No need to use the Rennervate Spell this Christmas..update 5/11

ET, Text Home​

I should have known better than to give him a little sip of sprite, but I gave it to him anyway because I really thought he could handle it. Well he handled, but not so much his stomach. Thank goodness I still had a wad of napkins from the snack attack handy and out the door we went, right into the pouring rain. Poor guy, the sprite came right back up and with that right back to the RPR he and Jeff went (except for a stop to look at some cool cars across the street).


This picture really breaks my heart...

Jeff decided to take him back to rest and insisted that the 3 of us stay and tour the park. I felt torn, because I wanted Ab and Boo to enjoy the day, but at the same time felt guilty that Goo and Jeff would miss the park. But in the end, we parted ways…the 3 of us did not go back in the theater to watch the make up show but continued on in the rain towards the next area,


which happened to be the Kids Zone. I had only planned on ET and Woody’s Coaster, but with Goo gone we opted just to do ET. I had to laugh and then text my friend Pam (who was on my first trip to Orlando with me) that is was raining at Universal…right in the exact same spot we were in during a total downpour and once again the rain ponchos were back in the hotel room. I swear, I did not see rain on the weather forecast.


We are directed to the empty queue with our express pass because we just missed the preshow, but at least we are first in line for the next group and we are out of the rain.


That angered a few people in the regular line and I heard a few comments made to the CM. Boo begins to spit out quotes from ET the movie as we pass out time and before we know it we see the preshow video,


give our name to get our ET Phone home card and then ushered into the dark forest queuing area.




Ab rolls her eyes and decides this is going to be a totally cheesy ride while Boo does all he can to hold his nose at the smell. The line is chaos as no one really knows which way to go because the signs point all over the place for Express pass and stand by line, no one is going anywhere and we become bottled up on the pathway. Finally a CM comes to straighten out the mess, and it appears (because it is so dark in this area) that the express pass line may be longer than the standby line …Boo gripes (yes, after a 1 ½ days he is spoiled). After a few slow twists and turns we end up in a hallway and the loading area, not too bad and are ushered ahead of the line when the called for a party of 3. We aboard our bikes and with a little Steven Spielberg magic we are flying, trying to help ET escape and get back to his home planet.




Yay, we got ET home safely…even if both of my children where groaning and rolling their eyes by the time we disembarked. Okay, so it is a lame ride and very dated ride, at least we are out of the rain. We leave the Kids zone area, after teasing Boo about going to see Barney and singing that annoying song. I am really excited what attraction is up next on our touring plan…

So what am I excited about, the Simpson’s Ride of course.



From my prior trip I ended up loving this ride, even though I have never watched the Simpson's and really detest everything to do with them…the ride, a motion simulator, was incredible if my memory serves me right. The wait time is at 100 minutes:scared1:



but again we pull out those wonderful express passes and are directed right past the line, up the ramps to the top level where we wait less than 15 minutes.


Both my kids are thinking I am crazy at this moment for even going near something that is related to the Simpson's, but I assure them the ride is worth it. Remember my children lead a pretty sheltered life, going to private Catholic Schools so the Simpson's is pretty foreign to them, other than knowing the name of the family…I am not sure they could tell you the names of the family members…that comes very apparent in the preshow and loading area as they watch the videos and turn to me in looks of confusion at the humor being used (I must say a little shock too at some of the things being said, and now know why we don't watch the show).



Again, I reassure them that the ride is a lot of fun! We are lead to our car where we are seated in the back row, and the car moves forward and the doors open to reveal a huge screen that comes to life with the adventures of the Simpson family.


When the ride ends, I can’t help but feel disappointed, the ride was not nearly as fun as I remember…maybe because I rode the ride before I got on FJ on that trip and then rode it now after the FJ. Ab and Boo both look at me like I was crazy that I liked this ride as much as I talked about…okay, so I was wrong but maybe they will like the next one better, cause right now I am at 2 strikes.
Hey there! Got a bit behind on your report with life happening this past week, but I'm all caught up with your journey into the Studios.

Sorry to hear that Goo is still not feeling well and your family had to split up again. :sad1:

Sounds like everyone enjoyed Shrek. I got the same reaction from my kids on the ET ride. They really aren't familiar with the movie and they declared the ride "Lame". The Simpsons is ok for me. My boys really like it.

