Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Honeibee said:
I have a question for those of you wearing headphones. I'm wondering if I would be better off listening to tunes during the race, which I find very motivational, or listening to the crowd cheer me on, which might get me totally pumped up. If you have the headphones on do you miss out on all that's going on around you or is that that point? Does having the headphones on help you concentrate? :confused3

I'm not running this race, but I would like to give my opinion (I have opinions on everything :dog2: ). I have to entertain myself as much as I can when I train-- I actually tend to train on a treadmill because then, I can bring a book with me (yes, I taught myself to be able to read while I run)! I always have either my iPod, or a radio that can tune into the TVs at the gym. I even tried using a laptop on my elliptical machine at home, but that didn't work too good :rolleyes:

If I'm running outside, it has to be in a place where there is lots to look at, and I HAVE to have my music, or it just doesn't happen.

That said, I have never used music when I've run races-- especially a the Disney World 1/2 last year, and I did not get bored-- you end up talking to people as you go along that are at your pace, and then there are the people on the side cheering you on. So, where I certainly think having an iPod is a great idea (and probably will for my next race), if I can do it without music and not get bored, anyone can :-)!!!!

In a related "story," I almost did quit 3 miles before the end of the 1/2 last year, and probably would have if I was in my own world listening to music. But someone next to me said something along the lines of "you've done 5Ks before, right?" and I answered "yes", and he said "well, you have less than that to go-- just think that way!" I think that got me to the end (all I was thinking was how much pain I was in-- I didn't train well last year), but I don't know if I would have made it if I wasn't paying attention to the people around me!!
MelR-- IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!! Get your fanny in gear and pack like there's no tomorrow :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Christa-- Thank you for the Penguin article. That was just what I needed about now. We watched March of the Penguins for New Year's Eve. Those little guys are heavy-duty athletes!!!! They do ultras several times per year! I'm proud to be a penguin.

OK, I have a problem. Along with the aches and pains that are sprouting up everywhere, I have a real pain. My right hip has been in pain for three days now. Moving my neck makes it hurt. At times walking is kind of difficult. I'm scared to death. I think its too late to do anything that might help it. Does anyone know of this sort of thing? I'm afraid its a pinched nerve or spinal thing since its connected to my neck. I know it didn't cause a problem on my two short runs this week. But its sure more than a little ache. :(

But Good News! I zipped over to WW and got my January LT WI done. Phew! I was below goal by one pound. I'm sure that will be the last time that is true for January. Now I will have a few weeks to undo Disney damage for Feb's WI. I celebrated my achievement by stopping at DD for a coffee roll on my way back to work :rolleyes:

I'm so sad this is all going to be over soon. We will all meeta again on the boards after the race, right? We will have a thread to look for, right? (Mel?) Oh I am so emotional :sad: :hyper: :scared1: :goodvibes

We must have a post-race thread. And don't stop it unti lI get back!!!!

Sunny - Try alternating ice and heat on your neck (and maybe thip too?) That does the ebst for me when I pinch tha nerve in my neck. Can't say it's effect my hip before, but it does sound like a nerve thing.
Sunny - As we all know, I am not allowed to come up with medical theroies, but phil is not home.... so..... I think you should take some anti-inflams. If it is a back/nerve thing, getting any inflamation down in the area cant hurt! When I take them, I take 3/three times per day. My theory is "Can't hurt, might help, sure to be a crowd pleaser" (I know the race packet has a big page on why these are bad, but hey, isn't tylenol a sponsor?)
Sunny - My chiro said that the hip/back/neck area is connected so when one area goes another is sure to follow. As an explanation to why I am having an issue with one shoulder/neck area along with the hip problem. Is there anyway you could visit your PT or chiro before heading to WDW :confused3 Otherwise rest and ice as much as possible before your event. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: on the way to you!!!!!!!
plutosmyfav said:
I'm so sad this is all going to be over soon. We will all meeta again on the boards after the race, right? We will have a thread to look for, right? (Mel?) Oh I am so emotional :sad: :hyper: :scared1: :goodvibes


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep the training thread going. I have learned so much from all of you even though I won't be able to be there this year. All the knowledge, encouragement, and pure kindness that I have found here is worth so much more to me than the lost entry.

