Project Runway Season 16

I am on board with the Brandon look! I've seen enough straps to last me a life time. I don't get it?
The judges all think his look alike sack/strap clothes are "so innovative" Ick! I still say he should be dressing the star wars cast!
I also loved Margarita's dress and thought it would look lovely on a doll.
Now that cheating Claire is gone, where is the drama going to be next week?
Can't wait! :)

Haven't seen this episode yet, but I'm hoping that they will move towards focusing on great designs. I'm missing a Mondo, Dom or Christian Siriano. Even previous designers with bad attitudes had some beautiful clothing.
but then their faces dropped when she mentioned having the measuring tape outside of the workroom. It’s such a stupid thing to do because she would have been fine if she did that in the workroom
She couldn't have her plants in the workroom, unless it's the pair she wears that day. Measuring the crotch would have been awkward and embarrassing, unless she removed them - which could also be awkward and embarrassing.
Didn't like Michael's at all he only won after he told the judges it was a melting disco ball.
Was it Nina, or Zac, who claimed they knew it was a melting disco ball before Michael said anything? Anyway, that outfit looked so 70s. Except for the dimensional/"melting" parts. I agree, Ayana should have won. I can see both Batani and Amy being sent home.
So glad the twins are gone. Seems like the workroom is a much calmer place to work. I agree with all of you that the pink outfit should have won the challenge. This is the type of garment that a shopkins doll would wear. So the challenge was kind of confusing saying it was avant garde and also an outfit for a shopkins doll. I don't think they are one in the same. I'm surprised that Batani was kept this long I think others who were sent home should still be there. But usually I don't agree with the judges. Brandons stuff is just awful with all the straps and layers. Can't believe he is usually in the top, I would have sent him home long ago. Michaels jump suit would have been fine for a 70's challenge and I can't believe he won. Fell asleep at the end and thanks to this thread found out who won and who was sent home.
She couldn't have her plants in the workroom, unless it's the pair she wears that day. Measuring the crotch would have been awkward and embarrassing, unless she removed them - which could also be awkward and embarrassing.

Was it Nina, or Zac, who claimed they knew it was a melting disco ball before Michael said anything? Anyway, that outfit looked so 70s. Except for the dimensional/"melting" parts. I agree, Ayana should have won. I can see both Batani and Amy being sent home.

Then this becomes a make it work moment. she was willing to cheat to get the measurement, so she could have easily chosen to wear this particular pair of pants to get the measurement. I don’t think it would be more embarrassing to take your pants off in a room where models are practically half naked vs getting booted off a show for cheating. But she made her choice, knowing it was against the rules, and paid the price.
She couldn't have her plants in the workroom, unless it's the pair she wears that day. Measuring the crotch would have been awkward and embarrassing, unless she removed them - which could also be awkward and embarrassing.

Was it Nina, or Zac, who claimed they knew it was a melting disco ball before Michael said anything? Anyway, that outfit looked so 70s. Except for the dimensional/"melting" parts. I agree, Ayana should have won. I can see both Batani and Amy being sent home.

They've never shown it, but I'm fairly confident there's a bathroom near the workrooms. Easy enough to go in there and measure yourself--and it wouldn't even be against the rules, because you'd be doing it during work time.
I'm not buying that she really cheated, I think it was all planned. Her and her twin were not that good as designers, neither of them had any chance of winning. The judges and producers already know who they want in the finals, and I'm pretty sure they know who they want to win from the very beginning. I bet the twins were paid "actors" for the sake of drama.
I'm not buying that she really cheated
Designers can't have tools (books, patterns, measuring tap, etc) outside the workroom.
Claire admitted to having a measuring tape and using it in the apartment.
Claire violated the rules.
Claire was sent home.

"Turns out, Claire broke the rules by having a measuring tape in her room after sewing time each night. She was measuring garments she brought with her to ensure the correct crotch depth, armhole curves and the like. Totally against the rules. So, Tim revoked her win, she did not collect $25,000 and her design would NOT be on the Dixie cup."
Designers can't have tools (books, patterns, measuring tap, etc) outside the workroom.
Claire admitted to having a measuring tape and using it in the apartment.
Claire violated the rules.
Claire was sent home.