There is way too much 3-D, 4-D, Simulation going on at the Studios for my liking.
ugh :( so sorry about more sickness. I seem to get sick on our trips but at least DH and DD don't so they usually hit a park without me one day and then like a trooper i just take one down day and then suck it up and get back into the parks. lol. Right now I'm trying to get my niece to cough away from me and into her hand and then go wash b/c she's a bit sick and stays at my place EVERY day :( I'm pumping myself up on Emergen-C's and vitamins and sanitizing the house often.

Anyway, glad the rest of you continued to enjoy the time. So, nobody else caught the sickness??
From Space Aliens to Sea Creatures​

On our way to the next attraction we encounter the Coke Mister...of course they had to try it even though it cool outside and we are already wet from the rain


and then finally to Men in Black...MIB!


Once again, we were forced to store the backpack in those evil lockers. I keep complaining about the lockers because on most rides they want you to check your bags it makes no sense...and this is one of those rides. We make our way back to the locker area only to find a massive amount of people trying to do the same thing! So like all good tips tell you, head to the back because everyone stops at the front. We make our way to the back and sure enough, the wait line is only a couple of people instead of a long line. As we wait our time, we do a little people watching...this is a great place to see the worst of people. The kids and I get a little chuckle at all the people cursing the lockers and trying to figure out how to make them work (only a little chuckle, because we could very well be on the receiving end of the frustration in the next few minutes). With our belongings safely stored we make our way through the express pass entrance and down a long hallway...the only thing bad about express pass is that you miss a lot of the queuing meant to entertain you and immerse you into the ride experience...we did this during the past year having our movie nights so it did not really bother me much. Finally the long hallway leads to



and then the loading area. Boo is excited that this is an interactive ride, complete with alien weapons. I have to admit that both Ab and I were excited too! As we leave the loading area Will Smith emerges on the screen to give us our instructions, and off we go on our training mission…shoot the aliens.






When the ride ends Boo is in first place, and as we pass by the photo of our adventure I am too slow with the camera to get a picture before the words appear over our faces. I need to get better at t his! The ride dumps right into another gift shop where the kids look around. Ab finds these


She decides to buy a package to share with her friends back at home. Of course she had to dare mom and brother to eat one too…but only if she eats one!


The Fear Factor show area is up next, but the show in not for another hour. We had already decided to skip it…I am not sure why they even have this anymore since the show is long out of production, that my kids really have no clue about what it even is. I did notice earlier that the show was on again a couple of times, but then disappeared off the schedule.


Its time to head into Aminty and visit its most famous resident, Jaws. This is one movie night we did not see, and will not see…but the plot is simple and both the kids understand it. Boo complains he is hungry so on our way in he picks up some ice-cream from a vendor and does his best Jaws imitation. The kids freak out over the how long the line is inside the boat shop, but I assure them that the line really is short…the express pass follows the wall around instead of snaking back and forth across the interior. As we stand in line, I am feeling a little nostalgic; because this time next week the ride will be closing for good…so I make sure I take a few pictures to have for the memories.



Finally it is our time to load on the boats and head off on our ill fated cruise around the harbor.






After the arriving back in port and disembarking it is time to explore San Francisco (and all of the crowds).



I notice that the time is getting late in the afternoon (around 3:00) and we have dinner reservations at NASCAR at 5:00. I call Jeff to check in and see how Goo is feeling since we watched them walk away. After talking for a few minutes, we decide to head back to the hotel. As we make our way out of the park, we pass by some of the Macy balloons


and I get excited about what I have planned for tonight, watching the parade! On my bucket list for my life includes a trip to see the Macy's Day Parade in NYC on Thanksgiving...I grew up in awe of the parade! Before getting on the water taxi, I stop and have Ab and Boo take the famous globe picture


with the question Will we having dinner at NASCAR the restaurant I specifically picked out for Goo lingering in the back of my mind?
Hey there! Got a bit behind on your report with life happening this past week, but I'm all caught up with your journey into the Studios.

Sorry to hear that Goo is still not feeling well and your family had to split up again. :sad1:

Sounds like everyone enjoyed Shrek. I got the same reaction from my kids on the ET ride. They really aren't familiar with the movie and they declared the ride "Lame". The Simpsons is ok for me. My boys really like it.

We watched the movie during the summer...during one of our movie theme nights so that the kids would understand the ride.

There is way too much 3-D, 4-D, Simulation going on at the Studios for my liking.

