Kylie's Countdown: Home now


DIS Veteran
Jun 18, 2006
With 13 sleeps to go I couldn't hold out any more. So presenting....

Kylie's 13 Sleeps To Go, Can't Come Soon Enough, Countdown Thread.​
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Busy couple of weeks ahead before we go... all revolving around DD!

DD's 9th birthday party this afternoon. 14 girls coming. Not at home. Phew.

Specialist for DD on Monday for her knee. Long story short, she has a painful bone disorder at her knee, fixable-ish, will need surgery, but how much and rehab is unknown at this stage. Dancing and skiing will be big no nos for a looooonnnnngggg time. OK, she doesn't ski, but it sounds good! DD will be in a wheelchair for about 95% of our trip. Walking is now "limited" Dr's words. EG, walk from the car to your classroom. No big shopping trips at Parramatta :rotfl:

Wednesday night is the High School's Musical night. Her school is K-12. Even though DD is in year 3 she is in the year 5 - 12 choir. She can sing really well. OK, I'm her mum and I'm biased but I think it's pretty cool she's in year 3 and was asked to join the high school choir.

Today week is her real birthday. Her "boyfriend" is coming to dinner with us.

Wednesday night next week is the primary school Musical Night. DD will still go but they are modifying her role.

Friday next week we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phew I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

And then there is the packing lists, kinda done, need fine tuning.

DH has a new video camera and he's walking around testing it out, learning the features before we go.
Kylie, I'm so glad that you have a countdown - I have become ridiculously attached to mine! :goodvibes

What a talented daughter you have! I love it when people come into my shop and tell me about how well their kids are going, it's amazing how many different things kids do around here!!

We made sure that our daughter would be here for her school concert next Thursday night (we fly out at 10.45am the next morning!)....there was no way that she could miss her big moment of leading the year 1 conga line out onto the stage for their finale of Boogie Wonderland!!

As for no trips to Parramatta - oh God :scared1: should we all sell our Westfield shares immediately??!!

Happy counting!! :):):)
Hi Kylie,
Wow your trip is so close now. I am really enjoying reading every ones build ups, and I hope we get heaps of trip reports as well :)
Kylie, I'm so glad that you have a countdown - I have become ridiculously attached to mine! :goodvibes

What a talented daughter you have! I love it when people come into my shop and tell me about how well their kids are going, it's amazing how many different things kids do around here!!

We made sure that our daughter would be here for her school concert next Thursday night (we fly out at 10.45am the next morning!)....there was no way that she could miss her big moment of leading the year 1 conga line out onto the stage for their finale of Boogie Wonderland!!

As for no trips to Parramatta - oh God :scared1: should we all sell our Westfield shares immediately??!!

Happy counting!! :):):)
Totally get the school concert thing. DD is a penguin in the back row who will squiggle her arms in the air. We cannot miss this one!! It's the one primary school event DD looks forward too, she's not athletic at all.

I think though your Westfield Parra shares maybe safe as we finished most of the pre shopping last week :rotfl:

Welcome to the world of countdowns......I think I've just given up on mine....I have a looming sense of dread re this trip.....I'm sure I have forgotten something..but as the DH says " we can always buy it when we get there",.....ahh the sweet simple logic of the male

oh, and my eldest and his wife are flying to Kenya tommorow...maybe that's what's freaking me out....ok, now off to shower...
Still 13 sleeps to go. I think I have to wait for a morning to come so it can become 12!!!

DD had her party today. I can't show too many photos as they are not my kids! I feel like sharing some, so her are a grand total 6 shots!

The Birthday Girl..

IMG_1689 by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr

IMG_1680 by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr

Here is DH - practising with the new video.

Birthday Party by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr

Here is Dear Niece. You'll see her in the trip report when we get back.

IMG_1667 by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr

And what's a party without cake!

IMG_1687 by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr

And the venue before the party.

Pink Mix Revesby by ~* Kylie *~, on Flickr
12 sleeps. :cloud9:

That's all. Promise. And I fixed the photo links from the party yesterday.
Lovely Birthday Party pics! 9 is a gorgeous age. Hope all goes well with the knee surgery.

Reading all these countdowns makes me so jealous! We still have State Dance Festival, Schools Spectacular Rehearsals and performances, 2 dance concerts yearly exams plus Christmas before I can contemplate a countdown!!

Have a great time on your trip!
11 Sleeps. :cloud9:

Lovely Birthday Party pics! 9 is a gorgeous age. Hope all goes well with the knee surgery.

