Lesli's Changing Life at 40 Journal

Yes, Tracy, it is great to see it shaping up!

Yesterday, I spent a long, long day painting, but it is nice to at least have the areas done where cabinets are going. Then all I have to do is touch up. I still have more to do, but it can be done while they are setting cabinets as it is not in the way.

Today, I got my flooring!:banana: It is so beautiful. Well, at least the kitchen is laid so I do have the visual for that. Tommorrow, they come back to finish in the hall, bath, and grout. Now I am just waiting to hear when if the carpenter can start installing cabinets on Thursday........I hope. Otherwise we will wait until the weekend. Next week, they measure for the countertops. It is finally all coming together:banana::banana:.......And not a moment too soon.

It has been so cold here and I am really anxious to cook a warm homemade meal.

Went to the eye dr. and he took me off my eye drops and said that the PRK had healed and all things look good. :goodvibes

Today's food:
Breakfast - apple danish and sm oj (Panera's)
AM snack - none
Lunch - couple handfuls of cheetos (lots of stress)
PM snack - tea, grab bag of chips, 2 reeses pb cups (lots of stress)
Supper - bacon cheeseburger w/mayo and tomato, pepsi
Now - a few goldfish

I am struggling today.....even though I am excited about the kitchen process. DD19 pretty much decided that she is going to stay at the boyfriend's house and has many excuses, none that hold water. But since she is going on 20, she has decided that she can come and go as she pleases, whenever, where ever, and for however long, we shouldn't ask questions. OH, and we should still foot the bill....we shouldn't ask her to help out with anything....don't expect her to volunteer with anything around the house, and realize that she is not being rude to us or disrespectful when she comes in and doesn't bother to say a word to anyone. It seems to me that we have seen this played out before.........oh, yeah, that was my oldest. Thankfully, she turned out alright.

Anyway, DH said that if she didn't come home then she must be wanting to move out. Now she says she has to stay to "figure things out where no one can bother her" (no one bothers her her) and "we will talk in a day or two about what she will do". Uh, did I miss the boat on whose house this is?

Yes, you know it is horrible here. She comes and goes now and we really know very little of what she does besides when she is at work (I know because I do the payroll) and when she is at school. Didn't think we were prying. We don't often ask for her to help with her bother and sister much......hmmmmm.....haven't asked for her to cook a meal, lately.:rotfl2: Ok, a missing kitchen is a problem. At any rate, it is basically an excuse to play house whenever she wants. Well, I guess if you want to play house, you can pay the bills that go with it.

I just didn't need more stress right now. Guess I will talk to you all later.
Things are moving along at a bit faster pace! The flooring is done throughout the area that we were replacing. The plumber will be here next week to set the bathroom...I just gotta paint the walls before then. And.......yesterday, we began setting the cabinets! I actually forgot what it looked like to have kitchen cabinets.

Food of course is not the best. Water is truly lacking.

Wednesday, DH and I mangaged to get away for Chinese for lunch. Oh so good. But that night, I just had a few snack things for dinner. Yesterday, DH and I went out to Pizza Hut for lunch. He better be careful, I will could get used to this.;) Last night, he brought home some lasagna that was left over from a church dinner that he and DD12 helped with. DS6 and I stayed home with the cabinet install. Breakfast for most of the week has been donuts and juice.:sad2: Oh, but the cold weather is really prompting a list of food that everyone wants to make in the new kitchen....when we get there.

DD19 still isn't back home. She has stopped to pick a few basics, but other than that she really hasn't thought this through, I can tell. The best part, if you can call it that, is that I have been through this already so it is easier emotionally. However, the hard part is still that you want the best for your children and hate to see them not think things through. Hopefully, this will not effect her eduacation and that she will stay with it, but I am not sure. Her boyfriend quit classes after a semester and has no intent to go back and his sister recently quit college classes to get married as well. DD19 has much to figure out and since she will soon be 20, so I have to let her make her own mistakes, but it definitely concerns me. Especially, since I think she doesn't realize that we have her best interest in mind and that we do really care.

