Live Trip Report from AKV (with pics)

So glad you're back safely! This thread was very entertaining while we waited and wondered if you were in Mickey jail. popcorn::

Absolutely love your pic of Fulton's, it's one of our must do's every trip.

Looking forward to the rest of your TR.
Welcome back home safe and sound!! I am so happy you enjoyed your trip!! Your pictures and TR are wonderful. :) Hopefully you will get the chance to go back and read the posts from the last couple days. Hysterical!!:rotfl2: Thanks again!!

Hi, I am new to the boards , I have just been reading for 2 years finally decided to join, your trip report was great, certainly gets us through the times when we are not at Disney
Welcome back! Sorry you weren't able to get the pool pix... but equally glad that you didn't try anything dangerous or illegal to get them!!

(We had your bail covered, though, just in case!) ;)

WELCOME back my (our) friend:thumbsup2:thumbsup2. We were really concerned about you. I heard you were possibly interrogated. Did they waterboard you, hook electrodes up to your toes or make you read the dis-boards for hours on end? Oops we seem to do that already. Anyway, glad your back. The trip report and pics are great. The rooms have TV's?:rotfl:
Welcome back home ! We sure were concerned for your safety!! Can't wait to read the rest of your report, it has been a joy so far.

In the AM...
Wednesday turned out to be an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. Low 80s and sunny. Couldn't have asked for better weather.

Now, my question is, what is it about Disney and the ocean that makes kids eat like it's their last meal? I fixed 6 eggs and a whole package of sausage (14 links - I counted them) for 4 of us. Well, DH and I ended up eating bagels because the kids (6 and 13 remember) ate EVERYTHING I fixed!!! I was in disbelief! Thank heavens this was from Garden Grocer, because I wouldn't have been able to afford to take them to somewhere like Olivia's (at OKW). Sorry - OT - I'll get back to the TR.

After eating breakfast, DH and DS went for a run while DD watched Hannah Montana and I straightened up and did laundry. For those who haven't been to AKV, the decor is dark, but I thought it was beautiful. The darker fabrics, woods and carpets hide a multitude of sins, which I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing! :laughing: It is really pretty, though. When DH and DS returned, we were going to go to a water park, but was afraid that DD and I would be too cold (yes, I'm a complete wimp and want it to be 90!). So, we decided to take advantage of our APs and went to HS. We had dinner reservations there at 7:00 anyway, so why not go early?

Hollywood Studios...
When we got to HS, it was really crowded. We made the mistake of going when they had extended evening hours. I didn't realize that at the time I made reservations, though. Just a quick tip...if you aren't going to take advantage of the extra hours (morning or evening), I would avoid that park in the morning or the evening. They are noticeably more crowded, and just not worth it IMHO.



The last time we were at HS was in December of 2006. When we were there, we mostly rode the rides, so this time was more about the shows. We got there pretty close to 3:00, and went straight to Indiana Jones. We had seen it before, but it was a long time ago, and I didn't remember too much of it. It was a neat show. They showed you how real actors do stunts, fake fight and blow things up! DS thought that part was really cool!




After Indiana Jones, we went to Lights, Motors, Action! Boy, was that neat! That's the first time we've ever done that, and the stunt drivers are incredible. It was a lot of fun to watch, and something that all 4 of us really enjoyed. If you missed this show, make sure you catch it next time! It was definitely worth it! :thumbsup2




As with most 6 - 10 year olds, my daughter LOVES Hannah Montana and High School Musical. we went to the HSM Block Party (which was right by the hat). DH and DS sat there for about 5 minutes and felt it was really in our best interest that they head over to Mama Melrose's. They just might give away our reservation if we're not there 15 minutes early, right??? :laughing: So, DD and I finished the show. It was cute, and she loved the dancing and singing. I wished I could have gotten a picture of this cute little girl sitting beside us, though. She was about 2 years old (at the most), but had an older sister (maybe 10 - 12). You could tell she had heard the sound track before, because she was absolutely gettin' down in her stroller. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She was completely into it. So, if you have young kids who enjoy HS Musical, make sure you stop and see the show!