Reading all these countdowns makes me so jealous! We still have State Dance Festival, Schools Spectacular Rehearsals and performances, 2 dance concerts yearly exams plus Christmas before I can contemplate a countdown!!

Have a great time on your trip!

Thank you :-) Good news, kind of, this morning from the specialist. Because DD isn't "developing" yet, we're holding off on the surgery path for another 6 months. DD cannot do any weight bearing exercise for that time, in the very slim chance her bones may repair themselves. All she can do is swim, stationary bike, and minimal walking. As expected it will be wheelchair most the time we're away. I'm kind of relieved now we're going to DW only and not New York on this trip. Ooh, and the Dr said the baby/small water slide a couple of times won't hurt, just not too many as there are stairs.

DD is happy she doesn't have to do OzTag anymore at school. She's not a sporty girl. But will miss dancing.

Your DD is gorgeous! What a wonderful birthday celebration.

Thank you. DD had a wonderful party. Though I got home and needed a good cup of tea and a Panadol! It gave me a new appreciation for her school teacher. And I was taking pics only, not running it!
Operation Fake Tan: Commenced :lmao:

Mixing about 50/50 Nivea tanning cream and Cetaphil for a few days to pre-condition my reptilian winter skin, will go to about 75/25 Nivea on Friday. Hoping not to be mistaken for a ghost on Halloween :rotfl:

Trying to make a seat cover for the DD's wheelchair. Can only find black or navy. She will be 9, how about something with a little colour! Surely she's not the only child needing a wheelchair? Actually I did find a couple of pretty colours in the US but they are very exe, compared to boring black, so I'll make one instead. I think.
I am with you on the fake tan! Arent we supposed to be bronzed aussies! :rotfl: Dont tell anyone we are fakes!!!

Oh, and I just took a closer look at your photos - is that a photo of your niece in #4 - I thought it was the same child. They look very similar!

And the cake is just gorgeous!!!!
Hi Battymum - they are very similar and lots think they are sisters! Her Dad and my DH are brothers.
Gorgeous photos of your DD. I love the cake, it's so pretty and girly! :lovestruc Also where did you have the party? Looks really nice.

I hear ya on the reptilian skin, I gotta get some moisturiser on before it warms up and I have to show my legs.

Oh yeah and yay for 11 more sleeps!! :yay::yay::yay:
10 Sleeps to go :banana:

Gorgeous photos of your DD. I love the cake, it's so pretty and girly! :lovestruc Also where did you have the party? Looks really nice.

I hear ya on the reptilian skin, I gotta get some moisturiser on before it warms up and I have to show my legs.

Oh yeah and yay for 11 more sleeps!! :yay::yay::yay:

dDs nan made and decorated the cake, under instructions from DD! We had it at Pink Mix at Revesby. It's for the 5-10 year old girl and they get a choice of three craft activities like the masks, bath salts, cup cake decorating, key rings and there was a host of other things. They supplied the food and patience, I supplied the loot bags and cake. Really easy, $22/person. This was the easiest party she's had so far. We've been to a few parties there. Really popular with kids at DDs school.
It looks gorgeous. We just did the cupcake decorating party for DD7 at My Kids Party at Bangor and it was lovely. Even the boys got into it! :goodvibes
:thumbsup2 that cake looks fantastic looks like you all had a great day.
10 days to go :yay:
I hate to say we were all very white when we left but we came home tanned without trying i think it had something to do with the sunscreen just running off your face in Florida:lmao:
:thumbsup2 that cake looks fantastic looks like you all had a great day.
10 days to go :yay:
I hate to say we were all very white when we left but we came home tanned without trying i think it had something to do with the sunscreen just running off your face in Florida:lmao:

That's scarey. I'm starting to dread the thought of humidity. 32C is easy, 32 + 90+% humidity, aaarrrggghhh.

It looks gorgeous. We just did the cupcake decorating party for DD7 at My Kids Party at Bangor and it was lovely. Even the boys got into it! :goodvibes
It's good when the boys get involved. DD insisted though this was a no boys party (first time.) Though her "boyfriend" is coming to dinner with us on Saturday night.

Single digit boogie!!!

Grocery list completed and ordered.
High school concert tonight.
DHs Lab Coat for Dr Doofenschmirtz halloween costume arrived yesterday. Thank you eBay.
SIL is almost packed. She showed me last night. Me, our halloween costumes and kettle are in a bag in the dining room. That's it. :lmao:
Handing off my projects to people at work. I have 4 at the moment, and they are being divided between 2 others.

Remaining list.... too looooonnnnggggg. Feeling mega stressed and disorganised. Time to take a chill pill I think.



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