Rides/Attractions that cause you to shed a tear


Alice in Wonderland lover
May 14, 2002
I was reflecting upon my last trip to WDW (almost 1 1/2 weeks ago) and was thinking about the attractions that caused me to tear up and get a lump in my throat. They were:

1) One man's dream at MGM-I lost it during the movie

2) Spaceship earth

3) the Hall of Presidents (my first time viewing this attraction)

So, what are your most emotional rides/attractions at WDW???:bounce: :Pinkbounc
It's not a ride but can be considered an attraction - it's my first glimps of Main Street looking towards the castle.
My mom's favorite ride was POC. She is gone now but when I go on it I know she's there enjoying it with me.
It will be harder this year. My father just passed away before Christmas. He and I shared many trips to WDW, just the two of us. Among his favorites were Small World, COP and TOT. I know I will be very misty eyed on my next trip when I go on these rides. But I have wonderful memories!
I always get a bit teary eyed during the Festitival of the Lion King because its such a beautiful show.

The Candlelight at Epcot always brings tears to my eyes, and gives me the chills.

Definitely Festival of the Lion King - I'm a sucker every time and I cry all through it. I also cried during BatB, Fantasmic, Illuminations, Tapestry of Dreams, and ToT (but that was only because it shared the you-know-what out of me).
Gosh - I'm such a blubbering baby!
The American Adventure at EPCOT

The Animation Tour in the Studios ( the video w/ Robin Williams and Walter Chronkite.....and they show all those classic clips from Disney films at the end)

Fireworks grand finale in the Magic Kingdom.

Your hotel door closes behind you for the last time, as you head for home.
My first glimpse of Main Street, American Adventure, when my kids stop halfway through something and sincerely say thank you out of the blue, and that last glimpse of the castle from the RR station on the last night out!
I always tear up during the song at the end of the American Adventure.

Illuminations did it during my last trip, just because it was so beautiful and I was so happy.

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster does it, but you try keeping your eyes open at 60 MPH and see if yours don't tear up too! :teeth:
let's see - I started crying the moment the restraints came over my body on RNRC...I do NOT like roller coasters! (took me a good 15 minutes to stop crying afterwards!)

Other tear-jerkers for me
Seeing Fantastmic for the first time
Beauty and the Beast
anytime I hear the song 'circle of life'
the moment my honey proposed to me in Sleepy Hollow.
Watching the Tapestry of Dreams parade thru the eyes of a six year old, who had completed his mask at all the Kidscots in all the lands of EPCOT, and truly believes in the power of wishes.

What happens is that the child is given a mask at the 1st Country they stop at, and are given markers to decorate the mask, in addition, there is a cardboard star attached to the mask that had each country listed on it, and a punch out circle in the middle which is the child's "wish"..... when you stop at all the other counties, the child can add additional decorations to the mask, and speak with a native of the country who helps out. The very special thing is that on the star that was attached at the 1st stop, the native cast member writes the word "DREAM" in their own language..... the Child is told to make a wish/dream once the star is completed, and then during the parade, they will have a chance to put their "dream/wish" (the punch out circle in the middle of the star) in a net the "dream catchers" will have at the end of the parade.

It was truly magical to watch my 6 year old nephew wave his mask during the parade, and then hold onto the circle, close his eyes, and make a wish that was so beautiful, it would make you cry (can't tell what the wish was, as he said, because then the wish wouldn't come true, but he did say it wasn't for anything you could hold in your hands or buy in a store!) tears rolled down my smiling face.....
Another one for the Festival of the Lion King.... And I have to admit the Hunchback deserved more standing ovations than it got!
The end of American Adventure. I've never survived that one intact.

The beginning of Lion King (the movie part). Nasty sob material there.

Any time I see a child's face with that sense of wonder and magic. I'm a complete wreck when it comes to big eyes on tots.
Things that get me everytime.....

American Adventure
that first stroll up main street each trip, just after opening
the flag lowering
seeing Tink come out of the castle
the song at the end of illuminations
"the donkey boat" ride in Mexico (what my then 5 year old called it. - "what was your favorite part about today, buddy? The donkey boat ride, momma. Can we do it again?)

Things that have gotten me sappy when i least expected it....

the first day in WDW after my long awaited 20 year gap. We hit AK first. (my DH insisted) Caught the opening they have there and was so struck by emotion that i ran thru the gates, hugged Minnie (not my fav character - but the closest one to me) and cried like a baby and kept saying "Thank you, thank you......." What i was thanking her for i will never know.)

the most sweet and excited little girl i have ever seen, catching her first ever glimps of Mickey at Chef Mickeys - i cried like an idiot. Her parents probably thought i was unbalanced.

hearing a child in line for Splash Mt say thanks to their parents for bringing him to WDW and telling them he loved them. - i was so taken aback by this. You always hear about snotty kids, not these wonderful human beings some people are out there raising.

seeing a child who is on their vacation as a part of the make a wish progam, and they are smiling from ear to ear. - For the Grace of God go you or I. I am thankful for such progams. They truley do God's work. I am also thankful that i have been so blessed that i have not had to use their services, and pray that i don't have to.

I am sure there will be several others some day, for as you can see, i am a bawling mess.

- lori
hearing a child in line for Splash Mt say thanks to their parents for bringing him to WDW and telling them he loved them. - i was so taken aback by this. You always hear about snotty kids, not these wonderful human beings some people are out there raising.
THat is so sweet! I think we are raising spoiled brats (and acted like it at times on our vacation too LOL) but maybe a happy medium between snotty and wonderful human beings because they did also quite often tell us thank you for bringing them and that they loved us. They have their moments.

I got teary when I first walked down Main Street for the first time at MK. I just couldn't believe I was finally there! That's what you get for having to wait 33yrs though. :)
This is such a great thread. You guys have me laughing and tearing up.

That first walk down Main St gets me every time.
The Hall of Presidents
Fantasy in the Sky
Taxi-ing down the runway on the way home.

Course my DD (11) and I can't even watch the WDW video without crying.:p
This is such a great thread. You guys have me laughing and tearing up.

That first walk down Main St gets me every time.
The Hall of Presidents
Fantasy in the Sky
Taxi-ing down the runway on the way home.

We've never done the American Adventure, but I guess we have to after all you've said.

Course my DD (11) and I can't even watch the WDW video without crying.:p


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