Well, I better get going. I have to finish some painting which is taking me a long time since I have very little energy. So, it will be done.
Sending good thoughts your way for you and your DD19. I hope everything works out soon....:wizard:

Also sending some :wizard::wizard: for the kitchen. It sounds like it's really coming together. I hope you'll post pictures of it when it's done. :goodvibes

Have a great Sunday!:hug:
Thanks for the thoughts Tracy.

DD19 still isn't back. Officially, she has moved, I guess, since there was a change of address from the post office in yesterday's mail. I think right now that she is only playing house since she really isn't living a true life on her own. She is living with her boyfriend who is still living at home and she doesn't have to pay rent. Yes, that is reality. I guess there have been complaints that there are boxes around the house and she is living out of them, but that's what happens when you react and don't think. At any rate, much less communication now. Time will tell, but if everything is always rosy one the other side why bother with your own family.......Very frustrating.

I can only hope that she gets a reality check soon.

I actually have one clean area in the house.....the back hall closet. This cleaning is going to take a long time since I know have to wipe off everything. But I am also taking the approach of evaluating what we really need to keep while I go through the house. Yesterday, I started to tackle the office and thoroughly cleaned out most of the equipment and my bookshelf. Did I say this would take awhile? Well, at least I am at this point.

The half bath was installed yesterday :banana:....now I just need to get the door back and curtains so that we can use it. It looks so much better and makes me feel that we are living in a modern home instead of something from the 70's. The cabinets are still being hung. Yesterday, the countertops were templated, so there is definitely progress. The biggest issue that DH and I need to address is the lighting placement of two of the can lights. Somehow we didn't measure properly, so we will probably have to do some patchwork.:sad2:

My other concern is that the cabinets turned out much creamier in color than I had expected. Yes, I saw the sample, but it seemed to be more of an off white than a true cream color. Of course, we are not sure if part of that is the reflection of the floor and walls. pirate: At this point the coloring of things seem off. I will just wait until we have everything installed and then consider if I am going to repaint something. That being said, it is still very nice and so much more room than I had ever expected. I can't wait to start making real meals and actually using the space again.

Not much else new here. DS6 is now DS7 and he thinks that means he can move to the big boy clothing. He doesn't realize that it goes according to size and not age. Kids are funny.

Food - you guessed it......not good. That will change and as soon as I can clear more of this mess around here, I will be able to focus on me some more.

Everyone have a great day!
Too many donuts, too much juice, too much pop, and too many microwave dinners. Oh yeah, it will be 2 weeks until I have a full kitchen again. How could I forget.

Nothing much here other than cleaning and more cleaning. It is unreal the dust that gets everywhere and the thickness. So I am taking small areas at a time to tackle it. Basically whatever area is preventing me from concentrating.....with the understanding that I have to finish that entire area of course before moving on. Right now I am in my office. How my computer survived with all the dust that got in the cabinet, I will never know.

Hopefully, the rest of the wall cabinets go up tonight. Then we can bring in the fridge. Oh to have a full functioning fridge again! Well, at least we can store more veggies and fruits that we can eat. Depending on energy level, I think I am going to start putting away the items that go in the upper cabinets. I will wait until they set the countertops before putting anything into the bottom cabinets. There is just too much left to do......and yet alot has been done.

The plan for the day is to get at least most of the way finished with cleaning my office. It is just too hard to concentrate on anything and I am having way too many problems keeping track of things. Oh yeah, I guess I better get those island chairs ordered as well. I told DD12 that she could go shopping with me to find some kitchen decor.

Time to go eat lunch with DH. Talk to you later.
Time to do some serious home cooking!:banana:

We have a functional kitchen again!:cool1::banana::worship: I still don't have the microwave up and the dishwasher needs to be hooked up, but at least I have a stove, OVEN, fridge and a nice big sink. And of course, cupboards and countertops. It has been so long that I almost didn't realize that a kitchen actually had cupboards or countertops.;) We still have trim work and painting on the dining side of the room, but at least we are now down to those details.

Thursday was the first night with an oven and the kids begged for pizza even frozen. I didn't have anything for fresh. It was so funny.......or sad, depends on how you look at it.......the kids were eating that frozen pizza and relishing how good it tasted. The entire family has been begging for home cooking for the last 3 weeks. I guess going out, ordering pizza, quick fix, and sandwiches can even get to the kids.

Saturday, I relished the fact that I could make a birthday cake and had plenty of room to decorate it without taking over the entire kitchen.

