Podcast Cruise Chat? A.K.A. "The Pre-Cruise Schmooze"

What time/day would you like to meet in a chatroom?

  • Tuesday evening 7pm EST

  • Tuesday evening 8pm EST

  • Tuesday evening 9pm EST

  • Tuesday evening 10 pm EST or later

  • Thursday 7pm EST

  • Thursday 8pm EST

  • Thursday 9pm EST

  • Thursday 10pm EST or later

  • Another evening or time (please list)

Results are only viewable after voting.


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Mar 15, 2005
Can we tell I'm excited? 16 months to go, and I'm SOOO anxious to get to know you all! Plus, I'm a complete cruise virgin, so will be asking all sorts of questions everywhere. Anyway, how do we all feel about meeting for a chat in the chatroom once a week or so? DebbieT11 and I already know we want to talk, and I think there's others out there who would love to do a little pre-cruise schmoozing, so how about we pick a time and just do it? If none of the times works for you , let us know which times might work best...we want as many people as possible attending.

Oh, and mods? Let me know if this is okay, or if I should have arranged it with you first.

ETA: Darn, Chat doesn't work. Guess we'll have to wait on this, and just keep "schmoozing" here!
I'm a cruise virgin, as well, so I'll be right there with you, asking all kinds of questions!

I'd love to do the chat, to get to know everyone before the cruise and then hopefully I won't be so shy & awkward like I was at the Podcast meet :scared: :blush:

I usually have the boys in bed by 8pm EST, so anytime after that works for me. I'd rather stick to 8 or 9, but if we need to make it later so that the left coasters can join us, I'll just make sure I drink an extra Diet Pepsi Max w/ dinner :hyper:

I chose both Tue & Thur in the poll, because either is fine.
I'm in. I picked Tuesday night at 10, because my kids will be in bed. But, any night that is later is great.
"pre-cruise schmooze" - Ursula, I *swear* I can't say that without laughing, and it comes out sounding REALLY funny....lol........

Schmooze. it's just fun to say, dang it!!
"pre-cruise schmooze" - Ursula, I *swear* I can't say that without laughing, and it comes out sounding REALLY funny....lol........

Schmooze. it's just fun to say, dang it!!

It is a fun word, isn't it? :cool1:
Count me in. I picked pretty much every time and day. I'm in the same boat (no pun intended) as Annette and Ursula. This will be our first cruise and I have a lot of questions as well.

Let the Schmoozing begin! :rotfl:
Count me in. I picked pretty much every time and day. I'm in the same boat (no pun intended) as Annette and Ursula. This will be our first cruise and I have a lot of questions as well.

Let the Schmoozing begin! :rotfl:

That's it...it's going in the title! I love a little alliteration!
I voted for Tues or Thurs at 9 or 10 but if new Grey's Anatomy epidsode are airing I will have to make a tough decision. :confused: (A girl can hope the writer's strike will end soon. ;) )
I need to get myself on that cruise - I want to smooooze too!!!
i'm always up for a shmooze!!

if we're talking a weekly shmooze, then really any time is ok for me...
i might not be able to make it every week, since i'm 7 hours away from most of you (at 10 pm EST time it's 5 am in the morning for me -- and at 7 pm EST that's at 2 am for me)...
but i will try to make it as often as possible....since i just LOVE to gab...:woohoo:

my preference is for 10 pm EST since that's better for me, but whatever you all pick is fine with me.
I'll do my best to make it as often as possible, whatever time you choose.

by the way, i'm not a cruise virgin.....been on the wonder twice (and loved it both times)...
I'm always up until at least midnight, so if we do end up with a later time, the folks that need to join later can always hop in after we start. I'd actually like an 11pm time to start, but I think that might be a real hardship for east coasters who actually might have to WORK in the morning (kind of like me, if I ever get a job). But I'm really flexible. I'd even give up my shows for you guys....
Hey Gang

I don't think you're aware of this but chat really isn't working. In order to have our special chat last Saturday night Alex had to manipulate the software and make some changes that cannot be permanent.

He is working on trying to get chat to work all the time but it has been a challenge since we went to the new servers.

I suggest emailing Tracy to see if she can work with Alex on another temporary solution for chat (like we did this past weekend). If not we'll just have to wait until ge can get it fixed or find really good chat software that will work.


Hey Gang

I don't think you're aware of this but chat really isn't working. In order to have our special chat last Saturday night Alex had to manipulate the software and make some changes that cannot be permanent.

He is working on trying to get chat to work all the time but it has been a challenge since we went to the new servers.

I suggest emailing Tracy to see if she can work with Alex on another temporary solution for chat (like we did this past weekend). If not we'll just have to wait until ge can get it fixed or find really good chat software that will work.



Thanks for the information, John. We'll just have to wait for the good word, I guess.
One way we could do it would be to chat in MSN messenger. You can invite other people to join. I don't know how big it can get, but we could try....
One way we could do it would be to chat in MSN messenger. You can invite other people to join. I don't know how big it can get, but we could try....

Do you know how to set that up? I've tried to set up a chat in Yahoo, but it's never worked out right for me. If you're willing to do that, and everyone has an MSN messenger ID, we could PM you our names.
:rotfl: I am up for chat....I won't pick a time though because...well I can't keep one! I can just barely get to work on time these days:rotfl: But, when a time is decided, I will do my best to get in there!

This will be our seventh cruise, so we may be able to be of some help with some of the questions. Miss Tracey is the pro, though!

I gotta say...Dis and DU are the best combo....then add TAs like Tracey in and it is the best way to reserve a trip. We cruised with Tracey once in 2004 and we got to know her a bit through the boards. Because of the boards, she knows little things about us like our stateroom preferences that make booking with her a complete joy! Enough of my Tracey/DU/Dis plug....but Pete and John, you guys have a GREAT thing going here! I can't wait to get to know folks in the chat!


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