No need to use the Rennervate Spell this Christmas..update 5/11

Sounds like a great start to your day at Discovery Cove. So, this was the first time snorkeling for your family? Snorkeling is one of our favorite pastimes on vacation.

Your pictures from the Dolphin Encounter are priceless! (although I know from past experience at similar places that they are not $PRICELESS$!!!)

I love the family portrait and the the smiles on the kids faces during the swim put a smile on my face!

My boys are on spring break starting this afternoon, so if I don't post again, have a great week and I look forward to catching up with your report soon.
Ggrrrrr! This is the 3rd thread I'm finding my post went missing. I sure hope DISboards gets things fixed like NOW!!!

I had posted that I was SURE your hair ended up getting wet. LOL.

and on to the next set of comments now. Hope this one doens't go missing too :(

I LOoovvvee Dolphins - for some reason they nearly bring me to tears when I get to be near them. They are just such amazing creatures!!
For our turn with them 3 years ago we got a new one named Stella and she wasn't up to performing so they brought out an older one - I'm having a hard time remembering her name right now but she was the dolphin tha was in one of the JAWS movies so that was cool. I found the whole experience to be SSOO amazing and so did my DD. DH just watched and took pics b/c it's not his thing (nor is spending money LOL).

I hope those photo guys didn't take too much of your time. That's annoying :( I know they make amazing keepsakes and that's why I was glad that DH took our snaps with his top of the line camera while sitting on the rocks - I think they just KNEW not to pressure us - we had what we wanted and they knew we wouldn't pay their outrageous prices.

So, as everyone followed the photogs - we got to go on our merry way and enjoy the rest of our day.

I'm curious to see how much time they ate up since we didn't go that route.
Now I Can Get My Hair Wet​

Obviously if I have pictures from Discovery Cove the persistent park employee got his way and I ended up in the "photo cabana" but to DC credit it was heated! So my bad mood at being drug in there to look at pictures was quickly warmed up. I had already planned to buy pictures, so he was going to have an easy sale. I opted not to get the video portion of our experience. I seriously wonder why anyone would spend the extra $75 for something that has no sound. I think I spent almost $200:scared1: (I had it in my budget) included 5 5x7 pictures of my choice, a CD with copy write permission of all the pictures taken during the day (they have a photo pass type system, but you have to literally insist and track down the photographers to get pictures...they don't come to you), 2 key chains with a picture of your choice, 4 3x5 pictures, and a really nice picture frame. After taking care of the package order, I headed back to the Grand Reef where I found the family happily snorkeling with the stingrays and fish and I quickly joined them. The stingrays are totally amazing and cool to watch, while the fish swimming beneath you and around you is quite the experience. We all decided that we needed to go some place tropical sometime and snorkel in the ocean!





Funny story about the time...along the far edges of the Grand Reef are glassed in aquariums full of less friendly moray eels and sharks. You can swim and snorkel right up to the glass and not even realize there is glass. That is exactly what happened to Ab, she was snorkeling up in front of Jeff when all the sudden she shot straight out of the water with a scream. She has just passed the moray eels for the first time, and these guys just as she was passing by decided to come out of their holes and become activity. She had not discovered the concave glass separating her from was pretty funny to witness from across the reef and Jeff said it was even funnier being near her as it happened!





Words cannot even begin to describe how much fun we had the next hour or so, but like all good things, the peacefulness and the fun quickly came to an end because....
Sounds like a great start to your day at Discovery Cove. So, this was the first time snorkeling for your family? Snorkeling is one of our favorite pastimes on vacation.

Yep, first time...we don't live ANYWHERE close to do something like this!

Your pictures from the Dolphin Encounter are priceless! (although I know from past experience at similar places that they are not $PRICELESS$!!!)

Yep, not pricless...but I had found out how much the package was before hand and I had budgeted and saved for the pictures!

I love the family portrait and the the smiles on the kids faces during the swim put a smile on my face!

I was so happy that it came out well...I had been wanting a good family picture...I just wish the photopass onese would have come out better!

My boys are on spring break starting this afternoon, so if I don't post again, have a great week and I look forward to catching up with your report soon.

Have a great spring break...ours was last month and now the kids are on the countdown for summer consists of about 2 weeks anymore with the position I am in for the school system...

Ggrrrrr! This is the 3rd thread I'm finding my post went missing. I sure hope DISboards gets things fixed like NOW!!!

