News Round Up 2020

I apologize first this post is going to be a bit everywhere I enjoyed the article alot and it has got me thinking about a bunch of things that I am just going to kinda blurt out in one disjointed post so thank you in advance.

I also liked that article and the idea of nostalgia does have its part to play within the Parks to some extent. I was pleased to actually see they acknowledged the pieced together IT system at Disney that could really use a overhaul. Sure there are other things that Disney can throw money at that has a more visible effect on the guests. Transportation, Monorail, Pathway improvement and what not as well as other construction projects world wide but a solid IT infrastructure rework would allow Disney to do even more things easier, in real time.

The magic band, mde thing was a ambitious and actually great Idea in concept but Disney never fully implemented it due to costs and the ever changing advancements in technology. Sure I love my Magic bands and I collect some of the more unique ones when I can but over all what they are currently used for is only a small portion of what they could truly accomplish even if RFID is now a bit long in the ears in the IT sense.

Eventually Disney will have a major downturn or event that will cause tourism to drop for a bit at least Domestically and although Diversifying and haveing more Parks in other Major markets can help counterbalance some of the losses that might happen when WDW experiences these events. Yet Disney does rely heavily on WDW to make a large portion of the Theme Park Profits. I am curious what the back up plan is for WDW encase they see a heavy loss of attendance. I think currently we are seeing Disney reaching closer and closer to the tipping point of what even the upper middle class feels it can afford on a vacation, and they are even slowly getting to the point they are pricing out some of the locals you would typically rely upon to help your numbers during a downturn especially since Florida ranks so low on average Salary nationally compared to other States. Will DVC be enough to save the bottom line or will a economic downturn cause even the DVC market to fall, we all know Disney has slowly been chipping away at the benefits of DVC resale to help drive people to buying Direct while they continue to increase prices there. Will Disney have to start buying back more contracts if a downturn happens just to help prop up the value or will they have to rethink the pricing structure again.

To me it feels like Disney in its rush to buy all the Shiny new things and keep investors happy have kinda started to be a bit of short sighted in the past decade in regards to WDW at least in the pricing aspect. The rush to "plus" the parks and build more hotels while spending is up makes complete sense, even a small increase in pricing to help off set the costs makes alot of sense yes what we have seen over the last decade is not a small or even a moderate price increase. A 4 day magic your way park ticket with PH was only 286 without PH it was only 232 today that same ticket if you were to buy it lets say the first week of April is 547 with Park Hopper or 467 without. Granted it could be a couple dollars lower or higher depending on what time of the year you go but overall thats pretty much a doubling of park tickets in a Decade inflation for the same period is only 17.85 percent and wage growth was pretty much stagnet during those same years. Now I am not upset for Disney making as much money as they can over that period of time, after all they are no different than most major Corperations. I just feel that pushing the prices as high as they have been although allowing for them to also double the amount of profit they have made on the parks and resorts world wide since 2010 also puts them in a sticky situation if another downturn were to happen. Disney has already been slowly cutting back on things since really Shanghai was built, and the cost of labor is going up. How will Disney deal with a downturn this time. Its hard to scale back wages, sure you can cut the number of cast members, but you have to have a certain number to get by. Its hard to cut prices, sure you can do limited time ticket deals like the 4 parks 4 days option that Disney also has been running for a bit of time now, but even then that is only a window dressing since historically you rely on local AP holders to help keep the numbers up, so those tickets discounts are only going to help so much, to entice more people you would have to either lower APs across the board or just for the locals. You just sometimes need to get more bodies through the turn style to keep up the numbers and at the prices they currently have I do not see what promotion they could run if a major economic event were to occur that they could run that wouldn't adversely have the stock holders clamping at the bit and wouldn't require other Parts of the Disney empire to help offset potential losses in the event of a a weak vacation market.
What is it with the focus lately on young adult novels for Star wars? I miss the novels being aimed at adults. This may come as a shock to Disney, but when I was young I read the adult Star wars novels.

But at times it can be hard for adults to read books aimed at the younger crowd because they can be simplified. This isn't always the case, there are some amazing young adult books out there.

I would love an ahsoka book aimed at adults. The one out there for young adults really fell flat for me.

Young adult lit is not the same as children's lit. As a PP pointed out, YA fiction isn't necessarily "dumbed down" but just avoids content that is CLEARLY adult in nature. I enjoy plenty of high-level reading and still thoroughly enjoy YA fiction, and honestly aiming the writing at the YA set is going to appeal to the broadest audience for SW fandom. It's a smart move.
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How about bringing back "The Mole" while they are at it. Still my favorite reality competition show ever. (edit: This is relevant because the show was on ABC.)

I only remember the first season of it but I loved some of the tests/problem solving they had on that one

My favorite one was the one where they had to get the car into a garage that the door was only partially open so they thought they had to take the car apart and rebuild it inside ... only to find out that if they looked the odometer in the car it was the code for opening the garage door fully
Young adult lit is not the same as children's lit. As a PP pointed out, YA fiction isn't necessarily "dumbed down" but just avoids content that is CLEARLY adult in nature. I enjoy plenty of high-level reading and still thoroughly enjoy YA fiction, and honestly aiming the writing at the YA set is going to appeal to the broadest audience for SW fandom. It's a smart move.

Most of my favorite books are YA books- very well written, complex ones. The vocabulary, sentence structure, plot, and character development in many YA books are as complex as adult books, and sometimes more so than the average adult book. YA is partially a marketing term; I’ve read interviews with authors of YA books who said they didn’t have any age group in mind but the publisher decided it was a YA book.
Received the phishing scam where they try to report a sign in to your disney account. Worth warning your less computer saving friends and family with a disney addiciton.
Received the phishing scam where they try to report a sign in to your disney account. Worth warning your less computer saving friends and family with a disney addiciton.
There was an update now you get an e-mail with each sign-in on your DVC account that was an update to that system. Is this what you are referring to? This thread confirms it is Disney and my own experience is it is Disney too.
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I don't buy that it's legit, the web link is not a disney site.
My link shows a domain which is Disney's master domain. With that said obviously no one should click on any link they feel unsafe about selecting. I'm just reporting the thread and my own experience with the e-mail. I've already reached out to DVC/Disney to see if it is legit.
I think most of the “big” older parks deal with this quite a bit. People dislike when their favorite attractions go away. Disney fans seem to long for Horizons the same way that Kings Dominion fans want Volcano back. Anytime a popular attraction closes at any park, there’s a big pushback from fans. The greater coaster community is just as nostalgic as the Disney one. Nobody likes when favorite things from their childhood go away. I mean it goes beyond parks too, look at the outcry from Hostess going out of business, or the launch of New Coke. People get upset and talk about it for years.

Volcano is probably the best themed non-Disney coaster I've ever been on. It absolutely blew me away as a kid. I was there the year it opened. I was shocked to learn they got rid of it. But apparently it was a problem with the ride system and not being able to get it to work reliably. I will forever have the ride exit message burned into my brain even though we only went that one year.


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