Just back......Wow...BCV, Carnival Cruise, AKV(Kidani) and BLT....Good and Bad. LONG.

Ya, I think you are a little buzzed! :rotfl2: But all is good. Sorry they didn't have the pecan pie, but it sounds like you had a good time regardless.

Hope the rest of your night is great. :goodvibes
Ok....so we are off for the boat to BLT. Feels funny to be making the opposite commute. Being this is our 1st BLT stay....it feels a little sad to be leaving "home" to go "home":confused3 It is about 8:30 now plenty of time to make Wishes. We get to the dock and there is a short line. I like that because it tells me I didn't just miss the boat.....and I will make it on the boat because of the short line:thumbsup2 I wander off the line and sit on the benches looking for the boat lights heading our way. DD is standing near the ropes looking over....and I don't know what it is....I will always worry she will fall in:headache: As I'm sitting there I think about what a great trip this has been....and we are leaving tomorrow:sad1: This has been our longest trip away 13 nights. I have to say....I could stay longer....what is it about WDW....I just love this place....and never want to leave. I do miss my cats though....but I wish we had another night at BLT. This has been a great trip. EX and I have been getting along....but at the same time it is just sad for me. We are together as a family....but we are not...and being surrounded by happy families....well....ya know just makes me wish that I can be happy like that again....not with him but with someone. Ok....pity party over....although looking back I think this is why I was slamming them back that night:headache: Also....being the last night....I never want the party to end:rolleyes: Boat is coming.....Woo hoo....

Ride was quick.....honestly...I don't remember if we stopped at FW first:headache: I don't think we did though. It is now 9:15. Well at this point the Canyon skillet is rumbling in my belly and we are off to our room to visit my absolutely gorgeous bathroom. At this point DD decides that she dosen't want to go to TOTWL:scared1: HUH!!!! "I want to go downstairs and watch the dragon on bay lake at eye level":snooty: OMG...."DD are you serious.....This is one of the reasons to stay at BLT. Do you realize that we are the only people that can go up there. Only DVC members staying are able to go.....who knows when we will be back". She looks at me with dead set eyes....(not my crooked ones) and says
"Mom....this is my birthday....and the dragon is my favorite thing in WDW and I haven't seen it yet....so I had to choose what I want to do more":angel:
Whoa....Ok..."Well DD.....Would you mind if daddy took you to see the dragon and Grandma and I go to TOTWL because Wishes is our favorite thing":flower3: Sure mom....of course it's OK:love: Wow....is she 9 or 90. This kid kills me sometimes. So ya see.....EX comes in handy:rolleyes1 Maybe I shoulda went.......but hey....when in Rome...ya go to TOTWL:confused3 and all the "family togetherness was starting to kill me anyways:upsidedow
So off we go to TOTWL.....and them to watch the Electrical Water Pageant....aka dragon.
Up next....TOTWL.....and my terrible sleep....wonder why:rolleyes1
Ok......DD and EX are going elevator down.....we are going on the special elevator up:yay: Lounge is very nice.....not too crowded. By this time it is about 9:45. So we head to the bar and get a drink. Obviously at this point I don't need another drink......just felt bad about going there and not getting one.:confused3 Stupid I know. So we walk around enjoying the 360 view:love: Gotta say this place is a real nice perk:thumbsup2 It is not crowded at all....but I can see it being real crowded if all DVC members could come... I know I would plan a night to go there and watch wishes.
Ahhhhh....it's starting. This is my favorite thing in WDW. I have always loved fireworks. I think I was spoiled growing up in "Mafia Brooklyn". Every year my next door neighbor put on a show that made Macy's look like kindergarten. During the day you needed earplugs cause they did the firecrackers and M-80's all day. But come darkness.....it was pure magic. I'm not kidding that as soon as it was dark they lit colorful beautiful fireworks for HOURS. All I had to do was sit on my stoop. Ok....of course I didn't have coordinating music though:lmao:
The music....the colorful night sky.....ahhhh....this is heaven:cloud9: Something sooooo Disney about this moment.....I'm wishing DD was here.....hope she is enjoying her dragon. I love Wishes......just when you think it's over.....there she comes back better than ever:goodvibes
Alright....time to go. And time to go home tomorrow:sad1: I can't believe it is here already....all that planning....and a long vacation. Over....well...not quite....still have to get home;)
So we set off for our room. At this point....I am feeling no pain....I look down at my drink...and I didn't even drink it....Thank God!!!. As we are walking back to the room....I say....Mom....I drank too much....Geez....why did I do that:headache: I need to go to bed and get a good night sleep....the last thing I need is to feel pooopy on the travel day.