I hate when that happens...right now I am having issues with the color...and when I posting all I see is errors and that really :scared1: me

I had posted that I was SURE your hair ended up getting wet. LOL.

It was a little damp, but I have learned to stay far away from my boys! Although it was so tempting and cool!

and on to the next set of comments now. Hope this one doens't go missing too :(

I LOoovvvee Dolphins - for some reason they nearly bring me to tears when I get to be near them. They are just such amazing creatures!!
For our turn with them 3 years ago we got a new one named Stella and she wasn't up to performing so they brought out an older one - I'm having a hard time remembering her name right now but she was the dolphin tha was in one of the JAWS movies so that was cool. I found the whole experience to be SSOO amazing and so did my DD. DH just watched and took pics b/c it's not his thing (nor is spending money LOL).

I think everyone should do it at least once...they are such an amazing creature...we all agreed that we would love to go back to Discovery Cove, but we don't need to do the dolphins. The kids were a little disappointed in the time spent...I am have been thinking of Disney Cruise and the deep water experience at Atlantis...but only dreaming!

I hope those photo guys didn't take too much of your time. That's annoying :( I know they make amazing keepsakes and that's why I was glad that DH took our snaps with his top of the line camera while sitting on the rocks - I think they just KNEW not to pressure us - we had what we wanted and they knew we wouldn't pay their outrageous prices.

Wish my DH was better with the you notice I am never seen, both because I am behind the camera and I hate seeing myself in pictures! They only took about 15 minutes of our time, because I knew what I wanted and what I did not want. At least it was warm there!

So, as everyone followed the photogs - we got to go on our merry way and enjoy the rest of our day.

I'm curious to see how much time they ate up since we didn't go that route.

They only took about 15 minutes of our time, because I knew what I wanted and what I did not want and after one failed attempt to get me to buy more they knew not to try again. I had an agreement with Jeff that this trip would be paid for with cash only and so I had my budget set...and at the end we came home with money. At least it was warm there!
Hungry Tummies & New Adventures​

I guess all that snorkeling made the boys decide that they were hungry and according to the time lunch was being served in the cafeteria. We all agreed that it would be a good time to eat and quickly searched out towels and more towels to keep us warm as we walked back to the front of the park to where the cafeteria is. Remember that breakfast, lunch, drinks, and all the snacks you want are included in the price of your ticket. The line was not too bad, so while Jeff took the boys in to pick out their meal, Ab and I scouted a table in what sun we could find...which let me tell you was not too easy as everyone had the same idea. With the table secure I send Ab in to tell the boys where we were and to get her lunch. The lunch selections were pretty basic...hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken fingers, club sandwich, jambalaya, and a pasta dish.


Along with a large selection of pasta, fruit, and green salads. There was also a great selections of desserts. I had a hamburger, which for cafeteria food was much better than that Cheeseburger in Paradise I had a couple nights prior at Margaritaville. Goo still claiming he did not feel well took a couple of bites of hot dog, proclaimed he was done, and then set his sights on chocolate cake. Me being mom, told him no way unless he hate his hot dog and dad being dad said...we are on vacation, have that chocolate cake...and he did!


After finishing up lunch we decide to check out the other side of Discovery Cove which includes Serenity Bay and Wind Away River.


As we make our way into the waters, we quickly discover that this was the place we should have been all along...the water is WARM, in fact a constant 80 degrees, which feels like we have died and gone to heaven! As we play around in the bay for awhile Boo spots a cave which lures us all in and we find is the start of the Wind Away River...




Ride the soothing currents of a tropical river as it winds past sandy beaches, through a dense rain forest, beneath the rocky terrain of cascading waterfalls, and through an underwater cave. Glance down as you travel and take in the wonders that exist beneath the surface of the crystal-clear water

What a fun place and experience...the whole river tip probably took 20-30 minutes and we all had fun diving looking for all the sunken treasure below us and playing in the various waterfalls.


About 1/2 way through the river experience you come upon the Explorer's Aviary...


Venture beyond the beaches and waterfalls of Discovery Cove and enter a hidden treasure, the Explorer's Aviary, where an inspiring natural habitat sings with the rhythm of wings and the melodies of birdsong. Watch as hundreds of colorful birds soar above and around you. Feel your heart soar as a feathered friend glides in to meet you and nibble fruit from your hand.

