Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

Last night was going reasonably well until about 8:30. Phone rings and it is the mother of the girl who filed a restraining order against DS19 and who keeps violating it. She called to accuse DS19 of vandalizing her daughter's car yesterday - hmmmmm....DS19 has not been out of my sight for over 36 hours. Then she decided to accuse me of it as well. DS19 and I boxed all of this girls stuff up and last week the girl brought him over and he got it all for her. She had borrowed his Nintendo DS and then told him that she pawned it so that she and 3 guys could go ice skating. He wants that and CD's she had of his back. Her mother wants him to write a notarized statement saying he won't talk to or see the girl again, but the girl does nothing. Gee, any wonder I am stressed?

Tonight is DD's choir concert. I was going to hem the dress last night and then couldn't focus to do it. Have to do that today and bake for the bake sale. I've been trying to get DS19 to come up for well over an hour as I looked back in my journals here and saw that it has now been 1 month since he got his ticket and has done nothing about it. His car has been unusable a month tomorrow. What fun!

DH is headed to the Dr - sinus infection. Hopefully he will get the ins. co called about the van.

Tomorrow is DH 47 bday, DD has a HS fencing tourney in Santa Fe and I'll make him take her so I can go find a bday cake and cards. His vacation trip is his present. Not sure if we'll go out to dinner tomorrow or Sun as DS16 is working or at gym from 8 a.m. til midnight tomorrow.

Even following the 'vanilla tootsie roll' diet I stayed in points yesterday. When DH went to find the address where the van hit (and didn't believe me and then jumped DS19 for lying about the pole - DH went to the first starbucks he saw on the street - about 1/2 mile away) I did WATP 4 mile - only made it thru 45 min before he got back, but I did move.

Today I had egg B and ww tortillas for Brkfst - 3 pts. I've done 2 20 min circuits on my elliptical. My ankle is hurting and it's a bit easier on it - but harder on me - which is probably good. Not sure what if anything I'll have for lunch. I've finished 32 oz water which is more than I've had in days.

Off to try to get DS19 moving again.

More later....
Wow, Julie, you really have your hands full. Wanted you to know I am thinking of you and sending a :hug: . I hope you get some peace and quiet this weekend. :wizard:

Take care of yourself, kiddo. You don't have time to get sick. :rolleyes: :teeth: And you need to eat real food. Glad to see you got some protein this morning. Definitely a deficiency in those vanilla tootsie rolls! ;)
Hi Julie,

Sending some :grouphug: and :wizard: for you and your family. I hope you get a chance to relax and unwind this weekend. :goodvibes Take good care of you! :hug:
Like Cam said Julie, you certainly have a lot going on!!
I hope that things get straightened out soon for your DS19 with that crazy girl!!! Hope that your DD's fencing and your DH's birthday go well today!!! And just in case you're tempted... STAY OFF THE VANILLA TOOTSIE ROLL DIET!!! LOL ;)

Have a good weekend!
Mike :goodvibes
RELAX!!!!!! Grab a book and warm covers and lay on he couch and read. :goodvibes

Your journal title fits you very well. You are have quite a struggle these past few days. I wish you much sleep. I am sending you DISWISH squeezes. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Hopefully this helps. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Hi, Julie! I just wanted you to know I am thinking about you and your family and sending good wishes. I really hope life calms down a bit for you very soon and you can find some time to relax.

Take care of you. :hug:
Wow! I can't believe I haven't had time to post here for almost a week.

Things haven't been bad, I'm just swamped with my 'to do' list that I'm working on getting more under control before I leave for FL 1 wk from today.

To backtrack - choir concert was very good - dinner at the pizza place was not - I ate fine, but it was packed, they forgot our pizza so DS16 ended up bringing it and eating at home. DH had attitude galore and chewed me out, loudly, as he wanted 4 of us to sit in a 2 person booth - and we're not small - plus DS16 had a cycle helmet and jacket. I made the mistake of saying we needed a real booth - and there were plenty. Oh well........

