Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Christa -- Welcome back! We missed you! :hug: Congrats on signing on for a Tri! I am so impressed!

Carrie -- DH sounds like a cutie! Think he's a little superstitious? I am finding I am actually glad that I may be using my old beat up asics pants rather than my new ones. These have been through a lot with me. Howard says no one will care how I look. Glad he isn't worried that I will embarass him! ;)

Colleen -- sending :wizard: for your knee! Oh, and BTW, "cagey" is quite an apt description! :banana: :Pinkbounc
MickeySP said:
Question - If I put my name in something I end up discarding, (shirt) what are my odds of getting it back, eventually?
Zero %. They just grab and go with them. That’s what I observed last year.

Honeibee! So you are doing research and Cam and Howard’s place will be home for the study!” Hooo boy! You should do it! Your DH won’t even miss you and we will!
:hug: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Sunny, thanks for the taper article. It fits.

:hyper: Hyper, yep! Only thing for me is that at work I had to push it up quite a bit. Three days work for the week and today was also someone coming in to demo a new software and piece of equipment. I too am telling every living, breathing thing…tee hee you have made me all laugh at this. Do ya know—I told this guy setting up our demo I am off to run the World this weekend! It seems to be worked into almost all things I’m saying lately. (Well he wanted to know when he might be able to return to retrieve the equipment and software…I just HAD to tell him!)

I must go begin the packing process right now or I won't have anything to take with me.
gatorphipps said:
I also signed up for my 1st tri @ 1am Jan 1st! :cool1: The tri is in March!

I knew it!!!! Remember me saying you'd be the next tri among us??? Yippeee that is awsome!

I just ate almost an entire box of spaghetti :earseek: :scared1: I calculated the points and it came out to 17. OMG I don't think that is acceptable behavior at all!!!!!

DS has to have this :maleficen put in. He's standing here saying "put that one in" :bounce:

Just doing a quick check-in. I'm all packed! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I hope I didn't forget anything. I should've taken the day off from work today. Got hardly anything accomplished. My mind was everywhere, but work. All my co-workers know I'm doing the Goofy (of course they think I'm "goofy" too :teeth: ).

Gonna take car of some last minute things at home and get to bed. My ride comes at 6 AM. See everybody at TE on Friday!

(Off to the World)
By, Terri, travel well! See you Friday!

Geez, Sunny, you sound like me. I ate SIX mini turkey sausage (9 points) and some egg beaters (2). I feel SOOO sick. Then, just to make myself feel better, I had a handful of doritos. Can't even remember the last time I did that. UGH!

Thank you so much to my fairy Garminmother! :wizard: Just when you think you have seen every generous gesture on these boards (including one by Melissa last week that I am sure I will remember for the rest of my life :hug: ), someone does another sweet thing. Someone here (and you know who you are!) spent a considerable amount of time on the phone with me tonight helping me set up my Garmin, after I somehow messed up the settings and display. I am so grateful not to worrry about that. Thank you! :hug:

So, I just have to get through about 6.5 hours of work tomorrow and then I can focus on packing. YIPPEE!!! :Pinkbounc
Talk about looking bad for the race pictures, I just got back from rock climing with Phil and the boy. I only did one route and of course, I'm all bruised and scraped!! Mostly on my arms, from sticking them in a big crack (no one laugh, that is what it is called!) Now I'm all worried that they are going to sting when I sweat! I'm sure they will be better by Sat/Sun.

Sunny - I'm going to have to go back and read your article tomorrow. I have been feeling yucky these past few weeks. I have been especially achey like i have a real low grade fever. Of course, I bounced all of my sympoms off of phil, and then b/4 giving him a chance to respond, I came up with my own fatal diagnosis. He thinks I'm just tired from running alot :confused3 :rotfl2: I won't let him read the article if it proves him right!

I also totally understand the telling complete strangers my travel plans!!! I just can't help myself!
Whew--going a bit in reverse...but I unpacked all of our stuff...YEAH!!! (yes, a cheer for UNpacking--LOL!!!)

