Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator
Twas the week before marathon
And quiet in the house
I was preparing this post
As I sat near my spouse.

My bags were all packed
And waiting by the bed
While visions of the finish line
Danced in my head.

I thought back o’er the year
And how far I have come
While learning to train
And preparing for this run.

It started with shoes
And finding my gait.
I never imagined
That I’d supinate.

And proper attire
Became quite the rule.
No one wants chafing
To ruin their cool.

Learning the lingo was
Particularly fun.
Who knew there’d be intervals, farmer blow,
And stonkers on a run.

When I started training,
the miles were slow.
21 minutes each...
I had far to go.

My first race was one mile
Then 3 different 5Ks.
Each one showed a gradual
Improvement in pace.

I can now proudly claim
a 14-minute mile.
I'll beat the sweepers
With grace and with style.

But now looking back
On the span of this year.
What’s meant the most is the
Friends I’ve met here.

Many thanks to you all
For your advice and support.
You would all be BIG dogs
In any kind of sport.

I look forward to meeting you
At the finish line.
If I’m the last one to get there,
That would be fine.

We’ll be together soon
For the medals we seek.
Until then...Happy New Year to all!
I’ll see you next week!
Ah, Mel, baaahhh, waaahh, waaahh, :hug: :flower: (wiping tears away) that was great!

Here is a quote has stayed with me:

"Pain is temporary, quitting is permanent."

I will be thinking about this around mile 20-22ish.

Note to self: must add throw-away pillow to my list.

Aww Mel. That was so nice! I can't wait to meet everybody, too.

Happy New Year and see ya at Disney World! :)

Wow mel--fantastic poem!!!

FYI--for those not able to find tossaway clothes the right size...I bought my clothes last year all several sizes too big--made for easier removal and guaranteed that my regular racing outfit would fit underneath it. It's all about warmth and not "looking" hot ;)
Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for the well-wishes for Howard. I was feeling so down and delolate last night and it came through in my post. I'm sorry. I was so freaked out that the hospital needed a copy of his living will. What a scary thing, especially having lost Karen a month ago after routine surgery as she came out of general anesthesia.

Howard is doing so much better today. Had surgery this morning and came home tonight with anti-biotics, percocet and medication to stop the spasming. He is very determined to be on that plane Thursday morning and the doctor was optimistic that he'll be able to make the trip. Beyond that, it is up to him and his recovery over the next several days. This afternoon he told me he has resigned himself to not being able to do sub-10 minute miles and may have to settle for 13-14 pace. :earseek: That's my guy! Your prayers and :wizard: definitely got through for both of us.

As for me, for the sake of my sanity and on 3.5 hours of sleep I went to the Y this morning at about 5:30 and did 5 miles at about a 14:30 pace. I figured doing that before I went to the hospital would really put me in a positive frame of mind. Lisa, Thanks for the nutrition tips. I took a peanut butter sandwich with me and ate it before I got in the shower. I felt so much better all day!

Thanks so much, friends. This year has been hell since about March on, and this place has been our bright spot. God bless you all and bring you all good things in the new year, including love, friendship, health & happiness! Oh, and let's not forget Donald and Mickey and Goofy medals!

Love you all. Really can't wait to meet all of you. :Pinkbounc
Cam - you know that we are all here for you and Howard. Don't forget to clear out that PM box so we can all send a new round of messages :)

Chimera - thanks for the great poem - you are so talented!!

Time to go start that packing list!
Mel, I love the poem! You inspired me to "rewrite" my own:

Whose race this is I think I know,
She lives in spirit, not body, though
She will not see me stopping here
To post a heart-felt “thank-you, all”

You see she is the competitive one
The crazy known as the “IC” by some
She has me run and run and run
And times has drained it all of fun

When the weather is foul, bitter and bleak
She taunts me to make one more mile each week
The only other sounds the pound
Of Scooter in headphones and feet on the ground

The race course is looming, long but not steep
And to myself I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And Miles to go before I sleep

Happy New Year to All

Great poems Sunny & Mel! WTG getting me teary eyed first thing in the morning.

Cam- I am so glad Howard it doing better! You have alot of prayers headed your way & I just know it will be all good from here out! So Howard is still planning on participating? Wow! He is a big :dog2: Hope you guys have a great week.

Today is my crazy: make sure you have packed everything, leave the house clean, make sure the babysitter has key & instructions (for dog), go to Wal Mart one last time(because you know they dont have any in Orlando) Wait, check weather.com again and since you are online anyway stop by DIS again, gas up the car, panic-what if I need that, put in the suitcase just in case (whatever that happens to be & probably something I havent used in 2 years :teeth: ) Check one last time to make sure I have all my running stuff. Pack small duffel bag for our 1 night at POP. Make sure I have DS meds. I am no light packer!

I am very neurotic when it comes to packing, especially for WDW. I also like leaving the house clean, much nicer to come home to.

We are leaving at what I call the "butt crack of dawn" This is much earlier than "dawn" hence the name. DH is not a morning person( he has been blessed with an entire family of morning people :rotfl: ) but he knows how excited I am & has said we can leave as early as I want. I am hoping to be out the door by 4:39-5:00. Hopefully everyone is off work tomorow, because that will put us in Atlanta at a.m. rush hour and that is no fun for anyone!

Thank you guys for getting me to this point. For making me believe I can do this (and now I know I can) and for being there during the whole thing. I could never have done this without you & I can't wait to meet everyone. Have a great week & I will see you Friday!
Happy New year to all!!

Even though I have not been a huge poster this thread has kept me from totally losing all my confidence to complete my 1st 1/2. Thank guys!

Love the poems! Make me want to get out early even in the snow.

