Parents of the High School Class of 2017/College 2021

My dd is out of money! How did she burn through it all so fast? Other than a gas card we bought for her trip home I am not in favor of giving her more to just blow!!! She needs to get her butt to the dining hall and out of Starbucks! Ugh!!!!

Mine burned through a ton too- and not even from starbucks, mostly books, online codes for classes, food for her room, a raincoat and other random things- I have to transfer her over some more money- glad she starts working on Friday so 100 a week will be her spending money plus some extra from my brother and me each month.
Mine burned through a ton too- and not even from starbucks, mostly books, online codes for classes, food for her room, a raincoat and other random things- I have to transfer her over some more money- glad she starts working on Friday so 100 a week will be her spending money plus some extra from my brother and me each month.

My dd is out of money! How did she burn through it all so fast? Other than a gas card we bought for her trip home I am not in favor of giving her more to just blow!!! She needs to get her butt to the dining hall and out of Starbucks! Ugh!!!!

Make that three. My DD worked an entire year and saved up. She has managed to spend 1/4 in 3 weeks!!!!:sad2: I looked at her savings account and divided up by the number of months in school remaining. I told her she can only transfer that much per month into her checking accounting to make it work. I will be supplementing here and there but I'm not supporting lifestyles of the rich and famous!!:P
We gave DD budgeting lessons (Dave Ramsey - Generation Change) when we were teaching DS (when we gave him a timeframe for moving out). She has a little red book where she tallies what she has to spend, and how she spends it. It was a really great program and time/money spent (9 week study course).
Yeah...Niece has got a serious Starbucks habit. The money she saved up is dwindling. I don't care. Her room and board is paid for. Her books are bought. If she runs out of money, it will not impact her education. She'll learn. My DD18 is also in college, but she is tighter than Scrooge McDuck. So was my oldest. I'm not sure how to deal with it.
I don't think DD is going thru money yet. She is using her dining plan. She got her rain coat from home this weekend. She went a week early to join the WISE program so they had scheduled events all day and late evenings. She did join the bowling team for $50. Got books. Made herself Mac and cheese for last Sunday night. The food court only serves brunch Sunday's until 3pm.
When we dropped her off we gave her 10 tens to allow her to do 10 things with peeps that first week before school started.
She knows how much money she has in her account. And she knows how much she can spend a month and then she is out. Last weekend when she came home she mowed corn bins sites with her dad and earned $20.
At GW there aren't traditional dining halls. Students have money on their cards and it's accepted at about 100 food places around campus, including grocery stores. Dd has a fridge and microwave in her room and there's a full kitchen in her dorm. She has about $17 a day for food. If she doesn't use it up it'll rollover through out her time there. She's been doing pretty well with money but is still working on budgeting. I'm sure she'll go overboard now and again. She's gets a small amount from us every month plus care packages. I told her if she found she needed more that I needed to see where it's going.
DD is paying for groceries (no dining hall), gas, rent, some of her books, a few supplies. She does have significant savings, possibly enough to last her entire schooling, but it would then be drained. She is eager to start working so as to not dig so much into her savings, and to keep her busy. She has a job interview at Target this morning. She should be able to make enough to cover the big expense, rent, and come out of school with a nice cushion left.
We gave DD budgeting lessons (Dave Ramsey - Generation Change) when we were teaching DS (when we gave him a timeframe for moving out). She has a little red book where she tallies what she has to spend, and how she spends it. It was a really great program and time/money spent (9 week study course).
When our son graduated from Physical Therapy school we gifted him Dave's Financial Peace University - DH and I follow a lot of it and heck, I'm an accountant, it has made a huge difference in our savings/spending plans. DS got a lot out of the class as well.

Yeah...Niece has got a serious Starbucks habit. The money she saved up is dwindling. I don't care. Her room and board is paid for. Her books are bought. If she runs out of money, it will not impact her education. She'll learn. My DD18 is also in college, but she is tighter than Scrooge McDuck. So was my oldest. I'm not sure how to deal with it.
Love the bolded, yep, she will learn and perhaps also how to tamper that Starbucks habit - DD too has a Starbucks habit - she used to say to me "well, you spend that much per day on smokes" Then I quit smoking in May..................

