Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

wtpclc said:
WOrried the weeather will mess with our flight, but that's just one of the list. ;) !

Me, too! I've been watching our local extended as well as Orlando's. NO SNOW PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!

Lily-- Wonderful pic! Oh I can't wait to feel that moment of pure satisfaction!!!!!

I second, third, fourth eveyone else's "can't wait to meet everyone"!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I've been going back and forth about what our plan should be for 2 days before the 1/2. But tentatively it is:
arrive Orlando 9:15 am
drive to grocery store for bottled water
to DTD to replace my lost annual pass & have a child sized ghirardelli sundae :teeth:
check into BCV and unpack
be at expo by 3
dinner at OHana at 6:20
DTD for short visit to Adventurers Club
early to bed

no alarm
drive to MK
breakfast at main street bakery (bagel & fruit)
do some of our favorites there
leave in time to see John Bingham at the expo at 1 or 1:30
drive to Fort Wilderness
explore Fort Wilderness
Trails End at 4 to meet extraordinary WISHers!
Possible short stop at MGM for Osborn lights and Narnia walk-through
Early to Bed

How does that sound? Low-key enough?
Stephen - I will not wear sunscreen for the half but I will for the full on my arm, legs, & the lower half of my face & neck. I also wear a hat when I run to avoid having to chance sunscreen in my eyes.

I had my first marathon dream in which I was late for the half and realized now I couldn't get my Goofy medal. I plan on having two, if not three, alarms set for both mornings.

Cam - I plan on being at the expo on Friday around 1:00 for the Goofy review seminar, so I'll look for you.

Lily - Great picture!!

Sunny - My throwaway clothes are taking up most of my luggage space also. If it gets out of control, I will be running out to goodwill in Orlando on Friday to pick up some throwaway clothes.

Easy 3 mile run this morning.

Safe travels for all of you heading out to Orlando. I can't wait to meet you all at Trails End on Friday.
I have not been on the boards posting like I have wanted to here in the past few months. I ended up not following the end of the training which has me a bit nervous but I know that I am in better shape that I was last year at this time. I can't wait to meet/see everyone at TE's on Friday.

I am more nervous this year but I think it is only because I know what to expect. I have made good changes from last year (shoes that fit properly, better socks, etc.) so hoping that my feet will fare better than last time:)

I still don't have my throw away clothes picked out-trying to figure out the best plan. I didn't wear any last year and got a bit chilly-wondering if just an old sweatshirt would be enough to keep my upper body warm. I do have throw away gloves. Just a note, I didn't wear sunscreen last year for the 1/2 and didn't have any problems. I did wear a hat and sun glasses though.

The kids and I arrive in Orlando on Wed around lunch time. We are checking in at BC then heading over to MK for a while. We will be at Epcot for a while on Thusday then over to the WWoS then maybe back to Epcot for a while. Jimmy flys in Friday morning and I think we will be at MK then head to WL for a DIS meet before TE @ 4pm. I will head back to BC after dinner while Jimmy and the kids go have fun. I will be asleep when they come in for the evening. That is the plan right now.

Even though I haven't posted much I have been reading and Cam I am glad to hear that Howard is doing much better.

Quick question, is there anyone that would like to meet up at the bus stop at BC for the ride over to the starting post?

Everyone be safe in your travels.
Hi everyone!

It's so hard to believe that just 6 days from right now, it'll be over and we'll all have our medals. Wow! :teeth:

I am loving this taper thing!! :cool1: Tomorrow will be my last training run here in Michigan (where it is *thunderstorming* as we speak), as I leave for Orlando on Wednesday morning. I really need to start packing :)

Carrie- Glad I am not the only one stressing about getting out on time. I have an hour layover in Detroit Wednesday and if I miss that connection, I'll have to wait in DTW for 6 hours for the next flight. :guilty: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!!

I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as I can at TE on Friday! While I can't have dinner with you all I do want to say hello! Hopefully I will run in to some more of you out on the race course! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

OK, off to start packing!
Happy training all!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
I'm so proud of myself!!!! I just figured out a tentative schedule for our family for the upcoming week and made dining reservations!! It may be a total disaster, but at least we have an idea of which parks we will be in on which days and where we will be eating :cool1:

Now if I could just get my race clothes decisions made!
It's almost here! :cool1:

I get more nervous as each day passes. I'm 1/2 way packed. I usually try to pack light when i travel. Now I'm taking 2 suitcases (one bag check w/ reg. clothes and a smaller carry-on with race gear).