Dinner at Mama's House
Wow! Did we ever like Mama Melrose's!!! I'm not sure if it was because we didn't enjoy Boma the night before, or because the bagel at 10:00 just didn't cut it, but the food was really good. DH got the spaghetti with seafood in it ( don't mix seafood with pasta IMHO, but hey, he enjoyed it!). I got the chicken parmesan. DD got spaghetti with meat sauce, and DS got a 4 cheese flat bread pizza. The flat bread pizza had crumbled blue cheese on it, and I thought both DS and DH would hate it. Well, they both LOVED it. It was noticeable, too, because I tried it and I LOVE blue cheese. The food was really good, though, and this will definitely be on our list when we go to HS!!! :thumbsup2

Great Movie Ride
We hit the Great Movie Ride on our way out of HS. Again, had been on it in a while, so it was cool. The CM running the ride talked with us some when she wasn't announcing, and Alyssa told her she liked Minnie. So, at the end of the ride, the CM said, "hold on for a sec." She shined her flashlight, and you can see a hidden Minnie at the very end in the scene background when you depart the ride. It was just one of those things that we'll look for from now on, and our kids will remember. Don't you guys just LOVE this Disney stuff? :goodvibes Wasn't quick enough to sneak a shot with my camera, though. Sorry! :rolleyes1 In this picture, it would have been to your left.


Well, you can't go to Disney without hitting DTD and the Boardwalk. DH suggested that we head over to the Boardwalk after dinner. Now I am blonde, but I wasn't born yesterday. Think ESPN Club and think hockey. I won't complain, though, because I'm just mad I didn't think of it first!!! :rotfl:

When we got to BW, it was a typical crowded evening (though it was around 9:00 at this point). The air had a chill, and the Yacht Club and Beach Club just glowed from across the water. Absolutely beautiful, as always. We headed to ESPN Club, and sat down to order dessert. We were in the bar (the main dining area still probably had at least a 45 minute wait, though we didn't check). Hockey was all around, and it was quite wonderful...until we got the dessert menu. Are you kidding me? What happened to your normal desserts (like some kind of chocolate cake, cheesecake, ice cream)??? Their dessert menu consisted of a sugar free gelato (whatever that is!), chocolate covered pretzels, a carrot cake with pineapple :confused3, and some banana custard thing over banana bread. Seriously, there was nothing on there that appealed to any of us, so we left. I was still glad we made it to the BW, though, even if it was only for a moment! :cloud9:

Up Next...
Our Last Day...:sad2:
Hey Buckeye Fan so glad you're back :goodvibes !!! ( we were all ready to

pony up your bail $ if needed :rotfl: )

Glad you're safe home even though you're missing WDW ( how does that

saying go? " a bad day at WDW is better than a good day anyplace else..." -

something like that ) Planning that next trip always helps :thumbsup2

Best wishes
Sounds like a great day! So glad to hear a good Mama Melrose review! What's up with those desserts at ESPN? :confused3 Thanks for the info on the hidden minnie on Great Movie Ride. I'll keep my eyes peeled next time!
Hmmm. That does look crowded... its a good thing you stuck to the shows!

Kathy was crazy crowded. We didn't even check the wait for Tower of Terror. I was the only one who really wanted to ride it, so we opted for some things we hadn't done before, which were the shows. It was actually very nice, and we had a GREAT time!
Wow, DHS does look crowded from your pictures. It sounds like you had a great time despite the crowds.
I am loving your pictures! Thanks so much for sharing. The photo of the car shooting out of the backdrop from LMA is just awesome! We love that show. Even though it was crowded, it sounds like you had a nice day at the Studios. We ate at Mama's house last fall and really enjoyed it too.

Can't wait to read and see more. :thumbsup2
DH and DS sat there for about 5 minutes and felt it was really in our best interest that they head over to Mama Melrose's. They just might give away our reservation if we're not there 15 minutes early, right??? :laughing:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl::lmao::lmao: I could just see my sons saying the same thing! And I'd gladly join them... ;)
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl::lmao::lmao: I could just see my sons saying the same thing! And I'd gladly join them... ;)
Hey, DS tolerated "lunch with the princesses" earlier in the week. I guess the block party took it a little too far for both him and DH!!! :lmao: They were good sports overall, though!

Little do they know...but I'm dragging them to Cirque this summer. Don't tell, though! :rolleyes1
Little do they know...but I'm dragging them to Cirque this summer. Don't tell, though! :rolleyes1

They'll thank you later for dragging them to Cirque. I've had several grumble about getting dragged to Cirque only to fall in love with the show. :thumbsup2
Holy crap DHS was so crowded. I have never been there when it's like that.


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