The race suitcase has been thinned down--it carried my racing essentials and other carryon items. It will now be filled up with more stuff like that WISH shirt I finally got to see and my waiver I finally received. :)

I was soooo happy to see flat land that was green and had water on it--I so love Florida and missed it much :). New Mexico was beautiful--but Florida is green and has water ;) oh and it has Mickey, too!!! And I'd say warmer weather--but looks like I brought the cold with me. And guess where my jacket is????? Packed a few boxes for UPS and shipped (or took them to Staples anyway) on Monday. So guess who doesn't have a "winter" coat until Monday after a very cold week. Brrrrr!!!! OOPS!!!

Hitting the thrift stores tomorrow after cleaning the house. My house was so amazingly clean--as in cleaner than usual since I had that housekeeper come before I left. But cat fur everywhere---and some presents were left that the pet sitter tried to catch all of (all together now--EWWWWW!!!!). So that is my task tomorrow. Was going to head to the PT. I'll see where I can squeeze that in for one last hurrah before the race.

Heading over on Thursday--staying at AsMusic and then switching to CBR on Friday :) :) :).
Just a note--I'm glad I came home today--1:30am and I'm still raring to go!!!

Need to adjust to the eastern time zone. UGH!
Wow. it's almost race time!

The very late local weather just said that temps both Sat and Sun AM may approach freezing! Should warm up a lot during the day but I think I'd prepare for the clod at the starting line.

Chimera and Sunny - great poems! Thanks for sharing them.

Cam, glad to hear that Howard is feeling better and will be able to make the trip.

MelR, congrats on getting those dining ressies made!

Can't wait to see all of you at Trails End on Friday!
Good morning all, safe travels to all those leaving today!

Lisa, you must be glad to be home! That is a quick turn around with that suitcase.

I know I have been overly preoccupied with the weather. But now that the forecast has been stable over the last few days, I am really concerned about the 35 degree morning forecast. If it was 35 degrees for a training LR at home, I would be wearing tights and three layers on top. Then it would be reasonable to plan to wear tights for the marathon. But what I am really concerned about, as my son would say, is that I will be 'flaming' by mile 13 in tights. So what do you think the temp will get to around 8, 9 or 10 o'clock Sunday morning?

Christa and Bree, I noticed you two wore tights in 2004. How was it?

Yikes! That's all I can say is Yikes!! It's sooo close!

Ok, picked up disposal ble sweats last night, with hoods. Starting to ge a little more concerned about the near freezing temps. Arghhh... I know I can run in them and I don't want it too haot. but 40 -55 would eb very nice.

After teh 30 min run tonight, I will charge the garmin and the camera batteries. I've got a couple other little things to finish adn teh pack Thursday. I do have a list of what to pack already. Loaded teh fanny pack last night. Dh was counting Gus when I got home. I just can't believe we're already almost here!
Okay, Carrie, I just read that as counting "GUS" as in Cinderella's fat little mouse.
How weird am I? :rolleyes:
:teeth: That's so funny Cam, as Gus is dh's little sister's nick name. yes, dur to her love of Gus Gus when she was 2. Gu's is what I meant. Probably would have helped.
geez, I am feeling a bit slap-HAPPY! :teeth:

okay, I am seriously out of here. Have to prepare for my hearing. BUT you guys are so much more fun! :goodvibes
Christa and Bree, I noticed you two wore tights in 2004. How was it?
2004 was very cool temp wise. 2005 was very HOT! It looks like this year will be somewhere in the middle!

Here is an email Bree's FIL sent us. It is kind of long but I loved it! I know you will too.
This is the first “Penguin Chronicle” written years ago by John Bingham. This is the philosophy that drew me to this sport. I offer it in case any of you may identify with part of this. I certainly do…lots.