I know that but I think that was all planned by the show from the get go. It was cheating for the sake of ratings, but I think her and her sister were paid "actors" not real contestants.
How convenient that Claire was up against her sister, her sister decides to leave, then Claire has a miraculous turn around and wins. But it turns out she really cheated and everyone only decided to come forward about it on that challenge? Yeah, I buy that is exactly how it went in real life :rotfl2:
I don't think the whole thing was planned out, quite that neatly. I DO think that Claire and Shawn(sp?) were cast for drama, rather than talent. I think the producers were hoping for a dramatic "twin finale showdown", but the reality is, neither of them had the talent or skills to get that far.

It does seem like they have favorites--you just know Brandon is going to be in the finale, even if he's a one-trick pony. But I think Kentaro will win it all.
I don't think the whole thing was planned out, quite that neatly. I DO think that Claire and Shawn(sp?) were cast for drama, rather than talent. I think the producers were hoping for a dramatic "twin finale showdown", but the reality is, neither of them had the talent or skills to get that far.

It does seem like they have favorites--you just know Brandon is going to be in the finale, even if he's a one-trick pony. But I think Kentaro will win it all.

I'm definitely more cynical, I don't really think these shows hope for anything, hoping is too much of a risk for them.
I watch the show because I really do like to see how talented people are. I have no artistic skill and it amazes me that people can take a few yards of fabric and make something beautiful for people to wear.
I don't care too much for the drama, I really wish these shows would just stick to the talent, but they know they have a winning combo between "reality" and drama because most people like that. I watch knowing (thinking) its all fabricated real life but still enjoy it.

I think you are absolutely right about Brandon and Kentaro.
I've said it before, but I do not get the Brandon love - especially because he always gets so many ideas from Kentaro. I really like Micheala's look the best, it was fun to watch it go down the runway, and I thought they could do something fun on the Shopkins with that. For directly tieing into the Shopkins look, I loved the pink bows look - definitely avant garde. I liked the Silver jumpsuit, it was cool and original, and he didn't get the idea from someone else, and it appeared to be very well made, but it wasn't my favorite.

Oh, almost forgot the Claire thing - waste of episode time in my opinion. It was handled poorly and the twins should have been gone sooner. Feel like they were pretty much "cheating" the entire season, but of course the PR people love the drama.
I am watching now, unfortunately we are only about 40min in, as I am back here in Pacific time! I could not stand Margarita and Michael back-pedaling about how they never wanted this to happen blah blah blah, seriously, we are not that gullible, especially after they both spent the entire previous episode whining and complaining about her!

I am glad Claire went home, although I found it pretty telling that the judges multiple times in this episode emphasized how the previous challenge was a 'print challenge', it was pretty obvious that neither the client's wishes, nor the 'girl on the go' idea was even remotely important to that challenge.

I am ready for this week's runway!

I think that the whole challenge was a cluster, and it showed in the designers that were on the runway. I was disgusted by the backpedaling as well, and wonder what on Earth those two thought was going to happen, take the tape away???? Seriously, the tape was against the rules and to let Clarke use it without at least telling her that it needed to go says more about those two that it does about Claire. They never thought she could win a challenge, so they could be as snippy together as they wanted to be, never dreaming she was competition. And then the cluster challenge! Nothing mattered but finding a print that Dixie would use, and Claire's fit the bill.

I don't appreciate cheaters and have no problem that Claire got the boot, but those two shoudl at least own their own part in how and why the timeing mattered.

I forgot to mention the Claire thing. I was pretty annoyed that they knew she was really cheating by having a measuring tape back at the house. These people are in a competition with some pretty spectacular prizes and one of them is cheating and nobody says anything about it before that designer has a big prize win?
I know reality shows aren't really reality, but come on, at least try to make it seem like it isn't totally planned.

I am in agreement. I have no idea how Claire was able to measure without the camera people seeing it, so it seems to me that she worked at keeping it out of sight. That is telling, IMO. The designers who knew and never stepped in? I think they should be on the hook as well. They knew and they let her do it anyway, so what does that say about them?

Designers can't have tools (books, patterns, measuring tap, etc) outside the workroom.
Claire admitted to having a measuring tape and using it in the apartment.
Claire violated the rules.
Claire was sent home.

