Olympus Evolt Series


DIS Veteran
Jul 18, 2004
Olympus Evolt Series


Would like to start a thread for enthusiasts of the Evolt series who want to swap information and share pictures. I'll ask that it remains friendly and not turn into a brand or camera bashing thread.

If you're unfamiliar with this series but are thinking about venturing into the dSLR world, this might be worth a looksy. Photos. The camera I'm interested in, the E-510, has been designed as an entry level camera, in particular for those going from point and shoot to dSLR, though experienced users are enjoying it, too, as evidenced by the many positive reviews out there. Some professionals are using it as well.

As traditionalists like to point out, it has what some consider to be shortcomings, which I'll acknowledge here so we get down to the business of discussing what this camera can do. Noteworthy is the fact that Olympus has won a 2007 Award for Innovation for the modern features incorporated into the E-510. Some initially scoffed at things like Live View and Dust Reduction but other brands are now offering these too.

So - who's got them? Who's thinking about getting one? Who's never heard of them but is interested in learning more?


Thought I'd update with some current information on Olympus for those interested.

New E5 http://www.dpreview.com/previews/OlympusE5/

E30 http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympuse30/page34.asp

E620 http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympuse620/

Future http://dpnow.com/6943.html

Why Olympus? http://www.veoelmundo.com/photography/advice/Why-I-still-shoot-with-Olympus
I'll start.

Yes, I'm thinking about buying the E-510. I've done a lot of research and handled cameras and this one appeals to me the most.

I think this would be a great entry-level dSLR for me for many reasons, among them feel (small and light), in-body image stabilization, excellent kit lenses, user friendly controls and price (best price $650 for camera with 2 lenses).

My concerns are the smaller sensor size than most dSLRs and thereby possibly reduced low light performance, and cost of Olympus made-for-digital lenses which tend to be pricey and there aren't a whole lot to choose from. However, I'm thinking that these aren't things that absolutely can't be overcome. I saw that I was able to crank out some decent low light shots out of my S3 using technique, so between that and perhaps a wide aperture lens purchase at some point, I think it'll be ok. I also see on a recent thread that some here recommend not even bothering with really low light shots regardless of camera so hearing it can't take low light shots won't deter me. I've looked at a lot of sample low light photos online and they look nice.

I'm not overly concerned with the 4:3 system as I have a friend who has this camera and have seen his 4X6 prints and they're fine. I have the feeling I'd adjust to taking shots that have a little extra room on the top and bottom to allow for cropping when printing.

Shots taken at ISO 1600 would probably have some noise, and there are mixed reviews on whether to use the in camera NR. I'd have to play around with it. Ditto for the quirk of turning NR off and setting exposure -2 for maximum sharpness at low ISO. I think most cameras have these quirks that you learn to live with.

Your thoughts?
My MAJOR problem wiht it is that is has a plastic lens mount, so one drop or chip and you can no longer mount the lenses to it and have to buy a new body. That's why I bought another 500 instead of going to the 510.

Didn't care at all about the live pre-view.
My MAJOR problem wiht it is that is has a plastic lens mount, so one drop or chip and you can no longer mount the lenses to it and have to buy a new body. That's why I bought another 500 instead of going to the 510.
Actually, the lens mount is made of stainless steel, not plastic.


Internally, both camera bodies rely on a metal frame across the camera back and a stainless steel lensmount in front to improve durability. Most other internal components are made of strong plastic; body casings are molded polycarbonate with rubberized grip material on the shutter button side.


The E-510 features a stainless steel Olympus Four Thirds lens mount.
I just got the the E-volt 510 with the 2 lens kit 14-42mm f3.5-5.6-40-150mm f4.0-5.6 and the ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 18-180mm F3.5-6.3 it is a Great DSLR! I love the features and the body style. The thing I do not like is that it only has a 3-point af. Most other DSLR cameras has 11 and more but other than that I love it would not switch to any other. A few sample shots I took last night I posted them on another topic on these boards.



love to answer any questions anyone has.:cloud9:
Glad you stared this thread for us Olympus DSLR users. I would love to hear other people thoughts on this camera if you have it,and some tips.
EasyGoing*, I'm so glad to hear you like your E-510! The pictures look great too, with nice color and clarity.

Did I read you right that you got an extra lens besides the two kit lenses? Also wondering if you can explain a little more about the 3pt af?

Thanks, and welcome to the thread.
EasyGoing*, I'm so glad to hear you like your E-510! The pictures look great too, with nice color and clarity.

Did I read you right that you got an extra lens besides the two kit lenses? Also wondering if you can explain a little more about the 3pt af?

Thanks, and welcome to the thread.

Yes I also purchased the ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 18-180mm F3.5-6.3 It is equivalent to 36-360mm on a 35mm camera.It is a perfect all around lens.The 3 point Auto-Focus is considered basic and less sophisticated than the nine and 11-point AF systems of other DSLR camers.This means that most digital cameras use contrast detection to auto focus (AF). Usually, the focus point is a small rectangle in the middle of the viewfinder frame (Center AF), though many digital cameras now also offer additional AF points (Multi-Point AF).So the Olympus 410 and 510 is limited to only 3 auto focus points....For more info on Auto-focus go here- http://www.digital-slr-guide.com/digital-slr-autofocus.html Hope this helps:cloud9:
Thank you for the link. I haven't read it yet but I will.

