***OFFICIAL*** October 2011 - Updated 10/08/11

No washer until we get back from vacation - Keith and I are going over to Gandma's to do a couple loads this afternoon and pick up the extra suitcase.:laundy::dance3:


I can finally say single digits!!! 9 more days!!

Yay!!! Me too! :woohoo:

So I have been "working" for over an hour and haven't done anything except the bare minimum to actually be considered working. Next week is going to be worse, I know!!! Plus I'm working from home today and I kept DD home because when I looked at her yesterday, the poor thing actually had bags under her eyes. :eek: She's had a cold and I know she needs some rest. Of course she woke up at 6AM today!!! That's 1/2 hour earlier than she normally would to go to day care and we have to drag her out of bed those days! She has been playing quietly most of the morning, though, and for a good portion of the morning she was watching Winnie the Pooh while laying on the floor, so at least she's resting more than she would be in school.

I'm at that anxious point before a trip where I it's too early to really start getting ready but I feel like I should be getting ready but if I do I know I'll just do it all over again in a week, you know? :rotfl:
Well, I've been at work since 6:15 this morning. :rotfl: Crazy, I know, but I am a workaholic. My boss (the President of the company) came in to my office this morning and told me "you are NOT to think about this place while you are gone. You have a good time with your family". I was shocked. It was such a nice thing to say, especially after how busy things have been and what's been happening lately. (long story, but let's just put it this way: Horizon BCBS screwed over my company yet again). *sigh*

Less than three and a half working days. I can't believe how fast this day has gone. I just looked at the clock and realized it's almost one. Quite astounding!!!!

I'm spending tomorrow with little DS and DD watching [hopefully] Disney movies. I want to watch The Sword in the Stone, but I think I might get "nooooo"ed at. lol I know we have other movies he hasn't seen, but I doubt we'll get them in. And if he wants to watch Buzz Lightyear for the trillionth time, he can have the living room and I'll go to my bedroom and watch West Wing (which my absolutely wonderful hubby bought all seven seasons for me!!!!).

You guys have a Happy Friday and to all those that arrive today or this weekend, have a wonderful trip.

OH - one more thing - I will not have Internet access when in Disney. :scared1: I know, huh? lol Anyway....I decided that was the best way for me to cut myself off from work. Do it completely to the point where I can't log into my computer.

Ok, that is all (I think).
4 More days, and can't wait. I always get a little sad when we walk out the door to go because I know it will all be over way too soon. Call me weird but I would rather be waiting to go than just getting back. Still I can't wait.
How were the crowds at Potterville? We are heading there on Wednesday of next week.:goodvibes


Potterville was great for us on a Wednesday!! We took the 825 Mears shuttle from Saratoga, and stepped off the bus a little after 9 am (opened at 9). We "ran" (I don't run lol!) straight to Forbidden Journey and it showed a wait time of 30 mins. It really took about an hour, but I felt good about it considering the stories I had been reading. Then we did Olivander's. The line was long; to the arches (you'll understand when you see it), but I expected that and waited it was a solid hour from the arches.

For us, later in the day Olivander's was never that long again, so it's up to you. Just before closing, 7 pm for us), the posted wait time for FJ was 20 mins! Good luck! I LOVED Potterville!! And have the frozen butterbeer!! Mmmmm:lovestruc

We are at the airport getting ready to leave, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous today. Almost no humidity; sunny, with a breeze. Figures the best day as I'm leaving!! Everyone enjoy your trip! Once I get all our pics up, I'll post a link!!
Potterville was great for us on a Wednesday!! We took the 825 Mears shuttle from Saratoga, and stepped off the bus a little after 9 am (opened at 9). We "ran" (I don't run lol!) straight to Forbidden Journey and it showed a wait time of 30 mins. It really took about an hour, but I felt good about it considering the stories I had been reading. Then we did Olivander's. The line was long; to the arches (you'll understand when you see it), but I expected that and waited it was a solid hour from the arches.

For us, later in the day Olivander's was never that long again, so it's up to you. Just before closing, 7 pm for us), the posted wait time for FJ was 20 mins! Good luck! I LOVED Potterville!! And have the frozen butterbeer!! Mmmmm:lovestruc

We are at the airport getting ready to leave, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous today. Almost no humidity; sunny, with a breeze. Figures the best day as I'm leaving!! Everyone enjoy your trip! Once I get all our pics up, I'll post a link!!

Thanks! We fly out in the morning and will hit Potterville on Wed. There are 5 of us, so we are going to take a taxi - cheaper than the bus with that many. :goodvibes
We would have loved to go to Potterville, but can't fit it in this trip. I think hubby and I may make a trip around my birthday next March and fit it in then.

I forgot to tell you guys what Quinn took for show and tell this week. The theme this week was fire awareness week, so he needed to bring something like a firetruck or a hose. I am a former volunteer firefighter and one of the things I purchased in 2009 was a postcard with Mickey holding the hand of a firefighter. You should have seen Quinn's face when I showed it to him! :goodvibes I put it in a plastic ziplock bag and let him take it to school. He was sooo happy.

