May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 6

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Olivia is feeling sick today. She slept in late, then she seemed fine UNTIL she threw up all over me. She's napping at the office with me now, but I'm leaving to get her home soon. Poor little munchkin!
Poor little Olivia. I hope she feels better soon.
V - we will be in Gainesville for the game on the 29th. Look for us - we will be wearing orange! Who are you playing this week? We have New Mexico State and will probably lose!

have you been to the Swamp (our stadium) before?

I hope you only encounter gracious UF fans....!!
Holly - having lunch with Tyler sounds like fun. I would love to do that with the girls but then they would expect to come home with me!
It was fun....I just had to tell him I probably won't be able to do it again, because it's very rare for both of my bosses to be gone at the same time.
You guys have been busy. 1800++ pages. Whoa!

Just wanted you all to know I'm doing ok. Between treatments, dr appointments, and internet not working I haven't been online for quite some time.

I've had 20 radiation treatments and 3 chemos, I have an MRI scheduled for the 28th which, will tell us how the tumors in the head have reacted to the radiation treatments.

My faith and my family have been key to my outlook and spirits have been kept positive and high.

We just finished a trip to Disneyland/Vegas and we are now on our way home. This trip was really good for keeping my mind off my problems and keep me from feeling sorry for myself.

But now, I'm excited that the cruise is getting closer and I can start planning more for it. We will be in WDW May 2nd - 10th so soon I'll be able to start making dining ressies. Still gotta figure out how to pay off the darn cruise, but I can't afford to NOT go on the cruise at this point. I may not get another chance.

We're selling the house and plan on getting an RV so that should help. We'll be selling almost all of our funiture and stuff so that will help too.

I've got to get working on those door signs and fish extender decorations! Asked the dr about drinking alcohol and he said no problem, just not a ton. Yeah!!!! DOD's and champagne.

Thank you all for all your messages, hugs, prayers, and best wishes. They are all very, very appreciated.

All the best,
:yay: Coming up....the return of all my mindless entertainment!!!

Desperate Housewives
Brothers and Sisters
Grey's Anatomy

Looks like I'll be JUST missing you in WDW then! Olivia and I are going in 5 weeks (oct 22-27). I'm already mentally packing my bags.. I can't WAIT!

I'll be on the Wonder from the 25th - 28th....we'll wave as we pass by. It's hard to wait isn't it.....yes I started packing my bags mentally too...for both trips!!! Talk about anticipation!

Olivia is feeling sick today. She slept in late, then she seemed fine UNTIL she threw up all over me. She's napping at the office with me now, but I'm leaving to get her home soon. Poor little munchkin!

Poor little Livvie....I hope she bounces back and feels better real soon.....I hate to see the little ones sick.:sick: :guilty: :sick:
You guys have been busy. 1800++ pages. Whoa!

Just wanted you all to know I'm doing ok. Between treatments, dr appointments, and internet not working I haven't been online for quite some time.

I've had 20 radiation treatments and 3 chemos, I have an MRI scheduled for the 28th which, will tell us how the tumors in the head have reacted to the radiation treatments.

My faith and my family have been key to my outlook and spirits have been kept positive and high.

We just finished a trip to Disneyland/Vegas and we are now on our way home. This trip was really good for keeping my mind off my problems and keep me from feeling sorry for myself.

But now, I'm excited that the cruise is getting closer and I can start planning more for it. We will be in WDW May 2nd - 10th so soon I'll be able to start making dining ressies. Still gotta figure out how to pay off the darn cruise, but I can't afford to NOT go on the cruise at this point. I may not get another chance.

We're selling the house and plan on getting an RV so that should help. We'll be selling almost all of our funiture and stuff so that will help too.

I've got to get working on those door signs and fish extender decorations! Asked the dr about drinking alcohol and he said no problem, just not a ton. Yeah!!!! DOD's and champagne.

Thank you all for all your messages, hugs, prayers, and best wishes. They are all very, very appreciated.