So the kids and I decide to climb out of the warm water and take a look. Jeff on the other hand is content to stay in the warm tropical water...he was the smart one because no sooner did we get out did we wish that we were back in the water...but the lure of the birds called us farther down the path. We came across a bird keeper feeding some of the birds and were offered a cup of baby mice fetus' to give to the birds...


then we continued quickly down the path father in out of bird areas until we finally found the river again...


ahhh, I am sure the birds were neat but the water was ahhhhh. We floated our way back to where we left Jeff and continued around the river



until we reached Serenity Bay once again. "Now What?, " Boo asks.
An Afternoon of Snorkeling & Floating​

I look at the time at it is only a little past 1:00 and Tony is not due for another 4 hours, and I realize either this is going to be a very long cold afternoon or we can cut the day short and try to make up for some lost time at USO/IOA due to Goo being sick. I ask the kids what they want to do and between teeth chattering, we decide to have Tony pick us up around 4:00 which gives us about 2 hours to play so we spend the rest of the time we have at Discovery Cove going back and forth between Wind Away River and the Grand Reef. Here are a few more pictures...

Grand Reef






Wind Away River







About 3:00, I signal to the boys that I am going to go and change so that I will have time to pick up our picture package before we leave. Ab decides she has had enough and leaves with me. We make it to the lockers to gather our stuff, but I should have known that everyone else in the park that day is also thinking of cutting the day short before the sun gets lower in the sky and the temperature get colder. The locker room area is packed, so Ab and I decide to go down the trail towards the entrance and try another locker room. Discovery Cove fills up locker rooms from the back to the front of th park...if you get there early you are in the back and at full capacity...the locker rooms closer to the entrance are filled last so they are not at capacity. We make it to the next locker room and it is basically empty. Ab and I shower and change, then I send her back to tell the boys about the locker while I head to the front to the photo area. When I finally make it to a sales clerk, I find that the pictures that I had taken 2 hours ago are not on my account yet, so they spend the next 15 minutes tracking down the photographer to get my pictures and get the CD burned. By the time I am done, no sign of my family anywhere and I look at the time knowing that Tony will be waiting in a few minutes (something I love about this guy he is 5-10 minutes early, just like me). So I head back down the path to the locker rooms where I find them seated at one of the snack bars enjoying some frozen slushies (brrrr...but we are warm now was their excuse) and a nice soft pretzel. I let them enjoy the few extra moments before dragging them off to find Tony, who of course is waiting with his "I told you smile." He instantly engages the kids and asking them about their day, hey how come when I ask the kids about what they did all I get is "nothing!"? As we travel back to the hotel, Tony lets us know that we are going a different route back in order to avoid the traffic on the freeway. Before long with no waiting in traffic, we pull up to the RPR and bid Tony farewell until Friday morning when we will be leaving the RPR for BWV. We make it up to the hotel room, where we drop our things off and head right back out the door...but where do we go, since our dinner reservations are not until 7:00 pm?
Glad you have come back to share some more!!!! I have a question about DC. We are going in August but not doing the Dolphin Swim. Is there a place to sit and watch the dolphins perform if you are not doing the swim? Do the sting rays let you "pet them"? Sorry, I just can't wait and think this will be the highlight of our trip!!!
Glad you have come back to share some more!!!! I have a question about DC. We are going in August but not doing the Dolphin Swim. Is there a place to sit and watch the dolphins perform if you are not doing the swim? Do the sting rays let you "pet them"? Sorry, I just can't wait and think this will be the highlight of our trip!!!

Love to answer questions...

Yes, there are plenty of places along the beach of Dolphin Lagoon to watch, although the dolphins really don't do any performing like you would see at sea world...only a couple of jumps and flips at the end of the session. Most of the time is spent up close with the people participating.

Yes, the rays let you per them...the key is to approach them slowly! They are so cool! I could have spent the entire day watching them had I not been freezing to death!
A Seuss Makeover and an Angry God​

When the kids were asked, it was a loud "Seuss Landing" that got the vote. I guess they just love this place, because it seems that we keep ending up there...and to think that I had only a little time scheduled this is area of the park. Really, it was a good choice since dinner will be a little further around in the next island. So first up to ride is Cat in the Hat.







From there we head onto One Fish, where Ab decides to ride to spare me...what a sweet girl, but this time she was smart and made little brother sit on the outside.