I'm still not sure how I am going to spend today. Donny and Kyle are heading to the Temple game and I'll be puttering around the house. I have my hair appointment tomorrow and then.....the audit begins. I just can't wait to get on that plane. I soooo need a vacation.

You guys have a great weekend in case I don't pop on. Oh....and if anyone wants my cell number, PM me and I'll send it to you. We can text each other where to meet, if you'd like.
11 days to go!:cool1: Online check in tomorrow! Ignore my ticker. We added a day on the front end but I didn't want my monorail to have to go way back to the beginning if I redid it.
Ordered from GG yesterday. First time doing that since we usually drive from Charleston. No way was I driving now that we are in Nashville!
Booked DH and myself a 9:30pm carraige ride one night. Yay!:goodvibes
Hope everyone who is there is having a blast!
I hope everyone reports back who's going already! We have 15 days left! The suspense is driving me crazy. I have begun packing and have gone over ADR's like crazy. I just scored a CRT before park opening on our final day!!! That means we'll get to spend our last few hours at MK before flying home. I'm going to surprise DS with that one. Now I'm just trying to keep him and myself healthy before the 30th! It's freezing here in Wisconsin today... cold winds. Good day to carve a Mickey pumpkin :)
In 7 days we will be en route from Philly to BLT!! I am so excited I can't stand it! :banana::banana:

Finally feeling better, I was getting worried there. I was out of work all last week and spent one of those days in the ER. I should be good to go next week for the commando schedule I have planned! :lmao:

Have a great weekend everyone!
We returned home about an hour ago :sad1: I did NOT want to leave. last weekend was raining bad, but the rest of the week was good. We LOVED POP Century - I didn't expect this but we LOVED it. Also, we LOVED the dining plan, I loved not having to look at prices and worry about it the whole trip. We had a blast, but next year DH & I decided that we need at least 10 days...7 just wasn't enough. DD had a great birthday on Tuesday and we only saw the out-laws last Sat & Mon...AWESOME!!!! and only for a little bit those 2 run ins.

I will give more info later, off to bed.
I need to read yesterday's posts and catch up but I wanted to quickly share something totally off-topic.

For those of you who are baseball fans or have to buy Christmas presents for baseball fans, Amazon is having a sale on baseball jerseys. They're normally $100. Yesterday we ordered a bunch for $24. Today they seem to be up to $30 but that's still a huge bargain. The sale is only on certain sizes. But I was able to get Youth Small for DS, Youth X-Large for myself and Men's XX-Large for DH all at the sale price. And they had a big selection of players, alternate colors, road and batting practice jerseys, etc.

Search for "MLB replica jersey" and the name of your favorite team. Not sure how long the sale will last and supplies are limited but I did a random search for other teams and there are still some out there.
We've got 10 days! :cool1: The year of waiting and planning wasn't so bad. What's ridiculous is I'm already planning the next trip and trying to tour the resorts during this one to decide where we'll stay next year. But it's been 8 years since Disney, so the wait next year won't be horrible.
I need some help from my fellow dissers.... If anyone is staying at the Wilderness Lodge, could you possibly find out what the song is that is played on the bus on the way to the Lodge from the parks? I know they play it on the way from EPCOT to the Lodge at night. It sounds very similar to the song "Creation" with native american whistles which I thought it was but now I'm not so sure. If you could shazam the song that would be great! Thanks so much! I won't be there till December and it's driving me crazy!
kids clothes are packed taking a little break then i am going to start packing my clothes. DH is in charge of his own can't wait in 48 hours we will be at Disney.

Hoping the weather holds out for tuesday evening we haverit ADR's for the Spirit of Olaha. Does anybody know the situations for the SoA to cancel? it's suppose to be very rainy on Tuesday but not cold.
Hi DIS'ers!
Still tinkering with Illuminations Cruise plans - for anyone that will be there the last week of October I am looking for a group of 2 to share an Illumination's Cruise on Wed Oct 26.
However, one of my group of 3's may have to cancel their trip so I'm also tentatively looking for a group of 3. Or a group of 4 or 5 would work too since 5 is the max total of spots I may need to fill.
The Illuminations Cruise is on a 25' Tracker Pontoon that holds up to 10 guests for $346.13 (+ tip) which includes boat, driver, assorted bag snacks, and assorted soft drinks. The cost is $40 per person (assuming we have a filled boat of 10) which includes the cruise and tip for the boat driver.
Illuminations are set for 9p that night so we would meet at the Yacht & Beach Club marina at 8p, finalize payment, meet with our driver, and take off for the fabulous show!

Please message me if interested or have any questions (I haven't been able to keep up with the boards so likely won't see a response in the thread).
wow can't believe that this time tomorrow we are going to be on the plan. So far the only horrible day of weather is tomorrow. Hoping SoA is not cancelled, but if it is I guess we do plan B. Rain or Shine not going to complain we will be on vacation.


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