Yesterday, we were able to "test drive" the kitchen for a party. DS7 had his birthday party yesterday (only 3 weeks late, but he wanted Halloween theme, so it worked) and we had 18 people. It was great! The traffic flow was good and with the island and open concept, I actually had people jumping in to help prepare and clean up. That wasn't too easy to do before. Plus, we could all easily get around each other.

This morning, I made a big breakfast for myself. Why?......Because I could. It was nice to have a big enough space to prepare, cook, easily clean up, and then sit at the island and read the business paper during breakfast. Actually very relaxing and a nice change from my typical breakfast in front of the computer.

At any rate, I am enjoying the improvement to our house..........Now to plan for the next room. Even DH is saying that we need to get the rest of the house up to speed. He really is enjoying the updated feel.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/multi colored peppers and moz cheese, 1 slice 7 grain w/ butter, ham, 1 c milk, 1/2 c grapefruit juice (I can't tell you how nice it was to have a real breakfast, even if it was really too much food)
AM snack - 2 Hershey's choc tombstones
Lunch - Chinese buffet.....1 1/2 bowls egg drop soup, General Tao's chicken, rice, fried rice, chicken cashew, beef and beans, sweet roll
PM snack - 2 Hershey's choc tombstones
Supper - corn dog and mac & cheese (DH wanted to cook a suggestion from the kids)
Just now - couple bites of birthday cake

I was very tired today. Basically, I have been on my feet in the kitchen since Friday cleaning cupboards, setting shelves, washing everything to go in the cupboards (still can't believe the dust that got in the boxes in while in the other room), and filling cupboards. Also, preparing and hosting the party. Needless to I am very tired, but it was worth it. I didn't accomplish much today, so tomorrow I will start again.

The down side to the kitchen has been the weight gain. Tomorrow, I will check on that and start with the recommitment to exercise and better food. The amount of stress that is lifted is amazing, but now things are to where I can better concentrate on getting back on track.

Hope that everyone is doing well on their programs. Talk to you later.
Woohoo!!!!:woohoo: That is wonderful that the kitchen is almost 100% finished!!!!:banana:

No worries on the scale.... I know you'll get back OP and you'll do a great job! You CAN do it, Lesli!:cheer2:

Have a nice day ahead!:hug:
Thanks for the encouragement Tracy!

Well, I checked the scale and I am up about 8 lbs. It is sitting at 224. While this is not good, it is definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. So now it is time to set some new goals to get back on track. I can definitely feel the extra lbs.

My goal is to reach 210 by Christmas. That is 14 lbs and I would go for 20, but with the holidays, I would be happy with just 14. However, I will try for more.

On the plus side, I did get plenty of sleep last night and really felt much better today.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/ lots of mushrooms, colored peppers, and cheese; ham; 1 c milk, and 1/2 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - Fruit Naturals peach chunks (these are great!)
Lunch - salad w/ham, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, and raspberry vinegrette
PM snack - cheese & crackers
Supper - probably Panera soup and apple.

Goals today:
1. 48 oz water (it is important to get back on track with this)
2. put away the rest of the kitchen that is in boxes

This kitchen project has really given me a lot of perspective of our lifestyle and what we need to work on. First and foremost is that I have to learn to do just a few things on the list and just get them done. I always have a huge laundry list of things to do down to the detail. Although it can help, it can be extremely overwhelming and depressing, therefore leading to more poor choices in food.

So now as we get our lives back on track, I am just taking it one step at a time. Example: I originally thought that I would have the entire kitchen and dining painted with curtains up, the pantry cleaned with paint touched up and shelves back up and organized.......and the door back on the 1/2 bath with curtains and decor up before DS7's birthday party this past Sunday.........:rotfl2:......Yeah, that is kind of funny and very over ambitious when you have a business, kids, and kitchen delays. Normally, this would stress me since I would try to get it all done realizing that I couldn't. Yes, I am a perfectionist. So....This past weekend, I just adopted the attitude that I would just concentrate on doing the things that were making me feel most unorganized and that were bothering me the most. It turned out that it was none of the things listed, instead, I just worked on putting things back into the kitchen cupboards and focused on decorating for DS7's party....and doing the cake.