All the best,

Hi Tina,

thanks so much for posting and keeping us in the loop! I do hope you are feeling well and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers....I wish I could be as eloquent as some posters but when I try and speak (post) from the heart it comes out wrong!
Tina, it's so good to hear your doing well. Everybody was wondering how you've been doing, so thanks for taking the time to let us know. You focus on taking care of yourself and pop in whenever you're able. Trust me, your spirits will always be lifted after reading a day of posts here! :goodvibes I'm sure that MRI will show a big reduction in those tumors. :thumbsup2
Hi Tina,

thanks so much for posting and keeping us in the loop! I do hope you are feeling well and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers....I wish I could be as eloquent as some posters but when I try and speak (post) from the heart it comes out wrong![/quote]

I have the same problem! I'm actually feeling remarkably well.
Been catching up here while Tyler watches "A Goofy Movie". Today I had to tell him he needs to pick 7 things that he wants back because he hasn't remembered in a long time. One of the things he chose was that movie. Funny, in all this time, he hasn't wanted any of his videos back.....but I guess I shouldn't be so surprised because we're not big on sitting around watching stuff. Too busy doing stuff and playing or reading or going out fun places. :thumbsup2 But I have to cut his movie short. His eyes are drooping. He was falling asleep on our way to Walmart around 6pm....poor guy is wiped out!
here's a funny from today, which is probably why I should be the example of some story line in a sitcom.....

I get to the court house for my interview and of course you have to go through security, put all belongings in a bucjet walk through the metal detector...wouldn't you know, no pockets and I beep.....

there were 3 cops there, all probably anywhere from 60-70 years old.

so they all look at each other and want me to "hike up my pants", seems my heels were the culprit.....
That's funny because when I was growing up, my mom had a rule that she would never turn on the heat until the middle of November. She has an oil furnace, which I guess costs more, I don't know though, and it when she'd get the tank filled each year, she would say it has to last all winter. And she always kept the thermostat set at 65 degrees (still does). I hated it because my nose would be runny all winter because I was so cold.

Growing up my mom would always keep the house cold because she liked it that way. All winter she kept her bedroom window open a crack no matter what the temperature. When I walked past it to go to the bathroom I called it the Exorcist room because of the extreme blast of freeze when you went by. Of course, recently at her house she would have the heat on 80 coz now she was cold....and I would be sweating after five minutes.

The sun went down, it got colder in here and I made John put the heat on when he got home. Couldn't help it, just too cold. If this is any indication of our Winter this year, gonna spend lots of money on heating.
:confused3 :rolleyes1 :confused3
so I finally make it through the check point and have stated my purpose....I am here to see X in HR for an interview. Well they all ask what her last name's Italian and since I don't want to butcher the pronunciation I say, well it starts with a B....."oh no miss" "this is part of the test" they were having fun with em.....and since this is a secured building one of the officers has to take me to the elevator where he has to put in a key card in order for it to work.
so he gives me directions to HR and leaves me.....

the elevator door does not close even though floor 3 is pushed....I push the close door button and still nothing.....I am panicky at this point...I am HIGHLY claustrophobic but try very hard to control it. So I lean out of the elevator and wave my arms at the cops.
I finally get ones attention and shout that the door won't close...he promptly tells the other two "she isn't eve hired yet and she broke the elevator"!!!

So he comes to get me and has to personally escort me through the back way so I don't cause any further trouble.
it was all pretty funny but when we finally got to HR, the lady to interview me was waiting....thank goodness he escorted me!

Growing up my mom would always keep the house cold because she liked it that way. All winter she kept her bedroom window open a crack no matter what the temperature. When I walked past it to go to the bathroom I called it the Exorcist room because of the extreme blast of freeze when you went by. Of course, recently at her house she would have the heat on 80 coz now she was cold....and I would be sweating after five minutes.

The sun went down, it got colder in here and I made John put the heat on when he got home. Couldn't help it, just too cold. If this is any indication of our Winter this year, gonna spend lots of money on heating.
:confused3 :rolleyes1 :confused3

I grew up in a meat freezer....really - and I pretty much like it that way at home. I love snuggling up under the covers....

but I guess I am weird too. I love walking out in the heat and the sun just warming me all up.
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