Now I've seen everything: St Louis couple comes out of their house and points guns at protesters marching in front of their street

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And yet here is the first lie. It is not a little lie. It is a lie to control the entire narrative.
The video shows calm and controlled protesters and an open not broken gate. Mark M said the gate destroyed by the 'storming of the bastille' BEFORE he got outside and by the first of the white only mob people.
They were intentionally confrontational going to the edge of their property to stick guns at people.

If they were truly afraid and in a state where guns are common carried, wouldn't their smart lawyers brains tell them they are out-numbered and provocation isn't a good strategy? It will take alot more evidence for me to believe they were guided by justifiable fear.

2 can play that game. The media images of them were scary. Does that mean every time they walk by somebody else's house that homeowner has the right to run down the property edge and brandish a weapon aimed at their heads?
I have not seen this posted but it is very important to know the McCloskey's knew the protest was coming and had been notified days in advance.

There is no longer any question that this knowledge was used to set up the confrontation and be used in their law suit over the property ownership.
They were intentionally confrontational going to the edge of their property to stick guns at people.

If they were truly afraid and in a state where guns are common carried, wouldn't their smart lawyers brains tell them they are out-numbered and provocation isn't a good strategy? It will take alot more evidence for me to believe they were guided by justifiable fear.

2 can play that game. The media images of them were scary. Does that mean every time they walk by somebody else's house that homeowner has the right to run down the property edge and brandish a weapon aimed at their heads?
They had a legal right to protect themselves. The attorney who charged them is a doozy (to put it nicely) Gardner lets criminals slide while throwing the book at this couple. She is giving her financial backers what they paid for..
They had a legal right to protect themselves. The attorney who charged them is a doozy (to put it nicely) Gardner lets criminals slide while throwing the book at this couple. She is giving her financial backers what they paid for..

Letting criminals slide, cronyism, you wash my hands I'll wash yours -- I've read some other occurrences of that lately too. Wonder if it's a budding epidemic?
I have not seen this posted but it is very important to know the McCloskey's knew the protest was coming and had been notified days in advance.

There is no longer any question that this knowledge was used to set up the confrontation and be used in their law suit over the property ownership.
Not surprised considering the video shows Mr McCloskey on his porch with the AR as the first protesters walk through the gate. I find it odd that so many people are talking about them "defending themselves" when the confrontation was provoked by the McCloskeys and they were never in danger.

I'm sure someone is going to claim my last statement is speculation but how many houses did that group vandalize or invade during the march? Why would the McCloskey's house have been any different?
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They had a legal right to protect themselves.
You are correct, they did. But what were they protecting themselves from? I'm guessing you missed it, so I'll ask it again...
So a group of people (protestors, mob, whatever) are walking down the street, yelling, chanting, whatever. You are at least 100 feet away, not in their direct path. They are not walking toward you. They are not brandishing weapons. Where is the "threat" that a REASONABLE person should feel?
What justifies pointing a loaded weapon at people (mob if it makes you feel better)?
Have you guys seen what is going on in Portand?(hint: don't listen to the mayor). what is going on still in seattle again? the looting in big citys? and the shootings in new York and Chicago and who knows where else? Just watch what can happen when "peaceful" protests get out of hand. I have no idea if this protest would get out of hand, but the judges husband that answered the door the other day for the fed ex man, didn't either. and we know what happened there. Be prepared. Buy ammo. And don't be a sitting duck.
When you break down someone's gate, and rush their private property, you are not a protestor. You are a criminal.

The protest leader admitted that their protest group committed first degree trespass, a Class B misdemeanor with the potential of 6 months of jail time, yet the people protecting their private property are the ones getting charged.
There's no evidence that the gate was damaged until later. Not sure why it was damaged and there's really no excuse for why, but it's 100% clear that the crowd entered through an intact gate.