I think that was the best decision I made since I was relaxed on Sunday and truly enjoyed the company, everyone knew we were still a work in progress so why get too stressed, and we are all functioning much better the last few days since most of the kitchen is back together. So now I am going to try this technique as I get the rest of our home back together. I will do what bugs me most each day along with something that has to be done on the list. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up the progress and not be so stressed.

On yeah, added to the list is cleaning DD20's (yes, she is that old today) old room and fixing it up as a guest room. Unfortunately, that means new bedding since I don't have any, decor, etc. I guess we will see how much of my house can be done by Thanksgiving.:rolleyes1 No stress, right?

Hope that everyone has a great day!
Food was pretty much according to plan yesterday with a few glitches. Everything was on track until the PM snack, the cold pack cheese that I recently bought was horrible, too much oil. Supper ended up being Wendy's, but I think I did great with a jr. bacon cheeseburger, baked potato w/sour cream, and water. My down fall for the day was a few hershey's tombstones and about 1/4 bag of chips. Water was about 50 oz. All in all, I would consider it a successful day.

I didn't manage to get to setting back the rest of the kitchen. However, I did make headway on bookwork. Unfortunatley, I was a bit stressed and distracted by DD20 and not being able to help her celebrate her birthday. DH said she was stopping by after work, but then I got a phone call that she was too tired to stop for a few minutes. Oh yeah, we live a few blocks from work so that just might have taken too much time.:confused3 Basically, she is trying to be bubbly as if everything in life is perfect and she is living an adult life (at the boyfriend's mother's house...but it's "his" place...ok). The problem.....she really isn't dealing the the issues at hand as an adult. Pretending they don't exist doesn't make them go away. The result, she talks to my mom and ignores the rest of us. Too much stress and frustration.

This morning, DD20 comes into the store with a pan of cupcakes, walks past me without a word, takes out 4 and basically tells everyone that they need to make sure that DD12 and DS7 get at least one, then leaves. Let's see, wouldn't it have been better to drop them off at the house or at least make enough for the rest of the employees instead of everyone figuring out who will get one? I am very near my boiling point.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 egg over easy, ham, 1 c milk, 1/2 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - grapes
Lunch - ??? probably fast food
PM snack - veggies
Supper - ???

Goals today:
1. 40 oz water
2. sewing a costume

DD12 only picked out a time comsuming costume to make and me with a new sewing machine that I have never used before. I am hoping that it is not too difficult to get used to, but anything should be better than the last piece of junk that I had.

Oh, we have a door on the bathroom!:yay: Now to get the trim, widow treatments, and decor. Narrowing down the details, I love it!

Better get going. Everyone have a great day!
:hug: Lesli,

I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your DD20. I hope that things start working out with her in a positive way soon. :wizard::wizard:

Great job on food yesterday!:thumbsup2 Wendy's is my favorite fast food place!:love:

I hope you have a wonderful day today!:hug:
Keep hoping Tracy, I think this thing with DD20 is going to last awhile.

We just got back from a funeral for one of DH's aunts. She had not been well for many years, so there was much relief in the family as well as sorrow. A nice quite ceremony of mainly family. On the plus side, it gave us time to catch up with people we haven't seen for awhile.

Yesterday's food was pretty good. I think I missed the AM snack. Lunch was a hamburger here at home and some chips. PM snack was missed since I was out running errands. Water was down. Supper was Bertolli chicken and linguini, a salad, and a glass of wine. The kids all ate early since they had church activities so DH and I enjoyed dinner together. It is great to have a kitchen.;)

Oh, there were a few hershey tombstones in there.

For the most part, I have a lot of work to do on the costume. I wasn't feeling well as the day progressed so I didn't ge much cut out. Today, I feel much better......after some sinus meds.....so I suppose I will be up until 2am working on the costume. Hopefully, there is not much to finish up after that.

Food today:
Breakfast - 6 mini choc donuts, 1 c cran-grape juice (in a hurry and eating on the way to the funeral....it was a drive)
AM snack - skipped
Lunch - 1 sm piece fried chicken, piece of Italian bread, green beans, mashed potatoes w/ butter, about 6 tortolinis, and 1/2 of my salad.
PM snack - 1 hershey tombstone
Supper - pizza and pop

Goals today:
1. Finish 3/4 of the costume (it is the main goal of the day)

I better get going since I have much to do. Talk to you later.
I'm sorry to hear that your DH's aunt passed away. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Any special plans for the weekend ahead?

