Just back......Wow...BCV, Carnival Cruise, AKV(Kidani) and BLT....Good and Bad. LONG.

Ok.....so I'm on the balcony literally praying to get through the day. I contemplate jumping off the balcony....because I am so furious with myself for being a complete idiot last night. I like to drink....but I very rarely drink to much.....ahem....too much means I don't feel good the next day:headache:
Which is NOW. A hangover for me is nauseous......I sit here trying to calm myself down. I have an entire day here without a room. ME bus dosen't come till 4:50. The thought of being out in the heat is making me sick on it's own. Again I think about what an idiot I am. Really.....I did this to myself on travel day. I love travel.....but I hate travel day. So I go back inside where they are finishing up breakfast. I try not to hurl at the breakfast smell. I go straight to the bathroom where I pray a shower will liven me up. I was excited about the BLT shower when I saw it. They have a shower head on the ceiling and the wall. Ahem....it's there for show:confused3 Both don't work at the same time....one or the other:rolleyes1 Kinda silly IMO. So I cold shower myself and feel slightly revived. At this point it is 10:30 and time to pack up. Although I am packed already....never did unpack;)

We call for porter to take our luggage to hold for the bus later. DD wants to go in the pool. Which is fine by me....cause I don't want to walk around the parks. Oi. I go outside to say goodbye to our "home". I notice again what perfect weather. Nice breeze off of the bay.....this is a lifesaver for me.

We arrive at the pool area and what:cool1: Our table in the shade by the lake is available. Well thank the good lord because this is just what the Dr. ordered. Me in the shade with a constant breeze blowing over me.:sick:
I have been chugging the water to rehydrate....haven't even had my coffee....man I am off my game. Ok....I have a new rule folks.....absolutely no alcohol on the last day of vacation. Well the day before......because I just vowed never to feel like crap on travel day ever again. So take that.:lmao:
Unfortunately I have to "revow" every 15 yrs or so. The last time this happened to me I was leaving New Orleans. Wow.....my vow lasted a long time.....but not long enough. Kinda like my marriage vows:rolleyes: That time was much worse....I'm perking up now....Ok....nuff about my cloudy head!!

So the day was all about the pool. DD made a friend.....which kept her busy all day:cloud9:
Sorry so short.....off to work.

Up next.....leaving BLT....and the plane ride from hell.
Ok.....so I'm on the balcony literally praying to get through the day. I contemplate jumping off the balcony....because I am so furious with myself for being a complete idiot last night. I like to drink....but I very rarely drink to much.....ahem....too much means I don't feel good the next day:headache:
Which is NOW. A hangover for me is nauseous......I sit here trying to calm myself down. I have an entire day here without a room. ME bus dosen't come till 4:50. The thought of being out in the heat is making me sick on it's own. Again I think about what an idiot I am. Really.....I did this to myself on travel day. I love travel.....but I hate travel day. So I go back inside where they are finishing up breakfast. I try not to hurl at the breakfast smell. I go straight to the bathroom where I pray a shower will liven me up. I was excited about the BLT shower when I saw it. They have a shower head on the ceiling and the wall. Ahem....it's there for show:confused3 Both don't work at the same time....one or the other:rolleyes1 Kinda silly IMO. So I cold shower myself and feel slightly revived. At this point it is 10:30 and time to pack up. Although I am packed already....never did unpack;)

We call for porter to take our luggage to hold for the bus later. DD wants to go in the pool. Which is fine by me....cause I don't want to walk around the parks. Oi. I go outside to say goodbye to our "home". I notice again what perfect weather. Nice breeze off of the bay.....this is a lifesaver for me.

We arrive at the pool area and what:cool1: Our table in the shade by the lake is available. Well thank the good lord because this is just what the Dr. ordered. Me in the shade with a constant breeze blowing over me.:sick:
I have been chugging the water to rehydrate....haven't even had my coffee....man I am off my game. Ok....I have a new rule folks.....absolutely no alcohol on the last day of vacation. Well the day before......because I just vowed never to feel like crap on travel day ever again. So take that.:lmao:
Unfortunately I have to "revow" every 15 yrs or so. The last time this happened to me I was leaving New Orleans. Wow.....my vow lasted a long time.....but not long enough. Kinda like my marriage vows:rolleyes: That time was much worse....I'm perking up now....Ok....nuff about my cloudy head!!

