Ladies-only trips/Christmas Stocking Sent/Received thread

One of the things I won on ebay arrived today--it is so cute. (I had them sent to me in case they weren't as nice as they appeared!). I still have lots more that I want to buy.
mommaU4 said:

Ummm... Let me be the first to say it... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
I am so excited to get in on my very first stocking exchange. Now I need details about the girls only trip next Nov? I have 3 kids well 5 if you add the dog and dh and I really need to get away!!! Do you guys have a certain thread you chat on and is anyone welcome? I usually hang out on the limey thread on the cb.. Very new to chats just started in July... Thanks once again for letting me participate in the stocking exchange I am having so much fun shopping for all the goodies......
mickeyfan2 said:
DC says that both of my packages arrived on 11/13 in the AM.
Our first arrival!! :cheer2:
I sent a PM to your person so hopefully she will check in here soon. :thumbsup2
crossfamily said:
I am so excited to get in on my very first stocking exchange. Now I need details about the girls only trip next Nov? I have 3 kids well 5 if you add the dog and dh and I really need to get away!!! Do you guys have a certain thread you chat on and is anyone welcome? I usually hang out on the limey thread on the cb.. Very new to chats just started in July... Thanks once again for letting me participate in the stocking exchange I am having so much fun shopping for all the goodies......
I have four kids and a DH but no dog. LOL ;)

Anyways, you are more than welcome to come and chat with us!!! We just took our last trip at the end of Sept. and it was alot of fun! No men and no kids. :smokin:

We all hang out on the Ladies-only Annual Trips thread which you can find here:

Don't let the 8600 or some odd pages scare you away!! LOL Just set aside a good two weeks and catch up. :lmao: And yes, there will be a quiz covering such topics as stripper shoes and cabana boys. :teacher: :rolleyes1

:rotfl: Kidding. Most of it is just chit chat, and the planning and getting to know each other from the first trip.

We had about 45 ladies on the first trip, but there are about 18-20 of us that post on a regular basis on the chat thread. We all started chatting with each other back at the end of Feb./beginning of March.

Right now the 2007 Ladies-only trip is being planned for November 1-6 with most of us staying at POP.
There is a smaller trip planned for January. But not everyone is going and those who are, will be bringing their kids.

We would love to have you come and hang with us. It is kind of quiet lately since people are taking vacations and with the holidays people are just busier, but there is usually someone on to chat with. :teeth:

Hope to see you there and if you have any questions about anything (the exchange, the thread, the trips, whatever) just send me a PM and I'll be happy to answer what I can. :)
TinksPixieDust said:
Ummm... Let me be the first to say it... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Just drink a couple glasses of Egg Nog with Rum and he'll be lookin mighty fine. ;)
mommaU4 said:
LOL!!! That reminds me of the little witches you see around halloween time. The ones you can have hitting you're house or a tree. What a great pic!!!! Made me :teeth: .
Hello exchangers! Hope the shopping is going well. Should be some awesome deals this week for those brave enough to head out!! LOL :teeth:

mickeyfan2 said:
Did the person I sent to go on vacation? The packages arrived a week ago.
If she did, she didn't mention it to me before hand. I have sent her a PM and I just sent you one too.
Hopefully the packages are with her and she will check in real soon!! :wizard:
My stocking is being mailed out first thing in the morning....
WOW! A great big THANK YOU to MickeyFan2 for ALL of my goodies! I got TWO BOXES!

I had to go out of town unexpectedly, and my packages have been at my home for a week! They were just jammed pack with so much fun stuff - I loved it all! I was really impressed with how spoiled I was! It was just what I needed, and I can't wait to use everything, although my kids did jump on the candy quicker than you could say "That's MOMS!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH! What a great way to start out the Holiday Season!
Twingle said:
WOW! A great big THANK YOU to MickeyFan2 for ALL of my goodies! I got TWO BOXES!

I had to go out of town unexpectedly, and my packages have been at my home for a week! They were just jammed pack with so much fun stuff - I loved it all! I was really impressed with how spoiled I was! It was just what I needed, and I can't wait to use everything, although my kids did jump on the candy quicker than you could say "That's MOMS!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH! What a great way to start out the Holiday Season!
Your welcome. Glad the timing was good.
Twingle said:
WOW! A great big THANK YOU to MickeyFan2 for ALL of my goodies! I got TWO BOXES!

I had to go out of town unexpectedly, and my packages have been at my home for a week! They were just jammed pack with so much fun stuff - I loved it all! I was really impressed with how spoiled I was! It was just what I needed, and I can't wait to use everything, although my kids did jump on the candy quicker than you could say "That's MOMS!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH! What a great way to start out the Holiday Season!
YAY! Our first arrival!! :cheer2: Two boxes!! Wow. Soooooo, enquiring minds wanna know...whatchya get??? :hyper: ;)

Thanks for checking in! :thumbsup2
I just wanted to say to all exchangers:


I know some of you are hitting those after Thanksgiving Day sales! Have fun and keep an eye out for some stocking stuffers while you are fighting the tons of people. LOL

And since some of you were planning to ship after Thanksgiving, just remember to post here when you send, as well as when and what you receive. :thumbsup2



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