Trespassing is more than just about knowing that one is on private property and not specifically seeking permission (implied or otherwise). I could walk to my neighbor's backyard and then seek forgiveness later. But yes it could be considered trespassing if my neighbor is interested in making it trespassing. In this case it wasn't the McCloskeys' property. The gate, street, and sidewalk are (it's complicated) legally HOA property, or at least where the HOA has controlling rights. The HOA hasn't made any indication that it's interested in a trespassing charge. The HOA's security guard was there too and didn't seem interested in treating the crowd as trespassers.

The couple would have been perfectly within their rights to walk around their property with guns pointed down. It may look stupid, but they would stay well within the law by having guns ready, but not pointed at anyone. There are also limitations on what someone can do - even against an actual trespasser. Missouri law has specific protections if someone breaches a dwelling or a vehicle that's occupied.

I'm guessing they plea down, get community service, and possibly a suspension of their law licenses.
Have you guys seen what is going on in Portand?(hint: don't listen to the mayor). what is going on still in seattle again? the looting in big citys? and the shootings in new York and Chicago and who knows where else? Just watch what can happen when "peaceful" protests get out of hand. I have no idea if this protest would get out of hand, but the judges husband that answered the door the other day for the fed ex man, didn't either. and we know what happened there. Be prepared. Buy ammo. And don't be a sitting duck.
First, the judges husband was an ASSASSINATION, not a "protest" that got out of hand. I can't believe you're even comparing the two.
Second, not one person here has said the couple didn't have the right to protect their property. I believe some even said (and I agree with them) that they have the right to have weapons and carry them on their property to protect themselves and their property.
Where they get into trouble however is aiming the loaded weapons at PEOPLE who are NOT a direct threat to them. Could the people they were aiming at have become direct threats? Yes. But until that happens, they should not aim their weapons.

Would you be ok with someone aiming a weapon at you if you're walking down the street (even a "private" street, even though that's up for debate also)?
They had a legal right to protect themselves. The attorney who charged them is a doozy (to put it nicely) Gardner lets criminals slide while throwing the book at this couple. She is giving her financial backers what they paid for..
They were never in danger. The protesters were marching down the street, not trying to enter homes or harm residents of the community.
Have you guys seen what is going on in Portand?(hint: don't listen to the mayor). what is going on still in seattle again? the looting in big citys? and the shootings in new York and Chicago and who knows where else? Just watch what can happen when "peaceful" protests get out of hand. I have no idea if this protest would get out of hand, but the judges husband that answered the door the other day for the fed ex man, didn't either. and we know what happened there. Be prepared. Buy ammo. And don't be a sitting duck.

An unhinged sociopath with an unstable agenda is now a "protest"? I guess that means Ted Kaczynski qualifies too?
First, the judges husband was an ASSASSINATION, not a "protest" that got out of hand. I can't believe you're even comparing the two.
Second, not one person here has said the couple didn't have the right to protect their property. I believe some even said (and I agree with them) that they have the right to have weapons and carry them on their property to protect themselves and their property.
Where they get into trouble however is aiming the loaded weapons at PEOPLE who are NOT a direct threat to them. Could the people they were aiming at have become direct threats? Yes. But until that happens, they should not aim their weapons.

Would you be ok with someone aiming a weapon at you if you're walking down the street (even a "private" street, even though that's up for debate also)?
and lastly, the shootings in Chi and NYC have nothing to do with the protests.
Have you guys seen what is going on in Portand?(hint: don't listen to the mayor). what is going on still in seattle again? the looting in big citys? and the shootings in new York and Chicago and who knows where else? Just watch what can happen when "peaceful" protests get out of hand. I have no idea if this protest would get out of hand, but the judges husband that answered the door the other day for the fed ex man, didn't either. and we know what happened there. Be prepared. Buy ammo. And don't be a sitting duck.

What on Earth does one thing have to do with the other?
I've pointed it out before, I'll point it out again, the case of Renisha McBride is quite on point for many of the issues in this situation.
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