I could see how one could get sick from all of it...but I love it!

ugh :( so sorry about more sickness. I seem to get sick on our trips but at least DH and DD don't so they usually hit a park without me one day and then like a trooper i just take one down day and then suck it up and get back into the parks. lol. Right now I'm trying to get my niece to cough away from me and into her hand and then go wash b/c she's a bit sick and stays at my place EVERY day :( I'm pumping myself up on Emergen-C's and vitamins and sanitizing the house often.

I hate hitting the park without part of the family...I felt so the end of the trip not so much!

Anyway, glad the rest of you continued to enjoy the time. So, nobody else caught the sickness??

Just wait...
:worship: your pictures from the MIB ride are excellent! All I was able to get were blurs. Are they from a point and shoot that you were able to carry on?

Hate the words they put across the ride photos now preventing Red Neck ride photos. I did manage to get one decent one from MIB- and it was just my family in the vehicle, too.

RIP Jaws! The great thing about this ride is that my 10 year old couldn't get enough. Whenever we had to split up because he didn't want to ride Mummy, either DH or I would take him to see Jaws.

I hope Goo is feeling well enough for his special dinner!
Major Attitude Adjustment Needed​

We make it back to the hotel, and I truly expected Jeff and Goo to be ready to head out to dinner on City Walk. I was so excited about the evening I had planned for us…dinner at NASCAR (Goo loves anything to do with cars, and so does his dad…although we are not NASCAR fans), then back to USO to see the park at night and to view the Macy’s Parade. But my plans were dashed; Jeff does not think it is a good idea to head to the restaurant just yet. But we have too... our reservations are at 5:00 pm…then change them. I give him the seriously disgusted face…this is the busiest time of the year on City Walk, you just don’t walk up and change reservations and the longer we wait the busier the place is going to be. And with that I go into a major pouting fit that I am not proud of, and looking back now it really did not ruin a lot of plans, but at the time I was majorly disappointed. Ab and Boo decide they really would like just to hang out for awhile…but I am too upset trying to figure out what we are going to eat, when Boo calls out pizza, after all for the last 2 days we have had pizza flyers appear under our door. Jeff decides to walk down and talk to concierge about pizza delivery, Ab decides to get a book out, Goo is content watching TV and Boo heads down to swim…me well I am pouting, remember!


When Jeff and Boo return to the room, Jeff is excited because he has learned the best place to get pizza delivered and sets out to order. I am still trying to figure out how to pull up my big girl panties while watching the news, but what I see on the news does not make me feel any better…WDW has decided to close Blizzard Beach tomorrow because of low temperatures tomorrow…great the day we are going to Discovery Cove it is going to be the coldest day of the month. This news is enough to push me over the edge, so I decide to find the laundry room and do a load of clothes (not that I needed to wash, but because I needed to get away and pout some more without my family around). I gather up the wash just as the pizza is being delivered and head out. The laundry room was not hard to find and I set about the task of getting the wash going while trying really hard to pull up those big girl panties.


With the wash started I sit down to relish in my disappointment…and to post on the DIS in my PTR about my disappointment and catch up on my friends…always a place to cheer me up. Feeling a little better after that, I try to turn the TV station…currently it is on BET and some loud rap music that is now annoying me…but the remote is nowhere to be found and I can’t find any buttons the TV itself.


Thank goodness by this time the laundry is about done. I make my way back up the elevator willing myself to be in a better mood…after all, do you really want to ruin Discovery Cove with a sick child after all the headaches to get the tickets. Better to have a night off, then to ruin a full day. The boys are happily watching some movie on TV and Ab is reading. I try to put on a smile, but I am still really sad when I look out the window and see this…



Well there is something good about the evening. Jeff tries to get me to take Boo and Ab back out and see the parade, but I pass on it. They are happy relaxing; I am just going to have to adjust plans for Thursday to make up for what we have not done at USO. And with that I grab a piece of pizza…oh my, probably the best delivery pizza I have had in a VERY LO
NG TIME. If you need delivery pizza in Orlando, be sure to check out Flippers!


YUM-O…feeling a little better we decide to call it a night, after deciding not to do early entry to HP in the morning before Discovery Cove…but what will the morning bring? Will Goo be ready for a full day of adventure? Will the temperatures put a freeze on swimming with the dolphins?
:worship: your pictures from the MIB ride are excellent! All I was able to get were blurs. Are they from a point and shoot that you were able to carry on?

Some of the pictures are mine (and some) I have found...but my camera is between a point and shoot and those fancy things....I can change my speed settings along with my shutter settings manually to get clearer action pictures. It is a little big bigger than a point and shoot but I dont have a huge protracting lense!

