSS-Post Walt Disney World Stress Syndrome.

It happens when you are exposed to:

*Too Many Smiles in such a short period
*Dole Whip Overdoses
*Hearing fun, Disney Music all day long
*Having your guts twisted by Rockin Roller Coaster, Tea Cups, Space Mountain, Test Track, Mission Space, Tower of Terror, Splash Mountain, etc.
*Being able to go to so many coutries with no passport
*Turkey Legs
*The sight of a giant Mouse wearing red shorts
*Parades Everyday
*Barrage of phenomenal fireworks
*Being sneezed on by a Giant Dog
*Near death encounter with a Yeti
*Seeing a Flying Elephant
*Being attacked by a 2 headed troll

the list goes on and on. The human body can only handle so much overload.

I can't wait to torture myself some more!!!!!!

Man, then that means that I got PWDWSS too and I am proud fact, I think it is contagious because my kids have it and so does my DH....that's a good thing, right? Hmmmm, I wonder if becoming a DVC member would help the symptoms just a bit :rolleyes:
No, I love this addiction and I refuse to go to rehab. I said no no no! :D
Hello, My Name is Gary, and I have a problem.

It started over 10 years ago. Even though it was only the first time, I new when it was over that my life had changed. I couldn't stop thinking about it, the way it made me feel. It was the best thing in the world, when the economy was good I was there at least once a year even if just to get a quick fix downtown. It has been almost a year since my last trip and I don't know when I will get another one. Today driving home I saw baloons tied to a mailbox, three of them, I coulda sworn I saw a hidden mickey.

I have a problem. I'm a WDW Addict and I'm stuck in Michigan and it is gonna snow soon.

Does anyone need to hire a network engineer in orlando?

It's amazing how when you read Disboards, you find so many people who sound JUST LIKE you! It's about all I ever think about, too! Some people do facebook or twitter. I do Disney! If not disboards, then reading about it somewhere else! It is an obsession! I, too, am not ready to give it up, though!!
I am sooo an addict, but at least I'm not the only one :grouphug:

Our 3 trips have always been the week of Thanksgiving, including last year. So this time last year I was big time ready for our trip. I feel kinda sad because we're not going for Thanksgiving this year :sad2: We are however going in May, but that still seems like so far away.

There's a reason why I don't make Magic Kingdom our last night in the parks, because I would probably cry my eyes out when it's time to leave. Magic Kingdom just gives me the warm fuzzies

I don't know why I'm so obsessed...and finding the disboards has only made it worse. Well, maybe better, depending on how you look at it :goodvibes
How do we tell obsession from addiction??????????

I went for my first trip in 1999 that I had waited my entire life for. I had NO idea about planning anything. I just showed up and flew by the seat of my pants. I was 22 years old when I got my first taste of Disney and it was in my blood!

I didn't get to go back until 2007 with my children, then 6 and 4. I planned it A LOT more. We had ADR's every day of the week, did the BBB in downtown Disney and got a Wishes Cruise and did a fridge swap etc. etc. etc. I cried like a baby when I left the Magic Kingdom on our last day.

I planned so well and made it so magical that I passed the bug on to my kids.

All three of us have been desperate to get back. My daughter feels like crying when she see the beginning of a Disney movie because it has fireworks over the castle because she wants to see them live again. My son makes comments any time the Disney Channel shows footage of the parks about how he wants to go back.

I only recently put a deposit on our 10 Day May 2010 trip with the QSDP, and I am OBSESSED with planning. I have the dining plan list of participating restaurants with what kid meal items each has that the kids like so we aren't sick of burgers or nuggets. I also LIVE here on the Dis absorbing as much information as possible.

Am I in denial that I say I am only obsessed and not addicted?
I am ADDICTED. I've only been once, and it was a rousing success. We're going back in Dec 2010, and I'm already planning! I can't wait.
I always use the analogy that it is more like heroin:

-That first "trip" you get that huge high from going.
-Then you just want to relive that high again.
-You find yourself spending more and more time thinking about it.
-You finally get to the next "trip" and its great.
- There's a huge letdown when the "trip" is over.
-When you come back, you can't wait to go on another "trip". You keep counting the days to your next "high".
-You find yourself spending more time and money trying to relive the same high of your last "trip".
-Others can't understand why you are behaving so strangely.
- You become socially outcast, only able to hang out with others with the same addiction.

OK, I've never taken heroin, but I've been to Walt Disney World, and I need to get back, dammit!:crazy:


Wow, you worded this so perfectly!! I feel like this all the time. I spend my lunch break in "dream world" looking at the DIS boards & getting my "fix". No one understands this except fellow Dis addicts !!! :santa::santa::santa:
We've taken a don't ask, don't tell sort of policy about our trips. We go so often that if folks don't ask us where we are going...we don't tell. If that doesn't wreak of addiction, I don't know what does!
Luckily, I'm too cheap a b*****d to let my Disney habit get away from me. Also, I'm getting grouchy about how WDW's being run now. But I don't doubt my addiction when, despite my cheapness and my ire, I'm always either planning a trip or wishing I was planning a trip.

I envy the completely enchanted, actually. Being divided on the issue is tiring. But I don't envy anyone out there, if they exist, who are busting their balances for a regular "fix".
Wow, you worded this so perfectly!! I feel like this all the time. I spend my lunch break in "dream world" looking at the DIS boards & getting my "fix". No one understands this except fellow Dis addicts !!! :santa::santa::santa:

I thought of another symptom of addiction - you hide it from your friends and family!

We were planning two trips (Dec 09 and Oct 10) and getting APs, when we realized that the late spring break next april would allow us to go on a 3rd trip in 12 months for really really cheap. But now, we are embarrassed to tell people we are going AGAIN!

You all understand me, right?
I thought of another symptom of addiction - you hide it from your friends and family!

We were planning two trips (Dec 09 and Oct 10) and getting APs, when we realized that the late spring break next april would allow us to go on a 3rd trip in 12 months for really really cheap. But now, we are embarrassed to tell people we are going AGAIN!

You all understand me, right?

Actually, I don't hide it at all, everyone knows not to bother me on my lunch break, I am in my "Disney Wonder Land" for that short 45 minutes. I can't contain my excitement & love giving advice to anyone that asks or needs help organizing their trips at work.

My family knows I am an addict & my mom has joined us on 2 of our last 8 trips over the years & now she is an addict as well. I am truly an enabler for anyone that will listen, I can really PUSH Disney. :santa::santa::santa:


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