@~Losing Weight for Mickey~@

Whats the hardest about dropping a few pounds?

  • Miss Food

  • Just thinking about it

  • Working out

  • Finding support

  • Knowing what works

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WOW LWatson! What a great job you are doing. Your DH is going to be in for a surprise when he gets back. You are a new inspiration for me.

I fell off the wagon, but I got back on. I weighed yesterday and I'm at 149lbs.

I have lost a total of 8-9lbs. I have 7weeks to Disney and if I lose 5 more lbs I'll be ok with that. But do I want just okay? No, I don't. So I have upped the intesity to hard on the wii active and I am going to really crack down on the food I put in my mouth. That means seven weeks of NO cookies or candies, or chips. All the crappy food I love.

I hope all of you out there are doing well with your goals and if you have fallen off the wagon, please get back on it with me.
Wow...everyone looks fab.....I have been trying very hard toooo....Its so hard!!
I have lost a total of 11 pounds and im still trying to lose more....No junk food for me until my Disney trip that is......

What is everyone doing ....spill your secrets....
I have none...I am just drinking water only WATER ...which is so hard....
and I am eating at night the Lean Cuisine's....................

Good Night everyone......
I am new to this disboard thing ... but loved this thread! We just got home from our first Family Disney Trip (June 14-22) and hated how I looked in the pictures! My husband and I fell in love with the world and are planning a 10th anniversary trip in January and I need to lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight that is holding on! I look forward to all the support I've seen on this thread! Tomorrow is the beginning for me!

Oh - and a newbie question: How do I add a ticker/countdown to my profile?!
Woohoo 45lbs down from the day he left for the desert...and I still have a few months left to shed some more. I know i wont get the whole 70 off I wanted gone, but hey 50ish is good in my eyes for a year.


Now (oh and i'm laughing because my son goes "Mommy say cheese"....this is 1wk post gallbladder surgery so please excuse the bruising from the 50,000 needles that went into me over the course of a week)

that is amazing progress! stay confident because you have what it takes to reach your goal!
I am new to this disboard thing ... but loved this thread! We just got home from our first Family Disney Trip (June 14-22) and hated how I looked in the pictures! My husband and I fell in love with the world and are planning a 10th anniversary trip in January and I need to lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight that is holding on! I look forward to all the support I've seen on this thread! Tomorrow is the beginning for me!

Oh - and a newbie question: How do I add a ticker/countdown to my profile?!

CARRI..... what you need to do is double click on someone's ticker, and it will bring you to the page that creates them... and then you have to copy and paste into your signature on the side, in the user CP. If I can do it.. anybody can....

Lwatson.... you're amazing... I'm sure your hubby loves you just the way you are.. but wont he be surprised when he sees you... Congrats on your accomplishment.... those are real results! (Of course you're gonna tell him it was all for the mouse.) ;) What's your secret.???

yolie912.... I've been trying to stick to the Wii Active and complete the 30 day challenges.. I've upped the intensity level to hard.. and tried to cut out the snacks.. and especially ice cream... DH and I used to put the kids to bed everynight and make ourselves a sundae... I've quit doing that, he still does.. and tried to walk more places... Its been a little harder since I've mentioned in several posts my DD is on a swim team and we don't usually have time for real food,before the meets / practices, so we grab something on the go.. or pizza... and all the summer bbqs and party food is not helping at all... I've got @ 50 days to go... so I know I can lose at least 10 lbs more if I stick to it... I want to look good in those pics...

Keep up the good work everyone... keep us updated on your progress...
daisyy - thanks for the ticker info! I got it all figured out!

Walked two days in a row and no evening snacks! It helps that my DD (8) loves to take the walks with me and plan our next Disney trip! She's full of ideas!
I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day workout. I am also trying to keep to 1200 calories. I am hoping to lose 15 more lbs before the vacation. 15 lbs in 52 days...is that even possible? :scared:
I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day workout. I am also trying to keep to 1200 calories. I am hoping to lose 15 more lbs before the vacation. 15 lbs in 52 days...is that even possible? :scared:

Hey Trin, I love Love LOVE Jillians' 30 Day Shred! If you stick with it, I guarantee you'll see results. It took me more than 30 days to get to where I wanted but I kept at it and felt like I looked good enough to wear a 2pc suit on our vacation last month!

Due to a back injury I haven't done this workout in over a week. Yesterday was my first day back to working out, did 40 minutes on the elliptical, no impact. Figured I better work my way back to it slowly.