So the day was all about the pool. DD made a friend.....which kept her busy all day:cloud9:
Sorry so short.....off to work.

Up next.....leaving BLT....and the plane ride from hell.

I agree about the shower at BLT. I was disappointed too. I was looking forward to a full effect. :sad1:

Sorry about your hangover. :hug:
My husband and I have a vow of no drinks after 6pm the night before a travel day. There is nothing worse than not feeling well and having to deal with air travel:sick:
Yup made the same vow after our last night in Venice Italy in 2006, walking around by the Grand Canal with a bottle of red wine and paper cups seemed cool at the time:eek: But getting up the next morning and having a 10 hour flight home was NOT cool at all!:scared1: I almost kissed the stewardess when she served Hagen Daz ice cream! Anything to fill the pit in the tummy:rotfl2:
Ok.....I'm sooooo sorry everyone....I will get another installment before work tomorrow.

I've been working nonstop in preparation for my FireIsland trip next week....Rented a house for my 40th birthday:dance3:

I will finish this dang thing.....It's almost a month till I leave again for WDW:lmao:
Well if you are going back in a month you will have to end with to be continued.....lol! I will be looking for the post (no pressure) but we leave for London/Norway tomorrow evening for 2 weeks so internet access will be limited! Not getting back to my "DVC home" until Feb:scared1:! Pump for our trip abroad though! Happy Birthday (early), exciting, enjoy:cheer2:
Well if you are going back in a month you will have to end with to be continued.....lol! I will be looking for the post (no pressure) but we leave for London/Norway tomorrow evening for 2 weeks so internet access will be limited! Not getting back to my "DVC home" until Feb:scared1:! Pump for our trip abroad though! Happy Birthday (early), exciting, enjoy:cheer2:

Have a great trip!!....2 weeks in Europe:cloud9:
Off to write....dosen't come as easy now that it's winding down.....and we are on my least favorite part.....Travel day. I hate those.....but I love travel:confused3
Ok....so we spent the day at the pool. I pretty much just sat in the shade enjoying the breeze and not much else:headache: During the day I walked DD over to get some food for DD. My stomach is still not feeling any food....so I pass. Figured I would get something at airport. She got pizza I think and she enjoyed it. I thought Ex might take DD parasailing but she was all caught up with her new friend that we didn't want to disturb her. Kinda like don't wake a sleeping baby. If your content and your kid is happy playing....do not disturb;) Except now it's time to tell her we have 10 minutes. I start to get sentimental because even though I would give my left arm to be in my house right now....I hate leaving the world.

So we gather all our stuff and head over to the lobby and make our last restroom stops. It is about 445 now so we are right on time. Few minutes later we are on the bus and off we go. Bye Bye WDW:sad1: Ride to the airport was quick and painless....SW is the 1st terminal drop off. BTW.....how could I forget. This is the 1st time I have been able to participate with SW airline checkin at WDW. I don't do it on the inbound because I am a control freak and I want my stuff.....but on the way home....if it gets lost I'm not as concerned as getting to WDW and having no clothes. Anyhoo....it is so nice to just get on the bus....without worrying about luggage:thumbsup2
Only problem with ME is they are sooooo early. Without having to check into airport....We walked through security and it was 5:45. Oi....2hours in the airport.....torture. Normally I would knock a few back at the bar possibly....but not today:sick: So another bathroom visit and we are off to the food court. They got McDonalds....I got a slice of pizza. It went down Ok.
At this point EX's phone rings.....he says....I don't know who it is and ignores it....OK....A minute goes by and my phone beeps that I have a text. Well lookie here it is SW airlines letting me know that our flight is delayed:eek: Great.....now I have to sit here for another hour:teacher: I remind myself that this is why we don't take late flights....because there is a much greater chance for delays. Apparently there is storms everywhere and our plane got stuck in California. So I walk the airport.....I bought my 4 trash magazines but I can't read them yet because I need them for the plane. I hate flying so I read trash the whole ride to take my mind off of the fact we are 30,000 feet up:scared1:
Ok.....finally plane arrives and off we go. We take off about 8:45. Oh yeah....forgot to mention that we all did the 10 early checkin. Only thing is I bought mine when I bought my tickets way back when. EX only added his on like 2 weeks before......so how in the heck did he get a lower boarding number than me:confused3 So I give him strict instructions.....take the 1st row and sit on the aisle until we get there. I like the front. So we get in the plane and there he is all by his lonesome way back in the plane. So I look at him and take my seat in like the 5th aisle....so now he is trying to walk up to me as the plane is loading:rolleyes1 Well the way it worked out was Ex, DD and my mom sat in a row....and i sat across by myself in the aisle. This worked out good because I can barely function so being by myself was perfect. Every seat was full so I knew I would have neighbors.
2 women not travelling together sat in my aisle....Ok. Plane is full....
and off we go.
Up next....flight and final thoughts.
I hate leaving day. Love flying though :goodvibes