DD is paying for groceries (no dining hall), gas, rent, some of her books, a few supplies. She does have significant savings, possibly enough to last her entire schooling, but it would then be drained. She is eager to start working so as to not dig so much into her savings, and to keep her busy. She has a job interview at Target this morning. She should be able to make enough to cover the big expense, rent, and come out of school with a nice cushion left.
Your DD really has a great plan and a good head on her shoulders, job well done Mom!
We gave DD budgeting lessons (Dave Ramsey - Generation Change) when we were teaching DS (when we gave him a timeframe for moving out). She has a little red book where she tallies what she has to spend, and how she spends it. It was a really great program and time/money spent (9 week study course).
When our son graduated from Physical Therapy school we gifted him Dave's Financial Peace University - DH and I follow a lot of it and heck, I'm an accountant, it has made a huge difference in our savings/spending plans. DS got a lot out of the class as well.
I wish I knew of something like that with less religion. As an atheist, I read one of his books and really had a problem slogging through all the scripture. It was difficult for me to accept his advise when it was seeped in religion.
My DD is so tight she squeaks so I am not worried about her $. When she came home for Labor Day she told us she had only spent $7 so far (she had been there 14 days). She has found that if she doesn't use a dining hall credit for some reason (we take her out to lunch when visiting the city, etc.), she can go to the grill and turn it in for 3 snacks, so she picks up cereal, granola bars, etc.

Of course, when she came home for Labor Day, she told me she needed a couple things (cough, cough) at the store, so a Wal-Mart run was in order. I figure she will come home often enough to resupply groceries :).
Yes -- this is very much a Bible study. He does have a public school course - Foundations in Personal Finance.
Thanks! I will look into that. I thought all his classes and books were religious.

ETA: My DD's high school offered a personal finance class but it didn't work with her schedule. It is a *required* course starting this year. I'm bummed she missed it.

Still, she's going OK so far. Like @Poohforyou's DD mine does not have a traditional meal plan. We put $600 on her "Wiscard" and that is also her ID and used all over campus (including the book store). She gets a big discount at the dorm restaurants and less at the student unions. There is another discount card called the RedCard that you can also put money onto for your student and they receive discounts at local private restaurants.
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Ok, the first "situation" happened last night. Dd was hanging out in her suite when the guys next door came in. As far she knows they were not drunk, etc... They took a marker and started drawing penises on the refrigerator. Two of her roommates were there and they told them to cut it out. They were laughing hysterically as my dd tried to clean them off the refrigerator. As she was taking a paper towel and trying to rub off the pictures one of the guys said, " rub that d*** harder *****!" (I hope the censor works on this site!!!) This went on for several minutes. The girls told him stop and DD lost it a little. She called me later in tears. She was really embarrassed. At first I told her tell the RA. Then I thought some more during our conversation. I told her she and her roommates needed to get together and discuss this as these guys show up all the time and are friends with one of the roommates in particular. I said she should suggest that they tell the guys they are not welcome back if they are going to say garbage like that. They girls got together and decided they just didn't want the guys coming around anymore. I am sitting with this and glad they had a conversation but I'll be honest I hope I never see that kid when I come to visit or even worse my husband sees him. He was pretty angry last night!

I had to edit it to change the content e censor did not. Don't give me points please!!!:D
I wish I knew of something like that with less religion. As an atheist, I read one of his books and really had a problem slogging through all the scripture. It was difficult for me to accept his advise when it was seeped in religion.
I didn't find FPU to be super religious, yes, there were references but the basics, the plan, the spend every dollar budgeting techniques, the methods etc work extremely well. Perhaps because I am a person of faith the religious references didn't stand out to me, that is very possible. We took the class along with DS, we never felt like it was a bible study at all. We all learned a few things and came away with some great tools. I am not a 100% convert to the Ramsey plan as I found some of it just to dang tedious BUT we did implement just about every suggestion even if our method was a bit different. ie we are not 100% cash - we found that too cumbersome to manage, instead we created dedicated bank accounts with their own debit cards that are our "cash" account - this works extremely well for us.
Ok, the first "situation" happened last night. Dd was hanging out in her suite when the guys next door came in. As far she knows they were not drunk, etc... They took a marker and started drawing penises on the refrigerator. Two of her roommates were there and they told them to cut it out. They were laughing hysterically as my dd tried to clean them off the refrigerator. As she was taking a paper towel and trying to rub off the pictures one of the guys said, " rub that d*** harder *****!" (I hope the censor works on this site!!!) This went on for several minutes. The girls told him stop and DD lost it a little. She called me later in tears. She was really embarrassed. At first I told her tell the RA. Then I thought some more during our conversation. I told her she and her roommates needed to get together and discuss this as these guys show up all the time and are friends with one of the roommates in particular. I said she should suggest that they tell the guys they are not welcome back if they are going to say garbage like that. They girls got together and decided they just didn't want the guys coming around anymore. I am sitting with this and glad they had a conversation but I'll be honest I hope I never see that kid when I come to visit or even worse my husband sees him. He was pretty angry last night!