The original, unedited,
Penguin Chronicle

You may be a Penguin

I can see the finish line, and I feel an emotional rush that transforms me from a mere mortal into a mythical creature with winged feet. Well, OK, maybe not winged feet. How about a mythical creature with webbed feet? Forget eagles and sparrows, it's time to celebrate the power of penguins.

The runner as Penguin? No way!! Gazelles, Cheetahs, thoroughbreds. The metaphors for runners always seem to conjure up images of fleet footed creatures moving swiftly across the landscape barely casting a shadow. What those metaphors miss are the thousands of us who plod steadily along undeterred and unmoved by glycogen depletion and lactate acid buildup.

You've seen a penguin run. A chaotic flurry of feet. A living testimony to the dominance of will over form. And many of us, those for whom a 10k qualifies as their long, slow run for the week, represent no less a victory of will over form. With the indomitable force of the glaciers, we plod and shuffle our way through race after race. More amazingly, to you eagles and sparrows, we penguins are having the time of our lives.

You've seen us at the races. Or at least you've seen us at the races that are out-and-back courses. We are the ones with huge smiles on our faces. We are the ones coming across the finish line as you are getting in your car to go home.

You may be a penguin and not even know it. Take this simple test:

1) At your most recent race your goal was to:
a) set a new national age group record.
b) finish before the awards ceremony was over.

2) The food at the end of a race is usually:
a) a selection of fresh fruits, cookies, sports drinks, water.
b) bruised bananas and broken bits of oatmeal raisin cookies.

3) At a recent marathon you:
a) ran negative splits after mile 15.
b) stopped to get the rest room key at a service station.

4) At the finish line, the people are:
a) screaming because you just set a new national record.
b) related to you.

It may surprise the eagles to know that we, the penguins, are really and truly doing the best that we can. One cannot undo the physical effects of 30 or 40 or more years of neglect and abuse in a matter of weeks or months. What one can do is to slowly but surely undo the years of emotional neglect and abuse of the soul.

We penguins run with more weight than the eagles and sparrows. We run carrying the burden of failures past, present and future. We drag with us our failures as husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. We carry on our shoulders the accumulated residue of diets that didn't work, exercise programs that didn't stick, and resolutions that were never kept.

Our running shoes are really erasers. Every step erases some memory of a past failure. Every mile brings us closer to a clean slate. Each foot strike rubs away a word, a look, or an event which led us to believe that success was beyond our grasp.

You may be a penguin, or you may know someone who is. The running community has barely begun to attract and embrace the penguins in their midst. We are out there. We are looking for any chance at all to prove to ourselves that we can do it. We need to convince ourselves that we can persist against the odds. We are waiting to prove that we can succeed.

A word to the race directors: Most of you are, or were, probably at least sparrows, if not eagles. Most of you continue to be involved in the running community because of the pleasant and positive experiences that you have had. Most of you cannot imagine running a 10K in 60 minutes and being thrilled.

But, believe it or not, there are thousands of penguins out there shuffling and scuffling their way to the finish line. For them, as for me, the miracle is not that we finished, the miracle is that we had the courage to start.

If you want to do the nicest thing imaginable for the penguins, give us a round of applause at the beginning of the race. Let us take a minute to congratulate ourselves for standing at the starting line. Let us hear, maybe for the first time in our lives, the sound of a group of people cheering for our accomplishments.

Nearly everyone will be gone by the time we reach the finish line. If we are going to hear the cheers, it will have to be at the beginning. Once the race starts, as the eagles pursue absolute perfection and the sparrows reach for a new personal record, the penguins will be engaged in the search for their inner child. Our run is not measured by the clock. Our run is measured only by our own will.

So... fellow penguins... UNITE. We, the webbed-footed wonders will prevail. We do not march to the beat of a different drummer, we ramble to the syncopation of our own existence. We run free of the constraints of VO2 max and lactic acid. We seek a higher order of satisfaction.