Saturday he took DD to fencing in Santa Fe, I had to run DS16 as we had tons of much needed rain. Bought DH a cake at Whole Foods - berry chantilly - VERY decadent and I ate 2 slices over the weekend. UGH!! He came home from fencing and went to bed. Sunday he slept til 1 when we finally did cake and presents and then I picked up chinese and he went back to bed. I spent most of the weekend on errands and Ebay.

DD rolled her ankle at fencing and has been in her 'boot' all week. It is getting better, but walking at school and carrying a 40 lb backpack aggravates it. She will be able to fence tomorrow night and at the tourney in TX on Sunday.

I've stayed OP and I've exercised every day, but still no loss this week. Hopefully the scale will start moving, but TOM is approaching... or so it seems, but at 45 you never know!

DS19 car they still can't get to run. Need many prayers and much :wizard: to get it working so he can get a job. On a positive note, tho, he is getting some rest and his demeanor seems to be improving. Note to self: GOD is in control!!!!

Last night I picked up DS19 - after an hour wait for him to get where we were meeting - and we were both starving and he wanted McD's. ICK!!! I ordered a premium grilled chicken club as I'd only had 8 pts all day. It was AWFUL!!! The bun was hard so I ate only the meat which was dry and tasteless. I did eat about 20 fries which were equally disgusting - but it was better than cooking.

I didn't win Powerball last night, so I can't take you all on a trip - SIGH!!! I actually even bought a ticket!

Today is major Ebay as I discovered another HUGE container full of winter coats/ski pants I haven't even taken pics of. When I get all my pics done I can get out suitcases and begin packing for FLORIDA!!! That should be motivation to get moving!

Tomorrow night is fencing in Santa Fe again. Right now DD's HS girls team is first in the league. Saturday early DD and DH leave for Amarillo - YEAH!!!!!!!! They are flying as I got $25 airfare ea/way and you can't really drive it for $100. They will have all day Sat to swim, rest and she fences Sun at 11, then they have to hurry to the airport to come home.

So, it will be me and the boy(s) all day Sat and until about 6 on Sun. I'm hoping for a calm DS19 weekend and the chance to get lots done here at my own pace and to catch up on some sleep. A friend and I are also going to go to the casino and play 1c slots for a bit - neither of us have money, but we can play a long time on our $20 max.

I have offered DS19 the chance to make some $$ by dog sitting while we are gone. He owes AZ for a $9.95 bad check which is now at $59.95 and due 11/10 or it goes on his record. So, I told him if he stays here, takes MY kind of care of the 2 pups, when I get back I will pay that bill and also give him $40 ($10/day) as payment. He says he wants to. I hope and pray I'm not making a HUGE mistake. But, that will save me about $150 and help him out. I'm also going to have my friend check in at least 1x/day to make sure all is OK just to double check. My 2 pups are worth more than he is at present!

So, off to get busy on today's list. I am hoping to visit some journals later today.

Cam - I got my book yesterday and, despite the criticism I'll get from DH, it is going on the plane with me. It's almost 4 hours each way, so I should get a bunch read.

I'm anxious to get to FL and see my DSis - 13 more radiation treatments and she is done! And she is not badly 'burned' yet - she's amazed she can still wear a bra - and very happy. Plus, she had to go buy some new clothes as she's lost some weight. And, the new baby is adorable - just made 6 lbs and I can't wait to hold her. My Dniece, the new mommy, I could KILL, however. 9 days post-partum and she calls to tell me she can fit back into her SIZE ONE jeans!!!!!!! She says now shes a "stick with B@@BS!!". That is so disgusting! I think I was a size 1 at 1 year old!

More later.....thanks for all your support! It means SO MUCH to me! :grouphug:
Julie, you never know with the slots. My dh's cousin won $1 mill on nickel slots, with a $20 max whenever she went!!! Maybe 2-3 x a year or something. I hope you have a great weekend.
Hi Julie!!

Thanks for checking in with us!! Good to see you are still chugging along or as Jen (where is she???!!!) used to say you "Just keep swimming!" I hope you have a good weekend and a great trip, and that DS19's dog sitting goes well!!! Keep up the good work and I am sure the scale will move soon for you!