I had to edit it to change the content e censor did not. Don't give me points please!!!:D
Ugh, what an ugly situation. I think you gave your DD excellent advice, to communicate with her roomies and arrive at a solution, no one should be subject to being embarrassed by a roomies friends.
I *think* DD has a job at Target. She asked me some questions on paperwork she was filling out and said it was a form so they could call her back. I said call you soon or just someday? She said they would call within 5 days with work hours and that her interviewers said they liked her and she would be a good addition to the team. So I think that means she's hired. I'm guessing she'll need some red tops and khaki pants. I hope she asked about that. It's city wide garage sales in town this weekend so we'll start there...she's on her way home now.
Ok, the first "situation" happened last night. Dd was hanging out in her suite when the guys next door came in. As far she knows they were not drunk, etc... They took a marker and started drawing penises on the refrigerator. Two of her roommates were there and they told them to cut it out. They were laughing hysterically as my dd tried to clean them off the refrigerator. As she was taking a paper towel and trying to rub off the pictures one of the guys said, " rub that d*** harder *****!" (I hope the censor works on this site!!!) This went on for several minutes. The girls told him stop and DD lost it a little. She called me later in tears. She was really embarrassed. At first I told her tell the RA. Then I thought some more during our conversation. I told her she and her roommates needed to get together and discuss this as these guys show up all the time and are friends with one of the roommates in particular. I said she should suggest that they tell the guys they are not welcome back if they are going to say garbage like that. They girls got together and decided they just didn't want the guys coming around anymore. I am sitting with this and glad they had a conversation but I'll be honest I hope I never see that kid when I come to visit or even worse my husband sees him. He was pretty angry last night!

I had to edit it to change the content e censor did not. Don't give me points please!!!:D

Sadly there are idiots like this at all ages. I think you gave your DD the right advice. Hopefully there are not more incidents like this with these immature guys. It's great that she is able to talk to you about these things.
Sophomoric be
Ok, the first "situation" happened last night. Dd was hanging out in her suite when the guys next door came in. As far she knows they were not drunk, etc... They took a marker and started drawing penises on the refrigerator. Two of her roommates were there and they told them to cut it out. They were laughing hysterically as my dd tried to clean them off the refrigerator. As she was taking a paper towel and trying to rub off the pictures one of the guys said, " rub that d*** harder *****!" (I hope the censor works on this site!!!) This went on for several minutes. The girls told him stop and DD lost it a little. She called me later in tears. She was really embarrassed. At first I told her tell the RA. Then I thought some more during our conversation. I told her she and her roommates needed to get together and discuss this as these guys show up all the time and are friends with one of the roommates in particular. I said she should suggest that they tell the guys they are not welcome back if they are going to say garbage like that. They girls got together and decided they just didn't want the guys coming around anymore. I am sitting with this and glad they had a conversation but I'll be honest I hope I never see that kid when I come to visit or even worse my husband sees him. He was pretty angry last night!

Sophomoric behavior! In this case, probably literally. I think your DD handled it well.
DD texted us at 5:15 AM this morning that she really missed us. I immediately asked if everything was ok. She said yes, she was just awake and thinking about us. I texted her later today to ask why she was up at 5:15 because today is a HUGE football game day at her school, and I know she wants to go. Was she just coming in? Had she just woken up? She told me she has been having trouble sleeping since she got there. Her bed is comfy enough, and the dorm settles down at night. But for some reason she can't sleep, and the lack of sleep is giving her headaches. I wonder if this is from anxiety? She has never had issue with anxiety before though. I'm at a loss about how to counsel her.

I know she LOVES her school, has met so many people and socially everything is going really well. I also know that she is worried about the academics. She was an A/B student in high school, and she feels like her school is filled with lots of really smart people. She worries about keeping up. During one lecture, the prof was talking so fast; then everyone started typing up notes, and DD missed what the teacher said. She had a mini breakdown in that class, but was able to pull herself together.

DD has been on ADD meds since 7th grade. She never needed any accommodations in middle school or high school, but the folks at her university told us during orientation that that could change in college. I got all her ADD paperwork from her pediatrician, sent it off to the Student Disabilities Dept at her school and will have DD make an appointment. Maybe that will help her with the anxiety.
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