Month of August - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Chris 0 Way to go!

Maura - COngrats on teh 11. I have so been there!

Terri - Glad to hear you are doing ok. SO sorry abotu the job. I sjould ahve mine, at least 3 days a week of mine until the end of the year. After that, who knows. DH's is not lloking much better. :guilty: (((hugs)))

Didn't feel well all weekend. more taper before CHicago than I planned.
I am about 8 shirts short of putting in an AlertShirt order. So, if anyone wnats one, please let me know ASAP.

Ordering site is here.

Well, I went out and did about 15.5 on Friday in the heat and was dying at the end. I would have normally waited until later but had plans. Looking back it wasn't as bad as it seemed, especially the last 5 miles.

I also managed to join the elite ranks of people who have crashed while cycling. It wasn't too bad. The bike is fine and all I have is a little road rash and probably a broken pinky. I am having it looked at by a friend after work. It was bound to happen eventually so at least it wasn't too bad and now the crash is out of the way. At least the legs are alright. With 2 halves in Sept and a full in Oct I would rather a broken or bruised finger than toe or leg.
Yikes Frank! Glad you're mostly OK! Hope the finger is ok!!!!
Oh Frank! I'm so sorry! I suppose it could have been worse, but still. Thank goodness you weren't hurt more. :hug: I guess a broken pinky won't slow you down too much, right? ;)
Frank Sorry to hear about your fall. I know what it's like. Hopefully ot was low speed, or like my last one----in the drvieway....just didn't unclip fast enough! More embarassing than anything else.

Carrie Hope you're feeling better today.

AFM...light workout today. Just 30 min on bike and 15-20 weights. Still bothered by some muscle pull/strain from falling last week, so the upper body weights are gonna have to wait.

Took DS to U of M today for the campus tour/info session. Tis the season.....

Frank - Sorry about the crash. Hope the bike is okay. Glad it was just a finger. I'm way too cautious now about things that might get in the way of marathons!

Terri - Keeping my fingers crossed that the job hangs on. I've survived many rounds of layoffs and endured the furlough and the pay cut, and am now doing 2 jobs while a co-worker is out with an injury. And all I can say is I'm grateful I have a job.

Maura - Have fun with the college tours. We moved DD into the dorm last week for her freshman year. DH and I are now officially empty nesters!

I accomplished 3 things tonight. 1) Resumed midweek running after a 3 week hiatus. 2) Pushed past the rut of only running 3 miles midweek. 3) Ran with DH and therefore ran much faster than I usually do midweek. Not a bad workout! Did a little over 4 miles at an average pace of 11:38 with a R3/W1 in 83 degree weather, so I'm very happy. For some reason, Jeff, I keep hearing your voice telling me if I want to run faster I have to run with faster people, so every time DH told me we could slow the pace, I kept trying to stay with him!

Great job Jackie!!!

Maura - Sorry you are still sore. Good for oyu for not using it as an excuse to not work out. SOme lazy poeple might. :rolleyes1 BTW, all the cool kids are doign ToT. You have to go!!!!! FInally, Go Blue!

Got off my hiney and 12.46 on the bike followed by a 1.25+ mile run. Not bad.
Thank you guys for your concern. It turns out the finger is just bruised so my 31 years 7 months and 24 days of life with no broken bones is in tact. :thumbsup2 The math is easy when you are a January 1st baby.

I was just thinking how I'll take the bruised finger over a bruised toe or other leg problem with all the races this fall. Mostly I'll chalk it up to a lesson learned the hard way, which seems to be the way I learn things from time to time.

Jackie, glad your getting the miles back up.

Went out tonight to do a 4.5 mile loop after the sun went down and the time was good and I just made a negative split (15:13.97 and 15:13.04). I'm doing the same loop tomorrow right after work to see how much the sun effects me so I can set a realistic goal for VA beach.
Just checking in. I'm continuing to build my base. I was disheartened to read in MFM I should really run for a full year before I begin training for a race--but that would put me on track for the Donald Half in '11 - so I guess it's not too bad. However, since I'll be at 6 months in December of consistent running, I may still be crazy enough to try for the Princess half. My super awesome triathlete SIL said she'd fly in from CO to run it with me. So....that is awfully tempting.
Frank - Glad it's just a bruise!!

Bibbidi - If you've been runnign for 6 months prior to training, you'll be fine for princess. He says you should jsut have been moving 3 times a week. Running is mmore than that IMO. DH had done nothing and I had been doing Curves 3 times a week when we started with teh W/R plan, ran teh full 10 months later.
I got my first run in about 2 weeks done last night. Only 2.1 miles, but I am very happy that I got it done. Tonight is 4 miles then Wednesday is an off day. I am also meeting with my contact at Team in Training for a fundraising meeting tonight. I will be doing my first group run this weekend in Philly. Wish me luck!
Hi guys -- I thought I'd introduce myself rather than just lurking. I'm Marcy and I live about 45 minutes away from WDW, and I decided to do the ToT 5K this year with my 9 year old daughter. I haven't run in years, but getting active again -- esp. in activities I can do with my kids -- is really important to me, and a Disney race seemed like the perfect motivator. She and I walked/ran 3 miles on Sunday in about 45 minutes, so I'm sure it will get better between now and October. I'm looking forward to "talking" with you and possibly meeting some of you in October! We're still on the fence about also doing the RFTT 3K, but may do that as well since it's the last year.
Marcy - Welcome to WISH!! Keep us posted on your trianing! I'll see you at ToT!

Megan -Good luck this weekend. Group runs sound scary to me, but a firend met her dh that way adn I've never heard of anyone who hasn't had a good experience wiht them.

Did my last brick befor eChicago last night.
Another beautiful day in the country. I did a 6k this morning and it wasn't the easiest. Sunday, while cutting the grass I was attacked (that's the closest I can find in english: in french, it would be "piqué") by a wasp, about one inch over my ankle. Yesterday run wasn't too bad but my ankle and feet have swollen so much since.... I will take tomorrow off because Thursday is my long run.
And now I am getting ready to do another 90 minutes of cutting the grass. I sure will be careful.

Diane - So sorry about your wasp attack. While attack makes it clear, in case you're intersted, we'd say stung. I hate wasps!!! Good job on your 6K! Wow, I can't imagine being on a forum that is not in my native tongue. Must make my typos really hard to understand. :flower3:
Frank - Glad it's just a bruise!!

Bibbidi - If you've been runnign for 6 months prior to training, you'll be fine for princess. He says you should jsut have been moving 3 times a week. Running is mmore than that IMO. DH had done nothing and I had been doing Curves 3 times a week when we started with teh W/R plan, ran teh full 10 months later.

Thanks for the input--it's great to know that I'm not too far behind if I want to do the princess.

Frank - glad that it was only a minor crash.
Thanks Carrie, that's the word I was looking for: I must say that I found their little nest and I was nice enough to feed them some Raid for dinner.
Today is a day of rest. It is cloudy and windy and the temperature is going down. If it is not raining I will have fun with the water pressure thing and clean the outside of the house. :woohoo:

Have a nice day everyone.


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