Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 3

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Thank you everyone for the great comments about the pitare tutu outfit.
basically it is two layers of fabric and in between I sew a gathered layer of tulle. the waist band is a simple one. then I trim edges and sew a closed seam on all the edges to make it all even!


It is an adorable outfit. Are the two layers of fabric gathered, or are they circular? How do you figure out the waist size?
It is an adorable outfit. Are the two layers of fabric gathered, or are they circular? How do you figure out the waist size?

I actually use a modified version from YCMT and then I took my kdis measurements and worked from there. the skirts are cirular. two pieces of fabric then sewed together to make a circular skirt. the YCMT skirt is more squared, I found by adding a wast band that was an inch or two bigger than the waist it was easy to make it more fitted. only the tulle is gathered.
does that make any sense?
I actually use a modified version from YCMT and then I took my kdis measurements and worked from there. the skirts are cirular. two pieces of fabric then sewed together to make a circular skirt. the YCMT skirt is more squared, I found by adding a wast band that was an inch or two bigger than the waist it was easy to make it more fitted. only the tulle is gathered.
does that make any sense?

THat does make sense and it is adorable! You did a great job. It will be great with leggings. Are you going to MNSSHP? Or the Pirate and Princess Party? Or is it just for fun?
I bought the ruffler foot about 30 minutes ago. Okay -- now what do I do? I've been learning by watching a video/this board/ on-line sites/ and a book... this foot looks really weird... does it just automatically make the ruffle? Sorry for the maybe stupid & obvious questions.
Okay, any Little Einstein fans out there? This was a long planned, long discussed project for my daughter. The help I got on this was amazing. One of the frequent posters here sewed the jeans and top. Her work is amazing, and I actually got teary eyed when I saw everything. She truly went "above and beyond" to make a little girls 3rd birthday PERFECT!!!


I LOVE these!!!!!!
Oop...trying to PM.....

I know I said it before, but Geez, that is so adorable! I love the cows with bandana fabric. I need a good excuse to buy some little cowgirl boots for my dd.

Makes me want to try something cool like that. I can see that at Hoop dee doo or the Backyard BBQ. Very Fun. :cutie:

OKay, I do believe I have gotten the hidden hem stitch down-pat. I'm thinking that's a great skill to possess. Also, It occurred to me to use a different color bobbin thread than needle thread if sewing layers. I love the "light bulb moments" that are common sense and make life much easier.

And, I have remembered to wash and dry and press my fabric before sewing. Little Sewing 101 hints and tips.

Thanks everyone for posting your creations! I can't tell you how inspired I am from everyone's beautiful work! You inspire me to think outside of my comfort zone and I get a kick out of every tiny improvement!

I love shopping on "that auction site". Am I allowed to share a cool boutique? I think it was called "The Pedal Pushers" or something. She has a good eye for color and lines. I love her pillowcase dresses, and she is for sure a huge Disney fan. Is she one of you? :)
I am the one who made the autograph book pdf. I highly suggest binding it before you go. Since there are so many cards it is easy to keep them together. We used plastice binding so we could remove pages. Each night we removed the autographs we found that day. The book became smaller everyday. Also, when we got home we took out the blank pages. Have fun with your autograph seeking.

Would you please share the PDF? I would LOVE to have it!
There is so much going on I just can't keep up while I'm at work, I'm gonna have to get a computer at home.

TOTALLY OT: How many of you, that do custom autograph books, actually use a book and how many of you take clipboards & notecards so you can put them into a more elaborate book later?? Looking for ideas for both ( i have the pdf of the individual character pages)

and back on topic, I found an old mickey mouse twin sheet at good will and since it was $2 HAD to buy it thought I might make myself a dress or a skirt. See, what you've done to me... I'm off to my mom's to make a tank top for me out of a guys oxford shirt to wear out to my DH's gig tomorrow night. I keep wearing the same thing over and over so I decided a reconstruction was in order. I'll keep you posted, though it's not a dis thing.

I custom make an autograph book for my DD for every trip. I am truly a scrapbooker, but hang out on this thread because I am also obsessed with custom outfits. The attention my daughter gets from the autograph books is amazing. I have had characters carry it off to show another character their page. It makes my daughter feel special and I am beaming from ear to ear!
Here are a couple of photos.