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
What a busy week. I did manage to get 98% of DD12's costume done...had to pin on some of the trim, but looked great. Next time, I will start earlier, but I really wasn't expecting a head cold to take me out either.

Monday, DD20 and her boyfriend came over to "talk". All I can say is "that for someone who is trying to convince everyone that she is grown up and a adult, she has a long way to go". It didn't go great. Of course, she has it all planned out about how to finance everything in her life and why worry, she doesn't pay rent. Oh, that's right, she didn't pay rent here. So while someone else is still taking care of all the living expenses (his mom) it looks "easy" to afford everything. Hmmmmmm. Most of the questions asked, she really couldn't answer. He was so wishy washy, it wasn't funny. "If we do stay together we do, if we don't we don't, whatever happens." Yeah, there's commitment of some type for you. What was that about the cow giving the milk away for free? Needless to say, it is all based on which way the wind blows. If she ends up pregnant? Oh, the shrug of shoulders from him and the "we'll just deal with it." Basically, no thought has gone into how do you live an adult life and achieve the things you want out of life. Not that I expected that, but it would have been comforting. I forsee, that he will drag her down since education isn't important to him, he can't really figure out what he wants for a job, complains that he has to work too much (40 hours), and she believes all the "knowledge" he has about everything which basically is alot of crap talk, you know the stuff that sounds like you know what you are talking about. :sad2: STRESS! I know it is her life, but it doesn't make it easy.

Most of the week was good as I took care of ALOT of errands, loose ends, phone calls, etc. Even managed to get a few more things organized around the house. Sat down for a few days to figure out a program for tracking everything for Cub Scouts. I love new programs that will make things simpler to track, but it is tedious getting them set up and all the info input to get to where you can just manage it as you go.

Actually, this week, I felt like I accomplished alot and felt really good.

Friday, ran alot of errands, the day started out great. I even realized how nice it was to go shopping and hit about 6 places in about 3 hours. Picked up another bar stool from Target, paint and supplies from Lowes, dropped off cabinet doors to be fitted for glass, picked up dining chairs from Penney's, etc. It was great! Ok, that sounds sad, but over the last few months I have always had someone with me and I never could get all of the errands run in one trip, always needed to stop part way. Nice to know that life is getting back to normal.

Then Friday late afternoon, I took DH to the emergency room. He was trying to do something under the hood of the lawn mower and slipped, hitting his head a sharp edge close to the dash. He is fine, but it needed quite a few stitches on the bridge of his nose. Now he is very self conscious about it all.

Yesterday, was very busy. We started out the day with a Boy Scout food drive for the local pantry. Helped DH with the cookout since it was so nice, we were very busy. Then went shopping for dress clothes for DD12 and DS7. I promised them last week when they had a hard time fitting into clothes for church. After that, I was exhausted so spent most of my time talking on the phone with DD22. Oh, yeah, I made muffins as well. It is so great to have a place to do all that and still the kids had room to play with the play-doh. I love my kitchen.

Ok, that brings up my weight situation. I weighed myself today and I am at 225. That is easily up 11 lbs since the beginning of summer. In some respects, I am surprised it is not more, but in other respects, I am shocked since we have been on the go all summer. However, stress and poor food choices will really get to you.

DD22 was talking about getting her weight under control and taking off 10-15 lbs in order to be back to normal weight. I realize that she has seen me deal with this for a long time and she remembers what it was like when I was thinner. So she is vowing to never let it get so out of control for her that she can't deal with it. That's an eye opener. Also, I caught glimpses of myself in the mirrors while shopping yesterday and wanted to cry. I didn't look near as good as I was feeling inside. I don't want to avoid a mirror because I feel ashamed.

Also yesterday, someone mentioned (while doing the food drive), that it costs too much to eat healthy and I had to tell them it was incorrect. A bag of apples can cost the same as the bag of chips, but in 4 days you will still be eating from that bag of apples whereas in 24 hours you will have polished off the bag of chips and will go buy more. What have I been eating? The chips. I bought oranges and apples the other day and they look appealing filled in the bin in my new fridge. The kids have been eating them, so why haven't I?

