Month of August - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Marcy - Welcome to WISH!! Keep us posted on your trianing! I'll see you at ToT!

Thanks! Are you doing the 5K or the 13K?

Day 2 of C25K kicked my butt yesterday, and I have to figure out if it was because I did it after a 10 hour work day or because I did it on my home treadmill instead of the gym treadmill. I suspect it's because of my treadmill, which is on a slight incline even when it's set at 0.

I did sleep really well last night, though, so evening workouts may be in my future.
I did W5D2 of C25K. I felt good after, but running two days in a row has left my quads a bit sore today. Today is an off day and I'll be doing 4 miles tomorrow! I also ordered my new Timex Ironman watch yesterday. Hopefully it gets here soon!
Hi All - just checking in.

Didn't run last week as my hip was feeling a bit strange and the heat was unbearable. Back this week though in full force. Tuesday night did a great 2.5. And the temps are dropping here so it's getting easier to get out there. Yesterday off day. Tonight another run. A little over 2 weeks till Race for the Cure (my first race). Strange to think how far I've come since May when I huffed and puffed through C25K week 1. But amazing.

Less than a month until Everest Challenge. Keep stressing that I'm going to fall off the balance beam. :rolleyes1 I'm a little clumsy like that. Hopefully not. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Marcy - 13K. Still, we should see each other pre-race.

Jane - Way to go!!! Looking abck at progress like that is so fun adn really helps the confidence!

Pre-race jitters, even though it's not until Sunday. How do they expect me to work today?
Went out on my long run last night and put in 17 miles in 2:10. The last 4 were brutal but unlike last week I ran by the hosue a couple of time sto grab some water I put in the mailbox. Next week the LR is the RnR half at VA beach but for the my next one around the neighborhood I'm thinking some gel will help with the last couple miles.

I am a little sore today but that is to be expected.

Good training everyone.

There used to be a thread for the RnR VA beach and Phily Distance run but it looks gone. Any other WISHers doing them. I know some of you were looking for better hotel rates in VA Beach at the time.
Hi folks! Happy Friday! :cool1: Just caught up on what everyone has been doing. The last week or so has been crazy. DH is having some issues with his IT Band and had a couple of unrelated medical procedures. He's doing fine, but just has been really distracting.

I did manage to get my 12 mile walk in last weekend, did it at my fastest pace ever, and felt really good afterwards, so that was really encouraging. But now because of the distractions with DH, I couldn't get most of my training in this week, so hopefully I haven't done too much damage to my build up to the DL 1/2 in :scared1: 9 days!! 3 miles tomorrow, CT on Monday, 2 miles on Wendesday, then the race on Sunday...WHee!

Hope the weather breaks for those of you having major heat waves! It's going to be beautiful here this weekend, so I'm happy about that.
Frank: I will be at both events. Looking forward to getting my hands on that final Beach to Bell medal.
I'm so sad that this will be the last year for the Beach to Bell medal. I planned on running both next year!
Carrie- Thanks for the links.

Frank: I will be at both events. Looking forward to getting my hands on that final Beach to Bell medal.

That is part of why we are doing it. We are doing 3 Elite events this year (nashville, VA Beach, and Philly) and getting 6 medals (3 race medals, the cumulative miles medal, beach to bell, and dynamic duo).
Hello Everyone!

I have been lurking on this site for a few days now, and figure I should turn off the decloaking device long enough to introduce myself. It is odd as to how I found this place. I was in WDW this past March because I was running the Princess Half. I was waiting in line at the packet pick-up when I happened to get into a conversation with a couple of people in line with me. Not normally out of the ordinary, I know, but what struck me as interesting during our conversation was the fact that both of these people were wearing bright neon yellow / green (Mountain Dew colored :lmao:) shirts. I started to see others milling about with the same bright shirts on! Once the temporary blindness wore off :) I read the shirts and noticed the cool quote on the back of them. Finally, we made our way up in line and were able to pick up our packets. We wished each other luck and went our seperate ways. I haven't thought about it since. Flash forward to a few days ago; while surfing around, looking for a place full of other crazy-for-Disney-runners like myself, I happened by this site via a Google search ( I love Google) Low and behold, WISH surfaces! What are the odds?!?

