September 2009 couples getting hitched...


modern mouseketeer
May 5, 2008
Raise your hand.who are you?? What are your plans if any so far?? I' trying to keep track of who is who..but yeah I'm not so good at that ;/ I figured we could all post in here about all the fun,bad,sad,crazy stuff ;)

I'll start, My name Is Jenn I am 27, df is named John he is 36. together we have 2 children dd7 is from my previous relationship and then ds2 is made form our love lol. We got engaged almost 3 years ago while I was prego with ds ;) tried planning a wedding then and just couldn't deal with the stress..decided we would just live life and not stress..after all do you really need a wedding?? Well, yes I've recently decided I need that wedding lol. As of right now we are going to DFTW in our hearts, but don't have the funds to do it solo , so we are going to ask his mom for financial help.. we just haven't gotten the courage to do so yet (hence me not making a pj or any of that..I'm scared to jinx it). Although we have not gotten the ok on the money yet, we are pretty confident she will come through for us(I really really really hope! so keep your fingers and toes crossed for us lol). So far we have called and gotten to talk to a WC and she has been pretty great, although not so forthcoming with the info I already know about (cause of all you great ladies and gents!) The info I have so far is our wedding is planned for September 14,2009 in epcot at either France or Morocco, then brunch reception at the attic, and then dessert party at night in the lower UK. Not too many flowers,no dj just an i pod, and a black and white wedding theme ( I really wanted just black.. but df said no and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fam would have a holy heart attack). So far almost everyone has been negative about this wedding, but I'm hoping once they know we're serious that they will get on board:goodvibes

So that's my story, please introduce yourself, so I know who to turn to when losing my business over dumb stuff.

I'd also like to point out that Lurky is the reason I am even pursuing this wedding! After reading all her Pj and what not I knew I had to follow my dream! Then after finding out she did it within budget i KNEW this had to and will happen :) So again thanks Carrie!
Yay for Sept 2009 Brides! What a neat opportunity for us all to gab about our wedding month, compare notes, and whatnot!

My name is Aeriell, I'm 23 and my hubby to be is Mike, he's 22. We've been engaged for almost two years and had a magical engagement at The World! We're both Disney fanatics so a DFTW was a must. Mike absolutely *insists* upon it, no matter what. Hopefully we can keep to our (extremely tight!) $15,000 budget. (Anyone else have one this close? Is it realistic?)

Our wedding is set for September 16th 2009 in Epcot's France pavilion (within sight of the very place where he proposed! :lovestruc ) with the reception possibly taking place at The Attic and a possible dessert party later that night! I say possible, because we haven't decided for sure yet, just talked about it, and we have to see how the budgeting goes.

Our colors are black, white, and deep red and we're having something of a Parisian theme (but not overwhelming; just touches). We're trying to keep the floral to a minimum and keep things simple and clean with something of a flirty elegance. We're also trying to do the iPod entertainment thing (Isn't that just an awesome way to do it? I like that idea better even if we could afford something more expensive!)

Carrie was certainly an inspiration to me as well- she looked like a movie star and the whole thing looked amazing. She's really helped me by sharing some of her beos and information and is just generally a really freaking awesome person. I can't say enough great things.

inkedupmomma- WOW! You're just two days before me! Woohoo!! And almost the same plan as well. Freaky! :eek: I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you that you get the help you need- I'm kind of worried about our financial situation at the moment as well! Here's to hoping things work out for the both of us! :thumbsup2
Hi! My name is Christy and my fiance is Andy. We are from Michigan. We've been together for almost 5 years and engaged since Dec. 2006. I have simply put off our wedding because I've been afraid of all of the stress and planning involved. A couple of months ago Andy's parents put a little pressure on us by telling us that they would pay for the majority of whatever we decide to do....I guess that is taking a little pressure off actually! His parents are awesome and love Disney, as do his sisters.