Hate the words they put across the ride photos now preventing Red Neck ride photos. I did manage to get one decent one from MIB- and it was just my family in the vehicle, too.

:banana:I got better getting the red neck ride photos as the trip went along...there was one that I really wanted on space mountain but didn't get it...should have bought the photo....:sad2:

RIP Jaws! The great thing about this ride is that my 10 year old couldn't get enough. Whenever we had to split up because he didn't want to ride Mummy, either DH or I would take him to see Jaws.

I liked JAWS but it was certainly about 35 years...yikes that makes me old!

I hope Goo is feeling well enough for his special dinner!

As you can read from the update, it did not happen and I did not handle it well. :guilty:
Oh no!!! I hope your DC day wasn't ruined :( It is such a GREAT place and a really good time!! Don't leave me hanging too long.:scared:
Wetsuits Required​

Wednesday morning found us enjoying a day to sleep in a bit, since we agreed no need for early entry in HP and no need to really shower or get around since today would be spent in the water at Discovery Cove. The kids and I are excited about the day before us (remember Jeff seems just to be along for the ride on this trip) because they have seen the pictures of their favorite aunt/uncle and cousins at Discovery Cove. Of all the things my sister and her family did in Orlando, their favorite hands down was what we were about to experience. The morning began with a quick look at the weather on the news, while I made sure that we had everything packed for our day. No, the weatherman had not missed the forecast; they were still predicting lower 60s for the day with current conditions being 48. Normally to us that would be balmy by our standards, but when you plan a day outside that incorporates water…BRRRR. We made our way down to the lobby and found Tony happily greeting us in his slight Jamaican accent as we loaded into his van. What a great guy he is as he spent the entire 15 minute drive to Discovery Cove asking the kids all about their adventures so far and telling us all about the Sea World Parks. When we arrive,



Tony and I discuss pick up times, he is worried that we might get too cold today and be sure to call him if we want to leave earlier then the time I had scheduled (5 pm-Discovery Cove Closing). The time is now officially a little past 8 am. I had learned that although Discovery Cove officially opens at 9 am, check in begins at 8 am along with breakfast and it is better to get their earlier so you can get an early dolphin swim time and have the rest of the day to enjoy the rest of the park without having to watch the clock. We walk into the main building



and are not sure how check in works…there appears to be a line down the center with check in stations along the sides of the building. I see several open check in stations, and assume that the line is for people who have already checked in but are waiting to be called into the park so we head to one of the open podiums…still not sure if we are doing the right thing because there is no one at the door directing us. We are greeted and I hand over all my paperwork for the day, and the first thing Jeff and I are asked for is our ID. What? We need ID? Of course, I did not bring that with me…assuming that the paperwork would be enough. The man looks at me and assures me that it will be okay, they just need the ID to prove that I am of legal age to drink…seriously, do I really look younger than 21? Without the ID I can’t get a drink…the last thing on my mind on this could day is going to be a frozen tropical drink, now maybe if you are putting a little Bailey’s in hot chocolate. Everyone gets photographed and given their ID badges that must be worn for the day,


given instructions about breakfast, the park, and times for our dolphin swim (10 am) before we are sent on our way out the door and down a lush tropical path



where we are met by a photographer wanting to take our picture. NO I AM NOT POSTING THIS PICTURE…it was awful and that was an understatement! I do not for the life of me understand why they would take a picture when your hands are full belongings…speaking of which, YOU DO NOT NEED TO PACK YOUR OWN TOWELS, they have plenty! I sure wish I would have known about not needing our own towels the entire trip because I could have packed 1 less suitcase. As are directed to continue down the path towards the building that will be used for both breakfast and lunch (all complimentary with the admission price, in fact the whole day is inclusive…snacks and drinks to your heart’s content).


We decide to go ahead and stop now for breakfast before the crowd gets too bad. Breakfast is set up like a cafeteria with lots of cold and hot choices available, the selections are plentiful and not bad for a cafeteria.



We set outside because the smell inside is about to push my 2 boys over the edge, how on earth do they eat at school? Goo seems to be on the mend, but refuses to eat anything but a little bit of yogurt…even though he picked out a huge plate of food. Somehow I knew this would happen and I only got a bowl of oatmeal & toppings and ate the rest off his plate. With our stomachs full we get back on the never ending path



where at each wetsuit/locker room we are instructed to keep going to the next one. Finally, we make it to the very back of the park and go about the task of selecting wet suits. You have many options to chose from…full length/full sleeve, full length/half sleeve, half length/half sleeve, or vest and during any part of the day you may change but you have to have one of the options on.