I am somewhat new to the sport of running, as I started much later in life than most. Of course, I am now making myself sound ancient even though I am the ripe young age of 40. I participated in my first Goofy this year (was also my 1st marathon :scared1:) and ran the Princess 5k and Half. I have become ADDICTED to running races at Disney as they are the most fun and organized of anything I have done so far. I am preparing to do the Disneyland Half next weekend to earn my C2C medal. After that, I am headed to WDW to do the Fall Challenge - I am doing EEC, RFTT and TOT.....yes, I'm crazy..LOL

I have been doing all of this alone, as everyone in my life thinks that I am absolutely insane for running period, much less long distances. It is hard for me training alone somedays. There are no running clubs in my area, nor can I seem to talk anyone into doing it with me. I am hoping by finding this place, that I can reignite my motivation by mingling with like minded people for a change. Support and understanding for what you love to do is a great thing, even if it is virtual. I look forward to doing lots of reading and learning here while I lurk about. I did register to do the Goofy again in 2010, so I look forward to finally have a support mechanism this time during my training - which starts after the DL Half.

I appologize for the book right of the bat, and look forward to getting to know everyone here. Maybe even meeting some of you one day!

Happy Training!
Great to have you here, Knees! Welcome to the addiction! What kind of training program do you use?
:welcome:Knees! Glad you found us. Congrats on your Goofy and all of your upcoming events - they are addicting for sure. I'll be in DL next weekend too. If you are in the DTD area near Jamba Juice on Friday or Saturday nights about 7PM we are having informal WISH meets. Stop by if you get a chance, or say hi at the expo - I am sure there will be a few WISH shirts milling around.
Welcome Knees!

Got 10 Miles in today in between the heat, sun, showers and Thunderstorms. Kind of freaky being at a park with no shelter out in the wide open, but got them done.
Great to have you here, Knees! Welcome to the addiction! What kind of training program do you use?

Thanks! I used MFM for my first Goofy but am using Hal Higdon's 30 Week Personal Best Marathon program for the 2010 Goofy. Unfortunately, this program started right in the middle of my DL Half training, so I have had to do some modifications. But, I plan on jumping back on schedule after the DL Half.
:welcome:Knees! Glad you found us. Congrats on your Goofy and all of your upcoming events - they are addicting for sure. I'll be in DL next weekend too. If you are in the DTD area near Jamba Juice on Friday or Saturday nights about 7PM we are having informal WISH meets. Stop by if you get a chance, or say hi at the expo - I am sure there will be a few WISH shirts milling around.

Thanks for the welcome! This is my first trip ever to DL so I am very excited. I had planned on having dinner somewhere in DTD those evenings so maybe I will stop by and introduce myself.
Knees Okay--how does one not sound weird addressing a note to a body part!:lmao: Welcome to the board--we are so glad you found us! Now hand over your valuables--just kidding, although how do we fund all out trips to WDW?

There are a lot of us who are fairly new to running--I started last year just to run the now-departed Minnie race. I'm impressed that you made Goofy your first marathon, too. I was too scared to do that.

If you look at the main race keeping thread you'll see there's a ton of people doing the Goofy, and there is a separate thread for that, too.

Plus, join us for the RFTT mini-meet. That;s on a separate thread, too.

Hope to meet up with you there.

:welcome: Knees! Hope you get to stop by and meet some of the WISHers at DL next weekend. I started running at the inaugural Minnie in '06, and met some of them there, and have been hooked ever since.

Did 18 miles with the group this morning. Thought I was really well prepared, and expected it to go well since the 16 miler a couple of weeks ago felt really good. Made it through 11 fine, and then crashed. Struggled to get to 16, then walked it in from there. Took an ice bath when I got home, followed by a long nap. Legs are still really sore. I think the 2 midweek runs may have been a little too much this past week - even though I desperately need to get back to doing them, this may have not been the best week to choose to increase my midweek mileage all at once! Oh well, it's done, and I have 2 weeks to recover before the 20 miler.

Good Sunday morning even though I am at work. I have decided to take the last few days off since I am beginning my training for Donald tomorrow. And I hope I will start with new shoes (Have to check at the post office tomorrow).

I have a question: the longest distance on my training program will be 16k. Is that long enough or should I try to go longer like a 20k (where is the question mark on an english keyboard, :confused: ). This will be my first half marathon.

have a nice day


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