We go to Disneyworld a couple of times a year. This past February we were on the monorail, enroute to the Contemporary for dinner, we were going to be about an hour early. As usual the monorail made it's normal stop at the Grand Floridian and I convinced Andy to get off so we could just walk over to the Wedding Pavillion and, just for fun and to kill time, take a look. A CM told us that the Pavillion was closed but we could go up to the gate and look. So we walked over and strangly, or by fate, the gates were unlocked. Nobody was around so we walked up to the Pavillion...beautiful! So as we're peering through the glass in the front door, looking down the aisle, Andy tries the door...and it opens. Again, not a soul inside. So, we went in figuring we'll just act like stupid tourists if we get caught. I was ready to cry. This was it, I am ready to plan this wedding and I AM getting married in this building and walking down THIS aisle! So, as I fight away the tears of joy, I look at Andy, who is the least emotional former Marine, now state trooper on God's green earth, his mouth is hanging open as he's looking out the big window at Cinderella's castle, then he turns and smiles at me with more love in his eyes than since the moment he asked me to marry him. I know what he's thinking, he was sold. That was my dream and I knew he'd feel the same if I could just get him in there.

We are nowing planning a Sept. 3, 2009 wedding at the Wedding Pavillion and the Attic or Turf Club for a reception. The only for sure thing is the Pavillion; I just can't make up my mind on anything else! We are thinking about 50 people. I am going to do a fall theme with fall leaves down the aisle, lots of burgundy, gold, light orange or peach and maybe some yellow.

I'm looking forward to hearing all the other Sept. 2009 plans!! ;)
Hi ladies!! wonderful stories!! It's nice that your guys are so into the whole Disney thing!! My df isn't a Disney nut, but I think after our up-coming Sept, trip he will be really excited about the wedding being there. He's the type to have fun where ever when ever, so he couldn't care less where the wedding is

This should be exciting for us to have this page.. It was the one thing I haven't:love: seen on the dis too much.. brides/grooms of certain months/years having a page to call their own. And Arielle (sp? sorry) I bet with help form all of us we can totally keep your beo in check and on budget!! My Max budget is the minimum 10k, so I'm def on the same page as you :)

Thanks again ladies!
Yay!!!! How wonderful is this a thread dedicated to Sept 09 Brides!!!! Thanks inkedupmomma.

My name is Carolina i'm 28 DF is 29. We have been together for 8 years we allways knew we would have the church wedding but we finally got engaged easter weekend. i have been to disney many times but october was DF's first trip and thats when he decided we would be getting married at disney.

So our wedding date is set for Sept 05, 2009
the ceremony will be offsite at a Catholic Church, the cocktail hour will be at Italy Isloa during Illuminations and the reception will be at Italy Plaza (courtyard)

We have our site visit scheduled for August 18th (2008) and our engagement pictures the following day on the 19th.

Our colors are ice blue and white with silver accents. I have booked Ana from beauty speciale for engagement pics, trial run and wedding day.
I have already decided on many more details, so feel free to look at my PJ and if I can help anyone please ask.
me too! me too! i'm sept 2009! we are waiting a call back from a wedding planner this week so we can get a date. i'm frustrated about fundage too; while my mom wants to do this for us i want to pay for as much as i can, but i'm also going back to school to get certified in as many computer courses as i can so i can get a better job. i already have my bachelor's degree but now they all seem to require certification .... grrrrr ...

but i did at least get a part time job in a hiring agency office which is a start, and i'm taking evening classes to becoming certified by mid fall .... and then married and a decent job in sept 2009!!

ok i'm rambling, so sorry lol.

i'm 28 and he's 25; just graduated from his x-ray tech training class and will be working at st. john's ... we met on the internet at .. he is my honey! and takes my craziness with a grain of salt god bless him ... i do love my baby :-) ....

it's up in the air with us too about a disney wedding but we're pretty set on it so we'll see. the wedding is as below:

no attendants; just my cousin as my maid of honor and his best friend as his best man.

just a simple,quick ceremony, nothing over the top.

sea breeze point (sometime in the morning)
the attic for a brunch reception (mickey waffles!!)
maybe the dessert illuminations at night if enough people stay in town for it; i just want pics with the fireworks!!

randy chapman as photographer
not sure about hair and makeup

lavander and purple for colors and lavander (sp?) for my flowers.

that's it so far! i can't wait!!
I think we are all going to have a blast coming up with ideas for our weddings!!(hopefull weddings for some of us :lmao: )

I'm so down with the mickely waffles too! Has anyone else gottn brunch menus?? I was dissapointed to see that there was only one menu.. what are the other options.. mickey waffles are not on the brunch menu, so i wonder what else you can have that is not listed?
I think we are all going to have a blast coming up with ideas for our weddings!!(hopefull weddings for some of us :lmao: )

I'm so down with the mickely waffles too! Has anyone else gottn brunch menus?? I was dissapointed to see that there was only one menu.. what are the other options.. mickey waffles are not on the brunch menu, so i wonder what else you can have that is not listed?