Oh and PLEASE come back and post about your trips. I want to read all about how wonderful you all did. I will be wearing my Wish shirt this weekend in support even though I will be hundreds of miles away from you all.

:wizard: :cheer2: :grouphug: to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to share my small (but big to me victory). I have had no liquids other than milk (with dinner), water and herbal tea. Today, the guy in the cafeteria offers me a free diet Coke, as I was abit clueless and blamed it on a rough week. Yeah, rough because I can't concentrate on annything! :rotfl: Anyway, I thanked him and turned it down. Of course, maybe this wasn't me being good, maybe it was just a ploy so I could tell him I'm running in a marathon Sunday!!! :teeth:
Just got the e-mail!

Anyone going to the pre-race worship service on Sunday? I'd love to meet up with everyone there. Then again, that may be chaos too.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I'm getting sooo excited/nervous. I think I may throw up. I used to get like this before skating competitions when I was a kid. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. The motorhome is almost packed (have to throw in the dog food and the dog) and we're leaving in the very early AM tomorrow. Hope to be at FW by 4:00 or so before rush hour. Is anyone else staying at FW?

The weather forecaast has caused me to pack two-four of everything running related that I own in the hopes of finding the magical combo. for the race mornings. I can run in the cold - been doing it for a couple of months -- but I really, really wish it would get just a hair warmer as I greatly prefer my shorts to my pants. But whatever, I'll just deal.

I'm really hoping this trip will be fun. My parents are coming, as are DH's and my BIL/SIL. My parents are cool. They love Disney and will be content to explore on their own. DH's parents don't know disney that well and are kind of clingy. Plus they're freaked about the cost (I tried to help by explaining and giving my best budget tips but they didn't listen). So I hope they'll be cool with going their own way. We want to get together for some meals, etc., but mostly everybody is expected to go their own way and do their own thing -- hopefully this will cut down on arguments and whining. I can't spare the energy to referee arguments and deal with any whining so I told DH that the rule for this trip was no whining about anything. Cost, the weather, transportation, park crowds, whatever bugs you, no whining!!!!

Travel safe, all and I hope to see everybody at TE!!!!
wtpclc said:
I have to share my small (but big to me victory). I have had no liquids other than milk (with dinner), water and herbal tea. Today, the guy in the cafeteria offers me a free diet Coke, as I was abit clueless and blamed it on a rough week. Yeah, rough because I can't concentrate on annything! :rotfl: Anyway, I thanked him and turned it down. Of course, maybe this wasn't me being good, maybe it was just a ploy so I could tell him I'm running in a marathon Sunday!!! :teeth:

:rotfl: Carrie! You're too too funny! :rotfl2:
Thanks for the hip advice. I will advil, ice and pray! I don't have a PT or chiro and we leave in less than 24 hours so this is it!

wtpclc said:
I have to share my small (but big to me victory). I have had no liquids other than milk (with dinner), water and herbal tea. Today, the guy in the cafeteria offers me a free diet Coke, as I was abit clueless and blamed it on a rough week. Yeah, rough because I can't concentrate on annything! :rotfl: Anyway, I thanked him and turned it down. Of course, maybe this wasn't me being good, maybe it was just a ploy so I could tell him I'm running in a marathon Sunday!!! :teeth:

I think that is a perfectly acceptable way of working in "I'm running a marathon", I think it really fits in just about any conversation...

