Pulling kids out of school?

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Hey there Chris, I think if you're kids are doing well as ohters have said then it's o.k. because I think family trips are just as important and are learning experiences them selves. I am also pulling my child out who is 9. We will also be bringing books for him to read. Also we are pulling him out his last week of school, last year they had no homework that last week and did very little academically from what I remember so I thought this would be as good a time as any.
Originally posted by disneyjunkie
It isn't a charter or magnet school. It's a public school that sets high standards for the students.

If you ever listen to Walter Williams when he sits in on the Rush Limbaugh show, he sometimes talks about a public school in Harlem. He talks about how strict they are and the high standards they have. That school is Frederick Douglass Academy. My son's school is one of four replications of FDA.

Here's a link about FDA.


Here's a link about NYC Department of Education involvement with replications.

I love Walter Williams. But, if there are such high standards to get in & remain in, it is not a traditional public school. If it were, thre would not be those same rigorous standards. Call it whatever you will, but they are not the same.
WOW, has my elementary school angered me !! :mad: DS 10, lazy, does not like to do homework AT ALL !! Is in special ed with an IEP, but IQ tests high at 140's, not bored, but LAZY LAZY. He truley believes all school work should only be done in school and will only do homework when forced and screamed at. Now he is moving into 6th, but still can not do multiplication tables over #9 as he will not pratice. A recent F in math, but passing and satisfactory from Math special ed teacher. I am fighting with the distict to give a summer program to him so he does not fall behind and get lost for 6th grade. Their comment , " teachers indicate your son does not fall behind avfter a vacation break, so he does not need a summer program". SO, when we go on our trip 5/20 - 5/26, they will not have the ability to SAY ANYTHING about it !!!! It is true, he will not miss anything as he will never study and will get a passing grade, except in Math of course. I do bring homework with me and even take pictures of them studying in the hotel rooms, and have every year. We make a special folder of each teacher of hte work them have done in Flordia, with those pictures and present htme to hte teachers, along wit a small gift from Disney.:) Never an expensive one, but something a teacher would find useful. Ande don't think it is a bribe, we also bring back gifts for our cat sitters, and my co-workers. We have taken them out of school each of the past three years either in the very end of September or the end of January. This is the first year we are going in May.:earseek: , but I am sure Ds and DD (12) , will not miss anything earth shattering that they will not be able to make up when we come home, or do while we are gone. So, I say TAKE THEM OUT OF SCHOOL AND HAVE FUN !!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I pulled our 3rd grader and 9th grader out of school for 10 days. Did they fail? Nope, the 9th grader did work before and after the trip to make up his work. The third grader did a journal and math work on the trip before and during. We have to take our trips off season, our youngest son has a medical condition that makes him intolerent to heat. Can I take him to Disney in July, nope. With his medical issues a winter trip is our choice. I support anyone taking their kids out, usually they learn more on a trip then they would learn in a classroom for the same week. Joanne
Originally posted by NADINENURSE
He truley believes all school work should only be done in school and will only do homework when forced and screamed at.

He won't practice his multiplication facts? That is your problem. He should be learning them at home, not at taxpayer's expense expense this summer because you can't/won't make him work on them. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Efastpitch
Go ahead and pull your kids out of school if you wish, but don't expect the teacher to provide you with make up work or test. Sorry your kids lose the right to the make up work because of your decission to pull them out of class. Who does it hurt? Only your kids. Hey, but enjoy your vacation.:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
WEll I look at it this way....Pulling out your kids from school to bond with them on an extra vacation where the family can make memories they will have forever or miss a week of school? hmm hard decision. If you can't tell how I feel I think it is perfectly ok to pull your kids out if they are doing well and they agree to working hard to catch up. Life is too short and what children gain from spending true quality time with their parents far outweigh the negatives of missing one week of school. But hey who has time to spend with their kids anymore :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I first read about this dilemma in the Unofficial Disney World book I took a peak at at my nearest book store. Being a college level professor I don't have a problem with children missing a week of school...they just have to be able to make it up. Also, missing a week of school should not have any impact on an entire school year. I love this topic.
Originally posted by Efastpitch
After a tremendous amount of soul searching, I have begun to rethink my position on this very important subject. I decided to seek out expert advice, so I made copies of all of the postings, and delivered them to my three children's teachers and administrator.