"Turns out, Claire broke the rules by having a measuring tape in her room after sewing time each night. She was measuring garments she brought with her to ensure the correct crotch depth, armhole curves and the like. Totally against the rules. So, Tim revoked her win, she did not collect $25,000 and her design would NOT be on the Dixie cup."


I wanted the Poofy Pink design to win. I thought that Ayana went with the whole Shopkin challenge, and as much as I hate to admit I know Shopkins, I do. Two little PRincesses on my street love those little things, and I know that if they were able to pick any one fo those designs to fit on their little Shoppees, that pink dress woudl be their first choice. That thing would have sold a lot of dolls. That glittered jumpsuit? I cannot see their Mom buying it for them. no one watching the show any more?

I’m happy with who won the challenge. I think margarita copied her a look a little bit. Hmmm, irony much?

With all the talk of the Tim Gunn save I thought for sure it would have been used last night. I’m sad Michael is gone, I liked him on the show. I think Kentaro is going to will be between him and Brandon.

As an aside, the credits now only show Bob Weinstein as a producer, Harvey’s name has been removed.
Just got the episode today - was underwhelmed. I usually love the unconventional challenges but meh... I will say that this is the first time I haven't hated Brandon's look. Michael's look wasn't very good, but the fact that they like the black seatbelt dress - no way. I don't buy that at all, they just didn't want to kick her off because that dress was horrible. The poof on the hips was completely uneven and the zipper was completely broke and they pretended that it didn't matter at all. And while I thought the winning look was nice looking on the runway, it just seems weird that she was glueing the sleeve on last minute.

I feel like they are setting this whole season up as a Brandon win.
I'm watching! I thought the save would have been used last night also, didn't they say Michael had won two challenges, I don't remember myself, seems like he would have been save worthy. Maybe Tim secretly didn't like his histrionics about Clare. I know that turned me off to him...
I watched but there wasn't a single design I liked. I tend to like when designers make a garment out of an unconventional material and it doesn't look like it is an unconventional material. Like you have to figure out what it is because it looks like actual fabric/cloth.
Anyone see Zoolander? I think Ayana's look would go perfect in Mugatu's Derelict collection :laughing:
I have never been this far into the season without having a favorite to win, but there is just nobody in this group that I think is great. Don't get me wrong they are talented but nobody is really wowing me this season.
Just got the episode today - was underwhelmed. I usually love the unconventional challenges but meh... I will say that this is the first time I haven't hated Brandon's look. Michael's look wasn't very good, but the fact that they like the black seatbelt dress - no way. I don't buy that at all, they just didn't want to kick her off because that dress was horrible. The poof on the hips was completely uneven and the zipper was completely broke and they pretended that it didn't matter at all. And while I thought the winning look was nice looking on the runway, it just seems weird that she was glueing the sleeve on last minute.

I feel like they are setting this whole season up as a Brandon win.
I kept waiting for them to mention the asymmetrical hips. It was just so odd that they didn't bother mentioning it!
I like Kenya as a designer, but this week was just WTH? A poorly constructed black dress, that made her model's hips look a mile wide, and a broken zipper to boot? What to HECK!

I liked Ayana's look about 3/4 of the way through her construction--after that, it just went too over-the-top for me. Until she put on the poofy skirt, it almost looked like something you could wear to a gala or something.

Can Margarita go? Like, any day now? She seems so full of herself, and her designs really aren't anything special.
It was so odd to me that they didn't even mention Kenya's zipper. That's typically the type of thing they always comment on. I thought Kentaro's look was awful. I thought Liris summed it well with Pocahontas getting ready to play football. I thought he'd be the losing designer and Tim would use the save. Also, at the end of the show, after Michael packed up his stuff in the workroom and then they showed the "In Memory of Mychael Knight" statement, it startled me for a second. I had read the other day about Mychael Knight's passing, but with Michael just packing up his stuff and them showing that, it made me think it was him for a second.
I saw the episode late thanks to an unannounced house guest. I hated Kentaro's look, and thought for sure that Tim would use his save on him, but I am not sad to see Michael go. I am glad that Ayana won, and I agree that they let Kenya's bizarre black dress slide for some inexplicable reason. I really haven't liked much from Kenya nor Margarita so I will not be sad to see them leave. I hope that Ayana, Kentaro, and Brandon all show collections at fashion week, I would be interested to see collections from all of them.


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