Next up was the Caro-Seuss-el


and then a little shopping trip into Mulberry Street


where Boo finally decides to make a purchase...


I convince the kids to skip High in the Sky for now, promising that we will come back later. My reasoning is that I would like to get Poseidon’s Fury in before dinner so that we can go and walk through WWofHP after dinner. So we cross over the bridge into the Lost Continent


and find this time that Poseidon’s Fury is indeed open this time, and with our express pass we walk almost directly into the show.






The plot line for Poseidon is pretty easy to follow…just think Indiana Jones and there you have it. It is our job to find the Triton and return it to Poseidon. Ab and Boo love all things to do with mythology so I thought this would be fun for them. I can say that they enjoyed it, but loved it…well, not really. Goo however loved the special effects, especially in the last chamber.





As we exit Poseidon, I notice that it is close to our reservation at Mythos, I wonder if we can check in early and get seated?
Just want to tell you how much I have enjoyed your trip report. It sounds like the driver you used for your Discovery Cove trip is the same driver we have used a couple times, Tony Hinds. Great guy and very professional. Hope to use him again next month.
Twenty Questions & Where’s the Bread​

Having eaten before at Mythos, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food and was excited for my family to try it out or at least experience the restaurant which is amazing.


The reservation was made with a little bit of hesitation, looking at the menu I am a little worried that it might be too “foodie” for my meat and potatoes crew, although they are not picky eaters (for which I am blessed) I thought the food might be a little too upscale than what they were used to. Upon exiting Poseidon, I decided to see if we could get seated about 30 minutes prior to our reservation, which according to the hostess would not be a problem when she handed over our pager.



We probably waited 15 minutes before the pager signaled that our table was ready (yeah) and off we went…hungry from an afternoon of snorkeling and floating! The hostess sat us at a table under a window in the front, I was pretty happy with the table but apparently Jeff was not.


He asked for us to be moved and I looked at time like he was crazy…he wanted to be more in the open to soak up the atmosphere. The hostess was ready to move us, but we would have to wait…hearing groans from the kids I stepped in and said this table was fine. Never, has Jeff ever asked for us to be moved…I guess after what happened at Jimmy Buffet he has decided to exert himself. Who knows, but we are seated and begin to look over our menu when the waiter arrives…his name escapes me, but let’s call him Juan for this TR. Juan apparently needs a few lessons on how to be a waiter at Mythos or at least more training and time learning the menu so that he can answer questions that patrons might have. Oh, no it is apparent that this meal is going to go downhill fast! Juan takes our drink order and promises to bring bread along with answers to some questions Jeff had about the menu …something I learn real fast, don’t take my husband to a “foodie” type place or we will ask questions about every item on the menu. Juan returns with answers but no drinks and no bread. Another 10 minutes pass and still no drinks, but he returns with answers and another apology about the bread. He is sent off again seeking more answers (this time about adult drinks) and to hopefully bring us our drinks and the famous Mythos bread that he keeps mentioning. So once again we are sitting waiting…finally Juan returns a short while later with our basic drinks but no bread. He apologizes and says he will be right back to get our orders and bring bread. By this time we are all starving, and Goo decides he does not want dinner but just a banana split for dinner. Huh? This little guy is really testing whether or not mom will continue to say “YES” 3 days into the vacation. Just as I am about to say no (remember this child has had only ½ yogurt and chocolate cake to eat today), Jeff steps in and says that sounds good to him for which dad gets a good teacher stare down from mom! Then Goo pipes up and wants a pina colada smoothie…okay, then mom is getting a margarita but knowing that I am too tired, gets dad to split one with her because she does not want to fall asleep at the table, but not until he asks 20 questions to Juan about the margarita as he returns to take our orders (mind you without bread). With our orders being taken, Ab and I decide to go and check out the back patio of the restaurant



as well as take a few pictures of the interior.








Our food arrives (but no bread), but apparently Juan has a little trouble with understanding what we ordered and brings us things we did not order. Boo did get his fish and Jeff his BBQ panni, while Ab has no idea what he brought her…Juan apologizes and retakes her order, while I ordered the Baby Spinach Salad for which he brought be a side size instead of the dinner size. I reassure him that it is okay and actually works better since Ab decides she wants to split her meal with me. Juan goes back to the kitchen to get Ab’s order straight, and hopefully get us some bread. Juan returns with that much needed margarita


and Ab’s Pad Thai, but no bread…but he assures us he is getting some. Funny, we have never mentioned the bread to him, and he is the one that keeps reminding us about not having any! The next think I know Juan returns with the dinner size portion of my salad…with another apology for getting it wrong after I told him that the size he gave me was perfect. I am wondering if we are having a huge language issue between us! He checks our drinks, and tells Boo he will return with a refill on that pina colada smoothie…which I don’t think he needs but I am not quick enough to say that is alright he does not need another one.


