Jumping into June - June 2022 W.I.S.H. thread

Today I am thankful that I've grown enough to be able to navigate the conversations/swirl that are happening at work right now. I'm able to step back and see that it isn't about me or what I should or shouldn't be doing, all I need to do is pay attention until the outcome is determined, then make it happen. This is a big shift for me, as even just a year ago I would have taken this type of stuff personally.

I am also thankful for the bit of blue sky we are having this morning. This spring has been so wet and so cold: on the news the other day they said we have been running 10 degrees below average and 20 degrees below the highs we can get at this time of year. It is really starting to drag on me... the longest days of the year are next week and we aren't even close to summer starting, or even spring for that matter.
Thankful for our school's parent club who paid for the staff's lunch today. We do this annually and it is always a fun time. I sat with a bunch of new people and they were saying how amazed they were that there are so many of us! When you're doing your thing and living in your little bubble it's easy to forget there are others doing the same thing living in their little bubble.

Thankful that a bunch of my girlfriends are all getting together in about twenty minutes for a visit. It's been a very long time since we've done that. :hyper2::grouphug:

Happy Friday!!!!!! What’s everyone’s weekend plans? Anyone have special plans to celebrate the dads in your lives?

My dad is actually away this week so I won’t see him. But tomorrow my sister in law is holding a Father’s Day brunch so I will see all my in-law dads and Sunday my sons will come over to visit DH after they get off work so that will be nice!

We also have a graduation party for one of my closest friends sons Saturday evening! Excited to see that group of friends for sure!
Good Morning. Happy Friday! After the week I had I am ready for the weekend. My computer decided not to work right yesterday. Spent half the day not being able to do half my job. I randomly restarted it and it started to work then. This is just how my whole week has gone. Just a very odd week.

Tonight DD and I are getting our hair done. Tomorrow my sister is having My niece and nephew's birthday. Sunday we will be driving to PA to meet the dog and Monday we are all off so we will just be having fun with Piper (the dog).
Ugh, what an odd day yesterday was.

Part of it was when I went out to the car after work to go get my Dream Dinners, the car was totally dead. Wouldn't turn over at all. I'm 99% sure it is a dead battery, but today I have to have a tow company come and try to jump it, then I'll need to drive it to the auto shop to have the battery replaced, or if it isn't the battery it will have to be towed to the shop. The battery is old, so I was surprised they didn't recommend replacing it when they did the diagnostics last month. So, if it is just the battery they can hopefully swap it today and I'll get the car back - if not I'm housebound for the weekend. I just keep thinking thank goodness it happened at home.

The other oddness is work related, but I think it is worked out at this point. But something has triggered me to be back into last year when I was furloughed and I keep obsessing about it. But I cannot figure out what the trigger is/was.

So again, the weekend really depends on timing for the car, either way it is back to overcast and damp so good thing I got the front yard mowed yesterday while we had the brief break of good weather.

Edited to add: Ugh... it is not just the battery, so my Baby Girl is getting towed to the shop and I am going to be car-less for at least a few days. At least I do have food in the house and yarn, plenty of yarn.
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TGIF folks!
So last weekend was my mother in law's birthday party. The house was spotless! My dining room now looks like this
Three kids bringing home all their school stuff ooof. I can't even deal with starting to sort through it. Guess the teachers are assuming most kids are skipping Monday so stuff came home today.

It's been less than a great week of eating and I am having a hard time figuring out of my sudden belly chub is poor eating/lack of excersize or if getting close to 40 is changing my metabolism. Probably a combo. Was feeling pretty bummed about it but I dusted myself off and went on a .75 mile walk on my lunch break. I dont mind a little extra padding so long as it's not jiggling when I walk so going to focus more an excersize right now than anything else.

No major weekend plans. Have to work for a little while on Sunday. Beyond that not sure, need to spend some time in the garden picking carrots and planting spinach, the warm weather caused my last batch to pre-maturly bolt so hoping for one more decent crop before it gets too hot consistently.
Hooray for teachers finishing! A couple will be back next week to finish up, but pretty much everyone is gone! And hooray that we figured out a problem at work with another department. Maybe I'll actually get what I want done, done!! It's been super frustrating trying to find a solution. I have not eaten well this week because I decided I like chocolate and sweets and was just going to eat them and then be done when the building is empty.

I had a super time last night gabbing with my friends. We were just so happy to be together as a group! We think we'll do it in August, too! That was some awesome self-care!
Good Morning and Happy Saturday to Everyone!!!

@piglet1979 post about getting her new family pet this weekend (congrats by the way! We can’t wait to see pictures!!! ☺️) got me thinking about pets I have had as a kid and adult and who holds the most special place in my heart.

If I had to pick I would say my most special pet is my dog Sonny, who we have currently. We have had him for 4.5 years and I don’t know what his previous life was like, but he was not treated kindly. He was 36lbs when we adopted him and is now a healthy 60lbs. Something about him pulls at my heartstrings everyday. He’s just so kind, loyal and loving to all of us.

