Newbie Epcot Element Swap Progress-COMPLETE

Mine are postal.......

DC number 0305 2200 0000 9845 8213

I think I forgot to throw postage in there.

I can't remember. The man in front of me stunk - really bad. He also proceeded to tell me how he got up at 6 AM to cut his grass (obviously did not bathe afterwards) because he had been in Spain for 3 months------not only did he not bathe the whole time he was there, IMO, he didn't have a toothbrush either.

Anyway, I wish him a wonderful day and held the door for him anyway.
Good thing I had lunch.. otherwise there would have been NO eating here!!!
Off to work on some layouts.... besides my internet is giving me grief today and keeps kicking me off.. they are trying to figure out why but have no explanations but to tell me to log back on. ."well no flippin' joke, you dufus!"..
I didn't say it..but I sure wanted too...
Mine has been doing that all week. I get the "do you want to work offline" or "reconnect" choice. Well, who wants to work offline, ever?
I can't figure it is driving me crazy! DH has the darn computer set up so I can't just log back in under my name.. I have to go to his to access the dsl line to reconnect.. so I have to close my brower, open his, close his, open mine.. NEEDLESS TO SAY THAT WILL BE CHANGING THIS WEEKEND!
Mine are done. I can go on vacation and not worry about these.
I won't get the zoo swap done to send with it, so I'll just send those when I am done.

I made page kits. I'm pretty sure my groups won't mind. ;)
Mine are done. I can go on vacation and not worry about these.
I won't get the zoo swap done to send with it, so I'll just send those when I am done.

I made page kits. I'm pretty sure my groups won't mind. ;)

Enjoy your vacation.
Thanks for the well wishes.

Happypooh & Michellepooh, your items came today. Never believe the PO when they say you have no packages. I will look through them later.
Boo hoo. No update on USPS website other than it was accepted.
Mine went in the mail priority mail Friday morning as promised and I have a dc# but just got back from camping and have stuff all over - will post the dc in the morning.
Glad you had a good trip

Thanks Susie!

Family reunion for the hubby's family in the poconos every year. Hot hot weekend too. It's the 2nd year we have a camper and I like it so much better now - everyone is more fun (read: less annoying) when I have an airconditioned place to sleep that does not involve and air mattress or a zipper! I brought some scrap stuff and got some things ready for swaps and some pictures cropped during the day - they thought I was nuts!
I'm so tired though. Time for bed soon.
DH said there are packages from Maria & Susie waiting for me at home. This means I can take pictures and swap out when I get home.
I'm not sure when it arrived. DH told me last night that I had some packages, but I didn't get to a computer until today. I'll be home late in the afternoon tomorrow and will hopefully be able to do :laundy: and swap out at the same time. :)
Okay, I'm here. As soon as I get caught up on DISing, I'll go take the photos & swap them out. Should have the swapping done for mailing tomorrow, but won't post pictures until late tomorrow evening. I have a DR appointment in the afternoon.
Just need to get SusieStone's package to post office tomorrow and all will be postal.

The OP has the slideshows of the groups. Don't look if you don't want to be surprised.
All packages are mailed.

If you sent $5.00, I sprung for the extra $0.25 and got you the confirmation delivery.

Those that sent more have their refunds being sent back as of today.


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