Rides/Attractions that cause you to shed a tear

Now I find out that I'm not the only one! Lord, I could spend a month at the GF Concierge on the Platinum plan with the money that I've spent on unneeded therapy! Well, maybe not unneeded...

Anyhow, I'm prone to tear up at the first sight of the Partners statue. For many of us baby boomers, Disney represented all that was good in the world we grew up in. Virtue always triumphed over evil, Annette never showed her navel, and my Davey Crocket Coonskin Cap was so cool!

I remember where I was when I heard that Walt had died as clearly as I do the day JFK was assassinated. We'd lost someone who had helped define the world we grew up in. And many of us have also lost the parents that introduced us to Mr. Disney, wonderful people who told us that it was OK to believe in a talking mouse and the Magic. My Mom, long departed, is always with me when we stop by to say hi to Walt & Mickey.

I like to think that early in the morning, after the last 'Good Night Kiss' has transformed the Castle and the last CM has swept down Main St, that Walt & Mickey step down off the foundation of their statue and once again stroll hand in hand through the wonderland they created.
1) Any fireworks display at Disney

2) Festival of the Lion Circle ~ or any time I hear Circle of Life

3) ToD

4) Seeing the castle upon arrival first day

5) Seeing the SEE YOU REAL SOON sign with Mickey Mouse as we depart on the last day

I am a big old marshmellow. S
The fireworks this July 4th had me bawling. They were so amazing -- you literally did not know where to look because so many were going off at once. I thought "Here I am with my healthy family in this place I love MOST in the whole world." It was the first July 4th after 9/11 and all the fright and sadness of that crazy year -- I just lost it! Everyone here should visit at least once on July 4th and watch those fireworks from the beautiful beach at the Polynesian.
Originally posted by Ajax

I like to think that early in the morning, after the last 'Good Night Kiss' has transformed the Castle and the last CM has swept down Main St, that Walt & Mickey step down off the foundation of their statue and once again stroll hand in hand through the wonderland they created.

Thank you for sharing that thought...
I'm now really tearing up...
cdpa4d - that is exactly what got me on my last trip, too. It was our first attraction of the trip...the song, the photos that are shown during that Kodak commercial, plus all I kept thinking of was " I am really at Disney World!!!"

I got the lump in the throat and tears were forming....
OK.. not really a cryer in the parks (I go to have fun, not a good cry ;) ), but here's the ones that I find most emotional:

The Candlelight Processional at EPCOT (Wonderful!)
American Adventure in EPCOT (especially the Civil War segment)
The last movie in the Animation Tour at MGM (Bambi's mother... :()
"Death of the Beast/ Trasnformation" scene in Beauty and the Beast at MGM (especially if it's a very good Belle)
I must say the one that makes me cry is Hunchback. That was my favorite. I really hate it that it is closed now. The next one would be the Lion King. I am such a wuss when it comes to stuff like that. DH always laughs at me when I cry at animated movies, books, etc.
I cry too at the kodak pre show, I always thought I was the only one and I don't know why I'm crying ,but I could cry right now thinking about it, i think of when my 21 yr old son was a baby,when the kids grow up, all kinds of crazy things happen to me at that show.Now I am going to have to look around and see if it happens to anyone else. sometimes I cry at the dream come true parade because it's so beautiful!!
My number 1. is True Colors at Epcot

2. Fireworks

3. Seeing Tink "fly" out of the castle

4. SpectroMagic

5. The ending song for The American Adventure
Gosh what a wonderful thread this is, I love it.

I'm a member of mushy, blubbering crying club also! I'm likely to be found a crying mess at any given time at Disney. The ones that alway do are the parades, Beauty and the Beast, and just looking down Main St and realizing that I'm at Disney World.

On the last trip ds-7 at the time- and me had a day to our selves at DTD. It was really quiet, no crowd around at all, and he asks me "Mom, is Mickey real or is he just someone in a costume?" I was not expecting this and I'm not one to tell an outright lie to my son so I asked him what he thought. His answer brings tears to my eyes even now. He said "Mom he's real in my heart, because that's where I feel happy when we are here." (And he's more like one of the spoiled brats discussed in an earlier post, trust me, lol). When I think of what he said, I believe in Mickey and all the magic of Disney because that's where I feel happy too.

BTW-Ajax-wow-Mickey and Walt strolling around in the Magic Kingdom-that's imagination and Magic-everything that Disney is! Thank you for that mental picture that will forever stay in my mind ;)
I had to really hold it back watching my DD getting all kinds of attention during the ToD parade.

Just seeing her having the time of her life gets me choke up at random times at WDW. Doesn't have to be anything in particular...

Oh yeah, I almost became a 6'4" blubbering fool at the Cinderella breakfast. DD's smile throughout the whole experience just turned me into a big tub of goo. Got the photos taken through my wet eyes:p
I love that happy, blubbery feeling I get at Disney!

MK - every time I see the castle walking down Main Street for the first time. Also, we always try to time BTMR so that we are riding it as the fireworks are starting. This is an awesome experience and has moved me to tears!

MGM - Hunchback did it for me every time!

Epcot - Spaceship Earth, when the car turns at the top and you see the Earth from "Space" - I love it!
True Colors preshow - glad to see I'm not the only one who gets misty-eyed!

Animal Kingdom - Seeing the Tree of Life for the first time as you walk over the bridge.
Festival of the Lion King also always gets to me.

Anytime I see a special needs child (or adult) having the time of their life at Disney.
The lighting of the Christmas tree at MK always chokes me up, among the hundreds of other little things too embarrassing to mention.
grumpyandbashful wrote

Anytime I see a special needs child (or adult) having the time of their life at Disney.

Me too.

I saw that happen at the AK a couple of weeks ago.
An orangutang 'character', whose name escapes me right now, gave a special needs child in a wheelchair a big hug, and the result was one of the most unbridled displays of true joy I've ever witnessed! It went on for several minutes. Then, as the child was being wheeled away, the character pushed away the big man he was posing with (in jest), and ran back to the kid for another hug.

It was a great moment that I'll always remember. That CM went the extra mile.
1. The True Colors song at HISTA.

2. I remember being at MGM & seeing the Beauty & the Beast Show for the first time. It hadn't been open for long so it was most people's first time also. This was even before it had its own theatre. They used to show it at an outdoor seating area that's not there anymore. When the show was over, 75% of the audience was on their feet practically screaming with excitement and crying at the same time. It was at that time that I knew Disney had a winner & would be showing this for years to come.
There are two...one in the past, one in the future:

PAST: Fantasy in the Sky when Tinkerbell flies down from the castle...the look on my daughter's face was priceless!

FUTURE: The first time I get to take my three year old son on the WDW Railroad...it is a promise that I made to him and intend to keep as he LOVES trains.
Loveshauntedmansion, I wish I had been there at that time to see that. That's how I feel everytime I see it, but no one around me ever seems as emotional as I am.
About the only time ive ever cried at an attraction is when I know it will be the last time I'll ever see it (attraction closing). I can remember Mission to Mars, World of Motion, Journey Into Imagination, etc... but especially Horizons. Let's just hope I wont have to cry when I see Alien Encounter this year.

SAVE ALIEN ENCOUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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