"Sorry I'm late, traffic was awful"
"Oh, I'm going to be facing some pretty thick traffic at MY MARATHON"

"Should I buy the blue or green blazer"
"I'd buy both, I'm bringing doubles of everything for MY MARATHON"

"I just won the lottery!!!"
"Wow, that's exactly how I'm going to feel when I finish MY MARATHON"

"we need to move the 3 o'clock telecon up to 2 today"
"Oh, that's fine I don't leave for MY MARATHON until tomorrow"

I've noticed a pesky problem with "The Others". They just don't seem all that intersted in my right glute, left quad, or heal pains?!?! What's up with that :confused3 Isn't the every movement of MY BODY the most important thing going right now????? Geeesh!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Sunny - :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Honeibee - How many ways can I spell your name. Think I got it this time, but I make no guarantees for next time. You know, I'm in a marthon SUnday and my concentration's gone.

disneefun - I used to have a book called "No Fighting, No Biting." Perhaps that would help set the mood on the way down for you! ;) Or you could just say, "First one to whine does the marathon with me."
Sunny - A massage therapist I know recommends teh little Salonpas hot patches. You can get those at Walgreen.
plutosmyfav said:
I'm so sad this is all going to be over soon. We will all meeta again on the boards after the race, right? We will have a thread to look for, right? (Mel?) Oh I am so emotional :sad: :hyper: :scared1: :goodvibes


What I was thinking post-race was posting this weekend's thread when I get back on Sun for everyone's race reports. Awhile back, we had discussed converting ourselves to the WISH Walking/Running Club, so I was planning to start posting the threads with that subject line the following week. That way we can still train for 2007 at WDW, but also any other races that any of us do in between!

We had tried a monthly thread last January when this all started, but it got too big too fast, so I was planning to stick to weekly threads.

How does that sound to everyone? :flower:
Honeibee said:
I'm serisouly thinking about it. I have to see if I can work thru a bit of an issue I have at home, but after I get off the DISBoards (OK, like I ever REALLY do.) I'm going to stroll over to Spiritair.com.... I'm not getting my hopes up. A small miracle would have to happen, but I'm thinknig about it.

Come on down! We've got space at Trails End for dinner!
wtpclc said:
Sunny - :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Honeibee - How many ways can I spell your name. Think I got it this time, but I make no guarantees for next time. You know, I'm in a marthon SUnday and my concentration's gone.

disneefun - I used to have a book called "No Fighting, No Biting." Perhaps that would help set the mood on the way down for you! ;) Or you could just say, "First one to whine does the marathon with me."

Sunny, it's rubbing off on you too, this "I'm in a marathon Sunday" thing! :rotfl: I don't care how you spell my name. Just don't call me late for dinner. :goodvibes

Hey, some good news!! :banana: I just got back from ...ta da....MY LAST PHYSICAL THERAPY APPOINTMENT! :cheer2: I've been going since the last week in July, and although it has worked wonders, I truely think it has done all it can do. The rest is up to me. Plus, it was $90.00 a week! So, of course, I had to tell my therapist...."Well, you know, I'm doing a half marathon next year..." :rotfl:
chimera said:
What I was thinking post-race was posting this weekend's thread when I get back on Sun for everyone's race reports. Awhile back, we had discussed converting ourselves to the WISH Walking/Running Club, so I was planning to start posting the threads with that subject line the following week. That way we can still train for 2007 at WDW, but also any other races that any of us do in between!

We had tried a monthly thread last January when this all started, but it got too big too fast, so I was planning to stick to weekly threads.

How does that sound to everyone? :flower:

Sounds great to me. At the rate we post, I can see a monthly thead being reeeeaaaally looooong. Chimera, thanks for doing this. I learn so much from you guys. :goodvibes

And thanks, I'm still working on things. Don't tease me with the space at TE. You temptress you! ;)
chimera said:
Come on down! We've got space at Trails End for dinner!
lol. Perhaps I should send my parents in my place. ;)
chimera said:
What I was thinking post-race was posting this weekend's thread when I get back on Sun for everyone's race reports. Awhile back, we had discussed converting ourselves to the WISH Walking/Running Club, so I was planning to start posting the threads with that subject line the following week. That way we can still train for 2007 at WDW, but also any other races that any of us do in between!

We had tried a monthly thread last January when this all started, but it got too big too fast, so I was planning to stick to weekly threads.

How does that sound to everyone? :flower:

This sounds like a *great* idea to me! :Pinkbounc


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