And yes... fellow penguins... we are athletes. We are, perhaps, the greatest of all athletes. Whatever your chosen method of play, whether it is running or bicycling (oh yes, there are penguins out on the roads!!) or water aerobics, or anything else that gets you up and moving, you are an athlete. You personify the very best of the athletic ideal.

Waddle on, friends, the future is ours.
I'm all packed!!!!! Who else is getting scared? I don't doubt my ability to run the half, I know I'll make it and I'll do fine, but I'm still SO scared!! :goodvibes I can't believe that 3 days from now I'll be sitting on the plane and 4 days from now it'll all be over. :earseek: I'm going to have to remind myself when I'm running to take time and actually enjoy the race and the surroundings. I'm a very focused runner and I block out everything around me, it would be a shame to block out running through the Magic Kingdom!

Sunny--thanks for that article, it's good to know that being achy is normal. It seems like everytime I stand up, my bones are creaking and my quads are tight.

Cam--I know what you mean about not being able to concentrate at work. Yesterday was awful and today isn't looking much better. If I can make it through 15 1/2 hours then I'm golden.

MelR--Good luck packing and shopping today! Oh, and good job making your dining ADR's. :Pinkbounc

Heather--Your shoe story made me laugh. I'm glad you got something you are comfortable in.

Carrie--I know what your husband means about sweats that match, but are not the same color. I'm not the type of person who wears sweat pants, in fact the pair I bought last night are probably the first pair I've owned since elementary school. I definitely bought different colors for my pants and shirt--I didn't want to look like a giant kindergartener!!

Colleen--I too am debating running in tights. If the high is 60, that won't happen until around 1:00 or so, so what's it going to be like at 7:00 in the morning? And tights aren't something you can just slip off. Decisions, decisions!! :teeth:

I better do some work today, if nothing else it'll get my mind off the marathon. I'm doing my last run tonight. I can't believe it. Can't wait to see you guys on Friday!!

Krista princess:
I just wanted to say Good Luck everyone!!!!! I'm so jealous!! I can't wait to "train" with all of you this year!! I know how you feel, though, because I was in the exact same position last year!

I can't wait to hear how great everyone did, and see pictures of all of your Mickeys, Donalds and Goofys!! Good Luck!!!
The excitement is palatable here! :Pinkbounc :banana: :cheer2: OMG I get all worked up just READING this thread! Do they do a drug test before the race? I might have to take a Valium just to get me to the starting line! (Just kidding. The only drugs I EVER take are Advil.) :goodvibes

Cam - I know you're off-line and pretending to concentrate on work, but I have to share a little story from last night...

Cleaning up after dinner (AMAZING that I held off THAT long and didn't start in on it before dinner!) I was, umm, casually mentioning to my DH that you had a spare bedroom and maybe I should go to WDW this weekend to check things out. You know what he said??? "Yes, that's a good idea." :earseek:

I stopped dead in my tracks because every time I mention going anywhere without him he sulks and whines. But since I have declined to go on this ski trip he is taking the kids on this weekend I guess in his book it would be OK since he wouldn't be home anyway.

I'm serisouly thinking about it. I have to see if I can work thru a bit of an issue I have at home, but after I get off the DISBoards (OK, like I ever REALLY do.) I'm going to stroll over to Spiritair.com.... I'm not getting my hopes up. A small miracle would have to happen, but I'm thinknig about it.

Carrie - What are GU's? Sorry if it's a silly question but I am still so new to all this. :blush:

Lisa - OMG, you have so much going on! :Pinkbounc

I have a question for those of you wearing headphones. I'm wondering if I would be better off listening to tunes during the race, which I find very motivational, or listening to the crowd cheer me on, which might get me totally pumped up. If you have the headphones on do you miss out on all that's going on around you or is that that point? Does having the headphones on help you concentrate? :confused3
Sending PD to Honibe for good flights!!! You HAVE to come!!!!

Gu - A power gel. HIgh carb and electrolytes. I do mostly Gu and water instead of Powerade and/or food during the run.

Just think, this time next year, you'll be answering these questions! ;)


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