What’s your most special pet you have had in your life?
My childhood pet, a miniature schnauzer, was integral to my life as a child. He was my best friend, my confidant, my comfort, and my protector. He passed in my teens, and a few years later at 19, we got a Llasa Apso, who was there for me in my young adulthood when my mother passed, and I very quickly had to grow up, pay a mortgage and get a full time job to pay for my full time college tuition. He was my support when I was a very scared and sad young woman.
When I was 25 I had two cats: Helen and Ripley. Helen was the queen but Ripley really ran the show, looking after the household and taking care of me. Ripley was such an awesome cat and I was gutted when she passed away at age 18. In our final conversation I asked her to please come back to me, if she was agreeable. A couple months later I found Mike, who came to me in the same way Ripley had, and exhibited many of her behaviors (like managing the household) so I was quite confident that he was she. Mike lived to age 20, so between Ripley and Mike that little soul was with me for 38 years.
When Mike passed two years ago, we had the same conversation: please come back to me. The kitten who came home a couple months later is Pippa. Her personality is so different that I'm not as sure of the continuation, but I did know when I chose to find a kitten at the pet rescue in my Sister's town, 2 1/2 hours way, that that was the right place to be looking.
We had a lovely, sweet mutt growing up and one not so sweet cat. When he passed, we got a cat who was more like a dog. She was very loving. It took DH 13 years to convince me to get a dog. I told him he had to pick a good one because this was a one and done deal and it couldn't shed. We got a standard poodle as a puppy and he passed just two weeks shy of his 14th birthday. He was a smart, fun dog.

The scale reflected my poor eating choices this week, but I'm not bothered. I knew it would happen and am content to live with that number--but it better not be there next week!! :scared: I'm back on track today.
Happy Self Care Sunday!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday! I loved hearing about everyone’s favorite pets 🐾❤️

What self care does everyone have planned today?

I will be honest, I will not being doing anything today for myself because we are celebrating my husband today and I have not been home at all Friday or Saturday, so I need to get the very basic housework done today while DH is out visiting his dad!

I hope everyone enjoys their Father’s Day. If your celebrating with the dads in your life here on earth or cherishing the memories of special dads that have been in your life, I hope today brings you happiness ☺️
We'll see what today holds. I had to work for a bit this morning and just got off the phone with my dad. Father-in-law has tomorrow off so the kids will see him for Father's Day then. DH wants to work on the pool so I'll hang with DD while he and the boys do that. She had some tummy issues yesterday and they seem to be carrying into today....not fun while trying to potty train.
A neighbor came by on Friday in a panic she was watching her grandson and he spiked a fever so she came over with him for tylenol. As a thank you she stopped yesterday with some strawberries and ice cream...so might try to make some shortcake. I am not a huge strawberry fan but the gesture was just so sweet I need to use them.
Took some lettuce out of the garden yesterday and even after washing it I found a tiny bug while eating dinner. Hope the DSs dont notice any...they are doing great with eating lettuce and spinach I dont want to derail that!
Last day of the regular school year tomorrow!
Today is all about my husband (both of our fathers have passed on). Normally, we would be enjoying a day swimming in the pool, but temps went down to the low 50's last night, and it's only 66 degrees now even with full sun. DD and I may sit outside in the sun and try to tan our legs, but I will be wearing long sleeves on top.

Tomorrow is Juneteenth, the new federal holiday, so I don't have school. Hopefully the weather will be more summer-like since the first day of summer is on Tuesday. Wednesday is my last day of school.
Nothing Father's Day related for me today. I will be doing some reading on Juneteenth today tho.

One of the most recent ADHD ah-ha's I've come across is:


Yep, that's me. Being mostly housebound without the car is forcing me to feel closer to doing what I am supposed to be doing because I can't get distracted by hopping into the car to go somewhere and do something else. The options are greatly reduced, so I'm not even thinking about what I can/should do away from home.

Yesterday I finally cleaned out the freezer, something that's been on my to-do list for two years and ended up taking about 15 minutes (another ADHD executive function thing). Today I'm going to get out and work on one corner of the front yard, even tho it is still wet and cold... it will never get done if I wait for agreeable weather. And I'm also going to rearrange the office. All of these go under the self-care heading.

Oh and the other thing I'm going to do today is cook my first Dream Dinners meal. I was going to do an UBER pick-up yesterday to get them, but the gal at DD said she's drop them off, since she was headed my direction any way. That was so nice, it makes me want to continue to order from them so I am very hopeful that this is a good food solution for me.
Rainy on and off here, too. I watched some Netflix (binging old Grey's Anatomy episodes totally falls under self-care) and made DH the chaffles (waffle substitute that he can have with his diabetes) that he wanted for breakfast. Did a little housework, and have to run to the grocery store to get something to make for dinner.
Thank you Mother Nature. Yesterday we surprisingly got some clear blue skies and it was such a mood booster. I got two big things and several niggly little things done out side, and it was the first day I could sit on the porch and enjoy the weather, and as a bonus several hummingbirds stopped by while I was out there.

Cooking my first Dream Dinners meal was a success. I followed the directions carefully, something that doesn't always happen, and it was so nice to have things pre-seasoned and pre-sauced. Half was dinner last night and the other half will be lunch today.

That and seeing that a pound came off when I got on the scale this morning do have me motivated for more good stuff this week.


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