Keep up the good work everyone! :banana::cool1::banana::cool1:
Hello...I wanted to ask.....How much did you lose with Jillian 30 day shred......I have 35 days till disney....and I need to lose some weight....and I mean fast.....=)

I lost a total of 18 pounds, 2 pants sizes :)

For a while there I was fanatical about working out, every single day, no days off. It really paid off. :cool1:

Now that our summer vacation is behind us I've gotten a bit lax in the workout department and then I hurt my back so I couldn't work out at all. I haven't gotten on the scale but can feel that I've gained a few pounds back. Not too much but some of my shorts are a little bit tighter than they were earlier in the summer. I've promised myself that Saturday I'm getting back to my Jillian workouts, nothing like them. Level three is insane! She ROCKS! :cool1:
That's great ...you lost 18 pounds....but did you eat healthy also?
I am trying to lose atleast 15 pounds....any suggestions out there...

Is the program hard??? Is it easy to understand.....
I was very careful about portion control and made healthy choices but didn't follow a formal diet plan.

As for the workouts, they are great! A warmup, 20 minute workout and then a cool down. The workout consists of 3 minutes of weights, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs, and you do that three times. There are 3 levels, start with Level 1 for a week or so, when you start to feel comfortable move on to Level 2 and then Level 3. Once I completed the initial 30 days, now I just mix up the levels, the intensity and the weights that I use each time.

Jillian is awesome .... Have I mentioned that I love these workouts? :lovestruc
The ice cream is calling my name... I need an intervention! I already had 2 toasted marshmallows tonight..
Where do you find the Jillian work out? Is it a dvd?? Sounds like a good one. I like the Wii active, but after finishing the 1st 30 day challenge, I felt like it was missing something...It's still fun, and is at least better than doing nothing.
The Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is a DVD. I picked it up at Target for about $14. You will also need hand weights, 3lb or 5lb would be plenty and a mat (which you can also get at Target) for ab exercises.
Good Morning Girls!!

I am happy to say that I did Jillians workout this morning....I almost died!!!
Its very short but very hard!! If level 1 is like that I cant imagine the other levels......

My feet are shaking!...hahahaha...=)

Well we are 1 day closer to our trip!! Cant wait.....

:thumbsup2Keep it up Yolie, you're on the right track.

I had a good day today, it's my birthday, my DD graduated college Summa Cum Laud(hope I spelled that right) & I made my final payment on our Sept trip:cloud9: and I didn't eat any cake, we had lunch at Longhorn & I actually stuck to my diet even though they brought out a Chocolate Stampede desert big enough to feed an army. I resisted the temptation & only had one bite of whipped cream.

I ordered 3 DVDs this week, 2 Denise Austin & the Jillian one, like daisyyy, I need something more than Wii active, it gave me more stamina but I didn't lose much weight. I hope they get here soon, I'm down to 175 :banana: yay, for 1 lb at least but I want to lose 15 more.

Hang in there everyone, we can do it!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

Today I am sore......My whole entire body hurts...i can't even sit down!! (if you know what i mean)

Plus I did horrible....I even drank soda!!! Oh NO...and I was doing so good!!
I'm contemplating getting the Jillian DVD. It seems a lot of people are seeing results from it. I've been doing really well with not eating out. I've been taking the time to pack my lunch the night before and it really stops me from driving thru Taco Bell or Wendy's(my fave fast foods). I need to up my exercise, it's just hard to find all the time I need. If only I could win that lottery so I could quit working and hire a nanny and personal trainer.
I'm contemplating getting the Jillian DVD. It seems a lot of people are seeing results from it. I've been doing really well with not eating out. I've been taking the time to pack my lunch the night before and it really stops me from driving thru Taco Bell or Wendy's(my fave fast foods). I need to up my exercise, it's just hard to find all the time I need. If only I could win that lottery so I could quit working and hire a nanny and personal trainer.

That's the answer... Win the lottery.. hire a personal trainer and a nanny... and take month long vacations to WDW. That's my goal too... :thumbsup2

HEY TINK!... Happy birthday to you!. :banana: I hope you had a great day!

Yolie... being sore.. means it's workin'... but don't over do it... you don't want to hurt yourself for real... But don't worry about drinking a soda... Just drink extra water.. sometimes your body just needs to something to satisfy a craving...It's no reason to throw in the towel... you're doing great!.. keep it up.

I went to a BBQ last night, and also drank soda... They didn't have any diet beverages, and everything else was beer / wine.. which I don't drink, so, I guess I could have just had water... but other than the pepsi... I really didn't over do it. I am also trying to make my lunch to bring with me, so I don't hit the cafeteria... because when I go there, I have good intentions on the way over to get a salad.. but I seem to come back with something else.. so I 've been avoiding it all together. I have 45 days left now.. and if I can do another 10 ls.. I would be so happy.. hope I can!..
We made our final payment yesterday.. so there's no turning back now. :yay::woohoo::yay: well.. I hope you all feel the workout burn, and melt those unwanted pounds away. keep up the good work. let us know how your progress is going.


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