It took a number of days for them to read through the posts as they also had other teacher's and administrator's read them. They came back with an overwhelming response of GO TO DISNEY WORLD!

They felt that we should take our children out of school in the middle of the semester, and just go on vacation. They said that with three children, one in elementary school, one in middle school and one in high school that we certainly deserved it as a family. All except one teacher who felt that our time was better spent in the classroom. But we decided not to listen to her since she was only one voice.

The elementary school teacher was the one that felt we should stay in school and go on vacation during the scheduled breaks. So we are taking our child out of her classroom, (per the advice of the administration) and putting her in a class that the teacher agrees that going on vacation during the middle of the semester is acceptable. She said not to worry about making up the work, as it is only elementary school, and not that important.

The middle school teacher is very understanding and said that she would take time out of her already busy schedule and develop a study plan during the time she normally spends with her family. But, if our child did not get all the work done while on vacation, not to worry, she could do it when she returned and the teacher would help her.

Our son who is a senior in high school, is to take his laptop to WDW and send back daily reports on the educational experience that he is getting at the parks. What rides we go on, the length of the lines, etc.

So again, I stand corrected and we are rescheduling our trip to Disney World for when after our children's spring break is over. This is a better time for us to go anyway.

Thanks for all your valuable tips on this subject. You have opened my eyes to what really is important in the world.


Originally posted by Jana49
To Efastpitch - I am truly impressed with your courage of giving the teachers copies of all these posts and for changing your mind. It would be very hard to admit this publicly after all that has been said, and I admire you for sharing it with all of us. Have a good time!


Could not have said it better.:Pinkbounc
I can't believe that I just sat here and read the whole thing, but, its like one of those over-dramatic soap operas--you just have to see how it plays out!

I just had to add, almost twenty years ago my parents decided to take us out of school for a week while I was a junior in HS to take a Florida vacation that included a day at Disney's MK (at the time we couldn't afford more than that one day) as well as some other local attractions.

My father was always the 'work all the time' type and that was the first real family vacation that we spent together. I'll always cherish that vacation and will never forget being able to ride Haunted Mansion with my Dad and seeing him as excited about the special effects as I was. He even jumped when seeing the 'ghost' sitting in between us : )

I grew up just fine after missing that day in school. I'm not strung out on crack. I didn't end up in jail. I never had to pimp myself out for Mickey-shaped waffles. I've never been on Jerry Springer for any reason.

In fact, that trip helped to influence my 'attitude' about growing up so much that now I'm a travel writer and president of my own company and get to take 'vacations' for a living. My step-children are going to start being home-schooled next year so that they can start coming with me on trips and get to experience life in this country as well as others for themselves, which to me if more valuable then anything they could ever get in a classroom.

We will be staying at Fort Wilderness and visitingIn addition to their normal 'classwork' they will be writing about what they've seen and experienced during our trips to Disney or elsewhere on a daily basis.
Originally posted by Efastpitch
I can't believe all the excuses for justifying taking your kids out of school. You can come up with all types of excuses, but it still comes down to what you want and not what is best for your child.

I still believe that if you take your child out of school just so you can go on vacation, you should not expect to have make up work or test's provide for you by the teacher.

As to you could get sick, and miss a weeks worth of school. What happens if you take a week off to go to WDW, and you get sick when you get home. Now you have missed two weeks.

Your child's education is very important. Put WDW off until the summer.
Quality family time is equally as important IMO. Life is too short for this debate. Let those who disagree go during peak and the ones that go off peak will have shorter lines ;)
I believe that quality time with the family is one of the most import things there is in life. Me and my wife have an 8 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. I want us to spend as much time together as we can and I feel that all families should try to do this with their families. If you feel that you can take your children out for a week and it is good for your family that is great. I hope it works out for everyone. Just realise that it is your reponsibility to make sure they get caught up in school. Get the paper work from the teacher and make sure your child catches up on what they missed from the material handed out and fellow students.