Then last night, I ran across someone who posted about Dr. Phil's weight loss book. I remembered, that when I had the most success, it was when I was following the book. Mainly that I was seriously taking a look at my life and dealing with issues at hand. Do you think that with so many signs in one day, I should be saying it is time to get the job done?

I fear hitting 230 again. With just an additional 10 lbs, I notice the difference in my walk, the extra discomfort, not being able to sit in a dining chair with arms, the poor fit of clothing that fit well when I bought it, and the tendency towards depression moments.

It is a call for help, but I guess the only one who can truly answer that call is myself. Something to think about.

Sorry for the long post. Everyone have a great day.
Sending a :hug: your way. I'm sure that that conversation with your DD and her boyfriend was not an easy one. Sending prayers for you both....

Great job on tackling that to do list last week!:thumbsup2 (Wanna come help me with mine? ;) )

I hear you on the weight loss thing. :hug:I feel like now is the time to act, but I'm not sure what to do to make lasting change. For now, I'm trying to take things one day at a time and looking at my options. (WW, e.t.c)

I hope you have a marvelous Monday!:hug:
Thanks for the prayers, Tracy. I think I will need them as far as having patience. It is just so hard to sit by and watch your daughter be "so into" a guy that I know she is hoping they will marry, and he 1) is not the right one (ok, that's a mom's opinion), 2) is the only boy she has dated, and 3) holds educaton at little regard.

Moving on. All day yesterday, I thought about my weight loss delimma and all the things that I wrote about. No matter what I did, it was there on my mind. I did have some chips with meals and a few beyond while I was contemplating, but then I got up and threw the rest away. :banana:

In church, we discussed how sometimes people do things for us and we don't see what it means to that person to have done that. We do that with our families. How many times do they try to help and we say "I'll take care of it", or vice versa, ignoring the fact that they were only trying to be nice. Often spouses fall in this rut. Anyway, it made me think that our family has fallen in this rut and we need a change. The only way to begin that change is to begin with what I can do. Ultimately, I think, this is one of the things that really keeps the lbs on because it is depressing that my family isn't always as close as I want them to be or we kind of work in our own seperate ways. Not always, but enough for it to bother me.

So what did I do? DH had the kids out helping rack leaves and I decided to join them. Actually, I was only going to do a little bit, but then I decided to clean out the garden beds around the house and made a pile of leaves for DS7, who used them as a nest. Next thing you know our family was having alot of fun, we spent most of the day in the yard, no video games, no fights with kids, and we got alot done. I even let the kids scatter milkweed seed to try to catch. It was a great day and DH later thanked me for helping. A nice change of pace for the family. What did I learn? That I am an integral part of the family becoming healthy. Many days, I would have just stayed in to do work, the kids would have helped a bit then would have come in, and DH would have been out doing the work alone only to get done about 1/3 of what we got do together.

So today, I am committing to the challenge of getting my life back together and taking the weight off. I am almost afraid to do this since I have not succeeded to reach my final weight. In fact, I am only 2 lbs lighter than I was when I started back on this journey earlier this year. I had lost some, but it is coming back and I don't like it one bit. I also feel like it could be overwhelming if I figure that I am affecting the rest of the family. However, I think I will keep in mind the fun we had yesterday as it was very stress free.

Food yesterday:
Breakfast - egg omelet w/ mushrooms & gr peppers, cheese, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - those darn chips
Lunch - bologna sandwich, chips
PM snack - string cheese
Supper - Subway 6" chicken teriyaki w/ tomato, mayo, gr pepper, cucumber, and sweet onion sauce
Late snack - cheese & crakers

Not bad, not great

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 c cream of wheat, ham, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - string cheese
Lunch - soup
PM snack - yogurt
Supper - maybe lazagna and salad.

Goals today:
1. 60oz water
2. eating my snacks so I don't fall of the deep end.