I was wondering if you had a chance could you post the EXIF data for your ornament shots? Thank you!
Thank you for the link. I haven't read it yet but I will.

I was wondering if you had a chance could you post the EXIF data for your ornament shots? Thank you!


ISO Speed Ratings-100
Exposure Time-5.00 sec
Focal Length-27.00mm


ISO Speed Ratings-100
Exposure Time-8.00 sec
Focal Length-42.00mm

Both Aperture Priority.:cloud9:
WoW I guess not that many people on these boards have this camera are they don't care to comment ...sad I was looking foward to talking to people who has this camera:sad2: :cloud9:
I just bought the E-510 two lens kit 2 weeks ago. 22 Years ago I bought a 35mm SLR and used it up until about 10 years ago when it was stolen. A friend of mine is a professional photographer and he would tell me once a week to get a DSLR. I waited for the right price, pixel size, and lens combination. So far I don't know enough about it say much but just that I have enjoyed it. I like to take pictures of nature and outdoor sports and the winter is a little dark and gray for my kind of photos. Anyway after 10 years of point and shoot cameras the sound of the clunk when the mirror flips up to shoot a picture is a neat sound to hear again. My wife was member of the board but I joined just to post on this thread. One question from a beginner. What settings do most of you use for storing your pictures? Raw? Jpeg? Both?
rgilreath said:
I joined just to post on this thread.
Well, I'm honored. :welcome:

I haven't actually bought the camera yet but I'm going to and I can't wait!

I think the advantage in using RAW (from what I understand) is that the images are more detailed and you can post process them better. The downside is that it takes up more memory so you need lots of card space.

It seems like most amateurs start off using JPEG but move to RAW when they become more advanced and familiar with processing tools like Photoshop. That's my plan, too, but I'm fairly intimidated with the learning curve. Fortunately there are many on this board who know lots about this subject.

So when you can, post some pictures for us! It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts since you've previously used an SLR.
I guess not that many people on these boards have this camera are they don't care to comment ...sad I was looking foward to talking to people who has this camera:
Sit tight. ;) There are other users on this board who I'm sure will join in once they find us. Threads on the PB often move fairly slowly.

I must apologize because I still haven't had time to read your link yet. Between work and Christmas activities I haven't had time. But I will and when I do, I'm sure I'll have more questions or comments.

So - who else is out there using this camera line? Let's hear from you!! Let's see some pictures!!
Sit tight. ;)
So - who else is out there using this camera line? Let's hear from you!! Let's see some pictures!!

Here's a pic I took on Sunday....I have about 1200 more from my trip, but I'll spare you all those! LOL

I am suprised how much 35mm film and digital are alike. Since I had been using a Point and shoot you don't worry about F stop, ISO, or shutter speed. I had forgotten about that stuff and in my first DSLR pictures I had such a narrow depth of field some of the objects were out of focus except in one place. All of the choices confuse me but of course you can set it to full automatic. It is also the first Auto focus SLR for me. With film I took very few pictures and I didn't pull the trigger until I was sure of what I was photographing. With digital I can fire off 150 pictures in a few minutes and view them just a few minutes later. Many of that 150 will not be what I wanted but it is because I only took 150 instead of 24 like I did with film. Does anyone know if the E-510 is capable of using the remote flash (strobes) that use a radio signal?
I am suprised how much 35mm film and digital are alike. Since I had been using a Point and shoot you don't worry about F stop, ISO, or shutter speed. I had forgotten about that stuff and in my first DSLR pictures I had such a narrow depth of field some of the objects were out of focus except in one place. All of the choices confuse me but of course you can set it to full automatic. It is also the first Auto focus SLR for me. With film I took very few pictures and I didn't pull the trigger until I was sure of what I was photographing. With digital I can fire off 150 pictures in a few minutes and view them just a few minutes later. Many of that 150 will not be what I wanted but it is because I only took 150 instead of 24 like I did with film. Does anyone know if the E-510 is capable of using the remote flash (strobes) that use a radio signal?

Wow sorry I don't know the answer to that question but iam glad I have some one to chat with about the 510 and learn and teach some photo taking tips about this camera.I love this DSLR I plan on going out to take some nature shots soon I use Raw when I shoot nature shots. I use Photoshop Elements 6. I plan on getting Lightroom to do them right but for now I use PSE6. I also use JPEG as well so it depends. I like to try Raw so I can play around with the pictures. I am still learning as well but would love to chat about this camera ....cause my wife looks at me like iam stupid when I talk to her about it....lol :cloud9:
Awesome castle picture, Quicklabs. (I've always enjoyed your dog pictures, too.) Would love to see more!

I was wondering if you could all share how you work with the 4:3 system - do you leave extra space to allow for cropping? What about printing?

Another question, where did you all buy your cameras and would you buy there again?

Who else is using the Evolt series?
I got my 510 from Dell. It was on sale and as cheap as I could find it anywhere else. I will post some photos when I am allowed.


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