Cam - I am so glad to see DH is doing better. That is wonderful. I agree I can'twait to see 2005 go - terrible year for us here. I cannot wait to meet you in WDW.

I have been watching the weather all week, that is now my obsession. I think the race start will be fine but I am still worried once it warms up about the heat.
Cam - Great news about Howard!! So glad to hear it looks like he's good to go on Thursday. I'll continue to pray for you guys.

Mel & Sunny - great poems ladies. I am sure this will be the first of many happy tears I'll shed this week. :grouphug:

TiifJ - Best of luck with getting out at the "butt crack of dawn." Have a safe trip to WDW.

Rest day for me today. The packing is actually coming together now so I feel a lot better. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I said to dh was "I should almost be to the Magic Kingdom at this time next week." I will be visualizing the race miles this morning.

Happy New Year to everyone. I can't wait to meet you all THIS week!! Everyone travel safe on your way to the race.
Cam - SOunds like our prayers ar working. I'll keep them up for you two, though. Thansk for the good news!!! ETA: Your PM box is full. If you get a chance, delete some messages.

So where's the smilie with happy tears running down his face? Please insert that here.

Mel - Your poem captured everything I'm feeling.

Coleen - Pain is temporary, quitting is permanent. Wish someone told be that before the 18-miler that wasn't. I will definitely store that one in the brain for the marathon, although I am confident we will finish.

110 minutes of running before the marathon. Wow.
Cam- I am so glad to hear that Howard is doing better! :grouphug: :wizard:

Happy New Year everyone! Love the poems Mel and Sunny! I've started packing. We leave on Friday. I can't wait to see everyone at Trails End. :flower:
Cam - :sunny: Sounds like good news! Maybe you and Howard will end up racing together!!

I did a 4 1/2 mile trail run with EC today. It was around 65 degrees and I was so HOT. I have forgotten about running in the heat. It really helped me to start figuring out my race clothing!

I will really start packing this week (probably Wed!!)

I CANNOT WAIT to meet everyone Friday!!!!! I have been trying to give phil some updates so he will know who to cheer for!
:wave2: Hi Guys and Gals! Last year, it was our turn....this year it is yours! That ½ Marathon is something that lives in our memory, and I know that it will in yours. Take it easy! Stay pumped! Stay ahead of the sweepers (you have no idea how close, DSis-Susan--Ontario- and I were...twice! :earseek: ) but most of all ENJOY! You are athletes, now....go for the gold!
Thank you to all that have inspired me to complete the full marathon this week.! This is my first marathon, I am nervous. Nerves about not waking up on time missing the last resort bus to the start, not hydrated enough, not training enough, etc. However... you the DIS WISH FAMILY have continued to inspire and motivate me through very doubting times. I just want to finish ahead of the sweepers! I had to adjust and modify my training schedule-- work crazy husband, and two sick DS it all started 11/17 anyway I have run nearly everyday but not as far as I should of on some days.
I have a great support team here as well as at work.. I have to finish I need the Mickey Bling to show off...
Today my ipod died just the battery and I felt lost I really need the music..
Well I can't wait to see every one in thier shirts... I did not get one maybe next year!! As I see you all in lime green I will have a smile on my face, in my head and in my heart because YOU encouraged me to do this!!

Thank you for the support and best of luck to all (those with children addicted to Dora I keep telling my self "Sweepers No Sweeping"

chersheyb :grouphug: ::MickeyMo
I haven't done the actual mileage for the last two LW's but have put in a number of steps during the week and an hour on the TM last Friday.

Erin & I leave for WDW Wed AM. We are driving down so Erin can stay until May. Am getting nervous about both driving down and leaving her there for 5 months.

Here are a couple of quotes I found which I thought were inspirational:

The distance is nothing. It's only the first step that is difficult. (Marie du Deffand)

You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. (Beverly Sills)

See everyone at Trail's End Friday.

Have a good training week.
NYcpa said:
I haven't done the actual mileage for the last two LW's but have put in a number of steps during the week and an hour on the TM last Friday.

Erin & I leave for WDW Wed AM. We are driving down so Erin can stay until May. Am getting nervous about both driving down and leaving her there for 5 months.

Here are a couple of quotes I found which I thought were inspirational:

The distance is nothing. It's only the first step that is difficult. (Marie du Deffand)

You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. (Beverly Sills)

See everyone at Trail's End Friday.

Have a good training week.

Great attitude NYcpa! I would add my favorite and intend to think of it often during the full marathon:

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.....Lao-tzu
Cam, that is great news you have there. DH was cringing in sympathy for Howard cuz been through his share of all that.

Oh the poems and the quotes are the best!

I've finished my 6-miles this weekend and now it is just fun runs for such short minutes and before I know it I will be crossing the lines! The Christmas decorations are all down, almost all the clothes are washed. Figuring out the packing thing will happen tomorrow for me.

Safe traveling everyone. I look forward to seeing everyone at Trails End. We will be giving that cheer so those left behind can hear us.

Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We're the WISH Group delegation.
When we move with determination
We create a GREAT! sensation.
Hi Everyone!

Gosh, I can't believe this is it--our final week! DH and I did 9 miles on Saturday and it felt great! That was a big boost to the ego. I am so excited for the actual race!!!

Thank you all for your inspiration and support this year. I don't post as often as most of you but I'm always reading :) This has been a great experience!

Just a quick tip for packing--you may want to consider packing earplugs. I know last year when we did the half, we wanted to get to sleep early since we were getting up in the middle of the night to catch the bus and stuff. I don't think I would have been able to get to sleep without them. Those hotel walls aren't very soundproof so it may be helpful.

Also, set a couple of alarms! Last year we set the hotel clock, my cell phone and did a wake up call--ha!

Less than a week to go!!!



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