Linda's New Goal:Wt.155 + pace 9:30 = DONALD 2011(Motivators welcome)

Linda can't wait to hear all about your race! I know you did fabulous, you trained well and were prepared. Guess the weather was a bit better than last year huh?
Hello friends we made it back yesterday before the storm. The weather was awesome for the race.I did the 1/2 in 2:11:46, 1:46 off my goal- that was only because I stopped for drinks(which I never do during training)because after the 5k on Friday I had a bottle of Powerade and it went through me all day Friday- I had to drink on Saturday because I was dehydrated to start.

The 5k I did in 27:52, my goal was to be in the 27s.I was a great time but I am done with the January winter races.

Now we are shoveling out of 14 inches of nasty white stuff- where are the palm trees??????????

Hi Linda,

Congrats on your great finish. Sorry to hear about the GI issues but it looks like you kept a great pace in spite of the dehydration. I really enjoyed the 5k and the half. For me it was all new and just so much fun. Why are you done with the January races? I thought the weather we had was perfect this year.

Good luck diging out. We are still melting our way out of the ice storm here and I am missing the 60 degree Florida afternoons.
Congratulations, Linda!!!:cheer2: Way to go!!!:thumbsup2 I am so proud of you! :hug:

We got a ton of snow too! :cold: I am so ready for spring! :sunny:
Thanks Lola and Tracy! Lola you are right the weather this year was awesome for training but this is my 3rd year and watching the weather and worrying has gotten old.Who knows I may change my mind??? Taking a trip at that time is the pits too- girls wanted some color to go back to school with and it just was not great weather.I want to be able to hang by the pool if I am there too.

Hope everyone who went had a great time.

Linda: Congrats on both races. Sorry you didn't get your time due to hydration. At least the weather was great for running. It could have been hot, and then, maybe you would have had some real problems.
Great jpb!
Have not done a thing since the 1/2. We are covered in about 10 inches plus of snow and ice-yuck.No motivation here.Need to get back to the gym and start spinning.

Wt yesterday=161.4.

Hey! You did the 5K also? We probably passed each other so many times. :rotfl:
Sorry you had the hydration problem. I hear you on watching the weather and wondering, but Disney is so much fun. Maybe if you decide to go back next year, we can meet up.

But, you finished both and in great times. :banana:
Ugh just a lazy couch potato here-the weather does not help.Need to get to the gym but that is such a chore compared to going out for a run here.

Need to stay on these boards and stay accountable.

Did the elliptical x 45 mins yesterday then ran on the treadmill x 15mins.Felt good to do something finally.

Wt=160 It really should be worse.I can tell you everything is very much redistributed in that short amount of time.

Great job on the elliptical and the run.:thumbsup2 I found it hard to get moving again after the half too but it feels good to get back into it.

Hope your weather improves soon. This has been a brutal winter all around. At least the groundhog says Spring will be here soon!
Back at the gym today for a 45 minute spin class-love it!!! Can't wait to get outside on my new bike but that will probably be June with all this nasty white stuff!


Great job on the spin class!:cheer2:

I hear you on the weather. I sure hope the groundhog was right and that we'll see spring very soon. :sunny:

Have a nice evening!:hug:
I don't want to get lost here so bumping myself back up.I have been spinning and that's all right now.Feels good to be back at the gym though.


We lost our 46 year old neighbor 2 days ago- we are in shock.He was a great guy- we will miss him.

I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor, Linda. :hug: Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.:grouphug:
Thank you Tracy.

Going to the gym running and spinning but eating is out of this world.My DH on the other hand is kicking some serious butt- we are never on the same page at the same time when it comes to weight loss.

Hey Linda!

Sorry about your neighbor-that is way to young.

I hear ya on the eating-though I have been doing better since I started using FitDay again. I think the calorie counting works for me, it seems to keep me in check better than the WW points, but I still count those too (in my head!)

We got 13 inches of snow on Friday and another 4 overnight last night. I am so ready for spring, I am dying to get out and run, but due to the conditions, its just not possible yet.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Veronica

Spinning and running at the gym- wt the same,160.2. I started weights again and feel alot better.Need to be more focused on not snacking at night- that is my issue.



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