Just please don't ask my wife - a second grade teacher - to take away any time from our family because you went to Disney. My wife spends far to many hours outside of class doing lesson plans, grading papers, going to training, school functions etc. I do not want her taking more time away from us. If your child can get caught up with out extra work from the teacher - that is fantastic, if not , I would tell my wife to spend time with our own children. The priorities for the child missing school were not set by her.
It simply amazes me that you can only spend quality time with your family at Disney World.;)
Quality time does not only happen at Disney World...I've taken my daughter out of school on a Wednesday to hang out at the Bronx Zoo. I'm an educator by profession and I think that children are people too. Just as adults work for a living and children attend school...both need a rest some time. I a lot people believe that formal education (school building, books, desk and teachers) is the only form of learning. You are sadly mistaken if you believe this. If it were up to me children will be going to school throughout the year even in the summer. But 9 times out of 10 you would think that be unreasonable.

Regardless of what you or others say, it is soley up to the parents to make the final decision :)
I strongly encourage you to put your family first for this vacation.
The memories you have from this will last a lifetime. This is about your needs and this is about your families needs. Some posters have almost called you selfish for wanting to pull your kids out of school for a family vacation! Yes it is selfish, if you call family time together selfish! Nobody else will put your family first, only you! Absolutely nothing selfish about this at all. :D

I have 3 kids and one has done the public school route and 2 are being homeschooled; to paraphrase Mark Twain, "I never let my schooling interfere with my education." Homeschooling my 2 younger ones has really opened up my eyes to what constitutes "education", what is really necessary and what is just state-mandated. It has become subjective.

It's a fact that teachers vary in their response to kids getting pulled out for vacations. You can only hope you have one that is accomodating for your family and realizes the importance of that time together.

Have a great time on your vacation! Enjoy the memories :wave2:

Amen Brumley5! I love that Mark Twain Quote! That pretty much sums it up for me.
grow up way too fast. we just got back from what may very well be our last family vacation. my oldest is 25 and the youngest is 20. We didnot have the money to go this year, but we needed it desparately. We did it all on $2600 for five days in Florida and 3 and a half at WDW. Now the oldest is thinking of moving to Chicago. and the youngest is moving into the dorms in the fall, after spending 8 weeks in europe this summer going to school. Btw she is paying to go to school, we are not. Thats it. they are going to be gone. So if you have the chance to take your kids, make them DO THEIR HOMEWORK BEFORE THEY GO as we did with our kids and my parents did with me. Be strict and make sure that it is done. We gave them the choice do the work and we will go. if not cancel the reservations. Never had a problem, and their grades never went down. THe oldest graduated with highest honors and the youngest got a 28 on her college boards, enough to get into the hardest college here in Wisconsin outside of Madison. If you have the chance you had better go. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow or how fast your kids will be leaving you..
I dread the day my DD turns 18! She's 8 right now and I sit and wonder where the time went. I remember her as a tiny baby as if it were yesterday. We purposely wanted to wait until she was older to have another baby which we are planning next year so that we can take him/her to Disney World every year when our oldest decides she has had enough. Sad, but true!

I feel for you guys...all of your kids grown up! I try to spend every free moment with my DD, it is precious time.
Interesting thread. Our school district policy is the teachers will not give the kids work to do on vacation if they are pulled out of school. The kids HAVE to make it all up when they get back.
This is my opinion on the subject. Shortly after my son was born in 1996, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. After an operation to remove 1/2 of his right lung and several rounds of chemo and radiation, the cancer went into remission. Every check-up after his operation showed the the cancer had not returned, and several months we allowed ourselves to believe that it was behind us. We all began planning a family vacation for my son's fifth birthday to WDW, when he would "be old enough to remember it". We never made that trip. My dad's cancer returned with a vengence in 2000 and two months after that he was gone. I would do anything to be able to go back and take that trip with my dad. I would be able to remember it and share it with my son even if he couldn't remember it. My point is, life is very short and you never know when it will be over. I'm not saying ignore all responsibilities and do whatever you want, I just can't believe that a missed week of school will doom any child's academic future.

Just my 2 cents...............Colleen
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