Have a great day!
Mike :goodvibes
Yesterday WATP 4 mi 55 min, today WATP 4 mi 55 min - got up REALLY early and did it downstairs. Managed to only wake the cat.

I'm beginning to wonder about Wilma! We are scheduled to leave here on Thurs and the way she is going she may still be hanging around FL. We may end up not going at the last minute. ICK!!!!!

Yesterday was OK until dinner. Had a quesadilla w/ 1/2 real cheese. I ended up 2 pts over, so not too bad as I dont' use my FP or AP's.

Today I must catch up (I keep saying that, don't I?) I have to chauffer DS19 and it is time consuming, plus I had to run errands yesterday. Then DH decided to meet a friend at a bar after work so wasn't here to go pick DS19 up again last night so I had to do that instead of my Ebay. GRRRRR!!!!! He has a cell phone and had to go right by where DS19 was on the way home, but he never turns the phone on as "I don't want you to know where I am".

Oh well,.......sigh..........

I'm going to stall breakfast w/ either decaf or tea and pick up a Starbucks when I run DS19 - or at least that is the plan at this moment.

I've got to call the gym as I ordered a LOT of SCRIP (gift certs that DS16 sells and gets a % of into his account) for our trip and it didn't come. Not only that, I turned it in on time and the person apparently never even picked it up from the gym office. I'm NOT happy. I was counting on this for the trip and to put about $50 into his account. GRRRRR!!!!!!

Off to get busy....
Well, I didn't get my Starbucks as DS19 took FOREVER to wake up today. He still has nights and days mixed up from working nights. I stayed OP points wise today, but my food choices were NOT very good - Dinner was a donut and coffee!

DD won 2/3 bouts tonight - she actually won the 3rd, too, but from where the ref & we were standing we couldn't tell if one touch was floor or a real touch, so they agreed to call it floor - from the stands they could see it was really a touch so she should have won. Oh well...... She & DH leave in the morning for Amarillo for a sanctioned tourney. Unfortunately there aren't enough Y-14 fencers entered at this point for her to earn her ranking. I'm hoping more show up, but wouldn't bet on it.

:wizard: and prayers needed for DS16 - after gym he went to get on his cycle, got a call from a teammate inside, sat his tank bag down next to the bike and went in . Came out <3 min later, got on and left. Got home and realized he didn't have his tank bag, and it is not at the gym. He went back and looked. It has his $200+ Oakley sunglasses, $30 oakley case, $50 work shoes, work pants, shirt, belt, name tag (which he is responsible to pay for) and his cycle lock ($75+), plus the $140 bag. I'm hoping one of his teammates noticed it and took it home and will bring it back in the morning, but no one has called. OUCH!!! I feel so bad for him as he is usually the responsible, good kid and this is about $500 in stuff. I can't imagine any of the gym people just taking it. He is going early to gym in the morning to hunt some more.

I took DS19 over to work on his car, but they didn't get to it. A mutual friend called the guy who is working on the car to get a ride to the hospital. She was bit FOUR times by a black widow on her foot. DS19 called me about 6:30 p.m. to ask what they really should be doing for it as the Dr's at the hospital she is at (most locals say this is the hospital where you are most likely to DIE from the treatment) say that they've never seen a widow bite and don't know what to do for it. DS19 says her foot is swollen and she already has 4 sores forming, and her whole leg is numb. Last I heard they were going to give her antibiotics and send her home. Sounds scary to me. So, DS19 won't be home tonight and will stay w/ the friend to try to work on the car tomorrow.

I can tell that I've been very stressed, preoccupied, busy, etc. lately. I went to my desk this morning as I knew today was the day to mail DS16's cycle license plate renewal. It was on top of the bill pile marked "21". I pulled the stack out and about keeled over. I had totally spaced out paying bills - electric, water, cable, van, best buy, vic secret, home depot, qwest. I've NEVER done this before!!!! I saw the top one and, as I file them by due date usually, figured that all was well. WOW!!! My family laughs as I sometimes get too busy to walk down the hill to the mailbox several days in a row and our mail gets sent back to the Post Office as the box is so full they assume we're on vacation. And people think that all SAHM's do is lie around all day! :rotfl: (adding 'check the mail') to my list!)