So how was dinner, did my meat and potatoes family enjoy the “foodie” menu? I was stunned, Boo ordered grilled Mahi Mahi and when he looked at the plate he was a little worried that he had ordered wrong…but the boy cleaned up the plate in no time flat.


Ab really liked her Pad Thai, although the portion was huge.


Jeff thought his BBQ panni was okay (notice no picture of his dinner, he has still not gotten used to me taking picture of food!). My Baby Spinach Salad was very nice


and of course Goo was stopped short of licking his plate clean with his banana split.


Juan returns with another smoothie for Boo and guess what, our bread! Really? Family verdict on Mythos…3 stars (great atmosphere, okay food (good if you are foodie) and bumbling wait staff). Right now I am 1 for 3 restaurants, sure hoping my picks at Disney are better! With dinner done and IOA of adventure still open for another 3 hours Jeff thinks that maybe he can handle Forbidden Journey. But will the crowds let us enjoy an evening in Hogsmeade?
Just want to tell you how much I have enjoyed your trip report. It sounds like the driver you used for your Discovery Cove trip is the same driver we have used a couple times, Tony Hinds. Great guy and very professional. Hope to use him again next month.

That is him! We love much that the kids want to know when we can go back and ride in his van! He is a super guy!

Thank you for the great compliment...I am enjoying writing it, but it is taking me forever. I think once we get to WDW it will be faster...not a lot of people know about USO/IOA/DC so I wanted to shed some light on the dark side that I also enjoy!
I really want to try Mythos in Nov, but my family is "meat and potatoes" like yours. I was hesitating because of the menu but your pics of the restaurant are so awesome I might just schedule it anyway!
Geez, two of our favorite restaurants and you had poor service at both. I sure hope that is a fluke. I like that your trip report is taking time and all the pictures make it GREAT! ;)
Sadly, we had the same experience at Mythos, but with a different waitress. It was unbelievable. There were 10 of us at the table and we were there forever waiting for food and drinks, and asking for things multiple times etc.

The food was amazing when it finally came though! But the wait staff gave us such a bad experience that I doubt we will be back. It was not worth all the trouble.


I wonder why they do not train their staff? More efficient wait staff will result in more people through there which means more money for them. Maybe they don't get that concept.

Ride Em', Err Leopard Boy​

I am really looking forward to an evening in Hogsmeade sipping on a butter beer. But as we approach the entrance from Lost Continent I see in front of me park attendants and a barrier across the entrance. Usually but now the crowds are thinning at WWofHP and you can actually enjoy yourself, but from what I am seeing this is not the case tonight. We make our way to the park attendant who tells us that WWofHP is at capacity and that the stand by line is in Jurassic park. He directs us towards the bridge that leads to Jurassic Park from Lost Continent. I ask how long the standby line is, and his reply is at least 1 hour to get into WWofHP and they are not sure that the standby line will get in before park closing. He tells us this is a first, never have they had a stand by this late for WWofHP, not even on opening day…which I know for a fact did not happen because I was there that night and it was an amazing evening! We all agree that we will not be visiting Harry tonight and decide just to go back to the hotel and make it an early night so that we can spend one last early morning with Harry tomorrow! But first we have to make it through Seuss Landing, and of course I am reminded that I said we would ride High in the Sky Trolley after dinner. And then you have to pass One Fish, Two Fish…and then finally the Port of Entry


where the Goo has to try out his rodeo skills on the back of a leopard!



Then it is back down the familiar path to the RPR before walking across the bridge into the lobby


and allowing a few minutes to take in the tree and gingerbread house



before up the elevator we go.


A little past 9 and we are back in our room, ready to call it a day with me being the ever so planner falling asleep trying readjust our touring plan for tomorrow (planned morning being IOA, and then the afternoon at DTD) since we lost a day back on Day 2 with Goo being sick. What will the touring plan be like on Day 4?


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