Karen's Third Annual December Jellyrolls meet--12/2/05--Photos begin on page 58

When I first saw that picture, I couldn't figure out why TC had posted a picture of a weird looking fruit roll-up. Then I realized that I just have never seen a jelly roll. I've always thought jellyrolls were jelly donuts. You know - like jelly in a roll :blush:.
I'll be at the airport at this time tomorrow. Woofreakinghoo.
I'm doing the kids' laundry, finishing up the grocery shopping so they don't starve while I'm gone, I pack tonight, take the cat to the vet tomorrow.....then off I go on Tuesday. See you guys then. Safe flights to you all!!!!! Get my bed ready Karen!!!! The Diet Pepsi has been ordered!!
Safe travels everyone!!!!!

My kids know I'm going...and I have just 3 days of work this week. Can't wait until Thursday morning!!!!
All you folks have a safe trip down. See you on Friday. :cool1:
I'm leaving for the airport in about an hour. See ya soon!
I wish I was with Karen right now!!!

Safe travels Diane - see you on Friday.
I'll see all of you wild people on Friday. :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Some of you even sooner!!! Wednesday and Thursday's festivities are just warm ups for taking over Jellyrolls on Friday, right? :teeth:

Wooooo-hoooooooo! I think we all need a fun little vacation, and we're going to make this a good one! :cool1:
Im so Jealous. Id like to go again.
I got the AP Renewal just a couple of days ago. Alas, we will not be getting them for the next year. Probably will wait a couple of years till Jake is older.

Yall have fun now, Ya hear
Important: Please read.

I spoke with someone at Jellyrolls, and I negotiated a 2 for 1 cover charge for our group. I need everyone's names by 10:00 p.m. Tuesday night so that I can hand them over to the owner.

Please PM me your names and the names of the people in your groups so that I can get as many names on the list as possible. I'll take care of the people I know so that they are on the list, but I need to get as many people's names as possible by Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. eastern, as I won't be checking e-mail again after that time.


Oh dear God!!!! She got there and then was still up at 2:00 a.m.!!!!! I'm doomed. Looks like it won't be an early night for me tonight. And still making plans for us...what a woman!!! Leaving in 6 hrs......see you guys Friday night, some sooner!!!
Wow, Thanks KAren.....

I sent:

me, LK, SB, Gail, Deb, Sandy, Sue, lars and matt, dyan and mom

but I put all the last names in the PM.

I also added my inlaws if they show up as expected later. :teeth:

:banana: :banana:
Thanks for that list, Donna!

Keep those names coming everyone! I'll be checking my PM's again tonight.

I guess it's pretty safe to assume you have my name?? Have a good day, I'll see you tonight!!!
Diane, did you notice that I posted at 2:00 am? And now I'm posting at again before 7:00? Who needs sleep? I'm at Disney World!


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