I go for the full length/half sleeve (so do the boys), while Ab (and Jeff) picks out the full length/full sleeves…whimps! I am pretty grateful for the wet suits, although being sucked into one seems pretty scary :scared1: because I know for the most part we will stay warmer. The attendants do an awesome job at selecting the sizes for you…I was pretty scared at first of even knowing what size to ask for, but you don’t have to they hand one over to you and tell you to come back if you want it tighter or more fitted. Along with our wetsuits, we are given a mesh bag with snorkel, mask, and sunscreen and then directed to the changing rooms and lockers. This is one time that I am glad that Jeff gets to deal with the boys. Ab and I head in and after changing she decides she needs a smaller one, oh such a pain for someone so tiny and goes back out to get a different one, mine on the other hand fits great! She returns, changes, and we head out to store our things in the locker, expecting the boys to be waiting on us…but when we make it outside they are nowhere to be found. Ab and I wait for what seems like forever, when they emerge with Jeff looking a little frazzled…I want to say, welcome to my world but bite my tongue and help him store their things in the lockers beside ours.


Noticing the time we have about 30 minutes before our dolphin swim, so what should we do that does not involve getting hair wet?
Bummer about your evening plans being cancelled, but (as I think you have concluded now), it seems like it was for the best. I can totally sympathize with the planner pout! Been there, done that!

You scared me for a minute there when you talked about the pizza flyers under the door. From everything I have read, that is a scam where you can be charged much more than expected for pizza that is either lousy or never even arrives- and the places only accept charge cards, not cash.

I have heard good things about Flippers so it is good to hear you confirm that.

I look forward to hearing about your day at Discovery Cove.
Adding Flippers to our list of Dining options this summer! I am so glad you have begun your report on Discovery Cove. You're always so detailed and we are going in August so I can't wait to read your report! I hope everyone makes it through the day and everyone stays nice and toasty :)
i Llooooovvveee Discovery Cove!!! I agree with the entry photo though - who gets gussied up to go into a place where your just going to be in the water all day?!?! I didn't like my picture either. lol

Sounds like it was a good start to the day. I hope it kept up that way.
I've been reading along preparing for our Universal visit in October, and am so excited to see the Discovery Cove portion. I'm *really* debating doing this on our trip, but I can't get past the cost for it (says she who paid way more for less time to swim with dolphins in Bermuda this summer ;) )
I am loving your TR!!! We love all things Harry Potter and your title caught my eye!!
We love the WWoHP!!! The ride is the best!!!! My daughter freaked when we first rode it. She hated the dementors! I wish I had bought the picture in the gift shop. Its of me trying to reach around to console her with my mouth wide open yelling for my husband, then its my DD crying and looking scared as heck!! Then my husband sitting there with his mouth wide open in awe!! haha
How to Snorkel and Keep Your Hair Dry

Disclaimer: I am not sure what happened to this pictures to wash them out so bad. I used those underwater disposable cameras and got great pictures when I had them developed, but the CD pictures are washed out. The colors are so I guess I will take some time the next couple of days to scan the actual photos to share with you!

My mission for the next 30 minutes was to keep my hair relatively dry and in place, so that maybe we will get a decent family picture with the dolphins. So what to do? Wade with stingrays and watch the boys try to figure out how to snorkel. At the far end of Discovery Cove is the Grand Reef…a place to explore the world of colorful tropical fish and rays.





After finding Goo a life jacket, Jeff sets out to teach the boys to snorkel…not that he has really done it,




while Ab and do our best to wade around keeping our hair dry! We basically have the entire reef to ourselves for the net 30 minutes to enjoy from above the water looking at all the rays and fish swimming beneath us,



but boys will be boys...will I keep my hair dry?
Bummer about your evening plans being cancelled, but (as I think you have concluded now), it seems like it was for the best. I can totally sympathize with the planner pout! Been there, done that!

I love that...the planner pout...I am going to have to remember that cause I have a couple more planner pouts before this TR is over!

You scared me for a minute there when you talked about the pizza flyers under the door. From everything I have read, that is a scam where you can be charged much more than expected for pizza that is either lousy or never even arrives- and the places only accept charge cards, not cash. did I miss this about flyers under the door in all my planning. I am so glad Jeff went and asked about good pizzas!

I have heard good things about Flippers so it is good to hear you confirm that.

I look forward to hearing about your day at Discovery Cove.