Everyone have a great day!
I'm glad that you had such a wonderful time with your family on Sunday. :goodvibes Days like that are such a blessing in our busy lives, aren't they? :goodvibes

I understand how you feel about your weight loss journey, but you CAN do this, Lesli! :cheer2: Just be sure to take things one day at a time and celebrate every victory; no matter how large or how small. I know you CAN do it!!!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful day!:hug:
Thanks, Tracy!:goodvibes

Yesterday had some pluses.....and a few minuses. Water was probably about 32oz. Food was pretty good, but I had peanut M&M's for the PM snack. I almost didn't make supper and just grabbed something quick, but quickly realized that is what we have been doing too much of lately. So I made supper as planned and am glad. Unfortunately, by the time 9pm rolled around, I ate a cream horn, then proceeded to eat 3 more. That killed things for the day.

For the most part, I really didn't feel great yesterday. I had a headache that wouldn't go away. In fact, it is still with me a bit today. If this weather would quit flipping around, I might feel normal.

So why the cream horns? I just wanted a little sweet and then allowed my frustration with DH lead me to more. He was having problems dealing with DD12 lying about what happened to the rest of the lasagna. Supposedly she fell and her hand landed in it so she ate the part that she messed up. I think she fell, but not sure about the rest. Not an unusual kid story, but it is frustrating going through these years teaching them the right thing.:sad2:

At any rate, not really a good reason for the poor food choice.

Today has been very busy. I think I have a head cold again and it it driving me nuts. Did some minor housework, went to the Vet program at the school (DS7 was singing), and spent the rest of the day working on invoices to send out for the store.

Food today:
Breakfast - bowl of shredded wheat, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - missed
Lunch - bologna on 7 grain, chips, and pepsi (very late)
PM snack - missed
Supper - not sure, party food so I will choose wisely

Goals today:
1. No eating after 8:30 pm

Tonight I have to go to a jewelry party that a friend is hosting. Sounds like it is an open house type so not sure how long I will stay. After that, I think I will just keep working on my office.

One positive thing is that I seem to be getting more things done lately. Tying up loose ends and staying on top of things better. Now to keep it up for another few weeks and I should be in good shape.

Everyone have a great evening.
Sending some get well :wizard::wizard: your way....I've been battling a cold off and on for the past week or so and it can really drain the energy right out of you. Hope you're feeling better soon!:hug:

Have a wonderful Wednesday!:goodvibes
Definitely feeling better today!:banana:

The party the other night went well. I bought a few pieces then siad I would do a show. Don't know what I was thinking. Ok, I do. Earlier this year, I dejunked my jewelry box and now I have basically nothing left except for very special occasions.

Food at the party was very well controlled. I had a sm piece of veggie pizza (the cold kind), sm piece of pumpkin cake, 5 bite size tostios w/ little spicy dip, little bit of trail mix, and a daquari slushy. Not bad. Later when I got home, I was a bit hungry so I ate a piece of lasagna. All in all, a good day.

Yesterday the kids were off from school. I slept in til 9am!:scared1: Very long for me. We did a little cleaning, put away a few more things in the kitchen, and went for lunch at the Chinese buffet. The kids never get to go with us, so it was a nice treat for them. Water was probably 40oz or more. Not good, but getting there. Breakfast was a bowl of shredded wheat. Lunch was egg drop soup, rice, chicken, general tao's chicken, some beef and green beans, egg roll, and a sm bite of sweet roll. Supper was a piece of lasagna. I had M&M's, some chips, and a string cheese during the day as well. Don't think there was more. Then I slept in the afternoon. Don't know why I was so tired, but feeling really good today. Must have been the end effects of the head cold.

Today I have done some cleaning and am working on organizing some things in my office. Later, I have to help pick up popcorn for the Cub Scouts.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet overstuffed w/mushrooms, colored peppers, and a bit of cheese; 1/2 slice 7 grain toast w/ jelly; 1 c grapefruit juice. (not too worried about the over stuffed veggies as they have next to nothing for calories)
AM snack - missed
Lunch - lasagna (it's good and we have some left, what can I say)
PM snack - apple & string cheese
Supper - pizza night & sm can pop

Goals today:
1. 60 oz water
2. no eating after 8:30pm
3. hot tea this evening to "signal end of day"

Oh, the good news.....I am down to 224! That is 1lb. Not alot has changed, but I am more conscious of what I am doing, so that is a plus.

Talk to you all later.
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, Lesli. :goodvibes

Congrats on the weight loss!:thumbsup2

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:


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