I finally got in touch with the person about the SCRIP order and she was going to order it today so it should be in for me to get on Wed. Hopefully most will not be on Backorder - things like Hard Rock Cafe and Panera Bread won't do me much good here as we don't have either one.

I have a lot to get done this weekend, but I am going to do it on my own schedule! Tomorrow I'll have all day to myself. DD and DH leave at about 7:30 a.m. and then I will do my WATP. DS16 will leave for gym about 8. DS19 probably won't call me until late in the day. My goal is to exercise and get my Ebay pics taken early. Then take a NAP!! I will do the rest later.

Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

Yes, that is a BIG list, but it is actually very doable if I keep on task. Many of them take only minutes to do, IF I can just get the opportunity to start on them. I'm going to keep track this weekend here as I progress and see how it goes.

DS16 just got home and I'm going to BED!
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

8:15 a.m., 2 done!!

DH & DD are off to the airport, DS16 is off to the gym to hopefully find his bag & belongings!

Off to keep progressing.....

Hope everyone is having a GREAT Saturday!
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

This weekend is not starting well....the tank bag and contents have not been found. So, I made DS16 skip gym and go to buy new winter cycle gloves, a new lock, and a new bag - $203. Then we did breakfast. While waiting at the cycle shop for DS16 to get his gear loaded, DS19 calls - they now think his car will never run again and believe the engine is shot. HELP!!!!!!!!!! I am SO depressed.
Oh Julie :hug:

Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear about your DS's gym bag and your other DS's car. :( I am sending prayers that both situations will work out for everyone. :grouphug:

In the meantime.... please, please, please.... take some time for yourself. I see that you have bubble bath on your to do list at #21. Please move that to # 1 and relax for awhile this afternoon/evening. You do such an amazing job taking care of your family, Julie. ::yes:: Just remember.... you need to take good care of you, too! :hug:

I am sending some prayers, :wizard: and :sunny: in the hopes of some good news, some relaxing Julie time, and a wonderful day tomorrow! :hug:
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

Slowly I'm making progress. Off to the casino @ 7 with my friend. Hopefully it will be good.
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend decided we just wanted the FREE hot cocoa at the Casino!
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

Went to the Casino - had 4 bottles of water and 1 hot chocolate. It was packed so we did a lot of walking, not much playing. Wanted to play penny machines but they were mostly full. I left home w/ $40 and came back with $39. The last machine we played I won $20 over my original $5.

I'm waiting for DS16 to get home from work and listing Ebay now. TIRED I am!
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend decided we just wanted the FREE hot cocoa at the Casino!
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

Got the mail, headed now to do all the Ebay pics. Got my 2 new 4 mi WATP dvd's so I'll do one of them a bit later.
Weekend 'to do' list:
1. Exercise Sat
2. Exercise Sun
3. End auctions
4. Leave Feedback
5. Take pics
6. List Sat
7. List Sun
8. Vac/pick up Upstairs living areas
9. Finish taking care of my summer clothes
10. Submit DS16 Chem & History - Sunday
11. Get out suitcases & begin packing
12. Print out map quest directions for trip
13. Prepare to SEW & maybe get started - finally!
14. Get DS19 to apply to at least 4 jobs - even online is OK
15. Wrap Christmas presents before they get discovered
16. Buy dog food & dry/canned lizard food/crickets
17. Bathe Mia
18. Go to lunch or dinner w/ friend decided we just wanted the FREE hot cocoa at the Casino!
19. Go to casino w/ friend
20. Pick up mail
21. Bubble bath!
22. Breakfast w/ DS16 (DS19 will likely sleep thru it!)
23. Catch up on some Journals
24. At least 1 NAP!

Just finished my new WATP 4 mile - 62 min. I didn't like this one as well as my other. DS16 brought the suitcases up, the pics are almost finished.


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