Adding Flippers to our list of Dining options this summer! I am so glad you have begun your report on Discovery Cove. You're always so detailed and we are going in August so I can't wait to read your report! I hope everyone makes it through the day and everyone stays nice and toasty :)

You will noe be disappointed in Flippers! I think you will have a great time at DC in August! We had a great time even with the cold temps!

i Llooooovvveee Discovery Cove!!! I agree with the entry photo though - who gets gussied up to go into a place where your just going to be in the water all day?!?! I didn't like my picture either. lol

Sounds like it was a good start to the day. I hope it kept up that way.

I know...what should I expect in a picture first thing? I did do my hair a little bit and had some mascra on...but that was for the dolphins! :rotfl:

I've been reading along preparing for our Universal visit in October, and am so excited to see the Discovery Cove portion. I'm *really* debating doing this on our trip, but I can't get past the cost for it (says she who paid way more for less time to swim with dolphins in Bermuda this summer ;) )

Here is a hint...first of all if you have swam with the not waster your money with the experience at Discovery Cove, just buy the non dolphin package and enjoy the park. I think the expansion is supposed to be done this fall! Also, if you get a Busch Garden season pass you can purchase DC tickets at a reduced rate (up to 5 tickets...this saved us almost $300)

I am loving your TR!!! We love all things Harry Potter and your title caught my eye!!
We love the WWoHP!!! The ride is the best!!!! My daughter freaked when we first rode it. She hated the dementors! I wish I had bought the picture in the gift shop. Its of me trying to reach around to console her with my mouth wide open yelling for my husband, then its my DD crying and looking scared as heck!! Then my husband sitting there with his mouth wide open in awe!! haha

That sounds like quite the picture...glad to have you along! As you can see we love all things Harry too! Mickey did not get so much rope drop attention...

Come back and finish pretty please :-)

Sorry...we had a long 4 day weekend for Easter and decided at the last minute to celebrate at our cabin in the NM mountains! No internet...
A Happy Whistle, That's a Dolphin Saying Hello​

Boys will be boys and splash, but momma stayed far away from them! A few minutes before 10, I round the guys up and we head over to Dolphin Lagoon where we are directed into huts according to our assigned dolphin swim area. There I go about the task of filling out liability releases for all us...I hate for the poor person that I had to read my handwriting and put it into the computer…thanks to shivering I am sure it was not very legible.


With everyone’s paperwork turned in we watch a short video on dolphins before taken to our part of the lagoon where we met our trainer and are instructed to wade into the lagoon which is not very easy since the rocks that we are walking on our slippery as I am trying oh so hard not to get my hair wet! In our group is a woman by herself and then another family of 3. As we make our way to the edge of the rock shelf our trainer, Stacey calls our dolphin to welcome us. Before we know it, there is Luna swimming right in front of us with her tail fluke waving! Luna is a female bottlenose dolphin who was born at Discovery Cove in 2008. Stacey and Luna spend the next 20 minutes showing us how to use hand signals and positive reinforcement to encourage her to perform behaviors.


This time is truly interactive, as we get to perform the signals and have Luna respond and Ab is enjoying every moment of the experience. She is the main reason I booked Discovery Cove because she loves dolphins and has always wanted to meet on up close and personal like this. Boo is enjoying his time, but Goo, not so much…he would rather off be swimming back with the sting rays instead of being help up on the rock shelf by his mom because he is too short to stand (hey, why did I get this job and not dad). Which by the way he keeps making me slip, but my hair is still dry. As the session begins to come to an end we are grouped by family and take our picture with Luna,


each of us give her a kiss good bye (Goo will not kiss her)





and then she is sent away back to her holding area to be replaced by Calypso who is a 7 year old dolphin born at Sea World Orlando and is noticeably a lot larger than Luna.


After spending some time getting to know Calypso, each of us swim out one at a time into deeper water for our deep water swim with Calypso who will bring us back to shore. Surprisingly, Goo decides he is going to swim with Calypso, too!




When everyone has had their turn, Calypso is rejoined by Luna and together they swim off with the rest of the pod to perform a series of jumps and flips for us as a grand finale.





The kids are all chatter (and that is not from the cold) as we say goodbye to Dolphin Lagoon and the dolphins. As we try to leave we are met by a park photo employee who insists that we take time to look at our pictures, right now! Really, right now…I am starting to freeze my hiney off and you want me to look at pictures!!! Will he get his way and lead me off when all I want to do is grab a towel or get back into the water somewhere to stay warm?


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