Should I participate in FE or is it just drama?

Do you typically talk to the people you exchange with on the cruise? Or do you just drop off gifts and not linger? Our group wants to meet up at some point but not to exchange gifts.
Typically I do not - I see the meet ups as a different opportunity than the FEs as some will participate in one and not the other. Id hate to hand out gifts in front of people who aren't getting anything. Half the fun (for me at least) is coming back to the room and being surprised.
This is the most fun I have had in a while... :rotfl: I can honestly say I was not trolling and didn't realize tipping was such a hot button issue here. I was recommended this board by another website, with a warning that there were some... interesting characters on here. This place's reputation definitely precedes itself :rotfl2:

Friendly recommendations and explanations here: that kind of comment won't help keeping conversations friendly. I noticed that most of us remember each others avatars and who wrote what on which thread ... So, you can pretty much take for granted that what you wrote on other threads will not remain unnoticed. Older comments can "follow you" everywhere you go, as you may have just noticed.

DCL cruisers are generally very fond of their CM's and treat them with utmost respect. We care for them as human beings and some cruisers even become "friends" with their servers/hosts. That is the reason why the tipping subject gets so emotional. If you did not know then, now you know.

And it's most likely going to be the same with FE. People who participate generally put a lot of heart and efforts into it. So yes, lots of emotions there too.
Friendly recommendations and explanations here: that kind of comment won't help keeping conversations friendly. I noticed that most of us remember each others avatars and who wrote what on which thread ... So, you can pretty much take for granted that what you wrote on other threads will not remain unnoticed. Older comments can "follow you" everywhere you go, as you may have just noticed.

DCL cruisers are generally very fond of their CM's and treat them with utmost respect. We care for them as human beings and some cruisers even become "friends" with their servers/hosts. That is the reason why the tipping subject gets so emotional. If you did not know then, now you know.

And it's most likely going to be the same with FE. People who participate generally put a lot of heart and efforts into it. So yes, lots of emotions there too.
Yes, it's been reported that some people on Fish Extender groups have kept spreadsheets as to who gave what, and withheld their gift giving until they determine who gave "the best" gifts and gifted them back. Seems like that isn't what the whole Fish Extender exchange was supposed to be about.

I find it interesting that OP is willing to spend time/money for a random anonymous gift exchange but not tip those who serve her. A quote from one of her other threads shows she's aware that cruise tipping isn't unusual: "On past cruises I have been on, tipping was not required (some actually have it built in so you don't have to tip)." But, apparently, since DCL gives her the option of removing those tips, she's going to take advantage of it. It's not that tipping isn't required on those cruises, it's just automatically added (and in most cases non-removable.)
Yes, it's been reported that some people on Fish Extender groups have kept spreadsheets as to who gave what, and withheld their gift giving until they determine who gave "the best" gifts and gifted them back. Seems like that isn't what the whole Fish Extender exchange was supposed to be about.

I find it interesting that OP is willing to spend time/money for a random anonymous gift exchange but not tip those who serve her. A quote from one of her other threads shows she's aware that cruise tipping isn't unusual: "On past cruises I have been on, tipping was not required (some actually have it built in so you don't have to tip)." But, apparently, since DCL gives her the option of removing those tips, she's going to take advantage of it. It's not that tipping isn't required on those cruises, it's just automatically added (and in most cases non-removable.)

shhh, we aren't allowed to mention the T word. Only conversation directly related to FE allowed. No discussion on the ethics of participating at the expense of others.

ETA: I'm not a mod and I don't make or enforce the rules, that was tongue in cheek
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DCL cruisers are generally very fond of their CM's and treat them with utmost respect. We care for them as human beings
My human being room host this week complimented my FE hanger that I made. He also noticed the birthday magnets my FE group made me and proceeded to make a towel cake with "candles" made from Frozen necklaces. That was the same night our serving team sang to me.

It was so fun and I enjoyed his little gift to me in addition to the FEs we gave and received. I was able to enjoy the experiences even more knowing my CMs were compensated. It really helped take the whole cruise experience to another level.
My human being room host this week complimented my FE hanger that I made. He also noticed the birthday magnets my FE group made me and proceeded to make a towel cake with "candles" made from Frozen necklaces. That was the same night our serving team sang to me.

It was so fun and I enjoyed his little gift to me in addition to the FEs we gave and received. I was able to enjoy the experiences even more knowing my CMs were compensated. It really helped take the whole cruise experience to another level.