Now I'm fighting off a cold. Woke up this morning with sniffles and not the kind of "runs" I want during race week (I'm sure you're all happy to know that :teeth: )

I remember a line from a Steven Seagal movie that said "Anticipation of Death is worse than death itself". I think of that whenever I get nervous about something important (a work project, medical procedure, the Goofy, etc.). At least when the race starts, I'll be focused on moving forward, seeing the sights along the way and listening to my music. But thinking about all the details before hand and what could possibly go wrong is driving me nuts. I guess because I've never done anything this distance before and haven't put in the super high mileage, due to a nagging injury, like many of you had.

Cam- Glad to hear Howard is feeling better. :)

Lily - Nice picture!

I plan on arriving late Wed. morning, making a grocery stop and checking into SSR. Will prob. go to MK and/or Epcot. Thursday I'll play it by ear as I have no set schedule (except to go to Expo). Fri. will drive to airport to pick up my niece and then head to Expo. Want to hear the Goofy info, also. TE for dinner and early to bed.

Tomorrow will be a little hectic, so I may not be able to check the Dis. If I don't, just want to wish everyone a great race(s), can't wait to see you at TE. I'll be leaving early Wed. morning.

I know there's an official weather thread but it won't let me post and time is tight - this mornings orlando news had 35 degree start sat, 40 degree start sun and about a 60 degree finish for sun - didn't catch rise on Sat, too busy panicking about what to wear at start - I HATE the cold, been training in90 degree heat remember, still I didn't notice rain, I'll take cold over rain.

Have nice bright name tags all ready for TE - see you there. H
Ugh "Server too busy, try again later" is not a good thing when you've got a bunch of running-deprived, taper-crazed WISHERs needing to connect!!!!!!

um, I guess that's all I have to say :blush:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Cam--FYI--Adventureres club is in PI and admission charges apply.

Thanks, Lisa. We have premium annual passes so there is no admission fee. Definitely a perk we didn't know about when we bought our discounted tickets through DVC. That really helps justify the cost. :cool1:

Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. DBIL made it here safely and I went shopping tonight for something cute to wear to PI, so now it seems very real. I started the kids' schedules and did our itinerary for DBIL today. Have to do medical authorizations for the kids and our puppy-mutt :dog: and then we should be in pretty good shape. Have a big hearing on Weds a.m. and will then be able to relax into the getting ready process.

Am going to re-work my shuffle playlist now. Have to check out some of the music listed over on that thread. I LOVE itunes! :banana:
I hate to be such a wimp, but can I just say the weather forecast has me pretty freaked out? :scared1: Temps below 40 only happen about 2 or 3 days of the year over here, so it's not generally weather I like to even be outside in, let alone spending 5 or so hours trying to run and breathe in. My 8 miler in 45 degree weather was my worst LR of all.

I have the headband thingie to cover my ears, Millionaire hat to keep heat in, gloves, 2 LS shirst, my WISH shirt, sweat pants and 3 sweatshirts for the start of the race. I was planning to peel off one sweatshirt and sweatpants before the actual start, but now, maybe not.

Is there anything I could use to cover my face? Someone suggested that would help warm the air, so I don't have so many breathing problems in the cold.

Cam...glad to hear Howard is feeling better!
plutosmyfav said:
Ugh "Server too busy, try again later" is not a good thing when you've got a bunch of running-deprived, taper-crazed WISHERs needing to connect!!!!!!

um, I guess that's all I have to say :blush:

:rotfl: That is all I have to say!
zoegirl said:
... Actually I am really nervous all of the sudden about doing the goofy. I have also had nightmares about oversleeping...
I know I have trained...I've done all I'm supposed to be doing but I am still so nervous.
Anybody else keep walking past your suitcase scared to attempt to start packing? What if I forget something, what if I pack too warm, too cold, or I forget one of my race day outfits??? AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

BUT - I can not wait to meet all of you Friday. And I have been so thankful to look on these boards the last few months and see that you guys have been going through all I've been going through. It has been a constant encouragement.

well must go walk past that suitcase again.~bree~
Oh I am sooo understanding this! I've washed it all and not a thing set to put in the suitcase. Must be done when I get back from work tomorrow!

I did manage my ipod...it has new tunes on it. :teeth:
chimera said:
I hate to be such a wimp, but can I just say the weather forecast has me pretty freaked out? :scared1: Temps below 40 only happen about 2 or 3 days of the year over here, so it's not generally weather I like to even be outside in, let alone spending 5 or so hours trying to run and breathe in.