....forgot to mention that we all did the 10 early checkin. Only thing is I bought mine when I bought my tickets way back when. EX only added his on like 2 weeks before......so how in the heck did he get a lower boarding number than me:confused3

I'm a little ticked about the new SWA procedure with EBCI - from what I read on their site, it sounds like they're saying EBCI tickets are now checked-in in order of the amount we pay for the seat. So, those of us who purchase our wanna get away fare tickets the day they come out with EBCI will be behind those who procrastinate and purchase higher cost (anytime / business select) airfares.
I hate leaving day. Love flying though :goodvibes

I'm a little ticked about the new SWA procedure with EBCI - from what I read on their site, it sounds like they're saying EBCI tickets are now checked-in in order of the amount we pay for the seat. So, those of us who purchase our wanna get away fare tickets the day they come out with EBCI will be behind those who procrastinate and purchase higher cost (anytime / business select) airfares.

This makes sense.....Ex bought his tickets way before and did pay more money. Dosen't make me happy though!!!!
I've periodically been checking in too so glad to see an update and would read your next report if you do one for your next WDW trip :thumbsup2!

I hate leaving day. Love flying though :goodvibes

I'm a little ticked about the new SWA procedure with EBCI - from what I read on their site, it sounds like they're saying EBCI tickets are now checked-in in order of the amount we pay for the seat. So, those of us who purchase our wanna get away fare tickets the day they come out with EBCI will be behind those who procrastinate and purchase higher cost (anytime / business select) airfares.

That's annoying to me - we all pay the same for the early boarding so shouldn't it be 1st book, 1st board? As usual, it's always the wallet that does the talking and makes the decisions. I'm sure if I paid the more expensive fairs I would probably feel different :rolleyes:.
Salty Dog.......Oh the memories......used to walk from my house.....88th ridge....down to the path on Shore Road.....to 65th pier......and the reward was SALTY DOG ON THE WAY HOME:dance3:
Good Times:cool1:

So.. just found your report.. LOVING it.. and wanted to chime in.. I am a current Bay Ridge gal.. and my good friends own Salty Dog! LOL! So.. many a night has been spent there!
Salty Dog.......Oh the memories......used to walk from my house.....88th ridge....down to the path on Shore Road.....to 65th pier......and the reward was SALTY DOG ON THE WAY HOME:dance3:
Good Times:cool1:

So.. just found your report.. LOVING it.. and wanted to chime in.. I am a current Bay Ridge gal.. and my good friends own Salty Dog! LOL! So.. many a night has been spent there!

What a small world:goodvibes

So sorry everyone.....I will put final post up tomorrow.....geez....I could turn this into my next TR.....I'm leaving again in 3 wks. Talk about taking forever:rolleyes1
What a small world:goodvibes

So sorry everyone.....I will put final post up tomorrow.....geez....I could turn this into my next TR.....I'm leaving again in 3 wks. Talk about taking forever:rolleyes1

You just want to keep up hanging to het us hooked on your next trip report.:yay:
can't wait to hear aoub the final update (and read about your next trip)


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