You can customize any menu you want, I took 3 different menus and picked them apart and added stuff that wasn't even listed. Carrie (lurkyloo) had brunch and I belive she had the waffles, you may want to check out her TR shes got lots of pics
You can customize any menu you want, I took 3 different menus and picked them apart and added stuff that wasn't even listed. Carrie (lurkyloo) had brunch and I belive she had the waffles, you may want to check out her TR shes got lots of pics

Oh I have.. I'm president of lurkyloo stalker club :rotfl2: i joke i joke

I see what your saying, but I didnt getthree menus to choose from.. only the one brunch menu.. I only want breakfast foods for my reception, but i know theres gotta be more stuff then what she sent on the brunch menu pdf. Now i'm just wondering how to find out what that other stuff is :confused: I need me some mickey waffles amongst other things dangit:rolleyes1

Thank you though :lovestruc
Top Secret Information because I work for the DIA (Disney Intelligence Agency) :rotfl2:

j/k I got it from another DisBride. It has loads of useful stuff.
Since FH and I are in the culinary field, the food is really important to us. We would really like to do a custom menu, but I don't know how that will work out. Maybe we could pick and choose from other restaurant menus around the world? (Or at least Epcot?)

I wanted to do the brunch thing but FH said no... How can you say no to MICKEY WAFFLES?! What exactly am I marrying here? :sad2: I kid, I kid!

But honestly, finding filling, interesting, and suitable hors d'oeuvres for that early in the day is a challenge! We're planning on an Attic reception so that means no sit-down meal... which is cool, we're a mingling bunch... but I don't want my guests to walk away hungry! I guess I'll just have to see portion sizes when we go down for the PS.. unless any of you know? :bitelip:

All the plans sound amazing ladies! Can't wait to read more!
Wow, sounds like most of us are thinking of using the Attic! I'm not sure if my color choices would go well there but I just love the casual feel the Attic has. :bitelip:

Have you ladies called and talked with planners already? I thought I couldn't do that until a year out so I've been waiting oh so patiently. It would be fun if we went for our planning sessions during the same time and were able to meet for dinner! :idea:
Hey that would be really neat! I haven't set up a date for my PS yet but I think it will be sometime in January. And you *can* call Disney sooner! You can even sign your contract on the one-year mark so long as you're not going to be having any part of your celebration in any of the conference areas. (I think that's the deal) That's what we're doing- and it's even being expedited to us so that we can sign before the Oct 1 cut-off for outside photography!

My WC is sending me more pics of The Attic so I can get a better idea of colors, size, layout, etc. Oh! And she's sending me some pics of the alternate ceremony sites (In case of rain... I don't want it to rain!)
Berfore the 12 months up to 18 months you can talk to a sales consultant, she can send you info, do a site visit, answer any questions you have, pencil you in for date and location, she can even give you a preliminary proposal. Once you sign your contract then you get assigned a wedding planner and thats when STD go out and the fun stuff starts. 4 -6 before you can go for PS and prices can only be secured up to 6 months out. HTH
I would love to meet all you ladies.. but sadly i do not think we are going to be able to do a ps.. which killlls me!! i want to.. just dont think we'll be able to get off of work or findthe money to get there.. grr..

i was gonna start a new thread seeing whos going down this sept 92008) and see if anyone had similar plans to me. i should do that right now lol
I would love to meet all you ladies.. but sadly i do not think we are going to be able to do a ps.. which killlls me!! i want to.. just dont think we'll be able to get off of work or findthe money to get there.. grr..

i was gonna start a new thread seeing whos going down this sept 92008) and see if anyone had similar plans to me. i should do that right now lol

we're trying to get down September of this year. We have our room booked through DVC but haven't purchased the airfare yet. When are you going?


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