My MIL and FIL loved our servers in the MDR, Palo and our cabana host and insisted to take pictures with them. They still talk about all of them. They would have loved FE... (We were not participating because they were already overwhelmed but it's something that they would have loved).
Hi again! My family of eight is going on an upcoming cruise. It's our first one. I learned about FE and what it all is by researching online and then some family and I joined an FE group on FB. We joined the FB page that's specific for our cruise and then I joined another huge FE page. It has thousands of members. I like looking on it because it's been giving me a good idea on what others do and I have really seen a lot of cute ideas.

However, what I'm starting to see a lot of is people getting snippy with one another! Mostly it's about the price of gifts and such. People will say that they don't want dollar store gifts and some will say a lot of things they have to throw away because of customs or they just don't want it. Lots of parents are on there and are always chiming in on gifts, "I don't want my kid having a fidget spinner/glitter/that gift/whatever" and then I get incredibly snooty about it. And of course everyone has an opinions of handmade gifts, totes, sundae kits, and candy. Everyone claims that no one should spend more than $10-15 a cabin, but everyone seems to shame anything that is on the cheaper side.

Like I said, there's a lot of useful information and lots of creative individuals on there, but there's also a lot of bickering, snide comments, and drama! But it did make me reconsider whether or not I want to participate. Do people get that upset over gifts? Are handmade items really looked down upon? Are kids really that hard to buy for? What has been your experience?

Or am I reading too much into this FB group?

I've never participated in a FE. I have no desire to do so. It's not my thing. I have no desire to socialize with strangers I meet on social media. As far as tipping goes I don't agree with you but, that's up to you and it has nothing to do with this thread. As far as people remembering what you say on other threads....Oh yes. There are people on here that will "like" every post that disagrees with anything I say...just because they don't like me or hold or grudge. It has more to do with my values and ideology than anything I've actually posted. I would take it all with a grain of salt. Message boards are fun places to share knowledge and help out fellow travelers, but I don't take any of it too seriously. Life is hard enough without getting involved with other people's drama especially people you don't know.
I've never participated in a FE. I have no desire to do so. It's not my thing. I have no desire to socialize with strangers I meet on social media. As far as tipping goes I don't agree with you but, that's up to you and it has nothing to do with this thread. As far as people remembering what you say on other threads....Oh yes. There are people on here that will "like" every post that disagrees with anything I say...just because they don't like me or hold or grudge. It has more to do with my values and ideology than anything I've actually posted. I would take it all with a grain of salt. Message boards are fun places to share knowledge and help out fellow travelers, but I don't take any of it too seriously. Life is hard enough without getting involved with other people's drama especially people you don't know.

You sound like an actual grown-up. ;) Thanks for your comment. I was feeling like I was in the Twilight zone for a bit... it doesn't bother me much. I'm from Reddit, so, yeah, enough said lol.

I don't blame you about not wanting to socialize with strangers. Sometimes it can be a mixed bag. Luckily I like everyone I have talked to in my FB group I have liked and wouldn't mind meeting. Of course, talking online is different than actually meeting in person, but everyone seems super friendly. It will be nice to meet other people who love Disney as much as I do! In actual day to day life I don't talk about it with others (friends haven't gotten bit by the bug) so this is my chance to geek out! Luckily my family gets it.
You sound like an actual grown-up. ;) Thanks for your comment. I was feeling like I was in the Twilight zone for a bit... it doesn't bother me much. I'm from Reddit, so, yeah, enough said lol.

I don't blame you about not wanting to socialize with strangers. Sometimes it can be a mixed bag. Luckily I like everyone I have talked to in my FB group I have liked and wouldn't mind meeting. Of course, talking online is different than actually meeting in person, but everyone seems super friendly. It will be nice to meet other people who love Disney as much as I do! In actual day to day life I don't talk about it with others (friends haven't gotten bit by the bug) so this is my chance to geek out! Luckily my family gets it.
I will socialize with people I meet on the cruise, but I have no desire to prearrange anything with people I meet online. Especially people on a message board where you constantly have to defend yourself. I find I agree with people on some topics and not on others. That is why I think people should stick to the topic of the thread and not bring up posts from another thread. Obviously the poster that did this has an ax to grind.
I've participated in FE once and after that I realized it wasn't for me. I would suggest you try it once but personally I don't think it's worth all the hassle of figuring out what to bring, making room in your suitcase to bring these FE and walking around the ship to deliver FE. I would rather have space in my suitcase and enjoy my time in other ways.
I'm fine with socializing with people I meet online. Do it all the time. But I draw the line at spending money on them.
I recently read about someone who got ketchup packets

I have to wonder if some of those reports were just from kids messing around and not the other people from the FE group, but I guess nothing would surprise me.
I have to wonder if some of those reports were just from kids messing around and not the other people from the FE group, but I guess nothing would surprise me.
Those darn kids!!!I can imagine how upset some people would get about that instead of just laughing it off.


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