Mel- You are such a wimp! ;) Here in Texas, we also have been blessed with warm temperatures this year. I am also concerned about what to wear for race day. I will bring my headband that goes over my ears. I think I will bring gloves too. I will probably wear my long Nike tights, but I am also going to bring capri tights and shorts just in case I change my mind. I will wear my long sleeve WISH t-shirt. I am thinking of wearing a light weight running jacket that has pockets. I will use the pockets to store my Snickers marathon bars, my lip gloss, and kleenex (not into the farmer blow). Then, if it gets too hot, I can simply tie my jacket around my waist for the remainder of the race (or hand it off to my DH in the MK). I'm thinking about bringing a throw away blanket but as others have noted, that will sure fill up the suitcase. What about a beach towel? It is big enough to wrap around you but thick enough to provide some warmth?

We arrive on Friday around 11 am. We are heading to the Expo then checking in at the Swan. We might try to squeeze in a little time at MGM before Trails End. Then it's off to Trails End to meet my WISH friends (and see old friends like Lily and Tammy). Lots of hugs, tears, and photos! :grouphug: Then it's back to the Swan. I think I will get dressed for the race on Friday night (if it is cold enough) and take a few easy laps around the Swan to see if my planned outfit is too hot.

I really want to see John Bingham at the Expo so I might rearrange my schedule to do that. He has been such an inspiration to me. I really want to meet him and get my picture taken with him.

Actually got off my buns and did 3 miles this weekend. It felt good. No hip pain! :love:

Final chapter of the running shoe saga: As you will recall, when we last left, Heather's DH had sold her beautiful brand new purple ASICS at the neighborhood garage sale for $1 after she had worn them only two times. Heather tried to move on and overcome the loss by buying a new pair of Mizuno running shoes, which she will wear for the 1/2 marathon. But alas, the loss of the ASICS still lingered and with training for the DL 1/2 marathon and the 2007 WDW marathon on the horizon, she simply could not let go of the memory of those purple ASICS. Hence, after a little internet shopping and coupon code searching, she was able to order a new pair of purple ASICS for $70. Thus, in a week or less, Heather will be wearing her ASICS (which essentially cost her $90 + $70 - $1). She's thinking "These better be some #$@* good shoes!" The end.

Can you tell that the taper and the anticipation of the race is making me loopy? :rotfl:
Good morning, everyone! Well, it was 43 degrees, windy and rainy when I was walking to my office this morning, and all I could think was, "okay, it's chilly, but it won't be raining and I bet it won't be windy at the start" But I am definitely with those who are coming up with a warm clothes at the start to peel away plan! :teeth: I am going to ask DH to run by goodwill today and look for an old blanket to take to the start. The one I was going to sacrifice is too small for us to wrap ourselves up in.

Mel -- Thank you for reminding me to bring something for my head and ears. I hadn't even thought of that. DUH! As far as covering your face, I would suggest a scarf. I am going to buy one that I can dispose of, though I wonder how much use the homeless shelters in Orlando have for scarves! ;)
Heather -- I am SOOO glad you were able to replace your shoes! I was :rotfl: at the continued saga. But it really makes all the difference in the world to know that is one less thing to worry about.

Okay, here is my sad story (yeah, I know, I am always whining! ;) ) Howard being the sweetheart that he is (and even with all he is going through) tried to help the other day by moving my laundry from the washer to the dryer. Not only did my new running pants with the lime stripe, and my WISH dri-fit shirt go through a 50 minute dryer cycle, but he also used a fabric softener sheet (supposedly a big no-no for dri-fit clothes). Now the shirt and the pants are too, shall we just say "clingy" to wear as an outfit on race day. UGH! :sad: I will have to resort to my old, worn-out very comfy, been with me through all my outdoor training since September asics pants. I think the WISH shirt is okay. I do want to find some black puffy paint to write my name on it for race day. :banana:

Can you tell I miss you guys and can't wait to see you all? I could spend every minute "talking" with all of you on this thread!

Lily -- glad you did your itunes. I even edited some of my song files to get rid of slow parts at the beginning and end, and cut the fade time to 0 so the songs run right up against each other!
Cam - I hate it when that happens! FYI - Just re-wash teh WISH shirt and it should be fine. That's what most of my wicking clothes say.
I am did the iPod thing last night, I think that was moer stressful than anything. Gotta get those songs in the right order to kep my moving on pace.

I think for us in the Northeast the weather is great!! I was so freaked out by having to go from walking/running in 20's & 30's to the 70's & 80's. I have laid out to different outfits just in case.

Question - If I put my name in something I end up discarding, (shirt) what are my odds of getting it back, eventually?


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