And of course the custom clipboard! ;)


Can I take a bow? Thank you! :goodvibes
I thought that was you! I can't wait for mine, that outfit is incredible!!!!
Okay, any Little Einstein fans out there? This was a long planned, long discussed project for my daughter. The help I got on this was amazing. One of the frequent posters here sewed the jeans and top. Her work is amazing, and I actually got teary eyed when I saw everything. She truly went "above and beyond" to make a little girls 3rd birthday PERFECT!!!


Oh, my gosh! I just got teary eyed seeing this! My daughters 3rd B-day party is next Wed. with Little Einsteins theme! I had been looking for something like this, but no luck! I had made her a tank top a while back, and two nights ago made a rainbow tutu, but this is too unbelievable! I had a LE clay beads made for her, I'll take pics in a bit to post, it would be so perfect! Can you let me know who made it, would they be willing to make another. PM me please!!!

I finally got caught up! Great job Linda!!! I'm very impressed!!!
THat does make sense and it is adorable! You did a great job. It will be great with leggings. Are you going to MNSSHP? Or the Pirate and Princess Party? Or is it just for fun?

my 3 year olds birthday is halloween so all october we wear hallowwen outfits, and I thought I would make a minnie/mickey themed one!
ok I think the Lisa's are staring to out number the Amys
Ok what is the ebay store? Can you send a link or the exact name. I tried searching pedal pusher a couple ways and was not getting it...thanks

I googled "Pedal Pushers Boutique ebay" and got there. :) It's not mine btw. My kids wear my sewing but I don't inflict it on others. :upsidedow
That is the book I bought too. It is really great. I took it to the pool last night. Smocing is just going to an activity that is practiced. I see all of my imperfections and they are driving me crazy!!!

I have learned you have to be really careful about lining up your stitches and you have to keep your needle very straight. It takes a lot of patience. Check to see if they have a pleater at the store. You can get any fabric pleated- even just to practice.

My Tiny Nay plates are still not here. Hopfully they will come soon!!! Here is some of what she has to offer.





I looked up those plates when you posted the link earlier. They're pretty cute.

I have other things going on so I'm not in a rush to practice, I know I won't want to stop when I do. If they don't have any inserts this weekend, I will have them pleat some fabric for me. They do that for a small fee.

I'm so far behind on this thread and so many beautiful outfits have been posted.

Linda, all I can say is fantastic work!!
I'm looking for graphics that I can print off the computer and use to make a book for my kids. They like to name the characters on Playhouse Disney, so I thought I'd print some pictures and make them little flip books of the characters we'll be seeing in September. They'll be almost 2 when we go, so it's important to me that the characters are familiar and not so scary.

I thought someone had posted a link to good graphics a while back, but I don't have time to search back through 500 pages of postings. Any suggestions?
Well, this isn't a set I made for my daughter but here's a better view of the whole thing. I hesitated posting it just because I feel odd sharing a pic of another person's child - even if she sent the photos to me for that kind of thing. I cropped it tight so it's harder to recognize her... but I'll probably delete the image in a few days anyway.


BTW - Thanks to all who have complimented my work! I don't want to ignore those compliments but I also don't want to flood the thread with my posts of thanks. :)

WOW! Lisa, that outfit is just beautiful!!!!! I soooooo wish I could sew like you guys. Well, actually it's not just the sewing. I think eventually I could get all the mechanics down so that I will be able to sew decently. But, I just cannot put together fabrics and pull the whole outfit together like this. Is Jo Jo appliqued? LOVE it. I so wish I had something like this last fall for my dd!

Sure, but good luck on the fabric. It was a real pain to try and find! :goodvibes

Wal-mart just had some very colorful prints they got with the minnie dot fabric for costumes. I saw it and thought it would be great for JoJo!

Then I came home and there it was. She made the adorable clown costumes for her boys out of it. (I'm sorry I don't remember her name) I leave on Friday or I would go back and search. I have a few more outfits to finish up while my kids are playing with their cousin. Anyways you may like those new fabrics at Wal-Mart.
Ok what is the ebay store? Can you send a link or the exact name. I tried searching pedal pusher a couple ways and was not getting it...thanks

I'd like the link too! I've been looking for her.
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