Back at the room DD and EX are getting jammies on and pulling out the beds. DD is tired so they are going straight to bed. Thank Goodness.....cause I just remember that tomorrow is Easter and I have to put the eggs and basket in the room. In UPS box I sent an Easter basket and the plastic eggs. She loves to hide and find them...so I figured it would keep her busy with some familiar Easter activity tomorrow morning. I sent down Pancakes and syrup down...and we bought bacon for Easter breakfast. Alrighty...so I go out on the balcony for my last night of sky watching waiting for them to fall asleep.....
I don't want you to go home ...:sad1:

I agree. This has been a great report. Will miss following it. The only thing missing are photos. It would really be nice to put some faces to the participants. :)

Sorry no pics....not a pic person....and don't even know how to get them on here anyway. I need to learn though if I'm ever going to join some dating online thingie:rolleyes1
Off to write.....
Ok....I think I might have blinked to long outside enjoying my night sky because when i went inside it was Midnight;) At this point I'm not feeling so good.:headache: Dangit....now I have travel day tomorrow and I can't feel sick tomorrow:guilty: So I quickly hide the eggs....put the basket on kitchen table and go to bed. I know the only thing that is going to cure me is sleep.

So off I go......Uh oh....it's going to be one of those too much alcohol....not a good sleep nights. So I fall asleep tossing and turning. All of a sudden I wake up and have to go to the bathroom. So I get up and go to the right.....because that I thought bathroom is. You see....thats where it was at AKV last night. So I walk out of bed to the right..... I hit the sliding glass doors:scared1: OmG....In that instant.....my body went into meltdown. Immediately I was confused.....the room started spinning....Uh OH.....I lay back down on the bed trying to raise my feet so I don't pass out. Started seeing the white lights in my eyes that it is a sure sign of going down.
Now I lay down taking deep breaths in and out....at this point my body is in a full sweat. Man I am a mess. Here's my problem. Whenever I feel like this.....dizzy....nauseous....I need flowing air. Now i realize the very worst thing about BLT.....NO CEILING FAN:scared1: Oh boy....at this point mom wakes up and I ask her to turn the AC down to subzero. Dizzyiness has passed and I make my way to the bathroom. I think all this moving has caught up to me. The alcohol....tiredness combined with my brains panic of having no idea where I was....not good combo.
I go back to sleep literally praying that I feel Ok tomorrow and to please bless me some good sleep right now.....but tomorrow is Easter and DD will want to get up:headache: Obviously this is my own dang fault!

So sleep it is.....managed to get some decent sleep but when DD comes in at 8:00 she comes in shows me the basket and eggs and I give her a big hug and tell her mommy don't feel so good can you please let me sleep a little longer honey. Sure mom....god I love her:lovestruc
So back to bed I go. Problem is....I'm supposed to cook Easter breakfast.....not only is that not happening I think....but I think I will hurl with just the smell of food. You see right now I have a hangover combined with not enough sleep...which in itself makes me nauseous:headache:

So I fall back and wake up to the smell of bacon.:sick: Usually I do a happy dance with that smell....not today. I finally drag myself out of bed at 9:30. I feel slightly better. I go into kitchen and EX is making the bacon and pancakes. I thank him for making breakfast. I give DD major hugs and kisses and head out to the balcony for some fresh air......while they eat there breakfast. I know.....loser mother of the year is missing Easter breakfast:sad2: She is used to it though cause I don't usually eat breakfast...but it is Easter geez. I seriously need to pull myself together. ME bus dosen't come till 4:50. We have a whole day here....which I did purposely so DD could enjoy Easter. Of course we slept through the Easter candy scramble. I did mention it...but she didn't want to set alarm for it.
Anyway.....I head to the balcony and pray for the head clearing gods:rolleyes1
God luv ya! What a good planner and executer you are to get all of the traditional Easter goodies down there (oh, and the booze!). And kudos to the EX for pulling it up and making breakfast. He might not be so bad afterall. ;)
Forgive me everyone for taking soooooo long. Been working so much and I'm off now for 3 days on Fire Island:cool1: No internet for me:dance3:

I'll have an update hopefully fri morning before work.:goodvibes
Can you do a trip report on Fire Island? I can just imagine your ex showing up there in his speedo....:rotfl:
Forgive me everyone for taking soooooo long. Been working so much and I'm off now for 3 days on Fire Island:cool1: No internet for me:dance3:

I'll have an update hopefully fri morning before work.:goodvibes

Hope you have a good few days off! :)

Looking forward to the tippy end! :goodvibes
Anything interesting happens on Fire Island you can make it a sequel to this TR:rotfl2: Have a great time and enjoy, have a cocktail for me:lmao:
StaTed up until three am to read tour TR. You are hilaaaaarious!!!
Thanks everyone for still following......think this is the longest TR ever....ahem......I've been home solid 2 months now:headache:

Last week at FI and then 4th of July weekend:dance3:.....still recovering:cool2:
Trying to get another chapter out now:goodvibes


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